2d Bel, Daily Racing Form, 1948-05-31

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34 MILE XNusakan Sept 13 19291104126 Tampion Bays Purse Purse 4500 4yearolds and upward Allowances Nonwinners of two races of 2900 each ince December 26 nor 6500 in 194748 Weight 6 Ibs bdow scale Nonwinners of 3 50 since March 27 allowed 3 Ibs since December 28 S Ibs two races other ttiatn claiming since March 27 or 7500 at any time 11 Ibs Chart Book BookIndex Index No Worse Date Track Rec 49424 Degage Apr47Jarni11oy3 489714 Peixota May48 Bel 113 49136 Mother 5ct47 Lrl 112 49207 W L Sickle Jan47SA 111 49422 East Light Jun47Hbl11iy3 469713 Dark Venus Max48 Jam 11154 40018 Gaelic Gift Oct47Jam1i2 49136 Pompeian Jan48GPt11 483424 Panada Red Jan47SA1HWSl Chart Book Todays TodaysIndex Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt WL 48580 In the Pink Feb43Hia110 102 113 11349043JGIad 49043JGIad Time Jun47Mth111 112 108 1084883Q2iMesl 4883Q2iMesl Fefa48Hia11iy5 109 101 478764 Mahmoudess Aug47Sarin215 117 115 49424 Yankee Hill Mar48TrP1JdVS 111 113 490433JSilyer Fog May48Bellji2 101 101 17292 Autofly 113 113Coupled Coupled Mother and Silver Fogi banadaRed and andAuto Auto Fly Degage X Cwisellor1fcO ti bkb h 5 by Bull LeaMinistress by Wise Cwisellor 1fcO Breer Fred A Burton 1948 2 T 0 8 3 50 Owner R A Firestone Trainer S W WartU 1947 18 2 4 1 13235 13235May25487Bel May25487Bel 34111sy 3 118 2h 31 2h Hi McCryC2 Alw88 Pipette 114 Sorisky 115 SnowBootslO SnowBootslOMay13i485Bel May13i485Bel 341125ft 2 118 2h 1 21 581 McCryC2 Alw 76 YankeeHill 120 SnowBts122 DkVenus 5 ay2147 Bel 34 we 110 m 44 114 3 641 51 5j McFryC3 HcpS 83 Inroc113 FightgFrank125 BrwnMogul 7 7May May 547 Bel 34V 1l1 m 10 114 6 63 62 23 McCryCi2 HcpS 84 Buzfuz121 Po1ynesian134 TheShaker13 TheShaker13Apr22475Jam Apr22475Jam 341jOysft 4 114 2 2h 14 1 McCryC2 HcpB 93 PfectBram114 Ccidce122 FoxBrnielO FoxBrnielOAprl4475Jam Aprl4475Jam 34111 ft 6 116 3 334 324 S2 McCryC HcpB 90 Inroc 115 Owners Choice 111 Jeep 6 6May May 16 Bel 58 ft 182 May 5 Bel 58 ft IKfcb April 17 Kee 34 ft 116b 116bPoivnfft Ch 4 by Puro Habano PMa by tfechfceir Poivnfft reixoro tfechfceirreixoro M 1 17 c Arg VMj 1 1 Br Est Rebeea p De M dc Fraga Urg 15tt t 0 0 225 225Owner Owner Greentree Stable Trainer J M Caver May19485Bel 34112J ft 13 116 44 44 53 41 AtksonT4 Alw 78 YankeeHilM20SnowBts122 DkVenus 5 May 21 Bel 1m ft 142 li May 25 Bd 34 ft l13h May 22 Bd 1m ft 146li 146liMnther Ivloinr Mnther 117 6r 4 by Mahnwutl Fuss Budget by St Germans I I 5 Breeder Cornelius V Whitney 1948 2 000 C Owner C V Whitney Trainer S E Veitch 1947 13 2 0 3 14825 14825Hay21487Bel Hay21487Bel 78124ysft 26 106 1271125 9 8iHsmanL2 HcpC77 BlueBorder122 Skylighter113 Shivaree12 ay15484Jam 34112 ft 11 112 6 1 6 2 684 684 ClarkS HcpC 78 Skylighter114 MsterMind122 Halsgal 6 Nov647Pim 1ft148hy 54 107 S 544 44 6 MartinRJ HcpS 73 Bridal Flowerl 12 Jrisenl14 Earshot 7 N6v1474Pim 34113ft 44 11910 810 653 4 1 DonosoRS Alw 80 Bullow113 WoridTratJellO GoingAirylO Oct22474Lrl 34112ft 84 117 i 654 55 44 SndersWi Alw 84 Irisen 114 ArielSongllS LHeure S Jfy2347 Mth 1ft 146 gd 12e4117 10 81 8io 814 SdersWS ScwS 72 FstFlightll FrtiesBidllS Whipsawll Jly 4475Del 1181524sft 11 119 6 733 81 784 SchidlA4 AlwS 71 Camargo111 CosmicMisile119 Halsgal 8 May 29 Bel 58 ft 103 ih May 25 Bel trt 12 ft 51 b May 4 Bdirt 58 ft 1Q5b 1Q5bWL WL L DICK1C tirkf 1 11 Br ci 4 y SickleArisl craey by BuM Dtf 1J BreedW Mereworth Farm 1948 1 8 0 0 Owner WL Ranch Trainer D Perefty 1947 16 4 3 1 36575 36575May22485Bel May22485Bel 3411oy5ft 18 113 523 434 53 51 1 DodsonD4 HcpB 80 GoldBuIl 106 Nathaniel 112 Buzfuz 5 Jun2847Hol 1ft 143 ft 25e120 6 22 14 P NevesRS Alw 97 Anecdote117 DiscomJate117 OverFast 8 Jun4475HoI 1ft 143ft 25 117 6 3414 13 WestropeJ7 Ajw 94 FullHoi 5e115 SeaFlasher109 IronGrip 8 May 3477CD 1 142HJ6V5SI 16e 126 11 8 883812 CpbellR7 ScwS 60 Jet Pilot 126 Phalanx 126 Faultless 13 Apr26475CD 3411l5sft 10 118 2 44 V 454 WestKpeJ Alw 82 KingBay 114 OnTrust126 Double Jay 6 Apr19475Jam 1ft143V5ft 20 126 3 313615 514 WVpeJ ScwS 83 Phalanx126 CarolynA121 OwnersChe 10 Apr1547SJam 1ft 145ft 75 122 5 21 2h 324 WestropeJ Alw 86 LibyRoad122 Kerry116 End ofStrife 7 May 27 Bel trt 58 si 1 May 26 Bel trt 38 m 39b May 21 Bd trt 38 ft 38b 38bCncf tQSr Cncf I nhf 1 1 C Br g 5 by Eastern Sweep High by Sweep Ligni H 3 m Breeder Wayne Jthnstn 194816 834 4 75 75Owner Owner M Rauzin Trainer JBL Rtsen 1947 19 3 3 4 12188 12188May25485Bel May25485Bel 1ft 145 ft 24 113 14 1h 23 53 WdheHS Alw 80 Sam Bernard113 Dirl113 Mist o Gold 6 May10484Jam 34113 ft 10 115 243424 33 MtensW7 Alw 81 HeltropelOS MsterMind122 DdaRed 9 Apr27484Jam 34113 ft 18 115 44 313 434 444 DonosoRS Alw 77 Nathniel 116 LordGrlo126 SuprDuprIO Apr22485Jam 1ftl46y5ft 51 118 12 1422 37 ZufeltF3 HcpC 75 Conniver 114 Misleader120 Reckon 5 Aprl5487GS 1ft146sgo 63 109 141424 25 ScWnK3 Alw80ScotchSect109EvengSty119 PetlPt 9 Apr6484Jam 1ft147ft 34 122 2h 14 2 57J McCryC3 HcpOTOThor108 Florencial19 Fulgorll Mar1548TrP 1 l594ft 54 114 1411 2 24 WdhW Alw 76 Campos113 Superwolf1l8 Subljme 7 7May May 24 Jam 12 ft 50b May 21 Jam 78 ft 132b May 9 Jam 12 ft 50h 50hDark Dark Mliriv TraumerMliriv Venus TCIIUo X V 10R LIO by Snark Dark Love by Traumer iu c nu 1010 c t ecnc Owner J S Phipps Trainer W Pest 1947 15 2 5 3 11850 May19485Bfcl 11850May19485Bfcl 34 34112sft 112sft 75 111 544 54 3 i 3U JessopJ3 Alw 83 YankeeHill 120 5nowBoots122 Peixoto 5 5M M 12483Jam 34111ft 32 117 24 24 1h 2 JessopJ2 Alw 88 BedStmp12I PrtyValleylOS Bimlette 5 5Hay6484Jam Hay6484Jam 34111ft 24 113 2 2 1h 11 JessopJ2 Alw 88 Pipette 113 Demure 117 Halsgal 6 6Apr29485Jam Apr29485Jam 34 112ft 3 114 11 14 ih 23J ZufeltF3 HcpC 81 Tavistock 122 Cable 108 ColonyBoy 6 6Apr15485Jam Apr15485Jam 34112sy 1 116 324 32J 413 32J DodsonD Alw 81 Demure 110 RedStamp121 Heliotrope 6 6Apr2485Jam Apr2485Jam 54 f 107 m 43e 108 1i1J 24 224 PermneR3 Alw 80 OceanBrief117 Conniver108 Heliotrope 6 6Oct24474Jam Oct24474Jam 34112ft 3e 114 3 2 Z4 2 AtksonTi Alw 85 BySea 118 Conniver 114 Ellendale 5 5May May 18 Bel 38 m 39Vh May 11 Bel 38 ft 38h May 4 Bd 58 ft 103h 103hGaelic Gaelic V3UCHU DelhiV3UCHU Gift van i I no B f 4 by Flying ScotKeepsake by Delhi IwO Breeder John M McDowelL 1947 15 252 10875 Owner 10875Owner J T Maloney Trainer J T Maloney 1946 4 8 0 8 Oct3147Jam RyalLr12Oct2747Jam 34l14sm 18 108 7 94 117J11J Jessopjn Alw 66 BIkTwtie106 JVyDimklll RyalLr12 Oct2747Jam 34111ft 15 106 4 533 331 453 WdheH AlwC 82 KgDorsett124xPftBahm119 CfcsU 6 6Oct16474Jam Oct16474Jam 34 112V5ft 10 116 5 421 423 43 PermeRS Alw 83 DkVenuslll Heliotrope111 ShortRgn 8 Oct11472Bel 34 112ft 12 110 5 64 653 77 PermneR AlwC 76 Ellendale 107 Keynote 122 Cherish 9 9Jun247Aqu Jun247Aqu 34112ft 64 111 5 5 421 3 JamesBs AlwC 80 Graciously112 SwtPegotty112 Cherish 7 Jun14472Aqu 34 1l2fcft 6 114 1 54 24 13 JamesB3 Alw 83 GoodExample M4 Handful 114 Trilby 6 Jun10477Aqu 1ft146ft 74 110 2 12 32 43 James B4 Alw 75 FIngHomellG ChallellO Maintaining 7 May 27 Bel 38 si 38h May 25 Bel 38 ft 36y5h May 24 Bd 38 ft 35hg 35hgPomneian i Pomneian XN X 1 1 7 B 9 4 by Pompey Elocution by Jacopo uiiipeiun I I Br Jas W Garth III Thos H Garth 1948 11 302 7425 Owner 7425Owner Mrs J R Steinman Trainer J B Campbell 1947 27 3 6 3 12300 May21487Bel 12300May21487Bel 78124ysft 27 113 1h h 7441111 Jessopjs HcpC 75 BlueBorder122 Skylighter113 Shivaree12 May7483Jam 34113sy 34 119 3 21 2n HI AtlcsonT4 15000 80 SuperDupM24 Misleader119 Freezout 7 May 1483Jam 34113ft 54 113 21 2nk 2nk 551 JamesB2 Alw 75 Legendra109 DanMaRed115 GrTcHera 6 Apr27484Jam 34113 ft 24 120 52 42154 5 AtksonTi Alw 76 Nathniel 116 LordGrlolM SuprDuprIO Har2948Bow FlagDrilM3Feb26487Hia 34113y5ft 25f 110 Refused WahlrCi2 HcpS RepandlOff Incline 111 FlagDrilM3 Feb26487Hia 34110ft 17 1115235 7 7 KnappEJ Alw 75 KitchnnicellB EagleEye119 Colosal 7 Feb12484Hia 78124 ft 34 11153 52454 353 CookWMS Alw 83 CoIosallOS Eb112 DarbyDAmour 7 Feb5485Hia 3411iysft 8 1054 531 551 74 CookWMS Alw 82 HandHigh109 DDAmr112 PrMRuler 8 May 19 Aqu 38 gd 38yb May 6 Aqu 38 sy 36y5h April 25 A u58 ft 104h 104hDnnaHn DnnaHn uanaaa Red rea X 1 1 ID 1 Ch h 6 by HairanAbsolution by John f Crier Breeder W S Threlkeld 1941 2 fl 1 8 1125 Owner 1125Owner Mrs A L Rice Trainer T Smith 1947 7201 5962 5962M M y10484Jam 34113 ft 45 1 16 53143443 423 ArcaroES Alw 79 Heliotrope108 MterMind122 EastLht 9 May1483Jam 34113ft 23 115 H 1k ink fr ClarkSi Alw 80 Legendra 109 GreekHero118 Trilby 6 May 847 Bel 34 113 ft 7 112 9 523 53J SUtHanfrdl HcpB 79 SpdgHome113 HalfAfter110 Aladear 9 tDeadheat Apr22475Jam 34110Vsft 16 113 5 51 621 733 HanfordP HcpB 89 Degage114 PerftBraml14 Coindence18 Feb 8477SA 1 18 18149sft 149sft 8fe11fl 4 531 93134 Hanfrdl HcpS 87 El Lobo 111 Hank H 116 PereTime17 reb 147S 1 1 3J ft 24117 2 1 14 1 HanfprdP AlwB 89 CumLaMde120 StitchAgaui120 NbyPs 8 May 27 Bd 38 si 35n9 May 22 Bel 58 ft 1 02 i May 20 Bd trt 38 ft d8 4 In IH tjte i c mi Pink 7100Owner j Breeder Catanet Farm 1948 3 3 0 I 7100 Owner Calumet Farm Trainer H A Janes 1947 7420 11125 May13485Pim 11125May13485Pim 341145sy 1111 11J 12 13 nj WWeH3 Alw76TacoBrr112 FIgWthr124 Highfdies 7 Apr2348HdG 3411U6ft 15 11 1h 1i 11 1U WdhseH Alw91 Ginargie104 Oberod107 LHeure 6 Feb 6485Hia 34110 ft 5 102 1h 1h ih 12 WdhseH Alw 95 Kitchen Pole 06 Bordex111 Heliotpe 7 Sep12475GS 34l11ft 1112 1 12 12 13J DodsonDB Alw 90 GoingAiry112 AppianVia112 Challoa 8 Aug 647Was 34 110ft 5 120 5 44i 45J 2 DodsonD Alw 85 TreVit 115 B Gold 117 JudyRae 8 Jly2847 5Was 34111 ft 75e109 4 58J 5 653 BendlliR4 Alw 86 PrtRuIerllO JudyRae115 SwtTaters 7 May 26 Bel 58 m 104h April 26 HdG 12 fd 49b April 22 HdG 12 ft 51h 51hGlnH I3ia0 GlnH Timp lime 5k 1 HP UO Cn 9 5 b HaPP ArgoGala Time by High Time 3125Owner Breeder Mrs George L Harrison 1948 2 1 00 3125 Owner Twin Oaks Farm Trainer N Tallman 1947 13 2 1 2 7375 May20484Bel 7375May20484Bel 34112V4ft 2 M06J 4 3 43 33 1 WgartW4 Alw 84 NobleCreek 13 SilverFoglOl Whipsaw 5 Apr1748Jam 34113ft 11 114S 52J 4 i 34J 45 WngtW6 1500075SuperDper117 MterMind114 Vacnce 8 No 4474Jam 34113sy 14 113J 3 74 3 5 1 WgartWi AIwD 74 Sorisky 113 On tHalf 113 ChnceNick 9 Oct25472Jam 34 112ft 4 111S11 743 42J 55J WgtWio AIwD 80 Edemgee112 OnTheHa 112 StJock 13 Oct20472Jam 34113ft BJ 114S 2 2 2h 1k WgartW2 15000 81 GoChicago112 Flatbush115 Sorisky 14 Sep24475Bel 34 112ft 9J 112 9 8 1 74 9 j AtksnTS HcpC 76 LordGrillo120 TheShaker113 Gustaf 11 May 27 Bel trt 58 si 104b May 26 Bel trt 38 m 42b May 18 Bel trt 58 hi 105b 105bMPC lve51 Ariellve51 MPC ini Br f 4 b Head Play Arden Lass by Ariel IvI Breeder Jwett Shwue 1948 12 2 1 4 6575 Owner 6575Owner Mrs T Christopher Trainer H Brown 1947 15 3 4 10 0 May174e2Bel 34113 sy 83 108 1J V ih 2 OlahLi 12000 80 SBernd125 ComchePk119SyrDper11 May6484GS ComchePk119SyrDper11May6484GS 34112gd 4 111 1h 31 2h 45 TurnerJ 15000 78 TimeStitchl 14 BestEffortlirUranium 6 A r27485GS 34111ft 51 117 513 42J 45J 6J TurnerJ4 Alw 80 RedStamp122 Irisen114 FlyingLouise 7 Apr16485 S 34111ft 6J 108 33J 44 45J 58 LaytonJR Alw 82 Darby dAmVUS Erigeroh112 yanslm12 Apr yanslm12Apr 348TrP 34 li sqd 13 107 1h 32 45 63 CoronaM2 HcpS 76 SpdyLee109 Mangohick122 Bordeaux 6 Mar16485TrP 34110ft 4i 104 5332 32 333 WdhseH AlwSSYkeeHill 117 HotaHighlOS SpdyLee 7 May29Jam12ft49b April 18 GS 31 ft 35h 35hMnhmniiffpcc ManmOUaeSS Mnhmniiffpcc A V 1 1 i m 5 b1 Mahnwud Ftmer Y WJ by Tor 1425Owner I Breeder Mrs Ethel V Mars 1941 6 0 0 2 1425 Owner J Dushock Trainer Hksch Jacobs 1947 26 4 3 5 19465 May3485Jam 19465May3485Jam 1 146sy 65e110 W 1J 1h 42 JessopJ2 HcpC 81 BrightSwrd117 LaboulayellO Challoa 7 AK2848 Jam 1 14Gft 23e 114 1J 2h 643 711 ScurlkOS HcpC71 ConverllS DangersAgeHI MlerMd10 Apr20485Jam 1 147ft 63 110 6 32J33 JessopJi HcpB 76 ComhKnt122 Coincidnce121 Hyblze 6 April 20 Daily Racing Form Time 146 146Apr1648SJam Apr1648SJam 34113 ft 8 116 W 55J JessopJS Atw 76 Nassau 114 Skylighter116 SirBim 8 Apr10484Jam 34112ft 15 111 623 533 42J 33 Jessopjs Hcp080LordGrillo117 BluntRemk106 Skylter 7 Apr2485jam 5Jf1 7 m 91 108 55J 65J 68J 55J AtksonT Alw780ceanBrief117 DarkVenuslOS Conniver 6 ltov2447 Bow 118155sy 2J 119 6 61 613 521 BalztiW2 Alw 52 MchChick114J SunHerd105 PceHbr 6 May 29 Jam 34 ft 117k May 26 Jam 51 sy 104fc May 23 Jam 12 ft 52b 52bYnnlcPP YnnlcPP lanKee Hill Rill 1 11 1 B c 4 by BahramrTlie teasel by Sunspet t Breeder Walter P CfcryfJer 194815 4 2 1 12650 Owner 12650Owner Sanford Stud Farm Trainer H Hughes 1947 14 3 2 2 1 50 May25487Bel 34111sy 5 116 62 4 J 52J 67J ClarkSio Alw 80 Degage 118 Pipette 114 Sorisky 10 May19485Bel 34112ft 7J 120 3J 3 H 1 ClarkSS Alw 84 SnowBoots122 DarkVenus111 Peixoto 5 May148 Suf 1 139 ft 8J 114 54J 6 J 67 7i RichrdJ HcpS 69 Dockstdr 109 FrgDriH116 BIkKnave 8 Apr2448 Suf 34111ft 3i 117 413 32J 33 45 HetgerG3 HcpS83FIagDrill115 Dockstader108 AgrnU 7 Apr34BTrP 34 112gd 95 116 3 42 55J 43J CookWMS HcpS 80 SpdyLee109 Mangohick122 Bordeaux 6 Mar27485TrP 34 110ft 33 111 H 12 HJ 14 CookWM Alw94 Mangohick122 SpeedyLeelll Bordux 7 Mar16485TrP 34110ft 11 117 1i H 1i 13J CookWM Alw 92 Hot andHigh 108 Mesl 104 SpeedyLee 7 May 24 Bel tt 38 ft 36h 36hpr May 18 Bel trt 38 m 3Sh May 16 Bel trt 34 ft 116b pr Cf Fnn Gr 4 h Mahmeud E riette by Equipoise rog Breeer Ctmelkis V WWtney 1948 19481 001 450 Owner C V Whitney Trainer S E Veitch 1947 I 1 1 1 4175 May2048 4175May2048 Bel 341121sft 10 101i 53 523 53 34 PmoreW3 Alw 83 GladTimei06 NobeCreek113 Vhipsaw 5 Get 747 Bel 1122 9ft 54 102 6 7 78 715 RenickJ HcpS77 SnowGse113 ButWhyNt121 Gallrette12 Oct 347Bel 1TV144 ft 29 105 2 43 42J 3J RenickJ AlwC 90 Mahmouds117 DyBrown114 RBIanca10 Sep19477Aqu 78126ft 3Je 116 4 7 53J 57itKirklndA4 Alw 70 LegendrallB ElyHvest116 BritSong 8 tPlaced fourth through disqualification disqualificationAug25477Sar Aug25477Sar 1 138ft 9 112 1 3i 2J 1 KirkIdAi Alw 84 EvengSty112 EarlyHarvt112 Catana 8 Aug14478Sar 1 139ft 2Je108 5 4 44 31342 JaspsonT Alw 79 Trilby113 Telk113 MissReckless 12 Aug9472Sar 78124ft 22 112 7 22 22 24 DonosoRt Ahv 85 Indicate 120 G Ray 120 ChallelO May 18 Bel 58 m 105h May 15 Bel 34 m 12 k 7 I Breeder M S F x 1947 0 0 0 I Owner Mrs A 1 Rice Trainer T Smith 194o 9302 58060 i Dec2846SA 1140 m 45 122 2 1618162 16 Hanfdltt ScwS 34 ShimMlorie122 PrimBu122 Stfther16 ay1846 Be58wc 57ft 9J 122 5 82 10 113 JamesB AlwS 87 EtnalWar122 FirstFIht119 CortKnt 12 Klay14465Bel 58 57sft 3 117 4 3 32 35J JamesBS Ahv 94 Eternal War 122 Donor 117 Useless 6 Apr26465Jam 58100sy 75 117 3 12 1 12 JaiiesB5 Alw M OurTommy 112 MissYam 109 Volatile 6 Apr1346Jam 58100 ft 15 114 2 t 1 1 Jf nesB f Alw 17 FlashcolH Whatucallum110 Gallalad 10 May 27 Bel 38 si 35hg May 23 Bel 34 si 116h May 22 Bel trt 12 ft 57b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1948053101/drf1948053101_22_2
Local Identifier: drf1948053101_22_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800