Sixth Race [6th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1915-05-14

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SIXTBTRACE 1 11G Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap 9S3SG 144 3103 1935S Juarez 19169 Juarez 1S763 Juarez 18703 Juarez 18G31 Juarez 34 llllfcfcSl fa 85 116 1 5 2 5 23 2h 5 Gross th 4 n7 1 sil V 53 Juarez 7S l34hvy 85 112 1 1 l l 1 31 c Gross 4 Rhilhc DT cliy 18270 Latonla Im70y l43fast 145 103 4 5 5 5 2f In C Gross 3 stout v u i T IS3G9 Latoiiln 1 116 1 l41fast liT4fast 1 1 1W W 2 2 2 2 it IJ 1 11 F Vt Murphy i1 L Sknln HoaL Hnrl i Silll 1 v Voga r 18335 Latonla Im70y 144 fast 16 103 333 3 4 453C Gross GfrOSSv r Pr rm HP nnls nl 1 Brooktield rl J Jsfi sfi Cr L LSkJiu Ji it oJJ Murphy 8 P Hermls Luiher Christophinef o 335 C Gross 0 Leocliares L Moonet HBarbee HBarbeeiByS 20206 Churchill 1 116 l465fast 263111 1 2 5 G iByS rtu v Mirth p M OiOl OiOlot ° ° S 20148 Lexgton 34 l13fast 10 106 1 o ot o iP S Bonanza Rohinetta Kxpcctlou 0092 Lexgton 34 l1245fast 21 110 10 11 n 11 ll eOrRnli AtaniahB OHamii Irzetbey n1S2SO W WeOrRnli J OBnll Chartier Ian a1 Alox V 1S2SO Latonia 1 1S l52fast 45 IOS 2 1 l i 1S217 i1S217 Latonia 1 1S lr2 fast 16S 110 2111 1 2 51 2 K Tartln J Mockery iinKlins 18119 Uitonia 1 l3flfast 4710 102 1 l 2 1 2 i 2 S R Martin Martin 7 B B Ho of B Mnwr Injury Rlngllnc K ff lge Old 18077 Ben LntDor Latonla Im70y 141 fast 6310 103 1 l l i pi i IJ f K Marl Mr in 4 Dorothy Dw Dean hash 17910 Churchl i Cream 1 116 IMGVKOOd 54 110 l 2 4 4 5 CreamJ 5 K 17GTO J 5j S ilr ilrI Arnrtin S V4Miuc XWsxjW Fi Wtt Douglas 1 1S l52rast 4710 111 1 l l i 2J Fi2J 2 B M Martin I S Oreain c Father Old 17561 Douglas 1 18 l52fast 18S 101 224 4 3J Old3J 3 K M Martin H John Gund n T 17538 Douglas Im70y l43 fast 135107 1 1 3 G 5 MUF Coy Lai1 17288 L xgton U8 lfast nis 014 Ben BAYBERRY 107XC CANDLE ch f 4 107 Elkinsi3 By Cunard Tower of Candles E B Elkins XC Churchill Im70yl44fast 710 104 2232 i3 1 K Pool 8 Rcfiulniui MAiinK MDwebcr 20127 Lexgton Im70yl43fast 9310 107 I 4 6 5 6 5 E Pool 10 First Degree Totan Brooklleld JMy Lexgtpn 34 l12fast 124 110 G 50 51 55 E Pool 11 Cliartier Mex San Vega Vega2l 19307 NOrlns Im70y 143 fast 4G 105 4 5 5 4 2l 35J C Turner 15 U Wright Indolence Just Red 191172 NOrlns Iin70y l44fast 3 109 4 2 4 4 45 33 G Turner C StoittHeart TustRcd HTcmpU 19238 NOrlnS 1 l3Sfast 3 110 3 1 2 2 2191SG 21 21 C Turner G For Fair Indolence C Ituford 191SG NOrlns 34 112 fast 4 105 6 C 6 6OLD 41 4 1 J McTagrt S Usecit Lady Moonet RIchwood RIchwoodBy 112rOl13 OLD BEN b g 4 112 By Ben Brush Commune W H Baker rOl13 Churchill 1 116 147 fast 1310 107 2421 1 Il R Goose 9 Guide Post Itrickluy Vcrcna VcrcnaI1 iu3l 554llcrJO NOrlris 1 l39fast 1 10S1 1 554 I1 1 11 Goose 7 Impression HTemple TBbqdy llcrJO NOrlns 34 l12fast 12 107 555 5 = 5 = J orUrien 7 Lady Moonet Resign Useeit 19167 NOrlns 1 11C l45fast 21 IOC 3 3 3 3 32 3 1 W W Tlor S Indolence Rob ICav Just Rod Rod7l 19123 NOrtns lm70y l45slow 2 10S S 6 C 8 7l 7el W W Tlor 9 Rob Kay I Grander Verona VeronaCh 19009 NOrlns 7S 126 fast 95 110 C 7 7 6 Ch C5 C Turner 7 Robert Kay Yehghee Kate 1C 1S973 651S643 NOrlns 34 l13fast 65 108 6 65 41 2t C Turner G Luther Undaunted Rich wood 34431S601 1S643 Juarez 78 l25fast 2 103 3443 3 2 J Collins 5 Brooktidd BofBMawr Injury 1S601 Juarez 78 l26Jifast 21 104 4443 2l 21 W W Tlor 7 BofBrnMwr Grosvr GRusll 65 6 i A Neylon 7 RofBMawr S Actress Injury 1S119 Latonla 1 l39fast 17 102 3 32 34i A Neylon 5 Hodge Star Actress Luther LutherBy BONANZA b f 6 112 By Broomstick Ophirdalo M Quinn 20256 ChurchlU 1 11C I4i75ast 7 VK 1 I1 II Small S Hobinetta Kxpection SActress 0229 Churchill 1 11G 147 fast 405 113 75 51U Small S Brave BuckKcenon Thtreadei 20054 Lexgton 1 l41hvy 175 114 23 1 J Loftus 3 Rohlnptta Luther Bon Chance 19723 Juarez 1 l40fast 5 105 1i Chance1i 3J J Bobbins 7 AlWdrmwd GRussell BculahS 19612 Juarez 1 l4Shvy 2 102 4 2 2 4 4D2 M Garner 4 Itcruindlan Diirin AlWormwood 19625 Juarez 1 l4Gmud 75 107 5 1 1 41 410 LI Gentry 5 Durin Bcrniudian Executor Executor2nk 19094 Juarez 1 140 fast 3 102 313 2nk 35i K Lapallio G Beulah S Mud ill Voliulay Jr 19315 Juarez 1 l41mud 35 103 211 1s H K Lapaille 4 AlWorinwd BeulahS Toyiibec 19523 Juarez 7S l25fast 12 93 1 3 1 1BRAVE 1s Ink K Lapaille 7 Executor Bcrmudian AlWwood AlWwoodBy BRAVE ch e 6 114 By Stalwart Souffle W G Yanko 20229 Churchill 1 11C 147 fast 21 111 S 7 2 2201SO I1 U W J OUn S HKcenou Tbglitrcadcr Sleetb 201SO J cxgton 1 116 l4Ssow 35 113 441 1J 1 = W J OBn B Keenon Consoler Raincoat 20127 Lexgton Im70yl43fast 15i 110 10 8 5 3 4 W J OBnlO First Degree Tetau BlookUuld 172SS 6551CI7S Lexgton 1 18 l52fast 11 111 655 5 = 57 J McCabe 8 Star Actress Rash Yinir 1CI7S Saratoga 1 316 206 mud 35 114 4 3 3 21 I1 J Butivell 5 Any Port Tay Pay Caniellia 16202 Saratoga 1 l40slop 710 115 5 5 5 2s 12 cT Turner 5 Progressive Afterglow ItCbancc lr9S7 Saratoga 1 l40fast 4 111 12 S 4 1J 1s C Turner 13 Lovolanrt Kilcrea His Nibs lf706 Empire 1 116 11S fast 15 105 10 8 4 Il 1X C Turner 10 Mary Warren Kilcroa II Rose 15567 Empire 1 116 l49slop 10 105 555 5 551 O Turner 5 Delegate Lahore Afterglow 14085 Lexgton lin0yl50mud 1 106 6 5 4 2 Ink C Turner 7 Rock Fish Armor Kingling 14048 LKJXK on 1 116 l4Cfast 195 109 S 10 2 31 2V G Byrne 10 Weyanoke T Tommic Joe Stein 13003 Lcxgton lm70yl4Sslow 115 112 9 3 7 51 4SJ G Byrne 10 Ocean Queen Garneau GoIdColor 13342 Charlen ImHOy l44good 75 112 4 3 1 3 4i J MclntyrelO Buzz Around Ta Nun Da Pliant 13272 Charlen 55 f 109 good 20 115 1 8 8BUCK 61 4 S J Glass 8 Briar Path Batwa Coining Coon CoonBy BUCK XEENON ch c 4 106 By Stalwart Indolent Erb Gardner 20257 Churchill 1 11C l16fast 3320 115 732 2i 2 k J Butwell U Tliicader IGennian PBugene 20229 Churchill 1 116 147 fast 17 104 764 764201SO 2 21 E Pool S Brave Tliotigbtreader Slecth 201SO Lexgtn 1 116 l4Sslow 7720 105 332 3 22 W Lilley Brave Consoler Raincoat 20140 Lexgton 1 18 l52fast 4920 104 142 142i0091 li iu L Pool 12 Goldy Kilcrea Marabou i0091 Lexgton lm 0yl44fast 95 111 10 10 10 10200S6 C Gri T McTagtlO Sleeth Consoler Gold Color 200S6 Ixjxgton Im70yl45 good2920 111 4 4 4 rider W Wartonll Transit Requiram Wryneck J5739 Empira 1 18 154 fast 12 102 5 0 6 615C21 6 6 J McCabe G Be Reno Paton 15C21 Empire 1 14 209good 12 105 965 6 5 ° J McCabe 9 Flyine Feet Disparity Tay Pay 15547 Empire 1 1S l53slow 8 102 655 31 3 W W Tlor 5 Fly Feet Tay Pay SandStrlpe 35191 Empire 1 141 fast 8 111 7 7 7 7BETTLAH 7 713 O Turner 7 Bac Louise Travers Helen U UBy BETTLAH 8 b m 5 107 By Filigrane Maid of the Order F D Weir 20256 Cliurchill 1 116 l46fast 6120 109 242 7l 7 D Stirling S Bonanza Robinctla Expcctlon 20115 Lfixgton 1 l40fast 115 113 1 2 1 Il 1 D Stirling 10 TcsLouisc Olga Star GoIdGlrl 20076 Lexgton Im70yl43fast 120 97 7 7 7 63 5 ° 3 B Marco 7 Indolence BrClioice S Jasmine 1U9S3 Juarez 1 l375fast 3 103 2 1 1 11 4J J McCabe 10 Mud Sill Ringling Kootenay 18336 Juarez 1 139 fast 2 102 233 11 11 B Marco 5 Mud Sill Transact Goldy 19S83 Juarez 1 l39fast 8 97 6 1 1 11 2 B Marco 8 John Reardon Rash Be 19797 Juarez 1 18 l 3fast 75 99 2 2 2 2 12 1s B Marco 7 VoladayJr ArtRick CordieP 19723 Juarez 1 l40fast 85 96 3 3 3 42 4lj P Louder 7 AlWormwd GRussell Bonanza 1969J Juarez 1 18 l54fast 6 95 3 2 4 5 21 P Louder 5 Executor Rash Be

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Local Identifier: drf1915051401_4_5
Library of Congress Record: