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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race G 13 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 3261 Lida Linda Stewart 3 84 3476 Keelona Keelson 3 84 3522 Logistic 3 84 3522 MryLeightn384 35223Nan Davis3 89 Jennie F3 89 8935222Rosa 35222Rosa Hums 3 89 Miss Lizzie Tizzies 3 89 8933243Balance 33243Balance All 3 91 3522 Mr Hunt 3 94 3415 Mauritius 4 99 1591 L T Caton Cato 4 106 35413McMillan 4 106 3590 Jim Conway 4106 3541 Brown Berry4109 Berry4109Second Second Race lMile Mile and 30 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds Selling 2963 HindooQueen Ineloquent 94 3573 Dazzle 94 3293 St Raymond 96 1562 Gift 98 2688 Brennan Brendan 96 3401 Laura May 99 9935703Percy 35703Percy F 105 3586 Dudley E 110 1103586Siva 3586Siva 110 35862Seaport 110 35542 Wilson no noThird mothered Third Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 3569 Mamie Mammies Callan4 91 3369 Daisy Stroud491 3494 WhileawayS Hideaways 94 35372Easter Eve 4 94 3494 Gracie C 7 94 3589 Woodlawn4 96 8812 Omah Omaha Wood4 96 35893A1 Lone4 96 3524 Oral 4 97 3512 Hand Belie 5 97 973510Hia4J 3510Hia4J 99 9389 Maggie F 4 99 3589 Hib Hi Queen 7 102 3541RedDchss4102 3539 Takanassee Tallahassee 4 106 106Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap3540Elkin 3540Elkin 4 92 35722Dave S 4 92 3432 Cavespring Averring 7 95 3589Tit for Tat 6 97 3588 Wells Street 6 98 35883Viscount 4 98 35573AlbertS 5 103 3572 Hugh Penny 8 112 11235533Sal 35533Sal Clicquot5114 Clicquot5114Fifth Fifth Race 6 13 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 3553 Tragedy 5 100 3539 Sim Siam W 5 102 3352 Alvin W 4 102 3590 Domingo 7 105 107 35392 W c T 5 107 110