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SECOND RACE— 5-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. .2:;s »7— 1 :i::-4-112. t Meddler— Belle Hoyt J. D. Misick. «n .«.«nnv 1. T 112 By « 7 b. m. THE BUSYBODY, „,."* 8 9 s s« Vj j Metcalf 15 MartinCasea. Alliena, WterLily 23943 Bowie 3-4 :™*g** i-,d ir s s 4 4= 24 A Schug*rl3 E. Allen, SempsUia. L. Fortune 23923 Bowie ~-4 i"*" %* 104 n s 7 6= 6»1 W Schornlo Squeeler. Aldebaran. Prairie tam Bowie °"J r.«a/lood 3 110 I 3 2 2 2- J Domick 10 Energetic. L.V.Zandt. P. Dumas 23735 Mt.Roya ,J :*»f gJJ J 41 54 R Watts 7 Parlor Boy, Tactless, Sempsilla 2?6C6 MJ.Royal 3-4 l;*ny 7 J gl -4 N Burger 8 Coreopsis, Parlor Boy, Tactless 23328 Hillcrest 64 f 1 :-w fi- s 5 c 6i 5J A Claver 13 Corsiean, Sempsilla, Crossbun 29J76 Wdbine --4 J-J; fTa 1. g i«» 2 7 3 l»t 1* A Claver » Zin Del, Sempsilla, Water Lily 22728 BlueBon. 3-4 l.LAfeiasi 5 5 54 4"4 J Acton » Marj.A., WaterLily, Un.Jimmie "6l.neEOTf4 4 107 By Golden Maxim-Leonalla C. H. Robbins. h b. » jiAXXMS CHOICE, g, s9-io ll- 14 14 14 12 11- 8«i C F-l.-ther 14 Roy.Meteor. Xorthlight. Anxiety 2:r.t01 Bowk- ViimSZt* ?q-10 113 M 17 13 13 9= 83 C Fbther 19 Ilinraoh, Batwa, Garl mm Bowie KV8BES bi 101 ivl 5 4 2 2= 2* J McTagrt 9 Encore. Lady London, Camellia 3-4 l-iasi oj 23894 Pimlico „ McTagrtlo Martin Casca, Anxiety. Pharaoh 1 23S71 Pimlico f-* :"*!*« »s »n 9»j C Fbther 11 T-asSteel, H.Prynne, R.Bradley 23814 Pimlico Si 3-4 1 1 :G«mud .lb%mua 35 * 112 11 11 * 10 8 9»" 9" C Fbther 12 Kderoseros. Humiltion, Ortyx : 20184 Pimlico 455* 5»=JH Hammer 6 Executor. Mr. Specs. Progressive 55324 Aqueduct 641 1--1. ,iasi o 3-Z w Jo » x o * o Marco 6 Naiad. Wooden Shoes. Bull Dog 15195 Aqueduct 7-45 1.2-Ts-ast w Ward S Edith W.t Altamaha. J.J.Lillls I 14913 Belmont 3-4 st iasi if jw b» 4«J C Fbther 6 Thornhill. L. Travers, Spearhead I 14741 Belmont 3-4 1 1.12*r.ast 1:*;*?? 10 107 4 3 2 3* 3« C Fbther 7 Crossbun. Edith W.. Orotund 14546 Belmont ,„,, Santa-Blue Danube A. R. Bresler. *« LINDA PAYNE, cn.l.* 4 4 4 „, f,.;w , iU.v JJ;. clain.. vik.t. Hectograph 19KW Bowie i-l ,-,..« "Lood 4i" 101 2 3 4 4J 4.1 McTagrt S Cliartier, Viley. Northerner ]:,4»7 X.Oi -ins ||4tfast V-5 102 1 4 5 24 14" W l.illey 7 Fairllelen, Billy Joe, Estimable 19347 N.Orlns J JrSod 15 MS 3 4 E 3 2= E Pool 7 It. GtMSC, Billy Joe. Dr.Larrick ; 192.K! X.Orlns iJ f H- rtAst 15 05 3 5 C 7 7» J Dreyer S Egmont. Sunset. Capt. Parr 18888 H.deGce 51 :f;a ia m 3 54 51 | | F Keota 12 Mamie K., Meelicka. Pennyrock i 1S«C H.deGce * Jd2?SS 4 108 3 5 7 5 BH J Smvth 11 Meelicka, Suuno. Mrs. Campbell I 1S44S H.deGce and-» ttSoat 73-10 08 6 6 6 5 4=i J Metcalf 11 Anna Kruter, Inez. Aunt Josie I 1S326 Latonia »H ,w ftit 51 103 3 G f. 4 4 I I Pool 10 Amazon. Ceo. Roc-sch. Lit.String : 17C45 Uouelas «.? f f l.o,%fa..t : i a;J ?s J07 g 4 ;, lt j Sulvlh 9 Gold. Girl. Alkanet, Netherbow 172S4 Lex-gton o s Ovation-Dor. I. E. E. P**!. JIM BASEY. Ch. h. •» „„ .|» s 9 ,, .,,. ,,-, R Klint l2 Sempsilla. Colors, Deduction «S2M Bowie r : ,.Jf t l- if,-- 1 C 7 C3 5»f W Ward 14 Aldebaran. Lady London, Hiker 28862 Pimlico --» ;,"75it r"11 H s « 11 121 12"1F Hopkins U Pullux. W. Pitzer, Sand Marsh 28BCS Pimlico *lSi eood 30 ll-l 2 4 3 34 6=i"T Rice 14 Outlwk, Silver M.Kn, Viley 23795 Laurel ?H .:U%hw » »« 7 9 64 7" T Hayes 12 Borax. Envy Old Bob 22678 Laurel 5? f l;jMgJ»J J" S 13 2 2h 73 T Hayes M Dryad, Mr. Sniggs, Jim L. 230 «9 Laurel 3-4 j;1" j._5 ni, 2 5 6 6» CHT Rice 7 Brandy wine. Minstrel, L.London t 23576 Laurel »-4 S3La 2M 181 2 2 2 3l 3= J Callahanll Ethan Allen, Springmass, G.Cap * 23510 Laure Hi V-oVnvv "15 111 1 3 3 3 3 T Rice 8 Devil Fish, Minstrel, Evelyn C. 23491 Laurel *-• J;i3K7i r 119 1 3 4 51 7» F Adams 13 Yenghee, Katharine G., Kopje 22207 Wdbine 3-4 :%fir* "_ w- n 13 12 13 ]3"1T Haves IS Corsican. Sempsilla. Crossbun 23 i76 Wdbine 0-4 J;"" £.10 106 7 6 3 31 311*0 Lomas 8 Patience. Astrologer. S. of Love --* -75 21567 FortEne Electionear— Little Em F. Muzante. ANXIETY, ch. a .» 37-10104 7 5 4 I II Pi T IarstonU Uo.valMeieor. Xorthlisht, Wodan 1 23881 Bs»W** •■ j 1 -11" list fid 96 8 11 11 11* 16" ■ For. hd 18 MartinCasea. Alhena, WterLily ■ -3913 Bowie U 1 i-iifast l-JJJSS IS luS 8 7 6 6* 5=3 R McUottll Encore, Prairie, Pontefract 3-4 2391C Bowie g S| c 3 11 iij r McDottlo Pntagenet, J.B.Harrell, Finalee 23878 Pimlico ~ , ; i»"falt 16 11" 2 2 2 2» 2« T Rice IS M. Casca. Max. Choice, Pharaoh 1 23 -71 Pimlico rJJ:J2SiS 4 111 4 4 4 4 5«J T Rice 11 Benevolent, Tie Pin, T.Masqder r 22S48 Pimlico jl : ,-.rLvv ll 103 4 6 5 4i 4« . T Haves 7 Brandywine. Minstrel, L.London 1 23576 Laurel --* ™gjvy 12j ]12 10 11 9 8* 8" T Rice 12 Videt, Cardigan, Langhorne 22343 Windsor l|jJ2"C15 3-4 16 y 15 104 5 4 8 5* 5» R McDott 6 Brandywine, Kate K.. Joe Finn 21466 FortEne Russell-Memorial J. B. Goodman. EDMOND ADAMS, h. g.« ■" , , 0 o=11"R TroxU-r 1.3 E. Allen. T.RusyImh1 -. Sempsilla 1 28628 D—rtS • I 1 -li-f-tst 18 Itfi 5 4 5 7?. 7*3 J Metcalf 14 Aldebaran. Lady Loudon, Hiker TBtei Pimlico rj t-iffifCat 14 112 " 6 6 4 3?. R Troxler 1? K « tenay. Crossbun, W. Welles 23S44 Pimlico fT l:ij*ZZZ fid Mi S S 7 V S=1T Pargton12 Prairie. Kootenay. Ahara 23S34 Pimlico •• J J ;* j . . M x 2 2 2= 21 "it Troxler 11 J. B. Harrell, Fairllelen, JimL. • 23043 Laurel gji3« fill 3 H 7 3=i Harcourt C. Delia Mack, H.Rose, PageWhite » 22734 Timium «j| r j g JEL S 117 38 Harcourt 9 OTisTrue, V.Strome, Nrthemer 22687 Tim ium AW-J ,±U,fiit o_5 lir, 5 Pulled np. D Boland B Pass On, Cordova. Lady Pender S 1. .v 22637 Mneuve AJk. Ab.,8 l.«0«fa-t ;-l* 7 m in 2 4 4 4? D Boland S Tactless, Indifferent. Skeets BM Mneuve Cesarion-Metrical W. C. Capps. MONTY FOX, D. a. * -j „ j , v s,, R Tl.ixl,.r ,2 Sempsilla. Colors, Beduelion 2:934 Howie -, f i-eo/lmid "". 116 3 2 2 2«k 36 R TToxler 14 Joe Blair. Gold Cap, Martre 239»4 Bowie p iVSSsiow 6-5 124 8 2 31 2= W Young 10 Curious. Indifferent, Bird Man 23731 Mt-RoyaJ ;Hi.m mud muu . 117 2 2 V. 1" W Young 6 BUckChief. T.Bethel. Jes.Bum n 23045 Mt.Roya 54 f -09 j. o „ SV. W Young 10 Tactless, Indifferent. Neville «-».4 Mt. Royal 1jf J i jjjt •-;*_* 1 119 3 1 1= l1 IV Young 5 Shaban. JessupBiirn. PatGannon n 23252 Mt.Roya »UJ5 25 ] S ! 1 1- 1= W Young S Par. Boy, Frosty Face, B. Chief f •:;i Mt. Royal •;:.;l X~L ,_r, G r. 2 Jh S*|B llavnes • Barette, L. Capricious. Cordova •2152 Mt. Royal 5-s 10. 1 1 111 2nJ J CiUalian 8 Jim L.. Hearthstone. Inquieta 23 MS Dorval 5| f liSfast 19 1"! 2 111* 2" F Moore 12 RubfconlL. MamaJohnson. Oxer r I - 22965 Dorval oi ■ Bt Todain5ton_countess Pepper J. L. Paul. TODDLING, b. •"••..,. f st ]?; jo2 7 2 3 3» 4*1 T laistonl-1 Cold Cap. Joy. Deduction 2TS22 Bowie r , ." fid 1"9 4 12 2 41 0", T Pargtonl? Pontefract. E. Allen. ILLatigdnn D -3V96 Bowie n i-ii fast °0 111 « 4 5 6-k 5 J T Pargtonl4 Striker. Pontefract;: Outlook 2374 4 Laurel Si , "wVhvv 9* K3 3 111= 1= T Parirton 7 M.Casca, Chesterton. PgeWhite e 22492 laurel 3-4 » %»- ,j_5 n0 3 2 4 34 3» ASchngr 7 Peggy L., Sonny Boy Mordecai 21570 FortErie »| * i:„ "lo »•" 4 111 1 3 3 2* 2* H Waits I Peggv L.. Luther, Miss Waters 21528 FortErie 64 f l» 4, 113 x 3 t 2J 2» W Ward ft Jim L., Celebrity. Font 3468 FortErie 3-4 J;-; " yd 4" m 3 6 1 0= 24 A Schugr I Bird Man Jefferson, Clarlhel 21058 Conght 6|J rnuslow 5 10S1 2 4 6 8 7» J Groth M Gordon, King Radford, J Zarate e 21010 Conght JiJfast 11-5 112 10 9 9 9 8»|J Acton 1 1 Broomstdge. In. Dick, lord Ma tf -X«43 Dorval 51 t i-";i°J g 107 1 11 l"k ll P Louder 8 Kavderoseros. Celebrity, Castara 19955 Bowie el f Mlslow 10 104 2 2 2 2J 2» P Louder tt Colors. Blue Jay. Richwood 39894 Bowie «" ■ 109 Bv. ifarta Santa— Whisk Broom R. V. Havmaker. 1. BIRD MAN. ch. g. 4 r_ ]0S ,f, - 7 e, St r E-step 1" E. Allen, T.Butiybody. Sempsilla a SSm nnmie 3-4 l1. ? ,,„ c ... -. ; 4T .;i i F ieo - Curious. Monty Fox. Indifferent t On M? Royal J 1 : 3 !»! 51 iV it INte," lO Jim Mallady. The I ark. IJorel 28664 Mt.Royal 5-« JSJffiS r HJ 4 I 31 3=1 R Estep 11 Belle Terre Xila. Lady lender r 23616 Mt.Roval fS* o n« i 3 2 2 R Estep 7 Amerieus. Leialoha. Md Cross • 1 KingKd- At*; I*si 4 4 H4 1 5 I 84 It Estep !• Or. Lad. Ft. Monroe, Indiftoront it 22177 KingEd. AbS -8 » %Jast l. j ., g R 7 M 1M,y Fox. Barette Tier In. "11.-8 Mneuve Al... 8 i-"1- 4 1]4 p. :: 4" C Knijrht 8 Toison dOr, Montylox. LeUloha a 2T736 KingKi. Ab5J *2eIZ? 3 116 8 5 i 7=1 W Young S Jolly Tar. Miss Je-an Xila 21674 KingK.1. ...J"* J .ISSfast W Ul 1 3 4 451 A Mthews 5 MissChaucer. Kenneth. Jes.Burn n 21and3S Delmier Arw-a i.ui.*i»» § 2 I C 2: « ■ s g ,, S 3 ,, a ,, ■ -; | * - | J * f 2 % , P . J - j j , 1 1 J 7 | ; ; , i , ] , | ; | . ; . , ; TACTLESS, b. m. 5 107 By Orlando— Tactful W. H. Cooper. 23:k;i i;..i. 7-s 1 :2s fast 25 865 5 « 7 7 71 »J2 Schoinll Koi.Mcieor, Nortblij:ht. Anxiety 23933 Bowie 1 1 16 l:5.V~u v 88-16 kM 2 2 3 2 6 I 5*3 W Schorn « Task. Surpassing. Sijima Alpha 23912 Bowie lui20v 1 :45V,fast 26 Km; 6 8 10 I «J 34 W Schorn 12 Binah Do. Lou. Travers, Castara 23888 Bowie 7-S 1 :27%fast fid M* 12 11 9 9 S1 7°J W Schorn 17 Pontefract. E.Allen, It Langdon 23706 Mt.Roval 3-4 l:18Vshvy 4 107 1 4 P 14 E Cullen I Par.Boy. Energetic. L. V. Zandt 23666 Mt.Royal 3-4 l:17%hvy 6 1 »2 5 3 51 2:l W Scharn 7 Par. Boy. Sempsilla. Fr. Johnson 23604 Mt.Roval 54 f l:07%fast 21 115 1 2 21 1= M Griner lO Indifferent, Neville, Nila 23462 Hillcrest 64 f l:26%hvy 11-5 110 4 1 1 3= 3» M tlriner 5 Coreopsis, Par.Boy, Orimar Lad 23412 Hillcrest 61 f 1:28 slop 21 111 1 Lost rider. M Griner 7 Coreopsis, Reflection. Sempsilla 23320 Hillcrest 64 f 1 :26%slow 5 115 1 5 6 44 3* M Griner S Coreopsis. Parlor Boy, Duqnesne 22803 Bufferin Ab5-S l:01*£slow 21 117 54 M Griner *. General, Curious, Orimar Lad 22608 Mneuve Ab5-8 l:00%fast 3-5 115 3 2 1 1* M Griner S Indifferent, Skeets, Edm. Adams 22402 Hillcrest Ab5-8 l:01%slow 31 113 1 1 1 1" DIM Griner C General. Carrie Orme. Jes.Burn MONCREIF, ch. g, 7 107 By Cesarion — Lizzie Keller J. E. Nash. 28622 Bowie 3-1 1:10 fast 4S9 M 11 11 10 M* W A XicklausU Bold Cap. Joy. Beduetion 22766 Timium Ab5-S 59 fast 4 115 4"! A Xieklaus ! S.llelene. P. White, C.Ashmeade 22712 Tiiiiium 3-4 1:16 fast 4 123 7= A Xieklaus ,S Skeets. Bella Mack. Hedjfe Rose 22888 Tiiniuni Ab4f 564 slow 3-2 116 4*4 A Xieklaus . F.Tionip, MissKrush, VirglniaS. 20914 Mboro 54 f l:09Vifast 6 115 56 A Xieklaus ! Hoffman. DellaMack. SilverMoon 88888 Mboro 7-S 1:29 fast 44 115 4*4 A Xieklaus 7 Hedge Rose. In. Queen, Cn Ron 88886 Mboro B f 1:10 fast 3 117 5s A Xieklaus » S.Moon, XarnocJ.V.Jr.. Remble 20810 Mboro 51 f 1 :09 good 2 112 3J A Xieklaus 48 MissSlierwood. Thrill. Roy. Onyx 20737 Mboro 6* f 1:25 good 3 115 :!4 A Xieklaus 7 Regular. Peacock. Hoffman 20682 Prospect 3-4 l:lSV5good 1 115 l1 A Xieklaus ■ D.Chareot. S.Kghr, XnocJ.V.JrV NORTHLIGHT, ch. f, 4 107 By Northern Star — Torchlight Marrone Stable. 23961 Bowie 7-8 1:28 fast 59-10 110 4 11 1 21 8* J McTagrtll Royal Meteor. Anxiety. Wodan 23922 Bowie 3-4 1:13 fast 61 107 3 3 4 V «23 R Hargtnll Bold Cap. Joy. Deduction 23S40 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast fid 888 13 10 9 10l 10°5 J McTagrtll Iohengrin. Luther, Patience 23816 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast fid US 4 5 4 ll1 11" D Hoffmanl4 Striker. Borax, Crossbun 23111 Bel. Ter. o-S fast 6-5 120 2 5 51 541 P Williainsll Culvert. Campeon, Rhine Maiden 22776 Belmont 3-4 st l:ll%fast 60 107 8 15 15 15 15" D HoffmanlG Tin. Bell, Gloaming, Humiliation 21880 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14%fast 6 113 2 3 3 31 3=4 D Hoffman12 Goodwood, Gallop, Chance 21786 Belmont 3-4 l:14%fast 20 114 7 1 2 51 51 D Hoffman » Dinah Do, Minstrel, Grumpy 21757 Belmont 1 l:43%slow 15 111 1 1 1 * 2 2" 4=4D Hoffman C Iron Duke, W. Metal, CyMerrick 21710 Belmont 1 l:41%fast 20 113 2 1 1 3 3l 13" D Hoffmanl7 Dryad. Napier. Tinkle Bell 21669 Belmont 1 l:40%fast 40 98 3 1 1 1 2* 45 P Lowder 0 Blue Thistle. Commauretta, Bac 21590 Aqueduct -4 l:16%s!op 20 110 7 7. 6 9 9=8 T McTagrt 0 Isirose, Pl!.ntagenet, S. of Valley 21447 Aqueduct Hl-4 l:15%slow 20 113 3 6 7 7* 7"4T Davies 8 Tinkle Bell, Hiker, Gilt Edge PAUL DAVIS, blk. g. 8 107 By Lord Esterling— Flora Handsome M. Myers. 88814 Mboro 51 f l:09%fast 15 10S • 9=4C Jackson !» Hoffman. DellaMack. SilverMoon 288S4 Mboro 51 f l:10%fast 3 114 1= C Irvin !► Elasticity. Ida Reck, Kedrou 88261 Mboro 51 f 1:10 good 0 112 4T C Jackson *.i Priwer. Aviatress, Halierdasb 20473 Electric 5-8 l: »%g-ood 20 115 971 Jackson 12 Xellie C, Otranto. CMtana 2t 418 Electric 3-S 58%slow 30 105 10,:I C Jackson 12 Barette. Bulgar, B.B.andTncker 19 .87 Bowie 51 f 1:08 fast 60 108 7 7 10 13 13=4C Jackson IS Fitzgerald. Blue Jay. Inlan 17692 Bowie 51 f 1 lOS/fcfast 80 107 9 10 10 10= ll1* D Hoffinanl 1 Votes. Char. Brown. Chil. Squaw 14853 Mboro Ab5-S 1:03 fast 34 113 5" C Jackson 7 Kelly. Hugh Gray. Blue Crest 14804 Mboro AMI f l:0 10 113 6" C Jackson b Malik. Kedron. Willie Waddell 14776 Mboro Ab54 f 1:09 fast 5 109 8» C Jackson S Ada. Starboard. Delia Mack 14571 Electric Ab41f 56 fast 8 107 6»4J Bauer «; Rac.Belle. AutoMaid, DellaMack 13916 James n 51 f 1 :09 fast 4 103 5 112 344 R Waldronl2 Elma. Li Sainrella, M.A.Mayer 13S91 Jamesn 54 f l:12%hvy 40 113 10 8 5 2h 2h R Waldronl2 Booth. Elma. The Urchin CHANTEBSE. b. f, 3 107 By Disguise — Mauviette T. Francis. £8868 Bowie 51 f 1 :08%fast 14 105 10 10 10 9= 107? C Hirst ! 2 Preston Lynn. Pierrot. Ford Mai 23930 Bowie 3-4 l:15%slow 315 103 6 6 7 7 7= C Hirst 7 Encore, Between Is. Prairie 23916 Bowie 3-4 l:13%fast rid 105 10 10 10 10l ll2* C Hirst 11 Encore, Prairie, Pontefract 23897 Bowie 3-4 1:13 fast 165 107 7 7 10 10 10" C Hirst 10 Squeeler, Aldebaran, Prairie 18154 Laurel 61 f l:06%fast 51 103 2 3 2 3l 4=1 J CallahanlO Bet. Us, Lady Rotha, Broomleaf 17897 Laurel 61 f 1:07 fast 19 105 7 8 8 8 8si A Schugr 8 Hanson, D. Eagle. Between Us 17410 H.deGce 5-8 l:00%fast 7-5 103 1 11 U l2 J McCahey 8 Corsican. Encore. Haversack 17341 H.deGce 5-8 1:01 fast 31 101 2 11 Pi 21 J McCaheyl2 Egmont, Corsican. Fair Helen 16816 Syracuse 5-8 59i fast 11-5 99 2 1 1 2l 35 J McCahey 3 Fenrock, Egmont 167S6 Syracuse 51 f 1:061 fast 9-10 98 1 1 1 2* 2* J McCahey 4 Fenrock, Borgo, Unity 16660 Saratoga 54 f l:10%mud 7 103 2 1 2 1* 2* J McCahey 0 Sarsenet, Change, Haversack 165S9 Saratoga 51 f l:07%fast 7-5 101 6 11 1= 2» J McCahey 12 B. First. Corsican, Ines 16476 Saratoga 61 f l:09%mud 10 101 5 4 4 4« 57 J McKver 8 Andrew M.. Alhena. S.McMeekm 16327 Saratoga 54 f 1:08 fast 13-6 105 1 2 2 2» 31 J McCahey 7 Fenrock, B.andMortar, Lngborne 15861 Empire 51 f l:10%mud 2 104 3 1 1 l1 2l J McCahey :i Hiker. Type 15734 Empire 61 f l:07%fast 6-45 93 3 2 1 l1 31! B Marco 5 Outlook. Gold. Girt, Embroidery JIM L., ch. g. 7 • 107 By Bea Strom*— Blue Jacket A. Brent. 23700 Laurel lm20v 1:49 hvy 25 112 2 4 5 3 4= 64 A Schugr N Wtertown. L.London, G. Counsel 23677 Laurel 51 f l:ll%hvy 18 114 8 8 10 74 7=4M Buxton 14 Mar.Casca. EnverBey, L. Orme 23609 Laurel 3-4 l:17%hvy 43-20 109?. 3 1 1 14 3= T McTagt 10 Dryad. Jim L.. Woodfair 2S543 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 11 104 3 6 6 44 4* A Schugr 11 J.B.Harrell, Ed.Adams. F.Helen 23497 Laurel 51 f 1:14 hvy 16 108 1 6 6 54 65 A Schugr 7 Noureddin. Garl, Ambrose 23275 Wdbine 3-4 1:14 fast 28 111 3 6 6 61 3=1 A Schugr 1.1 Kopje. Sempsilla, Gold Cap 23045 Dorval 61 f l:06%fast 36-5 112 5 5 4 3= Ink a Schugr 8 Mty Fox. Hearthstone. Inquteta 23011 Dorval 3-4 l:12%fast 81 111 6 5 3 3i 2J A Collins 8 Cy Merrick, Inqnieta, Joy 22893 Dorval 61 f i:06%fast 24 110 1 3 1 2= 3" F ColemanlO Fastoso, Lady London, Alston 22847 Dorval 51 t 1:08 slow 39 110 9 7 4 3"t 2* J Callahan 9 Coy, Indifferent. Mama Johnson THRILL, ch. f ; 3 107 By McGee— Royal Una J. M. Black. 23841 Pimlico 1 l:12%fast fid 121 2 3 3 7. 74 7174C Jackson 14 St. Lazerian. Hiker, Kopje 23816 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast fid 113 2 3 10 14 14=° C Jackson 14 Striker. Borax. Crossbun 23240 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%fast 100 113 2 2 3 4» .O3! C Turner « Pan Maid, Silica, Sandman II. 23083 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast SO 104 7 8 12 12* 13144C Turner 14 Sarsenet, Striker, Scallywag 23005 H.deGce 3-4 l:14%fast 30 105 6 13 13 13 13" C Turner li Xaushon, Luther. Tboughtreader 22757 Timium Ab5-8 5S fast 6-5 109 11 Jackson 9 Remarkable, NnocJ.V.Jr., Carl 20915 Mboro 7-8 l:28%fast 31 88 3-J C Braxton C MissB.Harbor, Petelns, Os.Maid 20S10 Mboro 61 f 1:09 good 6 92 2* C Braxton 0 MissSherwood, Moncreif, R.Onvx 20732 Mboro 51 f l:08%good 4 89 3» C Braxton 5 Pharaoh, Monty Fox, Muzanti