4th F. P, Daily Racing Form, 1951-06-26

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3-4 MILE out of chute. Pin Money, Oct. 1, 1938— 1:10%-3-109. Purse ,000. 4iL p p 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 113 lbs.; older, 119 lbs. Non-winners Hill ■•■ of three races in 1951 allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 5 lbs.; one race, 7 lbs. Claiming price, 51,000. -. nunu Hand Me rvie Down isown X s 1 | 1 i A B- 9 11, by Swashbuckler— Vestage, by Vespasian. 3reedef Janon Fi j, 1951 3 1 2 0 75 Owner, R. W McDonnel. Trainer, R. W. McDonnel. S1.000 1950 7 110 05 Jun19-513F.P 3-41:14 ft 21*119 41 1h 11 2* BrinsonW* 1000 81 MadSaint114 TwilhtTrH14 Intermn 10 Jun 6-512F.P 3--»1:13 ft 4 113 2* 11 12J ft BrsonW 1000 87 HsierGal103* Charivri113 YrMajsty 10 May26-51iF.P 3-41:14 ft 20 112 22*22 24 24 BrsonW3 1000 80 ErbyD. 112 Aristocrat 120 WiseZac 10 Aug12-504D.P 3-4 1:14%ft 4i 110* 73| 831 84* 623 KinderB* 1000 71 Alfios115 MilitaryBoy112 FutureStar 11 Jly 8-504R.D 3-41:12%ft 9* 112 23 33* 32 63 DobsonJ2 1500 81 OysterK.1 15 BlessBk113 ByAccident 12 Jly 3-505R.D 3-41:13 ft 1*118 2* 2h 1h 14 DobsonJ* 1000 82 Just tcrLck118 Arianza113 Gay Texn 12 Jun27-501R.D 3-4 1:13Vbft 4 113 5* 65 63 2"* RedmonF5 1250 81 OysterK.115 SsanTime105 HayComic 12 Jun15-507R.D 3-41:14 gd 2 118 42 43 34 42* LeichtC* 1500 74 Peggy Lewis 113 Hal Seth 108 Brill H. 12 June 2 FP 3-8 ft :39b oranc Storir -naser Chris pr X 1 114 1 Ch. g, 8, by Andy K.— Fanfun, by Transmute. 8rMder Oros 1951 4 1 0 0 5 Owner, J. Merchut. Trainer, J. Merchut. S1.000 1950 14 3 0 3 ,790 Jun14-512F.P 5*f1:07%sl 9J 114 6 sj 63| 75 77* RobertsS 1000 77 MagicalToy112 HpyFlyer104 Petition 10 Jun 7-513F.P 3-41:13%ft 4J 119 2* 2* 24 66 RobertsS4 1000 78 SwissieFt114 AIsPlay107 VictyBlue 10 May29-51"F.P 3-4 1:13%ft 8-5 *114 24 24 2* 1"* RobertsS? 1000 85 ThbRock106 Conciliatr106 MsGracs 10 May 5-51 2Spt 7-81:29%ft 32 114 3nk 55 912 918 BurnsCS 2000 VisntGino117 Unc!eRob114 FlessKen 10 Oct18-502Spt 5-81:02V5ft 23 117 78 78 64 64 CfmanE5 2000 MsCrossbow117 VyBlue114 CtonBud 10 Oct 3-502Haw 6*f1:19%ft 17 117 2* 2* 44 88 RivaAD 2000 75 ThdrHoof109 YgGeordie114 WisePy 12 Sep12-502Haw 3-41:134Am 30 117 53J 53* 74 813 JnsonWLS 2500 65 RayBrown 117 Seguin 111 BreakThru 9 Aug26-50F.P 3-41:13%ft 2**120 3"* 12 12 ih SconzaHS 1000 84 MarnsLk111* Misinfmd112 G.Mvl 9 May 2 Spt 1-2 ft :56%b Tnllv inB.1. 6, by Haltal— Lady Charlotte, by Sir Gallahad III. u,,jr ■ ■* Breeder. Woodvale Farm. 1950 .3010 00 Owner, Mrs. H. R. Tyner. Trainer, H. R. Tyner. S1.000 1949 7 0 0 0 Jun28-50?F.P 3-41:13%ft 13 113 3 1* 4 1nktBendlliR4 1000 83 MissNeigh113 Markight108 MaTanny 10 tDisqualified and placed second. Jun24-503F.P 3-41:13V 7* 118 75 43* V 87| BendliR« 1000 78 Ballyragl 18 Morsella113 BIkBeggar 10 Jun10-504F.P 5* f 1:08 ft 8* 113 810 88J 78 64 BendliRi 1000 77 BIckFantasy106 Dayton106 SmokeyB. 8 Dec15-49iTrP 3-41:12 ft 71 108* 74 1*1 712 716 GrilloA? 3000 69 BoldVse112 HpyWest109 BlueFedora 8 Oct 3-491 Haw 6*f1:22V5m 7j 112 128J12311 1311 12 NelsonEi2 2000 57 OurBest 105 CapRock118 Topnard 12 Jly23-491A.P 3-41:13%ga 8 110 3"" 2* 54 8" MorVyW«2 3000 67 Gayheush 104 IdlePrattle 109 Espiritu 12 May31-492Was 3-41:12 ft 7J 111 7*J 63 99 MoseyW" 2500 78 MissClara109 Mymandanl 11 t/lnequin 12 June 22 FP 3-4 ft 1:17h June 21 FP 3-4 gd 1:21%b June 15 FP 5-8 ft 1.08b Fircf linn 1 fiQ B f 3, by Bernborough— First Class, by High Time. running ■ VO Breeder, C. T. Fisher. 1951 .5100 75 Owner, A. J. Mavros. Trainer. A. J. Mavros. 81,000 1950 4 10 0 ,335 Jun21-512F.P 5*f1:07%gd 6J 109 2h 1 2 j 14 ih KeeneF? 1000 86 BattleScarred112 Dizzy112 CakeWalk 10 Jun16-513F.P 5| f 1:09 m 6J 100J 74 74 8" 9I VanHkEto 1000 68 ChryRipple115 Sunalf119 Hypothesis 1Q Jun 6-513F.P 3-41:14 ft 3* 111 24 3* 43* 64* CarIIWEio 1500 77 HappyFlyer104 Mendy112 SeaSweet 10 May12-51«Spt 7-8 1:32yssl 4J 110 1 14 45 71? WagnerD* 2500 Buffer 113 Juliana 111* Raider LaRue 10 Apr23-5HSpt 5-8 1:0114ft 4* 112* 34 32 44 713 WagnerDi 4500 CharS.V.110 NanciePate113 GeneGirl 10 Oct26-503Spt 5-81:02%ft 7-5 *115 2 1* 14 12* KeeneH3 4000 RoyalGIJn115 SesPny118 Cup oChr 10 Oct11-503Haw 3-41:12%ft 3*117 34 64 5 44 SkorskiA3 4000 71 DoubleBl 120 SaxonKt112 WinterPr 12 Sep25-502Haw 3-41:11%ft 8 110 3i V 44 54 Sko skiAi2 5000 83 Docilitylll CuriousRewd109 SlgSlam 12 June 13 FP 3-8 sy :37%b June 2 FP 5-8 ft 1:01 %h Bescip BC",C Vnnrp ▼wnce s X 11 1 Dk Dr- m 10 b Isaiah— Girl of Dreams, by Single Foot. III Breeder oiiiard Chism 1951 6 2 10 ,375 Owner, J. L. Kuhn. Trainer, T. Darrus. S1.000 1950 24 5 4 3 S3.865 Jun12-513F.P 3-4 1:16%sy 3* 112 2422 24 44 SabriaRS 1000 69 Survey112 FrTdsOwn112 OklahmaTe 9 Jun 7-512F.P 3-41:14 ft 8-5 *1 16 4 1J 4 14 SabriaR3 1000 82 Deligntfl 113 Padahd106 GldChimes 10 May30-512F.P 5*f1:06%ft 3 109 14 1* 1i T* BenitezO 1000 91 BensPride 110* Mite 109 Marltown 10 May25-511F.P 5* f 1:08 ft 4* 109*34 2* 14 2» CarIWEO 1000 82 DckSaydr112 GraceHy107 MdwGry 10 May 9-51 2Spt 5-81:01%ft 46 113 88 820 89 |M GomezAio 2000 CourtsMaude113 AirTimein BeeGirl 10 Apr27-512Spt 5-81:041Agd 61 105* 912 8 i VI 78| WidnA 2000 Prefer Troutt 108 Nifty 115 Shaffie 10 Nov10-504Spt 5-81:034/ssl 51 108S 85J10I10H102 WmanM 3000 AraDeb109 JnsDatel 13 M. Deductive 10 Nov 2-501 Spt 7-8 1 :29Vfeft 25 117 2* 85 98J1021 WagnerD3 2500 Sabson117 Camolino115 Whose 10 June 5 FP 3-8 ft :36%h June 5 FP 3-8 ft :36%h May 23 FP 1-2 m :51%b V-nerO Chern-KniHX IVOia 1 1 O Ch. g, 9, by Cherokee— Help, by Frizzle. Z Breeder Mrs C W Moore 1951 5 0 0 0 0 Owner, J. E. Berrigan. Trainer, E. Huber. ,000 1950 19 3 1 2 ,670 Jun15-511F.P 5Jf1:08%sl 41 118 52| 78 78 8H DAugoJ* 100069 VnaStrke118 BtleScrd118 Mr.Hatr 10 May25-511F.P 5J f 1:08 ft 16 112 73| 74 1 63| BrinsnWS 1000 79 DkSaydrl 12 BssieVce109i GraceHy 10 Mar 2-51 3F.G 3-4 1:145%ft 23 112 7*| 9H 914 915 stuartK* 1800 58 ReadeCastle 113 O.K.Doak 110 Ork 12 Feb13-513F.G 3-4 1:15Vsft 7J 112 1h 14 32 48 KeeneH? 1800 63 Aderezo110 SirJacomar103 FairStart 12 Feb 1-512F.G 3-41:17%hy 17f 114 54 5* 75 78J CfmanEio 1800 49 SilrTray109 LkyChamp1 12 Mrymch 12 Dec 6-501 F.G 3-41:16%sl 7Jf 112 2* 5« 8410* DuhonMS 1500 49 StryCant112 BigCasino113 BdrMan 12 Sep27-50iWhe 5-81:014/sft 15 120 84 813 84 78 CarrAS 1000 WyeRiver117 Tandis119 Morphil 8 Sep 4-505Whe 6Jf1:29%hy 9J 118 63J 85J 83 74 BureauC2 1000 BigMse115 Rippleby124 PetesPlayte 8 Dnnnwnv Rnv 1 HO Dk- br- 9, 7, by Dogaway— Sallie Terpin, by Dick Terpin. iuyuwuy ouy U" Breeder, McMahon and Sparkes. 1951 19 2 5 2 ,065 Owner, P. A. Drurry. Trainer, A. J. Horn. S1.000 1950 18 1 4 3 89 Jun19-513F.P 3-41:14 ft 54 109J 62 84| 84 84 ChpekR7 1000 72 MadSnt114 HdMeDon119 TwiltTrl 10 Jun 9-514F.P 3-41:13%ft 94 109J10 10 1101210H ChlopkRio 125071 Nedford 113 Ivy Boy 111 This High 10- Apr27-51«A.D 3-41:151/5ft 9 120 1J 11 14 42 DcanH2 800 Rekrabl20 PhantomSon115 HastyHelp 8 Apr14-515A.D 5 J f 1 :08 ft 8J 115* 53J 53 65 7*J BaileyA4 800 Infallible 120 Masquerader 117 Stung 8 Apr 1-51 4A.D 3-41:15%ft 4 115*12 13 14 14 BaileyAi 800 ListngPost117 Natz115 RubansFIsh 8 Mar25-512A.D 3-41:15%ft 3i 115* V 14 H 2J BaileyA2 800 Natz112 Geebung112 All Velvet 8 Mur18-514A.D 5Jf1:081Aft 5J 120 55 64 54 64 GoodwinC4 800 StgHpe110 GipsyGVr117 LostChies 7 June 18 FP 1-2 gd :50%h May 26 FP 1-2 ft :50%h Go v»v On v/ii jv Jo Sk v 1 1 A Blk- 9, 7, by San-Monica— Sky Blaze, by Big Blaze. I I H- Breeder, Doss M. Kutch. 1951 4 10 0 25 Owner, T. M. Holt. Trainer, T. M. Holt. ,000 1951 11 1 5 3 ,480 Jun16-513F.P 5i f 1 :09 m 8i 119 88 9810161016 BrsonW2 1000 62 ChryRipplel 15 Sunalf 119 Hypothesis 10 Jun 8-511 F.P 5Jf1:07%ft 7i 118 34 2J 34 4 BrinscnW2 1000 85 MarysFairy113 Mr.R.S.118 Nowadays 10 May30-512F.P 5Jf1:06%ft 25 114 34 65 66J 98| BrsonWi 1000 82 BessieVance109 BensPride110J Mite 10 Mar 1-51 O.P 3-41:13%ft 23 115 73 53J12151221 HustE5 2000 59 SdenScare105 FloralHts113 JneBle 12 Sep27-50iWhe 5-8 1:01 4/5ft 9-5 115*63 57 64J 53 MitchJIID« 1000 WyeRiver117 Tandis 119 Morphil 8 Sep20-502Whe 5-81:02 gd 9i 112* 2J 2* 2i 2i MitchIID? 1250 OcnPark117 PtomDevil120 CabinCrk 8 Sep16-50iWhe 5-81:03 ft 3J 108* 8 8? 86 84 Mitchell D5 1250 KittyKilts116 Tandis114 MissCrsbow 8 -May 20 FP 3-8 ft :40%h neien Hplpnc » Hnnpv 1 HQ B m- 5 bv °n Quest— Sun Hallie, by Sun Hatter. nuney ■ W7 Breeder. S. E. PershalL 1951 4 10 1 75 Owner, E. R. Toon. Trainer, E. R. Toon. ,000 1950 10 1 0 1 45 Jun20-512F.P 3-41:15%sl 7 112 1| 13 13 13 CarrIIWE3 1000 75 ConnieSue110| Dayton109 GayGloria 9 Jun 8-511 F.P 5Jf1:07%ft 9-5 *113 42 44 44 53| LambD 1000 81 GoOnJo 118 MarysFairy 113 Mr.R.S. 10 May25-512F.P 5Jf1:07y5ft 11 107 2| 32 4| 34 CorreaRS 1000 82 Rollaway119 GoodHtg112 BartsSon 10 May 4-514Spt 5-81:02%ft 44 110 10i5ioi7ioi7ioi6 HolcbH3 2500 Compare 109 Ariel Pal 111 Sgt.Brown 10 Sep13-503F.P 5Jf1:08%go 51 113 U 2i 23 34 GarutteJi 1000 79 NiceEnoughlOl SirWash111 ScatCat 9 Jly 4-502F.P 3-41:15%sl 12 113 22 712 915 913 SanabaR4 1000 61 NationsButy106 Pari-Joe113 BassBoy 10 Jun24-505F.P 5Jf1:07%ft 20 113 2 85J 85J 88j HaleyTS 1000 77 Bo-Co111 PtyOnQust106 StaticChVr 10 Jun17-504F.P 5Jf1:07%ft 16 113 1 22 22 42J BarnesJS 1000 83 BeeGirl 113 SkyGipsy 118 Prettyls 9 Dork i/uc* nvrlor 1 fi7 Cn- 9 5= hy Prince Sador— Donna Briar, by Sun Hatter. -»uyuor | jf Bneder cyde E Kane 1S51 4, gg 25 Owner, R. Ashford. Trainer, C. M. Whiteside. ,000 1950 12 1 3 0 ,015 Jun16-513F.P 5H1:09 m 25 112 55 65J 65J 641 MasroS3 1000 73 ChryRipple115 Sunalf119 Hypothesis 10 Jun 6-512F.P 3-41:13 ft 3J *120 42 43J 9" 9" KeeneF3 1000 76 HdMeDn113 HsierGal 103* Charivri 10 Ma 30-512F.P 5Jf1:06%ft 41 111*52144 56 65* JonesWE 1000 86 BessieVance109 BensPride110i Mite 10 May25-511F.P 5Jf1:08 ft 9J 112 9% 44 24 11 KeeneFS 1000 83 BessieVce109J GrceHy107 MdwGry 10 Sep16-501F.P 3-41:124/5ft 6J 119 2 33 23 28 LingtrD3 1000 80 Motor Lad 112 Scat Cat 111 Walkin 10 Sep13-505F.P 3-41:14%ga 21 112 53 44J 32J 42 FrklinEio 1000 77 SirLibty119 Sedgling110 LtleBrney 10 Sep 8-502F.P 5* f 1:10 m 9J 110 75J V 43J 22 FrJnklinE8 1000 71 Shetack109 SweetComet113 SunVigil 10 Aug31-501D.P 3-41:16%m 13 114 31 33 46J 44 FestonHS 1000 56 PopsPigeon114 SnyHour107 Stranleh 8 n,lcu,u Arrphln X 1 Y7 B- m 6» by F|ying Watch— Nogalo, by Noah. ■"/ Breeder Alfred McKnight 1951 1 0 0 0 Owner, F. H. Wendell. Trainer, W. Phillips. ,000 1950 12 0 3 1 780 Jun22-512F.P 3-41:13%ft 13 112J 97 10141017108 BrinsonW? 1000 65 Liberate 113 Sangone 118 Manitowoc 10 Sep14-501F.P 3-41:13 ft 9-5 *10U 43 56 7? 78J BurrC3 1000 79 TomBrenwnlH Reedon112 BoloBbe 10 Sep 4-503F.P 3-41:19 hy 31 111 52178 511 50 BrinsonWi 1000 47 lnvercork115 ValdinaDisco114 Reedon 9 Aug29-502F.P 5i f 1:093/shy 2J *115 55 5? 46 42J SanabaH3 1000 72 Teabow 115 SlyPlay 113 Auditor 10 Aug17-50F.P 5Jf1:09%sl 2J *115 24 32J 2 2Jt BrtchesB2 1000 75 Northcote120 CulverCo-ed1 10 Auditor 9 tDead heat. Aug 5-503F.P 3-4 1:14Vsft 6-5 *111J 34 24 2h 2 SanbriaR6 1000 81 PanOne 109 Venusborg 117 PetFace 10 Jun28-50iA.P 11:38 ft 25 105 2h 33 84 917 SmithFA6 2500 67 MuchPleasure113 Snatched108 FlyOut 9 June 21 FP 1-2 gd :51b June 19 FP 1-2 ft :50%b June 6 FP 5-8 ft 1:04%b Oe v*cc frvlp * t 1 1 9 Br- 9, 8, by Sorties Son— Old Style, by Pigeon Wing II. Jiyic 1 lSreeder H G shoemaker 1951 3 0 12 00 Owner, D. Campbell and H. Isom. Trainer, D. Campbell. ,000 1950 8 12 1 25 Jun22-51F.P 3-41:14 ft 2 *118 44 22*22 35 BillinWO 1000 77 MissPinUpl 13 Conciltr113 Fortous 10 Jun13-512F.P 3-4 1:173/shy 41 118 43 44* 44 22 RobtsSS 1000 62 Hypothsis118 GdChimes113 PIfIChy 10 Jun 6-511 F.P 5*f1:07%ft 18 113 32 2i 2 33 RobtsSS 1000 82 Flareto109 VictoryPlay108 RedCanter 10 Sep16-504F.P 3-41:12%ft 8i 114 85176*67*69 KeeneF2 1000 80 WdsrPIce112* Albatross115 MadSt 10 Sep13-b02F.P 5*f 1:08Vsgo 4* 111* 63* 42* 52* 4*| MullinsPio 1000 80 WdsorPIce105 Morsella112 GayGlria 10 Sep 1-501 F.P 5*f1:10%sy 31 115*34*36*37*23 MullinsP4 1000 67 Teabow 115 BlackCat 120 SlyPlay 7 Aug29-503F.P 5* f 1:10 hy 21*120 95*77 54 55 SconzaHi 1000 68 EIRogo110 BadBascom115 BestBtons 10 Aug25-503F.P 3-41:134/sft 71 120 1 1* 1* 34 SheltonA3 1000 81 AceODay113 MayBaskt106 TwleEye 8 June 5 FP 3-8 ft :40%b June 1 FP 5-8 ft 1:07%b May 22 FP 3-8 m :41b CA/Jnlinn 1 fl*7 Cn f- 4- by Sedgemoor— Sweet Joan, by Blackwood. jcuyimy » w Breeder. Arnold D Stine. 1951 5 10 0 75 Owner, E. H. McMahon. Trainer, W. L. Bickford. ,000 1950 16 1 3 1 ,470 Jun22-514F.P 3-4 1:13%ft 91 105J 971 78 66 42 HughesCS 1250 81 SlyPlay114 LynnChance109 MasrMike 10 Jun12-511F.P 5*f1:09%sy 7 107? 77 66 45 12 HughesC 1000 75 SpeedgHome114 Mmphn114 HbieG. 9 Jun 1-515F.P 3-41:13 ft 35 107J 54 64 53 64 HughesC4 1500 83 PrefrTrt114 FrkBdel 113 UncleRob 9 May23-512Was 3-4 1:151/5hy 74 107 34 57* 641015 HughesC2 2000 49 Technicolor118 Mr.Zippo112 Delhnah 10 May 9-51 2Spt 5-81:01%ft 13 108J 920 92110221020 HughesC2 2000 CourtsMaude113 AirTimelll BeeGirl 10 Nov 2-502Spt 5-8 1:01 %ft 9* 109 1071108 104 881 FestonH* 2500 TetraBrze117 VldinaTrl 110 Nmrich 10 Oct18-503Spt 5-81:01%ft 9J 110 24 23 32 3« FeatnH4 2000 GeniesMate114 QnKarg114 BieVce 10 Oct 6-502Haw 6i*l:181Aft 20 111 2h 53* W 84 RoserG4 2000 80 Fire Up 107 Lill L 112 Black Battle 10 Sep28-502Haw 3-41:11%ft 25 107* Ih Ih 44 84* RoserGi 2500 84 Hypocrisy 107 BlitzenLady 104 lllini 12 I June 17 FP 5-8 m 1:03%h June 9 FP 3-4 si 1:17h June 6 FP 3-8 ft :37h I -nerry rhorrw Rlnnla A V 1 1 C B 9, 5, by Cheick Rama— Oscaloosa, by General Thatcher. I I Kippie O Breeder! Walter Walmaa 1951 9 2 0 0 S1.35B Owner, Sunflower Stable. Trainer, M. C. Simone ,000 1950 21 5 4 1 ,430 Jun20-513F.P 3-41:14%sl 2**114 24 2* 1h 11* SabriaRio 1000 78 Cardigan109 BassBoy112 ShootersHill 10 Jun16-513F.P 5* f 1:09 m 4 115 2* 2h 12 12J SabriaR» 1000 78 Sunalf 119 Hypothesis 119 Cardigan 10 Jun 8-51 2F.P 5* f 1:07 ft 3-2 *1 18 521 45* 54* 57* OwenW* 1000 80 ThbRock113 BassBoy118 BabyBtzen 10 May 2-51 8Spt 5-81:03 ft 26 114 1 2 33* 58* GaitherA4 2500 ChicksDelit109 HushMey112 QnKIg 10 Apr25-515Spt 7-81:32 m 30 114 2h 7» V 5 730 CorreaRS 2500 Phidias120 Seabhst113 MissDdctive 9 Mar31-51iO.P 3-41:12Vsft 17 112 41 43 55 94 CrstnsW5 Alw 72 RoyalLuck113 BIenLadylOO DgsRed 11 Mar22-5120.P 3-41:12%ft 31 113*21 2i 3* 67 GrdstL4 SplW 77 JessD 118 WildPeter116 KindlyMiss 11 Mar 8-5120.P 3-41:13%ft 24 118 1J 14 P 94J DAgoJH 2000 75 PigVsPal 113 HpyAI1 113 OklaTime 12 June 15 FP 1-2 ft :52%b June 4 FP 3-8 ft :351/5h Br. 5, Osculator— Contentious, by Balko. k-OnClimror CnnrWintnr 1 H7 m. by |U/ Breeder. PW Mundell. 1951 7 0 11 50 Owner, M. Whitebook. Trainer, H. F. Gaemlich. ,000 1950 19 2 1 1 ,550 Jun22-51iF.P 3-41:14 ft 24 113 72*43*33 23 TorrensR6 1000 79 MissPinUp113 CeeStyle118 Forttous 10 Jun14-518F.P 11:50 ft 12 113 12 54 78* 811 TorrensRio 1000 60 Marnay 118 WildOne 113 NellR. 10 Jun 5-51 F.P 3-41:134/sft 12 114 7318 9" 9" TorrensRio 1000 72 BestBtons119 GdHting119 MwGrey 10 May29-514F.P 3-41:13%ft 13 106 44 34* 33* PI TorrensR3 1000 82 StcChasrl 14 ThbRock106 MsGracs 10 Mar 8-51 20. P 3-41:13%ft 61 108* 93|107J 723115J PrestgeLS 2000 75 PignsPal 113 HpyAI1 113 OklaTime 12 I Jan26-51iF.G 3-41:14%ft 90 106 lOill 1211 1211 13 WilmsTS 1800 61 HootMon111 Mrymch111 ComiteLad 12 Jan12-512F.G 3-4 1:164/sgo 82 108 32 45*77 86* BrightC3 1500 56 MooseBet111 OurBest113 Justasnack 12 May 27 FP 1-2 ft :522/4b TonLftw I! A B. g, 4, by Psychic Bid— Gracie G., by Donnacona. leODOW I I "* Breeder. Paul E. Meyer 1951 5 10 1 00 Owner, W. M. Wells. Trainer, W. M. Wells. ,000 1950 13 2 1 2 ,550 Jun20-513F.P 3-41:14%sl 31 114 33* 33*10H1012 HustES 1000 66 ChrryRipplel 14 Cardigan109 BassBoy 10 Jun15-516F.P 3-41:144/ism 15 118 1h 22 46* 61° KeeneF4 1500 68 Bo-Co 118 LittleDick 111 IvyBoy 9 Jun 9-515F.P 3-41:13%ft 1*119 2* 2h 24 33* SabriaRi dOOO 80 GdHuntg114 Intermisn114 AIIBusins 10 Jun 5-513F.P 5*f1:06%ft 3 112 1h 13 13 12J BrsonW2 1000 90 Angling 105 Cardigan 109 Fortuitous 10 May30-512F.P 5*f1:06%ft 51 109 84186*77 541 CampR6 1000 87 BessieVance109 BensPride110* Mite 10 0ct24-504Spt 5-81:00%ft 75 110 55* 56* 731 84 JessopDS 4000 Big Inch 120 DeepFen117 NonFerro 10 0ct19-503Spt 5-8 1:02Vsft 8* 113 2* 2h 2* 741 WagnerD6 2000 MnWhelan110 LernersGl 114 Pklyn 10 Sep14-50FP 5* f 1:07 ft 91 110 V V 1* 31 BrinsonW2 Alw 87 Balinese 111 Garble 108 MissRussell 8 June 3 FP 1-2 ft :52%b May 26 FP 5-8 ft 1:03%h May 23 FP 3-8 m :38%b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1951062604/drf1951062604_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1951062604_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800