Official Racing Charts: Lincoln Fields at Hawthorne, Daily Racing Form, 1943-06-11


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OFFICIAL RACING CHARTS Copyright 1943 by Triangle Publications Inc Lincoln Fields qt Hawthorne HawthorneSTICKNEY STICKNEY ILL THURSDAY JUNE 10 1943 HAWTHORNE 1 MILE Twentysecond day of thirtyday meeting May 17 to June 19 Lincoln Fields Jockey Club Inc Automatic starting gate Camera finish Steward representing Illinois Racing Board William A Hamilton Stewards of Meeting C Bruce Head and Samuel H McMeekin Placing Judges Larry C Bogenschutz W R Dahlstrom and H B Lindenberger Paddock Judge James T Clark Patrol Judges Ray Hoertz G W Molesworth W J Shelley and Clifford Hufnagel Clerk of Scales Clifford Sanford Startei Reuben W White Timer William Cunningham Veter ¬ inarian representing Illinois Racing Board Dr H N Holmes Track Veterinarian Dr R P Wilson Racing Secretary William H Shelley Racing starts at 245 p m Central War Time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Indicates fivt pounds apprentice allowance Percentage of winning favorites in 1942 36 current meeting 37 Daily Double first and second races Entries run as ona horse No fields FIRST RACE 6 12 FURLONGS Out of Chute Talked About Sept 17 1940 A 1 7 7 117 6 115 Purse 1000 3yearolds Claiming Weight i I ng Jbs Nonwinners since May 15 allowed 3 Ibs since May 1 June 1043 Haw 6 Ibs Claiming price 1250 if for 1000 allowed 2 Ibs IbsNet Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds tr 41576BROWN MATE w05 645 2 I3 1s JohnsonP W Fronk 280 28041359KINGS 41359KINGS GLORY w05 92 2 li 22 2 BarneyL Mrs C King 160 41789 CRYSTAL TORCH wnll6 83 3l 4 3 3Ji JemasN Mrs V Sovinski 470 41427 ELECTRICAL wall2 16 4 S1 42 42 Burnsq Mrs Monte Weil 1430 41877PRIVATE HOWIE wsllS 57 73 75 5l 5n SkoronskiA Bowler Robertson 3180 41427 FLY ESCORT wsllO 39 f83 83 72 62 HigleyJ J Hood 8380 41790 fHECKELSIE wslOS 2 5 6 J 6 62 72 GillespieW E Waltz 3040 41301 LUCKY TRIP w110 48 99 85 810 LoTurcoA Mrs E B Carpenter 1390 41576 TIMOCRACY wlOS 71 1 31 9 9 MartinCL M A Waldheim 900 900Apprentice Apprentice allowance jvaived jvaivedTime Time 23 48 115 121 Track fast T2 Mutuels Paid N Odds to 1 K in BROWN MATE 760 380 260 280 80 30 Mutuel Prices KINGS GLORY 340 240 70 20 I CRYSTAL TORCH 280 40 40Winner Winner Br g by Mate Majel by Genera Thatcher trained by W L Hoag bred by Mr D B Knox Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 246 OFF AT 2471 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and tliird driving BROWN MATE away well and raced wide overtook the leaders without need of pressure and holding on well drew out steadily after reaching the last threesixteenths KINGS GLORY had speed but tired in the late stages yet outstayed CRYSTAL TORCH The latter a contender from the start held on well ELECTRICAL forced back leaving the back stretch did not offer serious contention thereafter PRIVATE HOWIE lost ground TIMOCRACY quit badly after racing well to the final quarter quarterOverweight Overweight Timocracy 1 pound SECOND RACE 6 12 FURLONGS Out of Chute Talked About Sept 17 1940 1940J J Q andQ 7 1 78 117K 6 115 Sheridarr Road Purse Purse 1000 3 and weightsJune 4yearolds Maidens Special weights June 1043 Haw Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fm Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 391792OMASARI WB 4 113 610 11 9l 4 P JohnsonP W G McCarty 200 41877 UNKNN REWARDwp 3 113 3 7 4 4 1 22 SchulingH DonnaRay Stabl 560 40775 REAPING GEM w3113 102 1 I2 2 3 WhitingL John Klein 3240 41644 LAST CHICK w 3 108 5 4 7 83 5 4 JemasN Lt Col C V Whitney 180 41731 BROWN CYGNET WB 3 113 8 5 83 7h 72 53 SkoronskiA Miss E Ferriss 17650 39713 BOLO WAY w3108 9 3 2 32 3h 62 MartinCL H Friedberg 1560 41641 OUR BOY w3113 4 9 1011 9 TU HigleyJ W G King 2560 2560416412UNHAMPERED 416412UNHAMPERED wsSUO 26 6 6 8 8 BalarettiW W C Davis 1080 1080417892PAT 417892PAT MORVICH w3113 7 8 5 2 6 95 GillespieW M A Coppola 2170 41002 FIRE DUST wB3113 1 11 93 102 10 10 McCoyJ Lt Col C V Whitney 180 180STOP STOP MISS w 3 11011 1 3 5 11 11 ChojnackiF F Turner Jr 6090 6090Coupled Coupled as Lt Col C V Whitney entry Apprentice allowance waived Time Z3 48j 114 120 Track fast fastt t 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 i n OMASARI 600 380 320 200 90 60 Mutuel Prices UNKNOWN REWARD soo 330 200 90 90I I REAPING GEM 1080 440 440Winner Winner Ch c by Omaha Sari by Omar Khayyam trained by C R West bred by Mr R A Fairbairn FairbairnWENT WENT TO POST 316 OFF AT 317 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same OMASARI away slowly and badly outrun to the final quarter was directed between horses when closing with a rush and heading UNKNOWN REWAPD drew clear in the closing strides UNKNOWN REWARD in hand early responded when called upon and held on gamely under increased pressure in the final eighth REAPING GEM displayed the most speed from the start drew out on the stretch turn but tired in the drive LAST CHICK unable to keep up bore out on the stretch turn and came with determination when straightened BROWN CYGNET raced wide throughout and also finished stoutly in his good effort BOLO WAY faltered under a drive PAT MORVICH quit FIRE DUST was outrun from a slow start startScratched Scratched 40213 Create 108 23565 General Sickle 113 38145 Big Boy 108 41641 Viojtf 113 41641 Briarson 113 41790 Blondie Jayne 108 108Overweight Overweight Unhampered 2 pounds Top Miss 2 Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 2500 THIRD RACE 58 MILE Sara Elizabeth July 10 1923 59 2 113 Little A 1 7 Q Grove Stock Farm Purse Purse 1000 2yearolds Claiming Weight 118 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since May 15 allowed June 1043 Haw 2 Ibs two races at any time 5 Ibs maidens 8 Ibs Claiming Claimingprice price 2000 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 250 to 1500 Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Odds 1 Strt 1180 41642DAWN w08 6 5 2 21 2l 2 MartinCL R F Hayes 0800 0800DAY DAY AND NIGHT w 110 5 8 6J 6 5 3 LoTurcoA Thomas Piatt 840 84042017MARGARET 42017MARGARET T WB1088 6 7 J 7 i 6s 41 JohnsonP Mrs C R Valentine 740 74041791BAGNELL 41791BAGNELL WB 105 11 3 32 32 54 WegrzynL C T Young 400 41725 fVALDlNA KOVIA wa 108 43 52 4 4 6i ZehrF A Graffagnini 550 41791 BUSY LINE wsllS 3 2 4 5i 73 73 JemasN I C Mishler 160 40951 CAPTAIN JOE wa 110 27 9 9 O2 8J ChojnarkiF E N Bisso 15600 41642 WEAPONS PRIDE walll 10 9 82 83 8 9 MalearT River Divide Farm 3290 329041642STHATS 41642STHATS EASY wfl07 910 10 10 10 10 GthreuxW Mrs J Pearson 3200 3200Apprentice Apprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 23 48 101 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid N Odds to 1 Vj i n LITTLE ALICE 2560 1300 880 1180 550 340 MutUel 340MutUel F riCeS DAWN 7080 3340 3440 1570 I 1570I DAY AND NIGHT 660 230 230Winner Winner Lt b f by The Porter Corrymeela by Colin trained by H A Deep bred by Mr J D Weil Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 WENT TO POST 345 OFF AT 3481 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same LITTLE ALICE swerved to the inside while being hustled into command saved ground on the turn came out in the stretch and holding on with determination withstood the challenge of DAWN The latter offered the chief contention from the start came out for the drive and fought it out stubbornly to the end DAY AND NIGHT away slowly and raced wide closed resoluely and was rapidly wearing down the leaders MARGARET T dropped back came out in the stretch and finished with hih speed BAGNELL tired after reaching the last sixteenth VALDINA KOVIA also faltered in the late stages BUSY LINE eased back early did not rally when clear and dropping back in the stietch was not dangerous thereafter THATS EASY delayed the start startOverweight Overweight Dawn 3 pounds Day and Night 3 Captain Joe 2 Weapons Pride 3 Thats Easy 2 FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Gibbons Aug 18 1925 110 4 120 Purse 421 80 51000 4yearolds and upward Claiming 4yearolds 117 Ibs H Z I O U older 119 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since May 15 allowed 3 June 1043 Haw Ibs Claiming price 2000 if for 1800 allowed 2 Ibs if for 1500 4 Ibs Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 21040820DOLL 39901JALNED w 5 116 3 2 6 6 3J Ink WhitingL Carroll Lang 210 40820DOLL 320404022HILLS BABY w 5106 43 42 32 2 2J JohnsonP J D Craig 320 404022HILLS PALM w861l4 77 5 4 J 4i 3i JemasN W M Muschal 820 63041878IDLE 41643 JUST BEANS WB4117 8 1 1 I2 li 4 LoweW Miss E V Jenkinsou 630 41878IDLE SUN wa8111 58 7 7 5i 5 WarrenW Mrs E Denmark 1790 41792 TWO TON TONY w6116 1 4 2 2 6 6 MalearT Mrs L Smith 590 41517 ROSERED wa 5 109 6 6 8 8 7s 7 SmithFA Mrs J L Oglesby 5310 41644 CHICAGO DR vn4114 25 3h 5 8 8 GomJeMN L F King 850 850Time Time 23 48J 113 Track fast fasti i 2 Mutuels Paid v Odds to 1 x xil il in f ALNED f 520 420 300 210 110 50 MUtuel rrCQS DOLL BABY 560 400 iso 100 100V V HILLS PALM 380 90 90Winner Winner Chg by Neddie Sun Bijiir by Sun Briar trained by Carroll Lang bred bv Mr A C Ernst Winner entered to be claimed fur 2000 WENT TO POST 416 OFF AT 417 CENTRAL WAR TIME Continued on Page Sixteen Official Racing Charts Copyright 1943 by Triangle Publications Inc Lincoln Fields at Hawthorne HawthorneContinued Continued from Page Five FiveStart Start good from stall agte Won driving second and third the same ALNED steadied along to the stretch responded with much energy to good pressure and wearing down the leaders was drawing out at the end DOLL BABY well up from the start and in hand to the final quarter withstood a mild drive gamely but could not hold the winner HILLS PALM forced to lose much ground hung on resolutely In his good performance JUST BEANS took command quickly held sway easily to the stretch then went courageously to the last sixteenth where he faltered IDLE SUN was slowly improving his position at the end TWO TON TONY quit suddenly soon after reaching the stretch CHICAGO DR pinched back early tUcd when clear clearScratched Scratched 37953 Bayport 116 41876Owasse 114 FIFTH RACE 34 MILE Gibbons Aug 18 1925 110 4 120 West Ibs Non winners of two races since April 9 allowed 2 Ibs two June 1043 Haw taces in 1943 5 Ibs Claiming price 3000 if for less 1 Ib al ¬ lowed for each 250 to 2250 Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 41644BOLO TIE B 113 8 1 14 I3 1 lnk JohnsonP Mrs SSmith 560 56041645LUROID 41645LUROID nl08 6 7 54542421 DolterL H Wells 340 41645 EBONY EDGE ul5 5 6 62 73 5 3 LoTurcoA Mrs E B Carpenter 1720 41430 ALACYON B 113 7 8 7J 6 4h 42 WhitingL A C Ernst 270 41645 MOMENTITO B 114 4 5 44 2 3 55 ChojnackiF San Mateo Stable 1340 1340416453FIRE 416453FIRE ENGINE B 113 1 4 8 8 62 66 BurnsG Mrs Monte Weil 600 600415133HOOSIER 415133HOOSIER v 113 3 2 Zs 3h 75 76 GonzIejMN A E Overton 1100 11004C8653EVFR 4C8653EVFR FLYING v 108 23 2 4J 8 8 WarrenW Mrs R J Doyle 740 Time 23 48 113 Track fast fastt t 2 Mutuels Paid Odjds to 1 n BOLD TIE 1320 560 380 560 180 80 Mutuel Prices LUROID 5oo 380 iso so soI I EBONY EDGE 580 190 190Winner Winner B g by Bolo Little Gertie by Flight of Time trained by B C Kelley bred by Mr H Friedberg Winner entered to be claimed for 3000 3000WENT WENT TO POST 443 OFF AT 444 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start bad from from stall gate Won driving second and third the same BOLO TIE away fast opened up a clear advantage in the first sixteenth he4 sway under restraint to the stretch withstood pressure gamely to the last sixteenth then tired but stalled off LUROID The latter away poorly was sent up fast on the outside in the first quarter was inclined to bear in when under a mild drive and tired after getting to the winner EBONY EDGE was under much pressure the final quarter and holding on stubbornly out ¬ stayed ALACYON The latter away poorly and impeded by LUROID immediately after the start worked his way forward on the outside and finished with determination but failed to withstand EBONY EDGE MOMENTITO badlyClaimed had no mishaps FIRE ENGINE was outrun HOOSIER and EVER FLYING quit badly Claimed Alacyon by J A Kroeck for 3000 SIXTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Hopeless Aug 25 1925 141 5 49 1 R 9 112 Lake Forest Purse Purse 1200 4yearolds and upward ° Allowances Nonwinners of 2000 in 194243 Weight 118 Ibs June 1043 Haw Nonwinners of 1500 in 194243 or three races since May 1 al ¬ lowed 3 Ibs 1100 in 1943 or 805 twice since October 1 5 Ibs two races since April 23 1943 8 Ibs Claiming and maiden races not considered Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St H Str Fin Jockeys Odds 1 Strt 39951 WEDDING CALL WB 7 115 1 1 V 24 14 14 1J MalearT Gaffers Sattler SattlerMrs 440 41947CHERRY TRIFLE WB 6 115 636 5 3l 23 2 JemasN Mrs L B Muschal MuschalC 230 41947YAR WB 4 113 3 2 I3 H 24 33 3 BarneyL C N Finch FinchJ 510 41793 BLUE CADET w 5 110 4 4 44 3h 41 42 43 WhitingL J Lowenstein LowensteinC 1510 1510417292UBIQUITOLS 417292UBIQUITOLS WB 4 108 5 5 3h 4 5 5 5 SylviaE C H Dursch DurschLt 590 41793 III DIDDLE WB 4 105 2 6 Fell JohnsonP Lt Col C V Whitney 280 280Time Time 23 48J 114 139 144 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 1lj lj i n WEDDING CALL 1080 480 380 440 140 90 340 280 70 40 I YAR 460 130 130Winner Winner Ch g by Trace Call Trousseau by Lucky Hour trained by D Tavlor bred by Audlev Farm WENT TO POST 513 OFF AT 513 CENTRAL WAR TIME Start good from stall gate for all but HI DIDDLE Won driving second and third the same WED ¬ DING CALL followed the early pacemaker under steady restraint raced around YAR on the stretch turn and holdingeon well had enough left to withstand the bid of CHERRY TRIFLE The latter raced wide through ¬ out and saved off the pace made a determined bid under strong handling the entire finaj quarter but could not get up YAR took command quickly saved ground after the first threesixteenths and placed to pressure before reaching the stretch tired badly after seveneighths BLUE CADET Irtid no mishaps UBIQUITOUS began to falter after fiveeighths HI DIDDLE almost unseated her rider at the start had made up much ground from a poor beginning when she fell and broke her neck soon after entering the back stretch SEVENTH RACE 1 116 MILES Martie Flynn Aug If 1928 l433 106 4 2 1 8 Highland Park Purse Purse 1200 4yearolds and upward I O f J Claiming Weight 118 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since May June 1043 Haw 15 allowed 2 Ibs one race since then 4 Ibs Claiming price 1800 if for 51600 allowed 2 Ibs if for 1400 4 Ibs Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 41643 WINAMAC WB 5 107 10 2 24 14 1 lg JemasN T C Piatt 820 820416432ISAROMA 416432ISAROMA WB 8109 3 4 4 3t2t 2f 2 MartinCL A Jung 230 41433 ALDRIDGE WB6111 4 6 54 54 34 35 3 BarneyL E 0Hara 1080 108041880SAY 41880SAY NOMORE WB 4 108 9 7 74 73 5 43 41 DotterL Happv Hour Farm 890 890414332PITTISTRAW 414332PITTISTRAW wi 4110 11016 10 82 5J 52 WhitingL W Wilkerson 310 38991 RAS TAFFARI w 8 114 6 5 63 63 63 6 63 MalearT Gaffers Saltier 1130 41517 fBARNEYS GAL WB 4 109 8 8 8 8s 96 72 73 HaycockMJ Mrs E McEvoy 4990 41881 JMISCHF AFOOT WB 4 111 7 9 9 9 10 93 82 JohnsonP Mrs F E McDonald 3920 41101 GALLANT PLAY ws5 114 5 3 ij 14 43 82 9 GonzlezMN A E Overton 990 41878 THRIFT SHOP w5114 2 1 24 42 7410 10 SchuIingH DonnaRay Stable 1570 1570fApprentice fApprentice allowance waived Time 23 47 113 139 146 Track fast v i 2 Mutuels Paid rOdds to 1 t j i n WINAMAC 1840 800 620 820 300 210 Mutuel 210Mutuel Prices ISAROMA 440 340 120 o I ALDRIDGE 520 160 160Winner Winner Ch m by Diavplo Our Luck by Lucky Hour trained by James P Sallee bred by Mr W C Goodloe Winner entered to be claimed for 1600 WENT TO POST 540J OFF AT 541J CENTRAL WAR TIME Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same WINAMAC followed the pace tinder a strong hold to the final turn took coninfand quickly came out after swerving to the inside soon after reaching the stretch withstood the threats of the strongest contenders and swerved toward the rail while increasing her advantage in the last fifty yards ISAROMA a contender from the start and saved to the final threeeighths made a bid under pressure then tired but outfinished ALDRIDGE The latter started up when leaving the back stretch continued on the extreme outside in the drive and faltered after nparing the leaders SAY NOMORE could not get up PITTISTRAW raced wide from a slow beginning RAS TAFFARI was held safe GALLANT PLAY quit badly Scratched 41517 Alaflaq 114 Overweight Say Nomore 2 pounds Pittistraw 1J EIGHTH RACE 1 116 MILES Martie Flynn Aug 1 1928 143 3 106 A 7 1 R A urse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming 4yearolds f O f 4 m US older 112 Ibs Winners at a mile and a sixteenth or over June 1043 Haw since May 15 2 Ibs extra for each race won Claiming price 1250 Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 41728 NIGHT RAIDER wn4113 7 6 64 62 4J 1 lk BurnsG Deep Whitington 3820 382040293LOVELY 40293LOVELY DAWN n 5 104 2 9 8 83 72 31 2 JohnsonP Mill B Stable 880 8804188FSWOOSH 4188FSWOOSH B 4 110 589 9 9 5 3 WhitingL E R Cowcy 910 41730 RED TET B5112 6 2 5454342 42 ZehrF Myrtle Maroon Stable 1490 41728 SURGEON DICK v6114 8 5 34 34 2 4 5 JemasN CN Finch 840 840418802HAZEL 418802HAZEL LEE v 6 105 3 4 44 4 64 62 63 SkoronskiA Mrs F P Haldy 370 417243 ALLEY B5103 9 3 1J li li 73 73 BarneyL L Dilger 390 41874 iHIGH TALENT B5112 4 7 7 748488 8 ° McCoy J C E Lund 970 41728 PRINCE OMARS n4111 1 1 2 2 5 9 9 LoTurcoA Mrs E Carpenter 370 fApprcnticc allowance waived waivedTime Time 24 49 115 141 148 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 1ii ii in NIGHT RAIDER 7840 2040 1040 3820 920 420 Muruel 420Muruel rnceSi LOVELY DAVN neo 620 4so 210 SWOOSH 620 210 210Winner Winner Br g by Flying Ebony = Hurry Back II by Hurry On trained by H A Deep bred by Mr Thomas W Durant Winner entered to he claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 609 OFF AT 609J CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same NIGHT RAIDER steadied along when outrun started up on the outside on the stretch turn worked his way to the front under pressure und hung on tenaciously to the end LOVELY DAWN badly outrun parly and kept on the outside in the last half mile moved up gradually in the last threeeighths and was getting to the winner SWOOSH badly outrun to the stretch came with a rush thereafter RED TET rallied when called upon and made a game effort before tiring SURGEON DICK faltered when the real test came HAZEL LEE blocked after reaching the second turn was not dangerous thereafter ALLEY raced with speed to the stretch then quit PRINCE OMARS quit badly badlyOverweight Overweight Lovely Dawn 2 pounds Swoosh 2J Hazel Lee 3 Alley 1 NINTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Hopeless Aug 25 1925 141 5 X 9 1 Q Ah 112 Purse lfOOO 4yearolds and upward Claiming Non t Z I O f2 winners of two races since May 15 Weight 116 Ibs Nonwinners Nonwinnerssince since May 15 allowed 3 Ibs since May 1 6 Ibs Claiming price 1000 1000DECLARED DECLARED OFF

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Local Identifier: drf1943061101_5_1
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