General News Notes of the Day., Daily Racing Form, 1914-04-30


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, i I ■v t II s lo " it is ii • . is is e- GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. 1 The second Bechet trial will bagla aexl week. - KiH.sevelt ha- discovered a new tribe, the mem J, hers of which wear DO clothing, according to reports | from Brazil. l I niteii Slates troops reached the disturbed dis- J tricls in Colorado yesterday and entered upon their ■ task of restoring order. . Hope- for the safety of t lit- 299 miners c ntoinbe d i by a dust explosion at K.cklos. W. Va.. has |„-,-n 1 ibaaiaaaed. ant] were reacaed. oneriior Amnions was advised that four militia men were killed yeaterdaj afteraooa in a battle . between troops and strikers near Wals.-nluirg. Tin-re is talk thai the entire Atlantic- heel of • to | warships ma. be sent through the- Paaaau canal al v Ian early date as an object lesson lo the world. , The third bailie sepiadron of I It,- I.rilish tleet has arrived »il Bangor, a seaport on Belfast lough. A 1 Sot II la of eleven destroyers also reached Belfast lough, which llie-y will undertake lo patrol to pre = vent Iurthi l gun running. The Italian ambassador Called on the secretary _. of slate- to ask for protection lor Italians in slrike riots in Colorado. The Harder of si little ehUdrea .- was lie iiiiini-iliale cause of the reeplest lor tile as l. -uraii.e o| further protcel ion. Win-ton Churchill, lirst h.rd of he British ail ] miralty. made an earm-sl plea for a settle-ineiit of ] the Ulster controversy in Parllaaieat and held oal the- olie hraneh to Sir Edward Carson in the way of a promise .if addltioaa] eoneesshsaa. Tlii- coatroversj before Oaagreaa regarding the proposed prohibitive tax lo stop th« practice of is sum;; gill coupons with cigarettes, cigars and tohac ..... along Willi gifts and tobaceo allac-huieiils. has been postponed by Hie ways and means eouiiuil tee I until December. I Joseph Nash field, brother of the late Marshall ] Field and father of Stanley lield. lirst vice, presi deal of Marshall Field 8; Co., died yesterday al his home- iii Boweleii. near Maiichi st er. England, III circling to cablegrams received in Chicago. Mr. lield wa- K3 years old. Il - had beeaj ill only ateca last Friday. Ill.- volunteer militia bill, which has just passed both houses ol congress and been signed by President i i~i.ii. marks • of i in- loagesl slips iii advance in military legislathM that has ever been taken in this country. In ellecl il provides a hist line of defense of 502. j80 men bached by a reserve of IKMMMMI. This force would give Ibis country a Hying start in anv war. even against one of the- great military powers. By Hie time this force could be equipped and organized ami sent to Hm, front eon gri-es would in ready to supplement it. Oarraaaa is balking on mediation, becaase he is opposed lo anv e-oinproinise with lliieri.n. Iouslilu ti.nialists at Chihuahua deny that there- is an Trillion between Carraaaa and Villa. A detachment of British marines have been dispatched inland to the relief of American refugees. Geaeral Maas is re ported to be falling back along the line of the rail road lo Mexico City wnh the troops wiih which be evacuated Vera Cruz. Mexico Cily has been Iran UUll since Sunday and there is a general feeling ol relief there over the mediation proposals and a hope that they mav be successful, Hueiia says thai all ,.f lie- Zapatista have- joined the federal arms, to aether with other guerilla forces of the Interior. Iliere is m report Ihal Villa and Carraaaa have agreed io remain mere spectators of the trouble be tween Huerta and the 1 alted stales so long as there is no American invasion ol Constitutionalist territory. Refagees from Mexico relate tales of cruelty at He- bands of the- Mexicans. The Consti tutioiialists are now in control ol Neuvo Laredo. recently evacuated by the Federals. Haerta has provided transportation t« Puerto Mexico far all Americans desiring lo leave Mexico lily. The Japanese goveruBBeat, it develops, refused to ac-i as llue-rtas agent al Washington after the severance I of diplomatic relation between this coaatry and liexico, ll i~ s:iicl that the South American envoys arc- asking European powers to bring pressure lo , bear on President Wils.ui to make conditions thai „,|| lender lie- success of the peace lle-gol I.I I lollS possible. The Mexican minister of the interior has I Kent messages to all state governors in Mexico , iirginu them to persuade the insurgent leaders lo unite in defense of national integrity. Complete amnesty is promised the rebels. The mediators have asked Huerta and ibis country t eoneenl to , an armistice while the negotiations are in progress. ; The navy departmeu! was strongly criticized in the United Slates senate yesterday for the withdrawal of warship from Tampieo whip- American refugees were- in danger there.

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Local Identifier: drf1914043001_2_5
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