General News Notes Of The Day., Daily Racing Form, 1915-05-14


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY A later statement was issued by the French war otlice claiming further gains in Flanders In part it says We won brilliant successes Wednes ¬ day evening and Wednesday night north of Arras At Notre Dame do Lorette we are masters of tho fort as well as of the chapel In the west quadrilateral of trendies and earthworks south of the chapel of Notre Dame de Lorette we have been subjected to a violent counter attack A ferocious combat which lasted all night developed in this quadrilateral In the morning we were complete masters of the situation having iullictod heavy losses on the enemy Wednesday night we also took by assault all the village of Carciicy as well as tlie forest north of it and hill No 125 Tlie German garrison stationed in this village and in this forest was composed of one battalion of the 100th regiment of infantry one battalion of the 130th regiment of infantry one battalion of Bavarian chasseurs and six companies of pioneers 300 men to a company These forces hail made of Carency and hill No 125 in the forest i position of great strength In spite of the fact that their numbers had been much reduced by their losses in killed wounded and prisoners on previous days these forces during the entire night put up desperate resistance to our attack delivered against a maze of trenches blockhouses and narrow passages We broke down this resistance of the enemy and at break of day we were in complete mastery of the situation Our troops killed hun ¬ dreds of Germans at the point of the bayonet We made 1050 prisoners of whom about thirty are officers Included in these latter is a colonel and tlie commandant of the battalion of chasseurs At the southern exit of Souchez our positions were subjected yesterday to violent attack Neverthe ¬ less we retained them themA A London dispatch of late yesterday says that the British ship Goliath lias lieen torpedoed in the Dardanelles It is believed 500 lives have been lost Announcement of the fate of the Goliath was made in the house of commons this afternoon by Winston Spencer Churchill first lord of the admiralty Mr Churchill also announced that the British submarine E14 had penetrated through tlie Dardanelles and into the Sea of Marmora sinking two Turkish gunboats and a Turkish transport Mr Churchill after announcing the loss of the Goliath said Tlie Goliath was torpedoed last night in a torpedo attack by destroyers while pro ¬ tecting the French Hank just inside tlu straits Twenty oliicers and 100 men were saved which I fear means that over 500 were lost Tlie Goliath was one of tlie older Britisli battleships of the prcdreadnought type Slie was built in 1808 Her complement was 750 men The Goliath was 400 feet long on the water line and seventyfour feet Ixnni Her displacement was 12050 tons She was armed with four twelveinch and twelve sixinch guns twelve twelvepounders six tiiree pounders and two machine guns She had four torpedo tnlxs tnlxsThe The following official communication was is uod in lnrl1 last night The fighting to the north of Arms continues with extreme violence During tlie course of last night the enemy reinforced delivered several counter attacks which were with ¬ out result In that directed against Neuville St Vaast our opponents suffered heavy losses We f9 4 IB tlJV Cemetery alone inoFP tliau 200 Pi lttCS I of Germans A second attack between Carency and Ablainwas repulsed A third from the di ¬ rection of Ablain was completely checked This morning wo made progress in the wood to the cast of Carency taking 125 prisoners We have taken three successive lines of trenches border ¬ ing the wood to the north of Carency after which we penetrated the wood thus threatening the last line of communication which remains open to tlie defenders of that position In Neuvilie St Vaast our progress continues The total number of prisoners made by us since Sunday had reached 4000 this evening We brought to a sudden halt three German attacks near BerryauBac Beausc jour and Marie Theresc Bagatelle BagatelleThe The German army headquarters staff on Wednes ¬ day gave a report on the progress of hostilities which reads Aviators of the enemy yesterday dropped bombs on Bruges without doing any dam ¬ age from a military point of view East of Yprcs we took an important hill Dunkirk was bom ¬ barded by Our artillery East of Dixmude we shot down a British Hying machine Trenches taken by the French during the last few days between Carency and Neuville north of Arras are still in their iwssession Other advances broke down with very heavy losses to the enemy An attempt by our opponents to take HartmansWcihirkopf re ¬ sulted in failure After vigorous preparations by artillery French Alpine chasseurs penetrated Into the blockhouse situated on top of the hill but they were immediately thrown out again againBy By way of London came the statement yester ¬ day that the severance of diplomatic relations between Germany and Chile seems probable Strained relations have developed following the acceptance by Chile of the Britisli apology for the violation of neutrality by the sinking of the German cruiser Dresden in territorial waters Ber ¬ lin resented this acceptance and spoke so plainly in a note to Chile that that government considers the expressions as insulting and an unwarrantable interference with the sovereign rights of the conn try Chile has given Germany live days in which to withdraw her expressions and apologize apologizeBy By this time President Wilsons note to Ger ¬ many on the sinking of the Lusitania will have reached its destination It is lietwcen 1200 and 1500 words long At 1 oclock yesterday after ¬ noon the note had been cleared over the telegraph wires from Washington and was started on its way over the undersea cables It must go by way of Gibraltar and Malta and then to Rome and overland to Vienna and Berlin As a courtesy a copy was to Im delivered to Count Bernstorff the German ambassador It appears in the morn ¬ ing newspapers of today todayConcerning Concerning fighting in Flanders the latest London report said Continued gains by tlie allies and tlie repulse of German counter attacks are related in official reports from Paris and by the Britisli war ollice In opposition to these the reports of the German war otlice claim advances by the kaisers armies A report by Field Marshal Sir John French was issued as follows East of Ypres last evening we repulsed another German attack south of the Menin road This was the third costly failure experienced by the Germans at this place placeThe The retreat of the Russians between the Car patiiians alid the Vistula is still in full progress and the Austrians continue to report tlie capture of towns and the pursuit of their adversaries On the other hand the Russian otlicial announce ¬ ment though admitting reverses in the Car ¬ pathians gives an optimistic view of the Russian position in tlie Baltic provinces and at other points A Cracow dispatch gives the AustroGermaii losses since May 1 as 105000 officers and men and places the losses to the Russians hi prisoners at 50000 50000An An ollicial statement made public at Capetown and received by tlie Heuter Telegram Company in London says that Windhoek capital of Gorman Southwest Africa was captured May 12 without resistance by Union of South Africa forces under General Botha The population of the town con ¬ sists of 3000 Europeans and 12000 natives General Bothas troops took a considerable quantity of railway rolling stock Martial law has been proclaimed proclaimedThe The German embassy at Washington lias noti ¬ fied by letter and telegraph newspapers in all of the larger cities of the United States to discontinue the Tfublicjltion of its advertisement warning Americans against transAtlantic travel on belliger ¬ ent ships No reason for discontinuing the adver ¬ tisement is given In the letters and telegrams but it was stated at the embassy tonight that the warning wjis considered to have been suflicient suflicientTlie Tlie Milan Secolo says the Russians are con ¬ tinuing the disembarkation of troops at Iniada a small port on tlie Black Sea seventyfive miles northeast of Adrianople under a heavy fire The entire Turkish tlect is said to have left the Bosporus and steamed toward the Crimea in an effort to draw off the Russian squadron covering the disembarkation disembarkationYesterdays Yesterdays baseball results National League Brooklyn 3 Chicago 2 Pittsburgh 3 Philadelphia 1 New York 4 Cincinnati 3 American League Chicago 4 Washington 3 New York C Cleveland 1 Boston 4 Detroit 2 Federal League Brook ¬ lyn C Chicago 1 St Louis 0 Baltimore 0 Kansas City 12 Newark 1 Pittsburgh 12 Buffalo 7 7Admiral Admiral von Tirpitz German minister of marine is reported to have resigned as a result of a disagreement with other members of the German government over the sinking of the Lusitania ac ¬ cording to an Exchange Telegraph message from Copenhagen to London LondonDispatches Dispatches from Odessa assert that the Turkish cruiser Sultan Selim formerly the Goelieni was badly damaged Monday in an engagement with the Russian Black Sea fleet which was bombarding the forts of the Bosporus

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Local Identifier: drf1915051401_2_7
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