untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1898-01-09


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f J T T A ITU IT A C 7 f J A T I felVT felT LOUIS FAIR ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATIONCLUB ASSOCIATION CLUB DKPARTN1KNT 1898 SPRING SUMMER AND FALL flEETINGS flEETING 1898 STAJKES STAKES TO CLOSE JANTJARY JANUARY 15 1898 THE INAUGURAL A handicap sweepstakes to accompany the nomination 10 on accept Association to add an amount sufficient to make of entries to cirry curry their weight Starters with for threeyearolds and upward Weights to anc banc of weights which acceptance must be the value of the stake 1500 f which ijo jo to selling prices to b named tun stun ugh the eutry entry to be announced March 26 10 to accompany made by May 15 and 70 additional to start the winner OU to secoud second and 00 to third and box the day before the rac race More than two the nomination 5 to epaid repaid on acceptaLce acceptance of The Association to add an amount sufficieut sufficient to the fourth tu save his stake Weights to ba n may be nam name d by the same owner bat only two weights which acceptance must b made by make the value of the stake 2500 of which nounced bounced three days orior prior to the race A winner can start but Ihe He starting fees must be paid Aprils and U additional to start The Asso Assoc 2010 to the winner 350 to sec nd 150 to third of a handicap after weights are announced to for all npm pm ii Seven furlongs furlongsHE furlongs ciation caption to add an amount suffici suffice nt to make the and 1h fourth to save his stake Awnnerofa Fawner carry 5 pounds extra Six furlongs HE OZARK A handicap for twoyear twofer old colts and geldings foals of 18 6 to accompany K the nomination 50 additional to ttart tart The 5 Association to add an amount sufficiet sufficient to on make the value of the stake JlSOii Jells if which 1200 to the winner 200 to second 100 to third THE BREWERS A handicap sweepstakes for trie tribe winner uo to second 1 iO to third and the theTHE teethe and the fourth to save his stike strike Weights to THE DEBUTANTE For twoyearold toehold hlhes hales twoyearod stonyhearted foals of 1896 5 to ace mpauy may fourth U save bis bias stake Those entered t be befoals befools be announced three days before the race Six foals of 189d o to accQmpany accompany the nomiua nominal the nomination SiO Sino additional to start The sold for i4lK weight for age 3 Ibs Dibs allowed for fortion forting furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs tion ion 50 additional to start Ine Cine Association association to edd eddo an amount sufficient to make esch esc iUO iOU to ivX iX 1 Ib for each lf01ess to5 0 0to THE ISABELLA For twoyearolds toeholds fillies foils to add an amount sufficient to make the value the value of the stake 1500 of which 1200 to Winners of a stake of 1100 to ba entered for forof forgo of l9ti J to accompany the nomination 50 of the stake 15u of which l2tO to thn than winner th winner 200 to second 100 to third and the not less than 3lOj Stait Stat rswith switch selling price additionm addition ttstnit attest The Association to add an 200 to second 100 to ihhd and the fourth to f rth Roth o stive strive bjs bs stai staid e Weights to be au to be named through entry bnx ban the oay okay before beforesave before amount ffi ff i nt to make the value of the save his stake VyiDnprs of a sweepstake the nonncd nonce three days prior to the race vA winne wine the race More than two c n be named by the thetotal teetotal stake 50 of 12oO to the winner 2JO to second total advertised value of which is 1WO r more of a hand cap after weights are announced to same ovnerbut overbuy only two can start but tha than thato that l0 to third and the ourth fourth to save his stake to carry 3 Ibs Dibs cf two such 5 Iba Ia of three or carry 5 Ibs Dibs extra Six furlongs starting f es must be paid for all named Six Sixfb7aSAre inners dinners uf a sweepstakes of the advtrtised advertised farlong furlong farlongPonr Arlington value of 1 00 to carry 3 Ibs Dibs of two such 5 Ibs Dibs fb7aSAre TnE Tine MISSISSIPPI VALLEY A selling ° times 5 Ibs Dibs additional sweep THE INDEPENDENCEA INDEPENDENCE handicap sweepstake sweepstakeIT sweepstake of three or m re such or one of 1800 1 1bj ex ¬ fhalf half stakfs staffs for tbre3yearolds and upward to Ponr Porn and tra tram Horses not having of won a sweepstakes one 5 IT accompany the nomination 50 additional to for tureeyearoias ana upward to accompany accompanyTHE accompany THE KiNDERGAETEN Kindergarten For twoyearold toehold colts 5tarti The Association to add an amount snf snafu the nomination 50 additional to start The Theand Thread the value of 700 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs nonwinners nominees of and oals coals of 189o D to Association add amount sufficient to make makethe marketed three races of any value 9 Ibs Dibs two races 12 geldings if accompany ficient incident to make the value of the stake liOO lido of to an 30 additional to start Ihe He 1500 of which 120 to toAssociation translocation Ibs Dibs maidens 17 Ibs Dibs No horse which has in ¬ the nomination which SiuU Situ to the winner 200 to second 100 the value of tbe tube stake Association to add an ennunt pennant sufficient to make to third and the fourth to save his stake Those the winner 20 i to the second and 100 to the thethe teethe curred cured any of the penalties shall be entitled to the value of the btake betake 41500 of which l2LO to entered not to be sold to carry 1 Ibs Dibs extra third and the fourth to save his stake Weights Weightsthe Weights any of tha than allowances Five and a half furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs the winner 20J to stcoud scud 100 to third and the those entered to bn told for 1000 to carry to be announced three days prior to the race racefourth graceful THE CHRYSANTHEMUM A handicap sweep ¬ fourth to save his stake Winners of a sweep weight for age for 5COO allowed 5 Ibs Dibs 2 Ibs Dibs A winner of a handicap after weights are an anstakes handshakes stakes for twoyearolds toeholds foals of Ih96 to stakes the toial toil advertise value of which is alfowed allowed for each J500 to 00 I Ib for each nounced bounced to carry 5 Ibs Dibs extra One mile and accompany the nomination 50 additional to 1 1000 or more to carry a Ibs Dibs of two such 5 ootoiM bottom then 1 Ib for each 100 to 700 threesixteenths threesixteenthsSlowed start The Association to add an amount suffic suffice ¬ Slowed flbf flab Ubetten Unbeaten ormSre Morse Umefs Fumes Strt Start S Wlth Walt Beln8 PriCe f ° be amea ameba throuSh thruSh THE MOUND CiTYA CiTY selling sweeptales sweepstakes for forIhs Farris ient Lent to make the valae vale of the stake 1501 of three entry box by twelve oclock o'clock on the day prior to threeyear three olds and upward The Association which 1200 to the winner iOO CIO to second 100 to AssociationIDS Association Ihs IDS additional Five ive dive farlon falcon furlongs s the race More than two can ba named by the to adl addle an um0unt sufficient to make the theTHE teethe third Weights to be announced three days THE JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP For twoyear twofer same owner but only two can start but the value f the stake 1500 of which whichplds which prior to the race One mile mileFixed minefield plds plods foals of i89o 10 to accompany the nom starting fees must be paid for all named One Q to the winner 200 to the second secondination recombination Fixed Ev mt St Louis Derby for 1899 1899ENTRIES ination inaction 35 additional to start The Associa Asocial mile lbO lb to tha than thud and the fourth to save his histiou histrionic tiou iou to aad ad an amount sufficient to make the THE MERAMEO MERMEN A selling sweepstakes for stake 5 to accompany the nomination 50 ad advalue devalue ENTRIES CLO3E JANUARY 15 1893 value of th stake 200 of which 1500 to the threeyearolds and upward to accompany ditional diction to start iOUO iOU weight for age 3 Ibs Dibs Ibswinner Abstainer THE ST Louts DERBY FOR 1S99A swecp sweep winner 3oO to second 1MJ to third and the tue true nomination iO additional to start The allowance for each 500 less to 2000 UJb Ube for forfourth forecourt stalies stales fGi GI 4fcaMy6artjids fGi4fcaMy6artjids foal of 1893 25 fourth to save his stake Winners of a sweep Association to add an amount sufficient to make each 10J less to SlSioTgJbsvJoT Sacti Cacti 00 less lessUa less eacb each or only 10 if declared by January 1 1899 Ua the totai total adveitised advertised value of which i the value of the stake l5uO of which 1200 to to 103 Started Imh I'm selling price to be beSlOJO Belo 100 additional to start The Aisociation Association to SlOJO Sloop precedingIbs preceding or more to carry d Ibs Dibs of two such 5 the winner 200 to second and iOO CIO to the third named threctfuthe thenceforth entry box the day preceding add 3500 of which 3iO to s c nd 150 to hird hired Ibs Dibs Of three or more sweepstakes of any value and the fourth to save his stake Thoss Toss en the Ece Eco M ire than two cin chin be named by the and the fouith fourth to save his stake Winners of a 7 oj extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Dibs Maidens tered termed not to be sold to carry 1 Ibs Dibs extra those Shim owner but only two can start but the theit theist slake o 0 o in 1899 or one of IOOJO in 1898 it have started in a swOTpstake sweepstake and have not entered to be sold for SlJUttferSiSy Splutters weight for starting fees must be paid for all nam name d One Onebeen Honeybee to cirryi cirri Ibs Dibs p nalty natty winners of a stake of been placed 5 Ibs Dibs additional bive bier and a half age for JOX OX llowgfl blowfly f Ibs Dibs 2 Ibs Dibs allowed for and oneeighth neigh miles SIO00 or three or any value in 1899 to carry 5 i ii i each 5DO to 2 000 lib foreach fore S200 to iOJ CIO THE GOLDEN BOD BOYD For threevearolds that Ibs Dibs penalty Allowances Nonwinners Snowiness of two fe5Bg5iS fe5Bg5iSuSS uSS USSR all ages 6 to accompany the nomination 5J iuj1898 not to bi entered for less than 3000 to accompany the nomination 50 additional to toadditional traditional 7 Iba Ia nonwinners nominees of four races in 199 10 Ibs Dibs additional to start The Association to add an Starters with seding seeding price to be named through start The Association to a id an amount suffi sufi suffiamount suffixation three races 12 Ibs Dibs two races 15 Ibs Dibs one raee rae amount sufficient to make the value of the entry box by 12 oclock o'clock the day prior to the cientto client make the value of the stake l5oo of ofstake offstage 20 Ibs Dibs n aid na i5 pounds Soiling purse races stake l50n of which 1200 to the winner 200 race More than two can be named y the which 1200 to the winner iOO CIO to second and andto ando not counted in figuring allowances No horse to second 00 to third and the fourth to save same owner but only two can start but the CIQO CIO to the third and the fourth to save his hishis Isis that has incurred either of tbe tube penalties shall his stake Weights to be announced three days starting fees must be paid for all named Oae Oakes stake 3 COu Coup weight for age 1 Ib for each eachprior each be entitled to auy ay of tbe tube allowances and no prior to the race Five and a half furlongs mile 5200 to 2W then 1 Ib for each 100 less to toTHE toTE horse which is not entitled to the tirs stirs two al ¬ THE CLUB MEMBERS HANDICAP A handi hand THE LAUREL A handicap sweepstakes for 5tO Winners of a stake after the closing of ofcap Boca lowances loaners can claim any of the subsequent ones cap sweepstakes for threeyearolds and up threeyearolds and upward 5 to accompany entries not to ba entered for less than 1500 1500ward Allowances and penaties penalties not cumulative One ward Weights to be announced April 30 10 the nomination 50 additional to start The Winners of two or more stakes after the closing mile and a half ENTRY BLANKS WILL BE FORWARDED ON APPLICATION ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO ROBERT AULL ALL President Pair Grounds St Louis Mo TO BE ISSUED JANUARY i2th COPYRIGHTED American Sporting Fianual Biannual of 1898 1898A A HANDBOOK OF FIGURES BEYOND COMPARISON EXPERTS WILL CONTRIBUTE TO IT George Siler Silver on Pugilism Tom Gallagher on Billiards F H Brunell Runnel and C C Riley on Racing Ed Sheridan on Baseball Louis Sass on football cycling and athletics athleticsAN athletics AN OFFICIAL COMPENDIUM OF RECORDS RACING TROTTING PACING BICYCLING BILLIARDS BASEBALL ATHLETICS X X XPUGILISM PUGILISM PUGILISM AND THE PUGILISTIC EVENTS OF 1897 NEW FEATURES IN THESE LINES SUMMARIES BY EXPERTS ON EACH SUBJECT DISCUSSED KT3ITED BY DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 126 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO ILL

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898010901/drf1898010901_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1898010901_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800