Latest Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1944-06-06

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LATEST WORKOUTS WORKOUTSFigures Figures preceding liorsesa name show date of last previous work Track record after distance distanceKey Key II Handily B Breezing D Drlrlng E Easily O All out 0 Eased up upNames Names of horses making fastest time at each distance appear In black face type SUNDAY JUNE 4 1944 1944HAWTHORNE HAWTHORNE Track Fast 38 MILE 522 Sunny Portress 38b 529 Missy Miss 103 h 527 Alifgtionia 35 h 12 MILE 48 483735h 63 Remind 106 h 521 Allgrins 3735h 510 Bold Captain 50 h 528 Strength 109 10948J 211 Black Shot 36 h iL Bohemia 48J b 531 Turntable 108 531 Chanting 38 b 54 Danada Flash 51 b b5325b 530 Ci Light 39 b 529 Final Reward Reward37ysb 5325b 34 MILE 110 530 Don Devito 37ysb 528 Gal Ann Ann3735b 51 b 61 Babes Call l1925b 521 Grinson 3735b 530 Gooseberry Gooseberry37b 54 b 520 Dally Trouble Il5 h h5225b 61 Golden Cross 37b 528 My Night 5225b 531 Free Style l165h l165h4835h 524 Inver Fox 403sb My Crest 4835h 531 Gay 1 138y5b Franka l16 5b 529 Joes Choice 38y5b 527 Orchard Run 503 5Q35b b 529 Sir L Lo l1635h 525 Legal Eagle 38y5b 531 Roman Red 51 b 61 Town Town38V5b Victory l1725h 45 Lady Becca BeccaMar 38V5b 529Zumzing 52isto 78 MILE 125 Mar J 37y5h 58 MILE 59 63 Aunt Aunt36y5h Sis 131 h 527 Misty Fox 36y5h 61 After Eight 105 05 b J 13 MILE 137 fi22 Wise Don 37 b 62 Alar 103 03 h 529 529BoIos Bolos Bolos3S3sb Choice l43Jh 527 So Sure 3S3sb 61 Lady Kentucky 106 06 b 61 Song SongSPORTSMANS Spinner 145 h SPORTSMANS PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 529 Stoogie 39 b 529 Cohortation Cohortationb 525 Air Warden b 61 The Answer 40 40sb sb 531 Grey Head Headb 519 Bonalita b 12 MILE 58 Inverette Inveretteh E6 H M S Hood h 527 Blue Pal 54b 527 Passan PassanDETROIT DETROIT Track Good 38 MILE MILE29Alfadildo 524 Valdina Peer 37 h 61 Petes Row 105 h 29Alfadildo 35 35jh jh Wilma Ann 38 h h365h 61 Red Rebel l0235h E31 Ansted 365h 529 Whats Cookin 38h 62 Sun By 103 h AnstedBillies Billies Choice 41 b 12 MILE MILE39b 530 Sea Tack 110 b 61 Bel Revere 39b 528 Artillerist 50 b 530 Silver Ace l04 5h 521 Baby Advice 40 b 531 Brief Way 50ysh 50ysh36h 531 TimOShank l02 5h 61 Code Mentor 36h 526 Black Badge 513sb 513sb39y5b 528 Vain Captain 103 528 Ebony Bee 39y5b 61 Bayridge 52h 530 War Liberator 108 61 Finley 37 h 61 Empty Plate 50 5b 62 Wickford Point l0335h 61 Gallee 40 b 510 Fire Power 53 b b37h 34 MILE 109 531 Gezira 37h 517 Hi Gallant 50 50sh sh sh36h 529 Credit Man l16h 422 June Dear 36h 528 Our Merrick 48 h h36ysh 530 Co Appointment 118 h 530 Little Moose 36ysh 527 Plucky Teddy 50 h h36y5h 61 Dove Pie l20h 62 Mighty Tough 36y5h 62 Stonewall 51 h h39b 525 Flashalong 1 16 h 527 Marltown 39b Saddle Shoes 54 h h36y5h 528 Opelika 61 Money Troubles 36y5h 529 Wee One 50 b b36y5h 528 Swift Legion 62 Monighan 36y5h 61 Winamac 52 b 528 Sacaton 530 Nine R Train 39h 58 MILE 58 5839ysh 58s s 61 Seven Hearts 525 Nancy Lee 39ysh 530 Amperage l02h l02h39y5b 531 Victory Sweep 524 Our Advice 39y5b 529 Bill G 107 b 61 Valdina Lois 521 Old Silk 413 b 61 Clarendon 106 h h37h 78 MILE 529 Prominencia 37h 61 Easy Jack l03h l03h36h 531 Driscoll l36h 61 Rougheree 36h 530 Flash Town 106 h h37ysh 531 Favor l35h 529 Royal Kham 37ysh 527 Flying Julia l02h l02h35h 61 Passion 530 Shade Kuff 35h 528 Lazy Tongs l01 h h36h 1 MILE 13 527 Skylark 36h 429 Maybe Tops 103 h h363sh 524 Estimulo l483sh E29 Tomily 363sh Mingo l06sh l06sh39y5h 62 Gissimo GissimoStar 1 45h TomilyValdina Valdina Tyrant 39y5h 61 Nelson Dunstan 106 b Star Back v l4935h FAIRMOUNT PARK Track Fast 38 MILE MILEAls 526 Rovito 3935h 312Siral 55 b Als Pride 40 b Silvia B 39 h 527 Big Haste 39 h 61 Topseva Topseva37n 39 h f 8 MILE 100 529 Cat K KHiLucretia 37n 526 Valamint 38 h 519 Ballinderry 107 b HiLucretia 38ysh 12 MILE MILE39h 531 Camp Liberty l05b 530 Mor Lady LadyMonarch 39h 522 Buzzing Along 54 h Gloomily 107 h h52li Monarch 40 h 528 Carlarlass 52li 34 MILE 110 Play MonarchPlay Arm 40 b 516Maylen 53h 531 Super b30 Phils Pet 38 h 424 Pretty Plane 53y5b 529 Silent Time l193sh AQUEDUCT Track Fast 38 MILE 61 Is I Is 531 Sight 104 h 531 Alex Barth 61 More Wine 57 Sun Herod 103 h 531 Boiling On OnCaduceus 521 Psychiatrist 531 Urge Me l06h Caduceus 531 Panthorn 34 MILE 110 522 Lyned Lad 526 Sis Brownie 61 Brownie l16b 527 La Fleur 529 Tauter 525 Darby Drucele 123 b 62 River Wolf 61 Watch Henry 61 Ravenala l15h 529 Respire 58 MILE 61 Yodeler 118 h 531 Singing Torch 61 All Fight l05h 1 MILE 12 MILE 61 Blue Booties l052sh 527 Global 151 b 61 Bobsis 528 Flareback l0425h 61 Supper Dance 145 h 531 Faust II 61 Rusty Steel 107 b 1 18 MILES 149 531 G I Joe 531 Rarified 108 b 5 27 Brie a Bac 201 b BELMONT PARK Training Track Track Fast 38 MILE 531 Tory Row 52 Air Beauty l0525h 523 Blenrose 524 Turf R 529 Blue Agent 107 h 523 Boom town Gal 55 Udell 530 Dejection l03h 524 Civil Liberty 12 MILE 61 Miss Mary Jane l0533h 529 Freezout 61 Black Gang 34 MILE 531 Good Thing 61 Ricks Raft 531 Free France 119 h Cl Hoodoo 61 Mothers Tongue 62 Sickle Boy l15y5h 61 Humoresque 530 Modest Lad 53lSalto 115 h HumoresqueIn In the Groove 61 Note 527Topsy Ann l18h 61 Intercede 62 Ringalong Toosy Sue 119 h 61 Lagrand 531 Singing Heels 61 Unibril 118 h 61 Nory 528 Skytracer 61 Up Check 59 Nuala 527 Wildlife 1 MILE 59 Resplendence 61 Yankee Raider 62 Kuota 146 h 61 Sister Fox 58 MILE 531 Light Landing 149 h JAMAICA Track Fast 38 MILE 529 Mabel Hygro 53 b b36h 530 Carbon Black 118 b 527 Alquest 36h 61 Seeing Eye 52i b b363sh 61 Gino Rex 125 b 63 Barbaras Girl 363sh 531 Thin Air 51b 531 Little Milly l172sb l172sb527LouBre 57 Daylight 41 b 62 Test Flight 4835h 527LouBre l17ysb 61 Felix 37y5b 52 Lord Hairan 118 b 12 MILE 58 MILE 58 584835h 61 La Joconde l19b 62 Blue Nose 4835h 529 All White l02ysh l02ysh5035b 61 Market Wise 118 b 529 Ben Gray 5035b 53 1 Frisky Fire l02h l02h5iysb 61 Tell Me More l17b 62 First Fiddle 5iysb 531 Liquid Lunch l043sb l043sb493sh 62 Good Stymie 493sh 528 Topless Tower l0325b 1 MILE 138 Hygross Beauty 53 b 34 MILE 110 529 Hutch 147 b Liberty Doll 52 b 531Alnorad l1725b fil Loch Ness 145 b Liberty C 52 b 528 Bras l17b l17bSUFFOLK 61 Play Dusty 148 b SUFFOLK DOWNS Track Fast 38 MILE 522 Copperman 49 h h39b 519 Chant Thru l08b 59 Air Sprite 39b 530 Character Man 49 b 527 Crab Apple 102 h 531 Busy Nine 36 h 528 Depi 49 h 530 Crape l0625b 530 Cheerful Boy 37 h 524 First Command 52 h 529 Dansation 104 h 525 Coronation 36 h 62 Grenade Law 49 h h34h 529 Edmar Jojan l01h Gl Defense 34h 527 Hidden Ace 49 h h3835h 526 In Balance 106 h 528 Harrip 3835h 530 Lightfoot Lee 52 b 521 Money Muss l05y5h 51 9 High Name 39 b 61 Mattie Sue 49i5h 520 Omachat 105 h 52 In Range 39 b 531 Middlestone 52 h h38ysh 525 Sparrow Chirp 103 h 62 Maepal 38ysh 430 Model Lady 50 h h372sh 62 Ship Call 106 h 61 Multiair 372sh 527Macant 54 b b3725h 530 Solid Sender l0235h 61 Naughty Vixen 3725h 531 Molasses Bill 55 b 531 Valdina Valet l05y5h 527 No Keys 40 b 4250vando 53ib 527 Prodigio 373 530 Reimburseme 493sh 34 MILE 109 520 Queen Echo 38 h 528Realman 49sh 576 Ampere l16h 61 Sircala 38 h 62 Skipper Z 49 h h43b 63 Buckle Up l17ysh 510 Still Gallant 43b 526 Speed Up 53 b b36h 525 Fritter Sun 116 h 58 Templet 36h 522 Seaward Bound 523 b b38y5b 530 Grand Day 115 h 47 Up the Creek 38y5b 529SolIure 48 h h3635h 61 Jan One l16n 529 Warrawee 3635h 513 Ship Jr 50 h h3525h 61 Madigama 116 h 524 Windmill 3525h 522 Star Challenger 49i4h 53 Red Chip 118 h 531 Wake Robin 37 h 528 Tetra Rock 50 h 78 MILE 531 Yankee Party 38 h 520 Tantalize 54 b 62 Bain Marie 132 h 12 MILE 528 Valdina Punch 49ysh 62 Twinkippy 131 h 61 Accord 50 h 58 MILE 58 1 MILE 136 13653rOnecbill 529 Baroque 50 h 62 Ample Reward l02 h 53rOnecbill l44ysh 61 Blue Warrior 49h 527 Arthur Murray 102 h 530 Windward Isle l42h MONDAY JUNE 5 1944 1944HAWTHORNE HAWTHORNE Track Fast 38 MILE 521 Winter Rules G2 Harriet Sue 530 Army Plume 12 MILE 48 524 Rosy Brand 102 h 62 Air Watch 531 Bulfair 63 Sweeping Pair l0435h 53 Count Ballot 526 Cracks 530 Sis Baker 103 b 61 Come and Go 513 Choppy Sea 531 Valdina Kovia 107 b 63 Duquesue 531 Dacoral 34 MILE 110 521 Grays Bay 61 Dorothy A 62 Be Brief 117 b 54 Highthorne 528 Formal Dress 63 Durazna 116 b 51 Manila Bay 520 Field dOr 529 Gold Tint l15li Miss Omega 61 GemW 64 Golden Cross 116 h 62 Pixly 523 Iron City 58 HoHo 121 b 424 Pretty Tiger 530 Satin Ace 531 Knight Call l19b 528 Quarterback 530 Stitch Again 514 Masculine 122 b 62 Sweet Helen 531 Surextra 531 Viola Wise l18b 61 Sandslinger 530 Vi Hater 78 MILE 125 Cl Victory Lad 58 MILE 59 61 Obisbo 133 b 63 Valdina Streak 531 Bosage 1 528 Valdina Aide 62 Bolo MIS3 1 1 MILE 1 623 Woodsman 62 Bolo Prince J fi12 Liberty Pan l45b 526 Yormont 61 Ed M 1 62 Spring Drift 146 b SPORTSMANS PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 529 Halsey 56 b 18 MILE 100 10055h 62 Juke Hox 38h 63 Itabo 55h 63 Kitty Car l10sb 62 Rich Uncle 40 5b 62 Rush Act Actfil 55 b 34 MILE MILErilh 12 MILE fil Valnor rilh 61 Bosweco l25b Blue Whisk 543b 528 Valdina Marge 52 5h Cl Purple Heart 120 b DETROIT Track Fast 38 MILE 62 Yank Bomber 521 Valdina Rumpus 51b 529 Alabama Boy 12 MILE 58 MILE 58J 529 Brushwood Boy 530 All True 61 Buttermilk l04 b 530 Bonnie Andrew 62 Able Marine 528 Boom On l03h 529 Bitter Briar 62 Bluish 61 Bailie Star l02 5h 61 Beauwolf 529 Betty Johnson JohnsonBlue 62 Carl Junior l05h 62 Collar Ad Blue Imp 62 Detroiter 106 h 530 Cee Raf 529 Bopenko 61 Flowing Tide 106 b bForest 52K Chickic I 1 529 Chapel Bells Forest Do l04h 525 Dogpatch 58 Caumsett 61 Gomel lQ4h 63 Ennaoj 530 Chaco Ballad 62 Gaudette 105 h 61 Electron ElectronFoxiola 61 Drawby 5 20 Hydrant 104 104531Lochlea Foxiola 61 Dolce Rosario 531Lochlea l06b 521 Hadatime 530 Dreamy Eyes 530 Miss Advice 103 h 62 Hard Blast 524 Gallant Laddie 528 Sister Higher l03sh 529 In the Rough 529 Good Daughter 63 Song o War l02h 531 Kingstpne 61 Happy Factor 528 Three Clovers l02h 61 Kings rMount 62 Hadmore 62 Valetta H 105 h 62 Knight 61 Justified 61 Valdina Joe l03h 528 Kirwin 529 Mr Jinx 64 Whats Cookin l02h 520 Lees Summit 61 Michigan Blue 34 MILE 109 418 Marcap 63 Mighty Step 523 Albino i17 h hfil 527 Miss Brand 529 Oxford Blue fil Curious Coin lI4li 529 Rusty Gold 61 Our Sponsor 62 Col Teddy 115 h 61 Royal Red RedShe 529 Prom Date DatePilot 529 Distant Isle 116 h She Did Pilot Rock 531 Fort Vancouver 120 h 530 Shout About 52 Paraboloid 311 Lady Hairan 120 h 511 See D 530 Quarto 62 Likeaflash 123 h 530 Supremo 512 Royal Polly 530 Mission Cross 120 h 524 Sea Victory 62 Runebbs Pride 62 Magnesium 117 h 62 Tiger Rebel 524 Reaping Gem 531 Peemar 63 Tracerys Pet 525 Sealane 529 Sheila Rhea 523 Tom Wade Jr 529 Subrosa 529 Task Force 530 Valdina Singer 61 Two o Four 530 Vegas Justice 531 Vestibula 529 Young Buddy 78 MILE 531 Very True 63 Tomos 61 Fur Coat FAIRMOUNT PARK Track Fast 38 MILE MILEApril 530 Squaw Jane JaneSusie 63 Stay Boy April Spoon Susie Rooster 527 The Count 529 Buntington 528 Sarachia 530 Vinita Major 526 Colleen Sue 531 Smart Charley 525 Vinita Harvest 526 Chance Tea TeaCalliope 526 Silver Sunrise 527 Whiteford Irma Calliope 530 Sun Squall 529 Wee Captain 524 Darby Demon DemonFair 528 Three Bangs 58 MILE 1 Fair Camilla 526 Vegas Lass 62 Brazen Bob l03h 526 George Charles 12 MILE MILEBe 62 Buck Road l04b 525 Jack Morley Be Wise 527 Clod Felter 1 06 h 62 Jack Coventry 61 Cling Tight 62 Phantom Lady l03h 530 Lou Hal 61 Danny Boy 34 MILE 11 61 Miss Lucifer 529 Gay Hour 61 Love Plea 121 h 521 Miss OBannon 61 Harvey V VLittle 531 King Malcolm l18 3h 530 Manhunt Little Darling 62 Narghileh 120 h 524 Mindy 531 Loppie 61 Private Ele l223h 62 Miss Phillis ff3 Mr Hatter 61 Ration Goods l19h 61 Patrick C 421 Native Land 61 Well Over 117 h hI46 530 Rolls Day DayScotts 62 Ray Petty PettySpects 1 MILE 138 Scotts Indian Spects Gal Ima Lady I46 h AQUEDUCT Track Fast 38 MILE 63 Bob Maun 48d 529 Oceanus 62 Briarstream 62 Escolire 52 b 62 Our Victory 106 h 63 Colleague 63 If had 50 h 531 Stronghold 103 h 524 Drumuir 515 King Appeal 4935h Stronghold4935h 518 Helvetian 528 Pathos 50 h 34 MILE 11 529 J F Curry 63 Powerhouse 51 b 61 Apache 115 61 Joe Burger 61 Refugeegee 52 b 61 Attendant l18h 62 Kingfisher 62 Shut Up 62 Miss Black Out 116 h 530 Sad Story 522Sycgall 53 b 531 Skin Deep l175b 12 MILE 58 MILE 5 531 Attache 516 Classic Beauty l062h 78 MILE 122 122l06ysh 430 Burman 61 Fiancis Marion l06ysh 61 Bettys Bobby 134 h BELMONT PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 63 Steel Chain 61 Smart Play 62 Ariel Game 528 Super Duper 511 Slide Rule 528 Ariel Mission MissionBriosa 61 Star Song 529 Thine Briosa 412 Sweep In 63 Wait a Bit 529 Black Gang 63 Tweedy 521 Brave Bid 61 Turnplate 58 MILE 5 62 Brave Marine 523 Vaillante 63 Allison Peters l01h 61 Beau Quest 61 War Bomb BombJ2 62 Eire l0iysh 62 Bonnie Dale J2 MILE 531 Fred Cody 102 h 61 Breath Taker 62 Ace Card 525 If If 102 h 61 Cashmere 61 Battle Fire 62 Kay tee 59 h 61 Coast a Bit 528 Boojiana BoojianaChickle 61 Stimsun l03h 531 Devils Thumb Chickle down 61 Truckee l04b 61 Down Stage 529 Chesty 530 Thor l03b 62 Eternity 62 Crack Time TimeCaptains 511 War Date 63 Esposito Captains Aid 34 MILE 1 527 First Stage G2 Expression 531 Magellan 114 h hl19b 61 Full Stride 61 Fair Columbia 63 Sanoj l19b 528 Golden Thorn 62 Flash 63 Sea Fare 121 b 61 Gold Shower 62 Forayer 529 Wolf Berry l16h 531 George Case 527 Grand Peter PeterHampton 63 White Paper l16h 5S Happy Forecast Hampton Hall 78 MILE 1 62 High Valley 61 Harvard Square 523 Dare Me 63 Hickory Knot 528 Merry Fairy 525 Jaco Royal 522 Jean Miracle 61 Miss Rushin 1 MILE 134 528 Linda Lea 61 OnYour Toes 62 Blazing Glory 144 h 62 Mother Tongue 63 Princequillo 528 Hoodoo 1 43h 529 Needlecase 61 Pot o Luck 524 Nebraska 150 b B28 Sharp Watch 62 Rudie Raglan 61 Sea Reigh l44h BELMONT PARK Training Track Track Fast 38 MILE 61 Bold Wonder 531 Whirlabout l02h 61 Cheery Rascal 62 Dairy Lady 34 MILE 523 Diavolina 62 Fairy Bee 53 Good Morning 529 Estherlea 61 Fire Eater 63 Ho Down l20h 62 Gallant Chance 61 Flyweight 61 Plucky Boy l20h 520 High Romance 531 Guam 523 Palace Guard 121 h 530 Houlgate 61 Gouache 61 Ragged Rascal 122 h 522 Pamela C 520 Jack S L 529 Troop Train 120 h 62 Roman Glory 523vJimmy John 528 The Sultan l21 l21sh sh 523 Special Pet 528 Kopar 62 Winning Bid fi3 Sword 62 Light Count 78 MILE 61 Soulful 61 Mr Pharned 61 Alfios 522 Sunstorm 531 Olympic Zenith 63 Sunday Supper 62 Petrol 1 MILE 62 Uncle Al 62 Ricks Raft 531 Copper Beech War Briar 524 Son of Peace 63 Kennebunk 12 MILE 61 Spartan Noble 530 Porters Cap 530 Black Flower 18 MILE 62 Button Place 62 Bill Hardy 62 Iron Maiden 61 Searchlight 524 Bill Sickle 526 Sorisky l05b Scotch Irish JAMAICA Track Fast 38 MILE 62 Diah Diah3725b 530 Macks Prince 104 b bl0435b 219 Carole M 3725b 62 Miami Springs Paris Hygro l0435b 530 Still Blue 41 b 522 Magic Heels 530 Show House 39 b 64 Play Dusty 34 MILE 110 529 Valdina Hiker 39 b Ranging Ranging373sb 62 Blitzkrieg i17J li 63 Valdina Autumn 373sb 62 Scotch Trap 61 Flying Son 118 b 12 MILE 529 Water Pearl 62 Markobob 118 b 529 Alforay 51 b 58 MILE 58 61 Thirteen I2iy6b 522 Aletern 50 b Anna Higro Higro5iy5b I04y5b 1 MILE 138 62 Chatlet 5iy5b 530 Free Dutch I04y5b 63 Lady Olga 149 b SUFFOLK DOWNS Track Fast 38 MILE 12 MILE 61 Fair Fighter 527 A One 524 Crestfallen 49h 5lfi Fleet Sister 527 Arthurs All 530 Capt Caution 49 h 515 Ho Hum Coverdale 62 Endy 51 h hG2 61 Hadatlckle 62 Caroline F G2 Oun Deck 48 h G2 In Dutch 530 Communicate 42 Hoodoo Lady 50h 531 Idle Fool 63 Chance Yen 62 Master Spirit 50 h 528 Jamoke 120 b 61 Chance Tide 62 Magic Haste 49h 530 Macs Quest l16y5h fil Good Gravy 528 Nancys Corner 49h 49h526Paiturf 61 Off Shore 530 Grand Flight 526Paiturf 49 h 528 Psychic Rate 528 Hoosier 62 Ronald M 48h 63 Patrol Pilot 529 Hobbys First 531 Smooth Gallop 48sh 531 Republican l15y5h 527 Jacks Girl 62 Son Admiral 494h 518 Revive 115 h 522 Jay Elcee 61 Short CalTe 52 b 62 Taking Ways 116 h 528Llnwood Jim 61 Tetragal 48h 528 Tierce l21b 63 Misfit 58 MILE 58 58525AckAck 44 U S Salute l14ysh 62 Marandy 525AckAck l04 h 529 Noahvale 529 Bridleour l01 h 78 MILE 62 Ogham 426 Block Buster l0935b l0935bChaladee 527 Ring Master 62 Roman Hero Chaladee 105 h 5U War Result 528 Resolve 62 Flaming High 104 h 531 Wood Robin 430Shlned Up 62 Good Company 103 h 1 MILE 136 531 Sir War 64 No Keyes I03y5h 62 Contemplation 145 h 530 Sorgho 528 Rangoon l02 h 530 Dress Boot l48h 519 Thor Barton 61 Itoyal Army l01h 53 Darby Dismay l43il 61 Weeping 34 MILE l09 531 Rest Awhile l45ysh 524 Walloon 425 Ancipltal 118 h 61 Tiny Sis

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1944060601_19_1
Library of Congress Record: