untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1898-11-30


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TURF EXCHANGE EXCHANGEAT EXCHANGE AT ROBY ROY INDIANA FDLL DELL REPORTS RECEIVED BY WIRE ON ALL RACING EVENTS CHANGE OF TIME Canai Canal ana Adams streets at i Ou and 1 3O p m stopping at Archer Ave 41st Ht and Sngiwood Englewood Regular train at pm Returning at 5x5 and after ban Jb rac race csco Cisco races racesAney races Aney Any MadisonLake Madison i connects with electric cars at 68d Street and Madison Lake Shore Michigan bouthbrn boxthorn Van Buren Burn Street Depot Regular train at 12O5 pihIllinois nihilities pm Returning at 431 pih pith Illinois Central South Chicago Express trains connect with Roby Robby Electric Care at Q2na Street StreetCOflBlNATIONS COflBlNATIONS Combinations ON ALL EVENTS EVENTSFare Events Fare for the Round Trip 25 Cents on all Roads

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898113001/drf1898113001_3_3
Local Identifier: drf1898113001_3_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800