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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Eight Filipinos have been arrested on the charge of sedition as a result of an uprising in Manila nnd lis environs Christmas eve. Further arrests are probable. From army sources. It is learned that a general warning was sent, to all officers Thursday arternoon announcing that fully 10,000 Filipinos lii Manila alone were ready for a concerted attack on lort Santiago, the Cuartal Espana, the Cuartel Infnnteria and the medical depot. Tlie military units immediately were prepared and a street patrol was started at dusk. Constabulary agents io are members of the secret societies disclosed the plans for an uprising, thus enabling a force of constabulary and police to disperse gatherings at Bagam-bayan, Paco and Xavotas, near Malabon. At Caloo-can a squad of American sailors seized chairs when a force of Filipinos approached a dance hall In Which they were gathered and, using the chairs as weapons, routed the natives, of whom a number were Injured. The uprislp" evidently was badly organized and lacked leaders. Fighting has occurred between the adherents of General Currunza and those of General Villa in the outskirts of Vera Cruz. Tlie ViUi forces, in unknown number, are advancing. yrliBte the CaivsM forces have been obliged to fall back. A strict sorship has been enforced. Provisional president tierrez of Mexico has completed the selection of cabinet, with tile exception of the portfolios of J,,lstl?.,a,11 hlt,prIor ! appointing men from both the ilia and Zapata rollowings. General Currunza received news from Tamplco that followers or Gen oral Villa had been defeated at Ebano station. The Australian government has seized tlie entire stock of wheat of New South Wales, excepting the A!!-,"1"1 ,noo,1Ml fw seed supplies Tor the farmers. This action is aimed at speculators who. taking advantage of war conditions, have licen seeking to inflate prices. The government has fixed a price for the wheat of five shillings .20 per bushel. President Wilson has become so alarmed over conditions in the Philippines that be has cabled Governor-General Harrison at Manila to inquire as to the truth of the reported discovery of a plot for a Filipino uprising. Archbishop James II. Blenk is critically ill at Jsew Orleans. He suffered a relapse after a partial recovery from an illness with which he was stricken in Chicago last month. Physicians suv his condition is grave. Joseph White, a mail carrier, was frozen to death Christmas eve while adrift on an ice floe in Lake Huron a few miles from Cheboygan. Mich. Fred Roberts, another carrier, who was with White was severely frostbitten. Owing to the rejection of the measure for an increase in the army, the Japanese emperor dissolved the imperial diet, thus upholding the program or tlie ministry for military development. General Sir Thomas Kelly-Kenny, formerly adjutant general of the British forces, is dead. His homo was at Doolough Lodge. In County Clare, where he had lived since his retirement iu 1007. Queen Helena of Italy gave birth to a daughter yesterday. Admiral Dewey was 77 years old yesterday.