First Race [1st Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1915-12-12

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, — o i 0 The small figure under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race. 1 The amall figure under "Fin."— unless the horse won— shows the number of lengths the horsf waa I bVhinTSe wSner. Weight to be carried appeaxt at top of column of weights in previout rapes. | I ~~ B — " I FIRST RACE— 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 13412— 1:23%— 5— 110. j index Course Dlst TimeTckOdds Wt St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish i»*ttt HLETJ ch f 3 95 By Hazagan— Elsie L. S. Le Duke. ?.?T7„B™7 MU Juarez 1 l-41fast 5 "7 6 3 3 3 3=?. 3=1 J Morys 1 Eastman, H.Walbank. TheMonk iisfow 7 95 2 5 " 3 2» 2* J Morys 9 Fairly. Uerds. Francis £SS AZl R llfast 15 98 I 8 8 7 7 V J Morys 8 Old Coin, L.Young, B. Johnson : •2 ;1 Juarez 7-8 l:rl%fts 5 87 2 2 2 2 2| *»1 J Morys 11 Sh. Knight, J.Nolan. John Louis ; -r-U Mi K0V1 1 1-1C 1 and0%good 6 103 10 13 14 14 12"jJ Dodd, 15 Hykl. Endurance, Zodiac S SB 1 1-16 1-57 hvy 6 105 5 5 4 6 5«1J Domick 8 Durin. Barn Dance. Minda H -S ".. imvvix mud 5 106 7 5 6 2«w V- J Domick 11 Frontier, Hyki. Kinmundy -— nilAest 7-Sl:33 fast 6 101 1 9 S 6* 4« A Claver 10 Ormead, Jessup Burn, Cordova :.?~ e m Rovil 3-4 1:14 fast 8 112 3 7 8 31 W Young 8 Brickley, Belle Terre. Jes. Burn J ::: 55-5SS Va rlkfast 13 m S 8 9 5«J J Howard 9 Jessup Burn, Mazurka, Fastoso 5 3r£ wl s! f l:"4%fast "i 104 1 2 2J 1» W Young 9 Clarihel. Ravenal. Phil Connor I "*S M-"!e S i rsfow 4 104 5 6 4 3*i W Young 7 Joe Knight, G. Lassie. Mr.Mack : US Mnem-e « f lifcalSw 3 105 2 3 1 1* W Young 8 C. McFerran. G. Lassie. HazelC. j «T*nrSTTFFP ch r 10 105 By Sir Hampton— Gladeyes W. M. Grant. ; TwEr 1 i 41 fa«t 7 l"" 5 2 2 2 2" 5« J MeCabe 9 Mcurm. CJTOffll. D.Mgomy ; "Juarez 7-8 lfast 10 102 1 3 5 5 4* Vi H Phillips 7 Furlong. M. Emily C.McFerran ; £2n 1;.y l:6l«Afa»t H Stearns 12 Kuss Sand, Dixie Mina, Palma • r i-s 6 107 10 3 2 2=i 2 J ZZg Ju 4=1 Molesth 7 Freda Johnson, Briton, Hazel C. r*z 3-4 l:13%fast 10 105 6 4 4 5=1 G SS Juarel U L:27%fa1t 6 108 3 8 6 6 8J 8- J Howard 11 Panhachapl NoQuarter H Stree MR Juarel 5, 1 V7 fast 10 105 1 8 8 8 7»iW Orines 8 Ann Tilly. Quid Nunc, But Ball I iaf/« Juarez 3-4 1 10%fast 8 112 3 6 4 6* 4 J L Gentry 9 No Quarter, Tower, petit Bleu , i-v 1re7 3-4 l:16slow 10 112 7 7 7 6J 7i G Bezansn 8 Ben Levy. Snindle, Bob Lynch . mi4Jutre« 5j1lSas7 20 110 3 10 10 M* l4 C Gross U ! Canapa. Bad Prospect, H.Street ; iq- 97 i,nw 5i f l:08%ltood 20 110 5 4 4 4* 4"»JG Bezansn 7 Orimar Lad, Kiva, Slarty Lou %? uSrll 113%faVt Bezansn 7 Panhachapi, Sh. Foley, Scrapper 3-4 8 110 2 7 6 7 7» G MOOT Juarez 2 l:M%tort 20 108 5 4 4 31 1- G Bezansn 8 Gemmell, Rose Ring Ferrona : 1648 Juarez £! L:28%fast 8 108 5 8 7 6 71 8* G Bezansnll Origtor, BerthaV.. Winifred D. em rDT SUPLKJ" „v cn f r« a * 106 Bv The Commoner — Ice Water Woodsworth and Shields. «ni nFran 11-16 149 fast — 108 5 4 4 5 5s 5«| C Gross 7 Tom Chapman. Ccos. H.Walbank - W s mFran 1 1 4 %fast - 108 8 7 4 6 7J 6» K Feeney 9 S. Ante, Commendation. Fairly Zm% «: nFran 1 1:41 fast - IOC 3 4 4 3 3J 4* C Kirschm 8 He*. Lass, Lady Young. Fairly iSn ; TCno 1 l:41%fast 16 107 1 3 4 2 l«t IS C Gross 7 LadyM.M.. Electrowan. M.Edith " Iteno B f iS fast 10J 107 7 6 I 51 7U F Earley 8 Roscas, Ftunlgln Hardy S:„„ af l-OSVfefast 33-10 104 9 8 7 3i 1= F Early 9 LoftyHeywood. Hossie, Tordillo 1 7S K 7-8 iS fast 11-20 113 S 6 2 1 2« 3 J W Leeds 8 Wise Mason, C.Tucker, Zmkand 1 MEfl R n«, 5-8 last fast 3 106 7 S 7 6* 5si G Wr Carll 8 M. Kennedy, C. House, In Dutch 1 ItaMKeno ";-4 1:15 tlVi 14-5 120 6 3 3 f 2* G W Carll 7 T. Chapman. C. House. Neb.Lass 1 5rv tnver 5 f 1 W mud 21 107 9 8 4 « 4* W Kelsay 9 Miss Clark. Gimli. Bal.v Lynch . -nii" 1 v r 5-8 l:00%fast 9 107 8 7 7 7s 6* W Kelsay 10 EdLuce, J.Crawford, M.Kennedy -l£m linver 1 141%fast 14 109 4 2 2 2 5» W Kelsay • Tarletou P., Say. First Star " rri Denver 1 141%fast 12 105 7 6 5 6 6s 6* 0 Riddle 7 Brando, Fairly. Cantem 9iMi lienver 1141%fast 27 106 3 4 4 5 6»k 6"JW Kelsay 8 Brando. Henry Wall.ank. Fairly 21147 Denver 3-4 l:13%fast 11 107 2 6 7 6s 6* T Nolan S St. Avano, Say, Mary Emily By Downpatrick — Corinne Unland E. J. Ramsey. nnurvt A«n h m 5 100 , HhT.Tez 1 *46%slow 5 112 3 7 4 3 2=1 33 W J OBnlO Bon. Buck, Lad, Peter Stalwart 9MU Juarez llf%fast 15 110 17 7 6 7 8=1W J OBn I Dundreary, Francis, D.Mgomery Juarez 7-S 1 "8%fast 20 107 5 7 8 9 10 11== L Gentry 11 Sh. Knight. J.Nolan, John Louis :„,„;"„ ll:41%fast 29 104 5 6 6 6 6 C» G W Carll i SirBarry, M.Tempo H.Wall.ank ; •"-.4 Keno 7-8 1:"8%fast 43 113 7 7 7 7 7 7*1 G W Carll 7 F. Cathay. R.SnonlL, M.Tempo 1 r»-«fiS Henn 1 1 4 V fast 4C-5 110 5 5 5 4 42J 4=1 G W Carll 7 Bunny. Miss Tempt.. Acumen , PwaReno 7-S l-7 ""fast 9 113 5 5 5 5 5 5» C Cross 5 Dick Benson. Nel». Lass. Orbest 1 "« ■■* H~no 1 l:41%fast 7 104 2 6 5 4 3= 35 C Gross 7 Net.. Lass, Acumen, Criterion "-28% 57 m cn 7-S 1 fast 36 113 7 7 7 5 51 5l0JG V Carll 7 Cano, DickBenson. SouthernGold I r- SC7 He o 51 f lo7%fast 47 106 1 7 7 7 7"! G W Carll 7 C. W. Hodges. Delaney, Tal.Dip 1 tSu. Reno 54 f l:0S%fast 131 103 5 5 5 5» M G W Carll 0 DickBenson, Tal.Dip. LottaCreed 1 r -.03 Denver 1 141%fast 74 109 7 4 5 6 8 9"1G Warren 9 Henry Walbank. Cantem, Rhodes « 041 Denver 3-4 1i:%fast 60 109 9 7 8 6» 7«» G W Car1110 SouthernGold. Roscas. FarCathay ix"*i V ouver 6J f UH hvy 25 112 5 6 6 6 6 6" W Mondon G High Street. Oblivion, Fan. Hall 1 isTfi vvouver 61 f lhvy 3-2 112 4 4 4 4 3« 3» A Pickens 4 Ancestors, Lehigh, Santa Call ?MS Vcouver 7-8 ls7 mud 13-5 112 4 4 4 4 3" 2» J OBrien 6 Prince CTad, Fan.Hall. Mol.Cad 18059 Vcouver 3-4 llfl mud k 112 2 6 6 5* 5= J OBrien 7 Virginia S.. Fan. Hall. Oblivion 1 ROOSTER eLc i 105 By Peep oDay— Hjunger Scott and Mighill. SSSS In Tinz G-S 103%slow 30 112 4 8 8 8 6 *!L Hartw1112 T. Bethel, Brighouse, Buss Sand 1 r r - M SanKran 51 f 108%fast — KK R 9 9" 9 » 9»S G Moles thlO C.Ward, D.Neufer. M.Genevieve , « "SnFran 5f l:*%fast - 108 7 7 9 9» 7» G Moles tall Roscas. Teeto, Charity Ward r:«n n-fan 3 4 115%fast — 115 1 5 6 91 «*1 O Molesthll Valadolid, Lill. Ray. MissTempo r,r*.V., S„f„" rV f im fast — 112 9 8 9 9 S»i G Molesth 9 MasterFranklln. Azurea, Stelcliff c "1T1" i ..« 7-8 l-"7%fast 25 115 1 4 6 5 51 64 G Molesth 8 Electrowan. Cecil, Lady M. M. "• 51 f 1-08 fast 26 109 3 7 7 7=1 6« G Molesth 8 Roscas, Finnigin, Hardy PTj i;,.n„ " 1 i-41%fast 19 108 3 3 2 4 4"" 517 G Molesth 5 Bey, Canapa, Flossie r,:,J.,f .», nn rl f 1 OSMifast 26 I08 1 2 2 31 5H: Molesth 7 TallowDip. InDutcli, Mandadero . 3 "wtS Reno 7-S 1 5 fast 51 115 111 1 1=1 l3 G Molesth 7 Miss Tempo, Emelda. Hannis 01 Reno 6lfl:08 fast 11 108 I I 5 5-k 6«i C. Molesth 7 ClintTucker. MkeGood, I. Iinack J ;:vT "— - "11-41 fast 16 1 « 5 I Pulled up. G. Molesth 5 Gimli, Miss Edith. Prince Conrad 1 • 7-8 1:27%fast 23 118 7 7 7 7 7 7S1 G Molesth 7 Gimli. Zamloch, Miss Edith , SS ,J, 1 l-4 2 tfast 32 108 2 6 7 7 7 71S1G Molesth 7 Ceos. Comdation, Prince Conrad 1 ! KA5 1. nvor 51 t ll0%mud Si 107 10 10 9 9« 8""G Moles thlO Kid Nelson. Wasatch. Oscuro rH7S lienver 1 1:41 fast 81 113 1 1 1 1 31 61 G MolesthlO Dennis Stafford, Gano, Oblivion VTREO rh m 6 106 By Mazagan— Huns Cloth H. C. Smith. •*£. lu-irez V f 107 fast 12 111 S 6 6 7=1 7 s R Carter U Brighouse. Palma. Hearthstone I r4 ir lulrez 0 f l-06%fast 12 108 10 9 10 10 10== R Carter 10 M.B.Ebanks. Delaney. P.Grimm «S SSnu 1 1:41 fast — 111 4 2 2 4 6i 7»1E Hawkins 7 Brando, Zoroaster, Lady Young r4:M SanFran 3-4 l:10%fast - 110 5 1 1 1" 1" E Hawkins C Wasatch. Light Knight. L.Shark k "?i-. Din Fran 5if l:07%fast — 106 9 9 9 9 9== G W Carll 9 Darkey, Caroudolet. Aunt Elsie "-n £ntS» 5-S l:01%fast — 102 8 8 8 8 71* G W Carll S B.Beers. ApacheKid, Carondolet t 2=79 SanFran 58 l:01%fast - 102 S 7 7 7* 7= C. W Carll S Uncle Jimmfe Gray. Ida, Vesta _ 0T4 7 iS-nver 5» f l:07%fast 19 107 5 8 11 11 11" R Small 11 Definite. Lady Young, KidNelson ,. ;?r TVnver 3-4 llG% "low 59-10 109 10 10 10 10 10" J Washer 10 Commendation. S. Gold. M.Edith 21190 Denver 51 f l-06%fast 38 111 9 9 9 9 9" D Bauer 9 Brighouse. Safranor. Delaney -10S4 lienver 51 f 107 fast 26 109 8 8 Pulled up.D Bauer 8 Envy. Yuba, Decency 11S49 Havana 3-4 116%good 6-5 110 5 1 1" 1 W Obert 8 Sir Fretful. Haberdash. Malik . SS llaMna V-A 119 slow 10 110 2 1 1" 3=1 D Hoffmann Commack. W. Baths. Ihengrin "! 19S-.1 Havana til" hvy 6 106 2 2 3» V- 0 Jones 9 In.Queen, K. Radford. Transport 19615 Havana t-4 l:i4%fast 4 105 7 6 61 4 W Hinphy 10 Francis, Moisant, Sir Fretful £l Havana 3-4 117%good 25 105 1 3 31 3=1 T Nolan 7 Cooster. Laura, Inferno Queen 19TT5 Havana 51 f l:14%ilow 25 112 9 9 10 10==»D Bauer 10 Faithful. Col. Lady. PhilConnor w 1934* Havant 61 f 1 16 sow 30 112 11 11 11 U» D Bauer 11 TigerJim, Laura, Char.McFerran n iWilTluareS 1 l:42%fast 6 108 4 2 1 1 1= U G Bezansn 9 Kelsetta. TheCinder, Rose Oneil II 18969 Jutrez 7-8 l:27%fast 15 110 6 4 4 5 21 3 R Carter 12 Originator, Choctaw. B.ackMate e trTVTtvtro A ■ ■ 95 Ry Mr- Jack — Alice Commoner Hall Bros.. 40-4 lufez 51 f 106%fast 100 98 11 11 11 11 11" T Buckles 11 M.B.Eubanks. O.Bob. Oldsbilc T-7 1lLvina 1-8 hvy 6 105 7 5 U 1« C Jones 7 Beda. Gitana. Black Chief 19v , Havana 5* l;13%slow 10 97 8 9 6 4* J Pitz 9 Frontier, Appasnata. Cthumpn Havana 6-8 115 hvy 7 102 6 5 5 Pi F Robinsn 8 Our Ren. Frontier, Laurel Park k 39691 Havana H 1:14 hvy 12 102 2 3 4 1 4" J Dreyer 8 Conquistador. Vir. Hite. Bulger , emrvmr t» h ■ 4 100 By Dick Wellee — Shawana W. E. Cotton. «*0RrtTir?rez V4 1 15%fast 15 112 11 9 6 6« 5"1 C Gross 12 Tillrtson. H.Street, KatharineG. •• r,lr,""" ; J 107 fast 20 108 11 10 8 8* 8"1G MolesthlS Brighouse, Palma. Hearthstoue e 5«sir lutrll 5-8 1:01 fast 10 110 4 5 8 9 10»JC Gross 14 Dixie Mina, Palma, iloller «oT?fi iKran 34 l:14%fast — 104 7 7 6 6-t 4=1 G MolesthlO F.G.Hogan, InDutcli. SmokyDan £ f,iq anFVan 61 f l:08 fast — 106 6 7 8 7=1 7»i G Molesth 8 John Hurie. L.Knight, A.Heinze * ?"f$ SanFran 3-4 115%fast - 118 6 3 4 Q 8" T Nolan • Angelus. Hannis. Merry Twinkle e WSanFran 34 l:15%fast - 110 9 7 6 » 6»1 T Nolan 11 Valadolid, Lill. Ray. MissTempo ■ o7/,o £a"iCan at 1:08 fast — 112 4 7 8 B 1 9" W Leeds 9 MasterFranklln. Azurea. Stelcliff «-inT p™„ 61 f l:07%fast 20 110 5 6 6 7= 6«J G Molesth S K.Nelson, J.Argent. LaCazadora a «- Reno 6* f l:07%fast 2 108 5 5 6 5U 6i G MolesthlO Lil. Ray. L. Johnny. Ft.Johnson n ~"3« Rno 7-8 1:28 fast 60 115 4 1 1 1 2J ? C Molesth 8 Neb. Lass, Miss Tempo, Hannis is £001 Reno eifl:08 fast 15 108 7 7 7 7 7» W Leeds 7 ClintTucker, MkeGood, I.Pinack k «Twi Reno 5* f 1 0S%f ast 11-5 108 2 3 3 3* 4" J L Morse 8 Delmas. Tordillo. How. Pearson i Sjsni Reno 5-8 1:0* fast 86 116 2 5 5 5= 5»1 L Morse 8 Mandadero, In Dutch. Lil. Ray •1145 Denver 6-8 1:00 fast 73 107 9 9 9 9 9» G Molesth 9 Sw. Hill. Arrowshaft. Brighouse « ASWAN b r 3 100 By Dr. Leggo— Princess Alma C. W. Gasser. "ioMjITarM Vfl07%fast 20 109 13 12 11 12 12=« E Haynes 13 Delaney. Oldsmobile. Brighouse . :,;,,;,„, " l 1-40 fast 2 92 1 4 5 6 10 10=» J Morys II Moonlight, TheMonk. Bon. Buck h rJ!--.; , V ..,.,/i inVOv l:46%slow 27 9S 8 8 7 fi 5 5 =JL Mink 8 M.Dweber, L.Marsball, Orpertb h -ri" laurel mJv 47 hvy 89 98 6 8 8 8 8 7»«1A Collins S Yodeles, Jesse Jr.. Norus *m iu ITneuve « f l:23%fast 8 112 6 7 7 M D Roland 7 Ormead, Mimico. Bulger •■UNJKineEd Ab5-8 59%fast 10 112 6 8 8 7*1 D Boland 8 Ormead. K. of Pythias, 111 Savin „ Soorval Cifl-Wast 12 109 8 7 7 9 10»|E Haynes 10 Jefferson. Deviltry, Energetic S iuaVez 1 l:39%fast 3 90 8 5 4 8 9 9« M Garner 10 A.RIck. C.McDougall, Wavering MM Urll 7-8 4 fast 21 95 2 5 7 7 5* 2f M Garner 10 Lady Young, Cal.Jack. Mar.Lou u !!4C7 Juarez 7-8 i;i7%fast 6 115 1 10 7 6 9 1 9"1T Rice 13 Obolus. Vir.Field. Mab.Dulweber r ,„„„, v_ f 4 105 By Puryear D.— Priceless Jewel A. L. Littell. 557 in.r,7 1 l-46%slow 8 112 5 4 3 5 7= 6»» A Venters 10 Bonnies Buck. Lad, Downland i L * .,it "liiarez 1 l-4"%fast 30 lo7 9 4 6 7 6»k 6" A Venters ..Dundreary, Francis. D.Mgomery I r7 Juarez 3-4 1 !l4%fast 10 VfJ 7 7 7 8 8 » A Venters S Edith W., Osniobile. C.McDgall 1 iv MS Juarez 11:39 fast 4 108 9 10 10 10 10 10=«1L Gentry 10 Chevron. C.McDougall. C. Druse » ?i™VJuare! ll:42%fast 10 108 4 6 7 12 14 14" L Gentry 14 A.Hndon, A.Heinze. D.Mtgomy 7. i*:sf Juarez 1 1 :39 fast 6 104 5 7 7 7 63 4»1 C Gross 7 Cordie F.. Flor. Krlpp, Cordova iw Juarez 1 1.44%hvy 4 103 1 7 7 7 6= 6= J ***** 9 Hasson. D.Montgom.v. A.Teresi !" iqitT Juarez ll:49%slop 8-6 106 f. 6 3 3 3i 2« J McCa be J M.Tilgbman. M.Bonlin, CordleF. • i«l Juarez 1 1 41%good 5 106 11 7 8 6 61 4"! J McCalw 11 Melts. Patriotic. No Quarter "? ,X 11:42 good 10 105 10 7 4 7 11 10« G Berans,,12 PceConrad. CordleF.. Thos.Hare 2 - MOT4 Juilrez 7-8 l:26%fast 12 107 13 12 10 8 51 3» J MeCabe 14 Flying, p. Conrad. R Padwlck ■

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Local Identifier: drf1915121201_4_2
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