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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM CHART Ky November 13 Thirtyseventh Thirty day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Autumn Meeting Weather clear track heavy and holding Presiding Judge L P Tarlton Carlton Starter Kit Chinn Chin Racing starts at 215 p m propr proper FIRST RACK 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolda and upward Selling ud Horses A Wt St 4 ft fc StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9565 LORD FRAZER FRAZIER 3 92 7 21 21 2 11 li T Knight W F Dair Dairy 6660 95653LlJiW ANNA 410045 51 41 3 22 22 Crowuurst Court B Martin 1 111 9566 ROYAL CHOICE 105 2 13 11 In 32 3 M Dunn R Rome G 5 55 9473 bUE blue NELL 3 10J 4 4 65 51 42 410 Dupee Dupe 3333 7ol4 JAC JACK K MARTIN 5 97 3 62 7 7 62 510 Franklin W H McLemore Clamored 8 20 8 20 9565 DUNCAN bELL 4 97 8 8 8 8 7 62 T Green C H Williams 15 20 15 20 9254 FREMONT 4 100 6 7 51 6 8 710 Gaddy Grady Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 10 15 10 15 9521 ZUFALLIG UNFAILING 5 97 1 32 31 41 58 8 OThompsouWF Thompson Schulte Schultz 3333 Time 3333Time 261 53J 106 121 133 1491 Winner 1491Winner B g by Himyar Shimmy Lady Frazer Frazier FrazerPost Faeroes Post 25 minutes Start fair Won in a hard drive Lord Frazer Frazier was in going just to his liking ana was nicely handled Liew Lie Anna was slow to begin and was worn out in making up ground Royal Choice ran kindly today but was tiring at the end Zufallig Unfailing was mainly re ¬ sponsible possible fur the long delay at the post He was kicked at the post by Royal Choice and sulked sulkedOverweights Overweights Overweighs Liew Lie Anna 31 pounds Locd Ocd poundsLocd pounds Frazer Frazier place 2 to 1 show even Liew Lie Anna place 2 to 5 Royal Choice show even 9596 SECOND RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 2yearoldb Selling lud laud Horses A Wt St H J Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners 9470CHiNCERY 108 1 1 IH IB 24 1 J Mathews J C Cahn Can 85 85 85 85 9349VOLAND1ES 859349VOLAND1ES 108 6 4n 51 31 32 25 T Knight H J Scoggan Slogan 65 32 65 32 9520 dHINFANE hindrance 108 4 51 41 45 45 3 Britton Briton W J Speirs Piers Co 4 4 4 4 9547EASTABHOOKS 108 5 2 24 21 11 4i Conley Coney S Williams 4444 9316 YAKIMA 10J 2 6 6 52 58 510 Kuhn J S Lancaster 5555 9470 AoMAN OMAN 105 3 3 32 6 6 6 Dupee Dupe R McMillan Macmillan Co 15 15 15 15 50hWinner Disqualified 15Disqualified for foul Time 26j 53i 1 06i 1 22i 135 1 50h OutscrambieOff Winner Ch c by Chance Outscrambie Outscore Off at first break to a good start The first two were driving hard Volandies Villainies bumped into Eastabrooks Casebooks at the eighth post interfering with him and Chancery Eastabrooks Casebooks was stopped almost to a walk Chancery was much the best Shinfane Shinbone closed fast Volandies Villainies was disquali disqualify ¬ fied field thirdScratched thirds for fouling and Shinfane Shinbone was placed second and Eastabrooks Casebooks third Scratched Roe Asti Astir 94 94Overweights Overweights Overweighs Yakima 2 pounds Chancery place 3 to 5Shmfane place even show 1 to 2 Eastabrooka Heartbroken show 1 to 2 OprO PrO THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt 8t H H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9566 H S TOBACCO 4110 1 31 21 12 12 Dupeo Dupe F C Leigh l9565FLOP Leighl9565FLOP 3 102 6 51 52 31 21 Frost F A Pope 9568 PRlJdATE Plicate 3 100 5 1 H IH 21 31 T Kniaht Knight W H May Son 2 1152 115 9568 R US U FIELDS 4102 3 61062044 4 Guitiers Guiltier J Charles 15 15 15 15 95482ANNIE 1595482ANNIE M 6107 4 24 32 51 51 CThompsonMni Thompson A Cooke 5555 555595163PUttlTY 95163PUttlTY 3 102 2 42 45 630 60 Gaddy Grady SimpsnMarders21 21 21 21 9566 KATHIjK Kath MAY 4 102 7 7777 Webster RHBronanghCo 15 15 15 15 Time 13 251 38 511 1 044 1 18i SarmientaPost Arietta Winner 18iWinner B c by Phoenix Sarmienta Arietta Post 8 minutes Start good Won easily the next three were driving H 8 Tobacco had no trouble Flop closed strong Primate did not exhibit his yellow streak Annie M was rua ra off her feet in tbe tube first part The boy on Kathie May was asleep at the post Scratched postScratched PostScript Necklace 102 Handazzo Amazons 105 Overweights Overweighs 105Overweights Rush Fields 5 pounds I Flop poundsFlop pounds place 2i to 1 show 6 to 5 9598 FOURTH RACE 08 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Handicap Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M H 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9472SOUCHON 117 3 It 12 12 12 Conley Coney E Brown Co 1 9550 tLORltiSANT tortoise 100 2 6 6 55 2 Frost C C Maffitt Afflict 5 u u 95202PRIMAVEKA 103 1 23 41 24 32 Kuhn J J Carey 3333 953llLLiE 3333953llLLiE MARK 93 6 41 2 31 410 Dupee Dupe W M Rogers 6666 9423 iHEuRY fiery 110 4 3 31 42 5 o CTnompsouF H Druliard Dullard 3 31 3 31 9472 LECELIA ECLAIR 101 5 51 51 6 6 Crowhurst Cowherbs W H Robinson 3434 Time 3434Time 134 251 381 51t 105 Winner TarantellaPost Tarantella 105Winner B f by Himyar Shimmy Tarantella Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily the next three were driving Sonchon Honcho raced the others off their feet in the first furlong and then came on and won as she pleased Florissant closed a big gap in true racehorse fasliipn asinine She likes a distance Theory is not at herself They wore all tiring but the winner and Florissant Lecelia Eclair stopped to a walk Soucbon Soupcon walkSoucbon walkout place 1 to 2 Florissant place 3 to 1 show even Primavera Prima show 3 to 5 OPCCJO ROCOCO FIFTH RACE 1 MUe Moue and 500 Xards Cards Purse 300 3yearoldB and upward md Horses A Wt St 4 K fc Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners U H 95662SAMOVAR 4 108 7 42 21 11 H HI Frost R K Pitman 2 1152 115 94532JOE 11594532JOE SHELBY 3 107 6 53 62 31 21 2 M Dunn R Rome 65 65 65 65 9522 BARTON 4 103 1 7 31 7 52 31 Dnpee Dane L de Gisbert Gilbert 6666 95663 O ARRY BARRY SHANNON5 10j 2 62 7 21 32 410 W Mooney Mrs VHendorson6 8 6 r 9474 LhNA Ulna MLYERS LAYERS 3104 3 SH 51 51 62 55 Crowhurst Cowherbs E Carroll 7 77 9551 1HE DOCTOR 3 99 5 2 41 61 42 62 T KnigLt Knight CL Blackburn 3333 95632ROBER1 LATTA PLATA 6 100 4 11 1 41 7 7 Gilmore Mrs M Mack 8 10 8 10 Time 26 53s 106 l21i 1361 150 203 2164 2211 JuivePost Guidepost Winner 2211Winner B c by Tea Tray La Belle Juive Jive Post 3 minutes Start good V on easily second the same There was a great deal of shift ¬ ing King in the race Joe Shelby finished strong Robert Latta Plata had enough after going a mile Tho Theo Doctor againScratched did not run his race Barton dropped out and came again Scratched Jacques 102 Gomez 103 103Samovar Samovar place even Joe Stielby Steely placo1 to 2 Barton show even 1 WV SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling md Horses A Wt St H H Ji StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9496S OFBTHLEHM3 13102 102 3 IH 21 25 11 14 1 Conley Coney H Gibson Jr 1111 9473 MC BLEARY 3102 1 22 IH 14 25 2io Dupee Dupe Rtledge Rattled slovens Slovenes 6 6 55 9491 R B SACK 3 102 7 7 4H 31 3 GUaylor Gaylord W C Mutchmson Hutchinson 10 10 10 10 9563 BON JOUR 3102 2 4 3u 4n 41 42 J Mathews H Williams 2 24 2 21 9477 68689491olLDUBIA VANEatiA Venetia 4 97 6 34 5n 51 61 55 CThompsonMrs Thompson M C Lyles Lyle 6868 9491olLDUBIA 5 102 5 64 7 7 7 65 Fiost Foist J C Ohio 3333 9521 ASTOR 3 97 4 5 61 61 52 7 T Green LockhartRdmnS Flowcharted 10 8 10 Time 10Time 27 531 1 07 1 20J 1 38t 1 484 Winner 484Winner Ch g by The Kuisei Cuisse Uousuum Post UousuumPost 3 minutes Start good The first two were driving hard Star of Bethlehem held the race bafe barfed at every stage MsCleary Scullery made a game effort to catch him in the last quarter but was not equal to the task It was virtually a twohorse wooers race Bon Jour tired after going six fur ¬ longs longsStar longest Star of Bethlehem place 1 to 2 McCleary Cochlear place 2 tol tool show even B B Sack show 2 tol tool