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Thorncliffe Pk Results Monday June 57 1944 1944UNPLACED UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH FINISHWEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST FIRST RACE 59339 1 116 Miles Purs 900 900Threeyearolds Threeyearolds and upward Claiming Pomkee 120 Watson 950 620 410 410Lynalta Lynalta 115 Dewhurst 1090 830 830Rock Rock Bound 115 Parise 920 920Time Time 150 Off at 235 Eastern Daylight Tim TimAlso Also ran Macks Gem Timely Flight Plaid Socks Baby Therese Peglius Miss Varennes Thats Me SECOND RACE 59340 34 Mile Purse 900 Thrae ThraeysaroWs ysaroWs and upward Claiming ClaimingHayfield Hayfield 110 Patterson 1090 560 335 335Phillis Phillis B Ill Barber 2585 630 630Banff Banff 110 Holyday 310 310Tim Tim 113 Off at 313J Eastern Daylight Time TimeAlso Also ran Cease Fire Happy Winner Attracting High Renown fScandalous fRomp Brier Affianced fConlova Jolly Play PlaytMutuel tMutuel field fieldDaily Daily Double on First and Second Races Paid 55835 THIRD RACE 59341 34 Mile Purse 1000 Three Threeyearolds yearolds and upward Claiming Brodear 113 Birley 625 425 305 305Beth Beth Skelter 110 Cowley 855 435 435Floysan Floysan 115 Leavitt 340 340Tims Tims 114 Off at 350 Eastern Daylight Tims TimsAlso Also ran Chantarelle Kanoy Goldsworthy Izaak Walton Fighting Finn Fugacious FOURTH RACE 59343 34 Mile Purss 1000 1000Threeyearolds Threeyearolds and upward Claiming County Line 109 Hall 3590 1280 800 800Sabulus Sabulus 120 Leavitt 345 280 280fOld fOld Faithful 110 Holborn 410 410Time Time 1X2 Off at 437 EasternJJaylight Time TimeAlso Also ran Matel Marny Best Suit Anytime Fro bisher fNcws Sweep Erindale Boy Annie T tMutucl field fieldFor For late results see tomorrows issue