Blue Bonnets Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1916-06-08

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BLUE BONNETS FORM CHART. MONTREAL, QUE., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7. 1916.— Blue Bonnets. Second day. Montreal Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. Steward to Represent Canadian Racing Associations. Joseph A. Muruliy. Presiding Judge, Francis Nelson. Starter. A. P.. Dade. Racing Secretary. W. Northey. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. •Indicates apprentice allowance. QO7 QA FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. 753SO-54%— 2— 118. 00 Added. 2-year-olds. •D i OU Maidens. Canadian-foaled. Allowances. Net v::lue to winner 85; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSti %• % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ecpiiv. Odds Strt CAPTAIN B. w 112 4 3 lS 1 I | W WaronC. M.-lross MMM 26313 BRITANNIA w 112 2 1 4] 4 1*1 B AmbroseThornclifTe Stable NB Im 26313 IRABK1.TJD H. w 112 7 4 ?.* 3* 8* J Metcalf J Hendricks .150-100 J. W. HINLET W 112 5 5 53 5= 4 L McAtee F Dake 1005-100 266203OANDY FAY w 112 6 6 6» 6« 5« T Parton W Walker Mi MB RECORDER w 112 3 2 2= 2 6 J Smyth D Raymond 2290-100 26437 NELLIS C. w 112 1 7 7 7 7 J WilliamsC A Crew 3640-100 Time. 23%, 48%. 55. Track fast. mutuels paid. Captain R., 4.00 straight, .00 place. .30 show; P.rittania, .90 place, .60 show; Isalielle II.. .i0 show. Eciuivalont booking odds— Captain B.. 600 to 100 straight. 150 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Brit-tania. 45 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Isabelle H.. 05 to 100 show. Winner — Br. c by St. Bass — Burdette traim-d | y H. Giddings. Jr. Went to imst at 2:33. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CAPTAIN B. went to the front with a rush soon after the start and set a fast pace all the way. RRITTANIA began slowly, but closed a big gap and finished gamely. ISABELLE II. was hard ridden all the way. RECORDER ran in close pursuit of the pacemaker to the eighth post and tiuit badly. Scratched— 20313 Princess Fay. 112. OJ7Ql SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. 75383— 59%— 2— 10S. 00 Added. 2-year-olds. O I O JL Mai. .ens. Allowances. Net value to winner 90; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtlTSt j j Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Etpiiv. Odds Str7! AMALGAMATOR w 115 7 6 2 4 5= 1= J Metcalf W Viau SK-Ht 26438 SEA GILL w 115 9 9 3U 2£ ll 2i G Byrne J S Tyree 165-100 26438 LTNKTTH w 112 3 7 6 3J 3 3s T Rice H Oots 380-100 26528 EDDIE PARSONS w 112 8 4 l1 l3 2- 41 S Wolsfm H G Bedwell 2505-100 25905 LIGHT SHOES WB 112 1 1 9 6 6« B E Forehd L W Garth 1260-100 26397 DYSON w 112 2 2 4*. 5nk SS r.3 E Leaver M Oliver 3155-100 26620 SLEEPY SAM w 112 5 5 7and 8J 7J 73 C DishmonF J Pons 2X25-100 VICTKOLA w 112 4 3 Gnk 9 s SJ E AniliroseThorncliffo Stable :;005-100 26397 LONG DISTANCE w 112 6 8 S1* 7 9 9 J Connors Mirasol Stable 3395-100 Time. 24. 48%. 1:01V5. Track fast. mutuels paid. Amalgamator, .30 straight, .70 place, .10 show; Sea Gull, .30 place, .50 show : Lynette. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds— Amalgamator. 315 to 100 straight, .85 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Sea Gull. 65 to 100 place. 25 to 100 show; Lynette. 50 to 100 show. Winner — H. c. by Duke of Ormonde- ComiMiisate trained by R. F. Carman. Went to post at 3:05. At. post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. AMALGAMATOR ran green and dropped back on the stretch turn, but finished with a rush and was going away at the end. SEA GlLL liegan flatfooted anil showed a great burst of speed for the first half, but tired near the end. LYNETTE finished fast, after having a rough race in the early running. EDDIE PARSONS was speedy and set a fast pace, but failed to stay. LIGHT SHOES closed a gap. ___ Oft7QO THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 22700—1:12—5—105. 00 Added. 3-year-olds and up- Q I Q a ward. Selling. Net value to winner 05; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt ., j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 25704 SCARAMOUCH wn I 110 6 S |S l3 1U lJ J DminickW Stormont MJB-M8 26082*MARTIN CASCA WB I 1 S 2 2 1" 23 2U V M MntainF J Coleman 2275-100 258493KING WORTH WB 5 119 11 3 41 E*| 3i P J Metcalf R O Egan 970-100 25742 OCTLOOK w 4 110 S 4 3 4nt 4= 4-* C, Byrne 1 Powers 300-100 26489 1TI1E SPIRIT W 5 111 4 3 8 6 BJ 8* A Mott N Matfarlane 975-100 26359 BRomiVALE w 3 107 5 7 Fj| 71 S1 6= J WilliamsR F Carman 2475-100 26068* RBPTON WB 3 102 3 9 M* 10= M 71 M AndsonP Sheridan MB-MO 20359 THE MASQDER WB 4 1M 9 11 91 9= 71 S3 L McAtee K Parr 215-100 20230 HON ERGS FIRSTwil 3 104 1 1 ■ 3J 6 9 C DishmonF J Pons 37X5-1IH 20359 EILOGY w I 90 7 C 7 S1 10= 10= T Buckles II Oots t 20493 » REFLECTION WB 4 MS M 10 11 11 11 11 J Cruise A F Dayton 2000-100 fMutuel field. Time, 24%, 49, l:14*j. Track fast. mutuels paid. Scaramouch, field. 4.30 strainht, .50 place, .40 show; Martin Casea, 7.40 place. 1.40 show; Kiiir Worth, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds- Scaramouch, field. 615 to 100 straight, 375 to 100 place, 220 to 100 show; Martin Casca, 770 to 100 place. 470 to 100 show: King Worth. 170 to 100 show. Winner— B. g, by Hamburg— Lady Fri voles trained by A. 0. 1arretto. Went to post at 3:36. At post 1 minute. Start pood and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SCARAMOUCH went through the others with a rush in the first eighth and set a fast pace all the way. MARTIN CASCA raced in closest pursuit, but tired in the homestretch and had to be hard ridden to outstay KING WORTH. The latter outstayed OlTLOOK through the last eighth. THE SPIRIT finished close up. THE MASQUER ADEK was away badly. The winner, entered for 00. was bid up to ,105 and bought in. Sera tched— 25957 s Bora x . 106. Overweights — Boneros First. 2 pounds. ; 9ft7QQ FOURTH RACE— About 2 Miles. 77024— 3:54%— 5— 145. Steeplechase. 00 Added. _£l J 4 OO 4-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 15; sec- ond. 25; third. 5. Index Horses AWtPlSt 5 8 11 14 Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt 25984 RUPICA w 4 135 4 3 1=L 1=" I" l5 l11 O Smoot J T Gwathmey 135-100 26485 JACK WINSTON ws 4 135 1 4 21 230 V 2 » 25° N Brooks A D Parr 415-100 22656 LILY PAXTON w 8 145 3 2 36 310 315 9* 3= J Russell M O Viau 910-100 26513 = BESS w4 133 214 4 4 4 4 W Allen O Lew isohn 195-100 Time, 4:12. Track fast. mutuels paid, Rupica, .70 straight, .50 place; Jack Winston, .10 place; no show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds— Rupica. 135 to 100 straight. 75 to 100 place; Jack Winston, 55 to 100 place. Winner — B. g, by Rockton — Burnt Hills trained by G. R. Tompkins. Went to post at 3:59. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won pulled up; second the same. RUPICA showed a great flight of speed and, taking the fences in his stride, was under restraint for the last half. JACK WINSTON could never get up, but was easily best of the others. LILY PAXTON is a safe jumper, but lucked speed. BESS went to her knees at the second fence and would not try after that. 9ft7Q4. FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. 96141— 1:37%— 3— 107. 00 Added. 3-year-olds and up- flgjjJ I O ward. Allowances. Net value to winner 25; second, 25; third, 5. Index Horses _W____J4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 26360 RANCHER w 4 IIS 5 5 41 21 l1 1= 1 J Smyth G M Hendrie 80-100 25855 COMMONADA WB 4 114 3 3 21 ll 2* 2* 25 A Mott R J Austin 1365-100 26311 KING NEPTUNE w 3 109 2 1 5» 4l 3l 3* 3= G Byrne J S Tyree 1240-100 26484 KING K. wb 4 106 1 2 3U 51 5" 5s 4s J Metcalf Ottawa Stable 540-100 26311 GREENWOOD w 3 102 4 6 6 6 6 6 5J W Ward G H Marlman 1115-100 26242 =BERNiCE w 3 95 6 4 11 31 4s 41 6 L McAtee E Trotter 685-100 Time. 24%. 48%, 1:14%. 1:38%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Rancher. .60 straight, .50 place, .70 show; Commonada, .90 place, .40 show: King Neptune. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds— Rancher, 80 to 100 straight, 75 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Commonada. 345 to 100 place, 220 to 100 show; King Neptune, 150 to 100 show. Winner — B. c, by Galveston — Sweet Lavender traiend by J. Walters. Went to post at 4:29. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. RANCHER, after being saved for the first half, raced into an easy lead while rounding the far turn and drew away to win in a canter. COMMONADA was a contender for seven-eighths and pulled up lame. KING NEPTUNE raced well, but tired in the homestretch. BERNICE, probably short, tired badly after leading for a half mile. Overweights -King Neptune, 3 pounds; Greenwood, 2. I M t 7 Q f SIXTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. 14657—1:52—3—109. 00 Added. 3-year-olds and ____ 4 tj *J upward. Selling. Net value to winner 75; second. 00; third. 0. _! ndex Horses AWtPlSt _ _ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 26083 BOBBY BUYER wb S 107 4 2 l3 1- I2 l1 V E Forehd L W Garth 135-100 26664S*NANNIE McDEBwn 7 104 2 6 6 6 5= 2- 2* W SchornC N Freeman 290-100 28660s* P. PHILSTHPE WB 7 100 3 I 4= 3" 31 4= 3l B KoppanH E Hamilton 1085-100 26533*I.ONIKN GIRL w 4 9S 5 3 2J 21 2- 3 4- T Buckles C W Parks 1275-100 26661 *L. SPIRITUELLE W 4 98 6 4 9 5J 6 5s 5J ■ Brown W Walker 1145-100 26362 LOCH I EL w 8 109 1 1 $» 4i 4*6 6 S Wolstm H G Bedwell 640-100 Time, 25, 50%. 1:16, 1:42, 1:55. Track fast. mutuels paid. Bobby Boyer. .70 straight, .10 place, .60 show; Nannie McDee, .10 place, .60 show; Prince Philsthorpe. .10 show. Equivalent booking odds— Bobby Boyer. 135 to 100 straight, 55 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Nannie McDee. ."..". to KM place, 31 to 100 show; Prince lhilsthori c. 55 to 100 show. Winner — Cn. g, by Orlando— Sweet Alice trained by L. W. Garth. Went t post at 5:03. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. BOBBY BOYEK set a good pace under restraint until in the last quarter and outgamed NANNIE McDEE in the final drive. The latter came through on the inside when entering the homestretch and moved up with a rush, but her rider could not take her away from the rail in the last sixteenth or she might have won. PRINCE PHILSTHORPE outgamed LONDON GIRL for third place. The latter tired. The winner, entered for 00. was bid up to 05 aud bought in. OA7Qft SEVENTH RACE -7-8 Mile. 91*62—1:2475—6—111. 00 Added. 3-year-olds and __ Q J OO upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 00; third. 0. Index I Iorses AWtPPStA % % Str Fir. Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 26587 =FENROOK w 4 105 2 5 ll 1?. 14 1»1 » M MntainA B Stelle T240-100 26356 LADY MEXICAN w 4 106 10 10 5= 5s 5* 3* 2* F RobinsnH Oots t 263563LADY LONDON wb 6 114 4 9 •* «* W 2h 3° T Rice W Smith 385-100 26512 ASTROLOGER wsb 7 114 11 2 4l 3 2"k 4" 4nk J Smyth J J Egan 780-100 26128 SCORPII w 4 108 1 7 101 103 61 6= 51 H LaffertyE K Bryson 1600-100 26588GORDON w 5 114 3 4 . 2l 2n* 45 53 6s W WaronS Bruce 2345-100 26621 AUDREY AUSTIN ffl 99 8 11 9J M 10- l 71 AV Collins T J Bird t 26436 TYPOGRAPHY wb 3 103 9 1 8" 8 9= If 81 J WilliamsR F Carman 2470-100 26530s BENDEL w 5 116 7 I 7" 71 7s 7l 9l C Dishmor.F J Pons 1155-100 25363 ORPKRTH wb 7 107 5 6 6= 6l 8l 9- 104 L McAtee M B Howser 495-100 26664 TITO w 3 101 6 8 11 11 11 11 11 T Parton R J Austin 1635-100 tMtituel field. Time. 24%. 48%. 1:14%. 1:27%, Track fast. mutuels paid. Kenrock, field. . SO straight, .00 place, .80 show; Lady Mexican, field, .60 place. .80 show; Lady London. .80 show. Equivalent booking odds - Fenrock. field. 240 to 100 straight. 330 to 100 place, 140 to 100 show; Lady Mexican, field. 330 to 100 place. 140 to 100 show; Lady London, 140 to 100 show. Winner--B. g, by Rock Sand — Ferment trained by R. B. Stelle. Went to post at 5:30. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FENROCK went to the front with a rush soon after the start and set a fast early pace, but was tiring at the end. LADY MEXICAN began slowly and was forced to work her way up on the outside, but was wearing the leader down at the end. LADY LONDON raced forwardly. but tired in the last sixteenth. ASTROLOGER ran well to the stretch. SCORPII closed a- gap. GORDON showed speed. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched— 2651 1 -Doctor Kendall, 110; 26623 Counterpart, 109; 26274 Balfron, 111; 26356 Videt, 110; 26530 Hundfull. 103. Overweights — Typography. 4 pounds. J , , ;

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