Morris Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-10-06


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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART CHARTWESTCHESTER WESTCHESTER ESTHETE N T October 5 Third day Westchester Esthete Racing Association Autumn Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 215 p m Q Q i PI FIRST RACE1 13 Miles 500 added 3yearolds and upward Selling OOtirO Sootier Over 6 Hurdles Ind Indo Horses A Wt St 2 4 5 6 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 87913QOV BUDD BUD 5 151 3 12 13 12 11 12 IH Hogan 86993 WIDOWER 3 131 2 4 4 3 3o 310 22 Penn F D Board 3 34 3 3 852S2MANCHESTER 6 151 1 21 2 23 2 23 3 Owens J W Colt 1 651 1110 8699 H THE GREAT a 131 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 Barry T Costello 10 15 10 12 Time 12Time 251 251Winner Winner B g by Fresno Rosa G GStart Start Start good Won driving Governor Budd Buddy was best today and likes this track Widowers light weight and the few jumps to be taken accounts for his apparently good showing He fences badly Manchester quit at the end but got a poor ride Hermann the Great is of no ac ¬ count jumpingGovernor jumping at jumping Governor Budd Buddy place 4 to 5 Widower place 4 to 5 Q Q I C ± SECOND RACE Last 34 Withers Mile 500 added 3 yearolds earls and upward OOttO OttO Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt St 54 K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8119 SWAMP ANGEL 4104 7 21 12 1 11 Maher A J Joyner Joiner 10 12 10 12 1 8670 HEADLIGHT 5 101 10 7 51 2H 23 N Turner C M Miller 6868 8698 HANLON HAMILTON 5 101 1 3 4 42 3 T Burns W A Porter 5656 8698 MOMENTUM 3 114 3 5 61 3 46 Spencer GoughacresStable6 10 6 8 8826 DOUBLE QUICK 5 104 4 8 8 7 51 Clawson Lawson S C flildrath fluidram 5655 8569 INSPECTION 3 99 6 41 7 61 61 Cowman J G Judson 50 100 50 75 8722 UNCLE LOUIS 3 102 8 10 9 8 73 James H W Smith 20 30 20 25 8722 FLEETING GOLD 3 9911 11 10 9 88 Garrigan Arian Sensation Stable 20 40 20 30 8474TYRIAN 3 94 15 13 13 11 9 Moody F V Alexander 3 31 3 3 8670 RED SPIDER 4 96 2 13 21 51 10 Michaels Michael M F Stephenson 50 100 50 75 8722 GENERAL MACEO3 96 12 61 SH 10 11 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 12 15 12 15 8541 CAMPANIA CAMPANULA 5101 9 12 12 13 12 Lamly Lamely TD Sullivan 15 20 15 15 5621 MYTH 4 104 5 9 11 12 13 J Weber MrsFJKittleman 8 20 8 15 8588CHARLEY ROSE 3 105 13 14 14 14 14 OLeary O'Leary J Josephson Joseph 15 60 15 50 8163 STACHELBERG SATCHEL 410414 75Time 15 15 15 15 Coyhe Cohen JEMcCarty Emhart Co 20 10020 75 15iWinner Time 13 24i 371 50 1 02 1 15i RushlightStart Winner Ch f by Magnetizer Rushlight Rushing Start very bad Won handily Swamp Angel got a flying start Ho liked the going and was perfectly handled Headlight interfered with and shut off closed very strong at the end Han Ion was lucky in the start and ran a poor race He is very unreliable Momentum ran well but a big field beats him as he persists in bearing into the rail He is very good Double Quick was shut off at the start He is in bid form Tyrian Tyrant all but left was probably the best horse in the race General Maceo Maceio is best in mud Campania Campanula had but a slight chance with her jockey Myth is in bad form The others are of little account accountScratched accounts Scratched Midlight Midnight 104 Bonadea Blonde 102 Blarneystone Blarneys 102 Field Lark 99 99Swamp Swamp Angel place 5 to 1 show 21 to 1 Headlight place 3 to 1 show 8 to 5 Hanlon Hanson show evea eva Q Q i f7 THIRD RACE Last G 12 Furlongs Withers Mile 600 added 2yearolds OOtt Otto I Handicap Ind Indo Horses WtSt Watt M Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8794 FILIGRANE FILIGREE 126 4 2n 21 22 1 Littlefleld Littered A H D HMorris Morris 2 3 2 21 215U 8822 EXCEPTION 110 3 5U 4u 42 21 E Jones P J Miles 20 30 20 30 8742 LEPIDA LAPIDARY 107 2 31 31 3 311 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 20 30 20 20 8742 KIRK WOOD 121 7 8 8 7 4n Spencer T F Barrett Barrette Co 5 7 5 6 79943 PASSAIC 112 5 43 7 51 52 N Turner R Earle Earl 8 25 8 20 201H 8744 ORNAMENTAL 116 1 1H 111 I 6 T Burns A White 454 8537 LEANDO LELAND 125 6 7 6 6 71 Doggett Doge F V Alexander 787 7498 MUGGINS MUGGINGS 120 9 6 51 8 8 Maher J S Curtis 6655 66558520THE 8520THE GARDENER 112 8 9999 Cowman JG Judson 8 10 8 8 8Time Time 12 241 371 50i 1 16i 1 24 24Winner Winner B c by Galore Fillette Filleted FilletteStart Fleetest Start straggling Won eased up Filigrane Filigree was only galloping throughout He was far the best and outclassed his field Exception aided by his light weight and the going closed strong under a vigorous ride Lepida Lapidary was favored by the going and a strong ride Kirkwood Ironwood was outrt outer t the first part but closed a big gap in the last quarter He is very good Passaic is good iir ii heavy going and ran well Ornamental stopped at the end but is very good and should win soon Leando Leland got a poor ride and was pullod pulled up the last eighth Muggins Muggings all but left showed a fine burst of speed and was pulled up at the end He is best on a fast track The Gardener had no speed speedScratched speeds Scratched Toluca Toucan 125 125Filigrane Filigrane Filigree place even show 1 to 2 Exception place 10 to 1 show 5 to 1 Lepida Lapidary show 4 to 1 8848 FOURTH RACE The Withers Mile 700 added All Ages Allowances Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 87962SWIFTMAS 3 106 4 41 221 23 23 12 Mahor Maher DeimelFarrell71015 207 101520 87463 BEN RONALD 4109 6 6 51 43 410 2 T Burns J J McCafferty 5 7 1 8792CLONSILLA 3103 2 IH H IH IH 31 E Jones GoughacresStable7 10 7 10 108310KINN1KINNICK 8310KINN1KINNICK 4 112 1 SH 42 33 3 415 Spencer W Laimbeer Limber 3 4 3 3 8792 LEEDSVILLE LEEDS 4 112 3 51 6 6 5io 56 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 20 40 20 25 8742 EASTER CARD 2 92 5 21 SH 51 b 6 Corbley Cobble P S Abrahams Abraham 15 20 15 15 42iWinner Time 13 24J 361 49i 1021 1 42i SwiftStart Swiftest Winner B c by Candlemas Candelas Nellie Swift Start good Won easily Swiftmas Swiftness outclassed the field at the weights Ben Ronald is very good He got a vigorous ride and closed like a whirlwind Clonsilla Consular showed well and ran about the best race of her career Kinnikinnick closed strong at the end after appearing to be hope ¬ lessly Lesley beaten Leedsville Leeds is certainly out of form Easter Card ran very badly but hprl purl a small chance with the rido rio she received receivedScratched received Scratched Manassas Mantissas 109 Decanter 106 Bardella Bordello 103 Havelock Hammerlock 90 Overweights Overweighs 90Overweights poundsBen pounds Easter Card 2 pounds Ben Ronald place 7 to 5 show 3 to 5 Clonsilla Consular show 4 to 5 Q Q A O FIFTH RACE Last 58 Eclipse Course 600 added 2yearolds OOtttL Maiden fillies Allowances tnd tend Horses Wt St Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 5730 LAMITY AMITY 110 3 3GOLDEN 1 13 Spencer Turney Tourney Bros Brows 8844 GOLDEN DAYS 110 5 6 51 2i Doggett Doge C Littlefield Littered Jr 10 10 10 10 8586 AVOCA AVOCADO 110 1 SH SB 3 James W Jennings 6 8 G 8718 EXIT 110 2 2n 41 4H T Burns P J Miles 15 20 15 20 8589 LOITER 110 4 43 2H 5 Lamley Langley Sensation Stable 8 15 8 12 8589 ST SOPHIA 110 7 7 62 65 Hirsch Kensico Keens Stable 30 50 0 40 8589 LADYSNEERWELL 110 6 887 Littlefield Littered Sydney Paget Page 30 30 30 30 6659 HALO 110 9 51 7 8 OLeary O'Leary F R Hitchcock 20 30 20 25 8673 MONLETTA MONET 110 8 999 Taral Aral Bromley Brome Co 20 30 20 20 8572 INCANDESCENT 110 10 11 10 10 Maher A White 85 2 85 9 8527 MISS SMITH 110 12 1267333AMORITA 12 11 11 Moody JG Smith 6868 67333AMORITA 110 11 10 12 12 Hamilton Parsons Co 10 15 10 12 7325 COQUINA 110 13 13LILLIE 13 13 13 N Turner R Earle Earl 15 15 15 15 LILLIE SIMMONS 110 14 14 14 14 Hewitt Simmons Co 30 60 30 50 Time 24 481 l00i Winner l00iWinner B f by Candlemas Candelas Allerna Ballerina AllernaStart Alternator Start straggling Won easily Lamity Amity ran green but showed a marvelous burst of speed and was far the best Golden Days closed strong at the end and ran well for a green one Avoca Avocado was lucky and liked the going Exit quit badly at the eud feud Loiter stopped badly St Sophia is of no account Halo got a very bad ride but was closing strong and wants a route Incan ¬ descent alwaysScratched wants a fast track always Scratched Belle of H 110 The Rose 110 La Poupee Toupee 110 Leila Smith 110 110Lamity Lamity Amity place 2 to 1 show even Golden Days place 21 to 1 show even Avoca Avocado show 4 to 1 QQK SIXTH RACE 1116 Miles 800 added 3yearolds and upward Handicap OOOw Over the Hill Ind Indo Horses A Wt St Vt M StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L K795 BANGLE 3 107 4 2 2H 211 23 IH l Maher E S GardnerSon Gardner 2 3 85 2f 2f88253GEORGE 88253GEORGE KEENE 3110 3 U 12 U 22 2 Clawson Lawson S C Hildreth Children 2 21 85 b 8743BUELA 4103 5 3 31 32 3 36 Spencer Sydney Paget Page 2 2 8585 858586523BANQUO 86523BANQUO II 4 90 2 5 5 46 410 415 J Weber P J Miles 20 60 20 50 8743 HAN WELL 6 88 1 41 42 5 5 5 Makin Akin M F Stephenson 20 50 20 40 40Time 471Winner Time 25 50i 1 15l 1 411 1 471 Winner B c by Iroquois Bracelet BraceletStart Bracelets Start good Won cleverly Bangle was the best evea eva in going supposed to favor George Keeue Keene Bangle is a really good horse now George Keene in spite of continued illusage illus ran a cracking race Bueia Buena was outclassed but ran well Others belong in a lower class classScratched Scratched Algol 130 Macy Marcy 118 Candleblack Candlewick 107

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Local Identifier: drf1898100601_2_6
Library of Congress Record: