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THE NEW BETTING SYSTEM SYSTEMThe System The eastern system of betting or rather a modified form of it was in operation at Wash ¬ ington Kingston Park yesterday Thirtyone Thirty bookmakers did business in the ring and field books were plentiful Stands were occupied and slates were up but v two slates were used to enlighten those who wished to invest Tho Theo slates over the bos boos had fastened on them as usual cards giving the names of the starters together with weights and riders On the block alongside of each bookmaker stood an assistant who either held in his hands or had fastened to his vest a small slate on which was a small card giving starters weights and jockeys and halving odds marked on the margin of the slate opposite the names of the starters No odds were quoted by the book ¬ maker Whenever a bet was accepted the book ¬ maker handea handed a numbered ticket to the cus cubs ¬ tomer toner and thojn thong called the bafc back and the number of the ticket While the bookmakers clerk made a note of the bet and the number of the ticket given to the maker of tho thou bet the latter generally recorded his wager on the back of tho thou ticket or a memorandum book Whenever a man won a bet he handed his ticket to the bookmakers cashier who promptly cashed it In this way betting progressed smoothly and some heavy transactions oc ¬ curred cured Some bookmakers did considerable business with wellknown welkin customers on credit Among those doing business were William Riley Gus Bluhm Blum Charles Smith Budd Buddy White Max Blumenthal Lumen Leo Mayer and Riley Grannan Granada