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Detroit Weather Cloudy Track Good ST RACE 1 116 MILES 115 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Combina ¬ tion Claiming and Allowances Post Prob Prob ProbJockey PostPos Pos Horse Jockey WtMudOdds WtMudOddsScurlock 6 Alumont Scurlock 116 41 41No 8 Cherry Crush No boy 115 X 51 51Glidewell 7 Detroit Bull Glidewell 114X 41 41Calvert 3 War Bonnet Calvert 114 X 51 51Layton 2 Junior Easton Layton 116 61 61Mojena 1 Burning Sands Mojena 116 X 61 61No 4 Subdue No boy 114X101 5 Valdina Gadget Thompson 113 81 ND RACE 34 MILE 145 P M M3Year 3Year Olds and Upward Combina ¬ tion Claiming and Allowances 1 Alchanc Adams 116 X 52 3 Ackwell Milligan 118 X 52 6 Marsaiah Caffarella 103 41 7 Doll Baby Gonzalez 105 X 61 4 Through Train No boy 110 X 61 61No 2 Miss Flyer No Doy 111 81 81Fox 5 Royal One Fox 100X201 RD RACE 34 MILE 215 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Combina ¬ tion Claiming and Allowances 1 Havana Lad Caffarella 118 X 31 31Caffarella 2 Doctor Reder Caffarella 118 31 31Adams 7 Drumont Adams 116 51 51Layton 5 Rusty Gold Layton 106 X 41 41No 6 Marcella K No boy 106 61 61Cooper 9 Wishihadagal Cooper 109 81 81Martin 3 Cahors Martin 111 101 101No 4 Quarto No boy 114 X 81 81No 8 Away Up No boy 113 81 Coupled Havana Lad and Doctor Reder Quarto and Away Up TH RACE 34 MILE 245 P M 3 Year Olds and Upward Combina ¬ tion Claiming and Allowances 6 Lady Rebecca Caffarella 108 X 31 7 Valdina Bright Caffarella 103 31 2 Velvet Heels No boy 108X52 4 Bar Willow Thompson 110 X 51 3 Blenweed Layton 107 41 1 St Dismas Glidewell 113X51 5 Flashalong No boy 110X101 Coupled Lady Rebecca and Valdina ValdinaBright Bright TH RACE 58 MILE 315 P M M2YearOJds 2YearOJds Handicap 7 Quintero Burns 115 X 85 85Mojena 4 AgrarianU Mojena 115 41 41Layton 5 Tiger Man Layton 115 51 51Caffarella 1 Not So Good Caffarella 108 61 61No 2 Good Queen No boy 108 81 81Martin 8 Regal Maid Martin 105 X 101 101Roberts 3 Nine R Train Roberts 103 101 101Bianco 6 Son of Tarra Bianco 100 121 TH RACE 1 116 MILES 345 P M 3YearOlds Handicap 8 Chief Knocker No boy 116 31 4 Our Merrick Caffarella 112 41 1 Valdina Brave Thompson 117 X 61 3 Passion Roberts 110 31 7 Gallahue Layton 107 X 41 2 HiTJeighbor Roberts 109 81 81Hart 5 Sir Sprite Hart 100 151 151Milligan 6 Liberty Bon Milligan 105 121 TH RACE 1 116 MILES 415 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Combina ¬ tion Claiming and Allowances 6 Venci Adams 113 X 52 7 Study Period Scurlock 105 X 41 4 Drawby Layton 110 x 31 1 Swain Caffarella 110 51 5 Squeeze Thru Milligan 101 81 2 Uragal No boy 105X101 3 Stell Bianco 105X151 TH RACE 1 18 MILES 445 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Combina ¬ tion Claiming and Allowances 3 Sea Tack Berz 108 X 85 4 Displayer No boy 115 X 41 1 Foment Milligan 110 X 41 7 Precision Thompson 116 61 6 Albino Glidewell 110 X 61 2 Vain Captain Adams 112X101 5 What Happened Jacobs 104X121 8 Caumsett Mojena 112X151