Late Results: Hollywood Park, Daily Racing Form, 1951-06-26


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HOLLYWOOD PARK Saturday, June 23, 1951 SECOND RACE 32688— 1 Mile. Purse ,000. Four-year-olds and upward. Claiming. My Bimboo, 113, R. Neves 2.00 $ 4.90 $ 3.20 Bullregor, 122, W. Shoemaker 3.50 2.50 Slick Pigeon, 111, A. Anderson 2.80 Time, 1:38%. Off at 2:13J Pacific Daylight Time. Winner— Br. c, 4, by Toubo— Bims Blossom, by Bimelech. Also ran— Col. Tom, Row Away, Sea Angel, Chicub, Mi Chinita, Island Girl, Rosebowl. THIRD RACE 32689— 7-8 Mile. Purse ,000. Three-year-olds. Claiming. Lazy Jo, 113, F. A. Smith 0.20 $ 5.20 $ 4.00 Lolly Dear, 113, J. Longden 4.20 3.20 Nona Hart, 106, A. Anderson 12.20 Time, 1:23%. Off at 2:52J Pacific Daylight Time. Winner— Br. g, by Heelfly— Cominta, by Cohort. Also ran — dh-Who Goes Free, dh-Friendly Dog, Troy Chief, Shady Tony, Audacious Boy, Battle Count, La Franza, Ecuador. dh-Dead heat. Battle Count claimed by R. C. Thatcher for ,000. FOURTH RACE 32690— 1 1-16 Mites. Purse ,000. Four-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Red Bachelor, 113, D. Bowcut 5.70 $ 8.20 $ 6.60 Peace and Food, 122, F. Chojnacki 6.50 5.40 Strebor, 119, G. Lasswell 14.40 Time, 1:44%. Off at 3:28 Pacific Daylight Time. Winner— B. g, 4, by Vain Bachelor— Shirley L., by High Cloud. Also ran— Don Dean, Prudent Don, Perilant, Beau Lief, Grey Spook, Blue Abbe, War Slave, Saginaw, Mondana. FIFTH RACE 32691— 3-4 Mile. Purse ,500. Three-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Blue Border, 110, F. A. Smith $ 8.80 $ 4.70 $ 3.20 Top Turrett, 110, W. Shoemaker 4.30 2.80 Competing Beau, 112, F. Chojnacki 3.40 Time, 1:10%. Off at 4:04* Pacific Daylight Time. Winner— B. g, 7, by Bimelech— Blade of Time, by Sickle. Also ran— See Me First, Starting Time, King Rhymer, Matizar. SIXTH RACE 32692— 7-8 Mile. Purse ,000. Three- year-oMs. Allowances. Witch Wooky, 103, F. A. Smith 4.90 $ 5.50 $ 3.90 Sugar Sample, 115, J. Longden 3.20 2.70 Piquancy, 112, N. L. Pierson 5.70 Time, 1:23%. Off at 4:40 Pacific Daylight Time. Winner— Gr. f, by Menow— Royal Imp, by Royal Minstrel. ► Also ran— Mile Patch, Tringle Rock, Competino, Went-away, Wire Flash. SEVENTH RACE 32693— 1 1-16 Miles. 5,000 added. Three-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Sturdy One, 109, R. Neves 6.40 $ 7.10 $ 3.30 a-AII Blue, 111, S. Brooks 5.20 3.20 Be Fleet, 123, J. Longden 2.70 Time, 1:42%. Off at 5:20 Pacific Daylight Time. Winner— Br. c, 4, by Unbreakable— Alpenstock III., by Apelle. Also ran— a-Bewitch, Akimbo, Sir Butch, Alderman, Moon rush. a-Coupled— All Blue and Bewitch. EIGHTH RACE 32694— 1 Mile. Purse ,000. Four-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Stormy Cloud, 111, A. Anderson 1.90 $ 5.10 $ 3.70 Passado, 122, S. Brooks 7.90 5.70 Barsard, 112, G Lasswell 4.80 Time, 1:36%. Off at 5:57J Pacific Daylight Time. Winner— Dk. b. h, 6, by Roman— Bramble Bug, by Display. Also ran— Sound Off, Stoner Creek, Empilchada, Ep-silon, Long Pull. • Stoner Creek claimed by Ellison and Prestridge for 0,000. Attendance.. 41,886; Total Mutuel Pool, ,451,631.

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Local Identifier: drf1951062604_11_8
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