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FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Dee. 20. 1915— 1:11%— 3— 110. Index Course Dist TImeTckOdds Wt St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish LARKIN, ch. c, 4 108 By Box — Elisa W. WalkerV 3MB7 Tijuana 3-4 1:18 slow 31 10s 1 6 7 S*l #*1 A Caaey 8 Glomer. McAlan. Soon 3«S43 Tijuana 1 l:49V5niud 4 106 4 3 4 4 B" 4 A Casey 8 F. Nought, Zinkand, Celehrity 50793 Tijuana 1 1:42 fast 6 106 3 4 5 4 4i 4-1 A fasey K Mike Cohen. Morada. Leo H. 39737 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 60 106 9 9 9 9 98 A Casey B Baisae. Roscas, Cecil 30230 Devshire lm20yl:44 fast fid W2 3 5 6 4 91 104 A Claver 12 Royal Tea, Concha, Tarleton P. 29946 Kenilwh lm70vl :47 good 28-5 105 5 8 3 62 f-J A Casey 12 C. Bravo. Galeswinthe, P. White 29888 Kenilwh lm70vl :50-hvy 82 102 11 6 7 ll1 ?;! A Casey 12 Baby Sister. Alda, Virgiedot 2SK2 Kenilwh lm70vl :53%hvy fid 99 7 9 9 9* 7«J A Casey 12 York Lad, Bogart. Coreopsis SHE WILL, b. f, 3 92 Bv Tim Payne — Gano Belle J. G. Nicholas"!. 3109 1 Tijuana 5 A f 1:11 hvy 12 M I 1 S 4J 7"J K Hopkins 11 .Colorado. M.Clark. Jisdiction S0812 Tijuana 5V f 1 :09 slop 10 110 6 6 3 41 7- W Ormes B Nasledorati, L. ltowena. D.Iark 3MBG Tijuana 3-4 l:14%fast 40 110 Left at the post. W Ormes B Troweii, Ella B., Katsmna Belle 2*0 Reno 5-8 l:02Vifast — 109 3 1 1 1"* 2* B Pool 5 Crankie. Dr.Bmhergr. F.Rays 29587 Reno 5-8 1:03 fast — 107 4 2 1 3=1 65i W Ormes 7 Bady Leona, Crankie, Wand 29409 Reno 1-2 48y5fast — 107 1 2 23 2i K Pool I Fros. Morning, Crankie, Taxieab 28041 Beno 1-2 48 fast 23-5 112 Wheeled. II H Plips 5 Lady Leonn. J. Sande-or., Tuffy 27857 Reno 4* f 55 16 111 4 3 5 5* 5»J S MeGraw 6 Fighter, Edna F., Lady Leona 27S21 Reno i-2 47%fast 67 109 5 4 4s Vi J Russell 5 D.Roberts, MaudBaeon, AuntLiz CLARA W.. ch. m, 9 112 By Sir Hercules — Grand Shot Montana Stable. S108C Tijuana 5". f l:ll=.hw 10 1U 1 6 7 7*1 7*1 C Grow 12 H. Andy. RncMcGOl, A.Tmmba 30914 Tijuana fJ f 1 :08 ligood s 112 4 4 6 S1 S1 B Iaul.y 12 Miss Jean. B. Areas, Virginias. 30685 Tijuana f.A f 1 :08 fast 2 112 .! I 2 5!J 7*1 K Pauley 11 Dovie, BndeeAroon. CeSMBOnem 3K38 Tijuana f 3 f 1 :07 fast 20 112 7 6 6 8 S1 F Sterens B Priv. Petal, CaKuin, Ed. Belling MBS Tijuana El f 1 :0S fast 8 110 4 3 3 33 33 F Stevens 11 Veno Von. RaraVez. Bun.Aroon 3512 Tijuana Bl t 1 :07%f ast 25 112 10 7 8 9l 8 j F Stevens 11 Mar. Rose II.. Shaban, Cnl Curn 30461 Tijuana Bl t 1:08 fast 9 111 1 5 7 8 S« J MBrkle 8 Fred T., P. of Lismore, Hyudla 3424 Tijuana 3-4 1 :13V£fast 30 105 3 6 6 85 S93 A Carroll 9 Cal. Jack, Harvvood, Barton 278:6 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 15 111 4 I 7 8 8J G Molesth 8 Safranor, Palatable, Lady Jamet MANDADERO, b. g. 8 114 By Mazagan — Sekra A. Greenleve. 30898 Tijuana 3-4 1:17, slow 10 112 5 7 7 8 B1* A Casey B Claaay Cnri. Yireo. Afanee Leslie 30793 Tijuana 11:42 fast 9-5 111 1 2 2 2 3and 651 W J OBn 8 Mike Cohen, Morada, Leo H. 3C740 Tijuana 3-4 1:1. fast 15 112 6 4 6 7J 710 A tasey 11 Ann Tilly. Caro Nome, L. Water 30723 Tijuana 5J f 1:07-:. .fast 8 112 6 8 7 6 3* A Casey 11 EddieDelliug, Kath.G., FrogEye :.K:i;i Tijuana 3-4 l:14%fast 8 112 3 5 4 31 2:1 W J 0Bpl2 Bast Spark., Ancestors BMB8 Tijuana 1 l:41%good 3 111 3 2 2 2 2h NW J OBn 7 S.Shvrt, Marg.W., D.S.P.Tate 3"5:.: Tijuana 1 1:41 fast 20 107 1 4 3 2 41 6J W Kelsay 10 Zamloch, Essgsres, Christ. Eve KNIGHT OF PYTHIAS, br. g. 5 114 By Boanerges — Carcanet II. J. I. Evans. 3B94S Tijuana 2-4 l:154£slow 10 112 2 2 2 2A 6*i T Hays 10 R.Csertsen, Pros.I.aby. J.Spohn 30898 Tijuana 3-4 l:17«slow 12 112 7 4 I B1! B«l T Hayes 8 Classy Curl, Vireo, Aimee Leslie 3O880 Tijuana 3-4 l:18"-f,mud 8 112 7 7 7 72 l*| T Hayes 9 Kid Neson, Caro Nome. P.arka 30770 Tijuana 51 f l:07%fast 50 111 6 4 4 621 6°1 T Hayes 8 In. J. Gray, Brownstone. Bolala 28081 Tijuana 5J f l:06%fast 30 113 7 8 7 7i 77i R Pauley 8 Russ Sand. Barbarita, Jen. Small 179*9 Tijuana 3-4 1 :13fast 12 113 9 7 9 10 10» H HanmerlO Fred T., Ancestors, Little Abe 27508 Tijuana 1 l:40%fast 20 107 6 5 4 5 71 812 T Nolan 8 Trulane, Safranor, Baby Lynch EN3RAVER, blk. g, 11 114 By Lithos— Eugenia S. J. S. McBride. 31001 Tijuana 3-4 1:1. -.hvy 10 li R 7 7 5 5** S McGraw K Shaban. Barka, Virginia S. 30660 Tijuana 3-4 1:18 mud 12 10S 5 3 3 4-1 4 i O Schrrer 9 Kid Neson, Caro Nome. Barka 39798 Tijuana 1 l:41-,fast IS 111 1 4 4 7 8 S1 J Prscfa 8 Zangaree. Bolala. Plume 39999 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14 15 112 1 6 4 4i 4SLS McGraw 8 Inez, Bady Rowena. Plume 30579 Tijuana 3-4 114l-fast 3 112 3 8 8 9 9° II Shilling 9 Ada Anne. Vires, Aimee Leslie 39612 Tijuana 51 f 12 107 8 9 9 71 5* II Shillingll Mar. Rose II., Shaban. Cal urn 39431 Tijuana 1 l:40fast 6 106 5 6 6 7 7i 7" H Shilling 10 Zetetic, Capt. Druse, Gift SOON br g 9 114 Bv Ccsarion — One Moment H. H. Trowbridge. 31060 Tijuana 3-4 1 :19"- hvv 7 lit 1 7 7 6- 6*1 R Har*ton B Stalbria. Miss Folly. .Marl; O. 399 r. Tijuana 1 1:42 fast 8 Ho 4 5 5 5 El 5" I Metcal! Id Frog Kye. M:iu lie. Ora McGue 30897 Tijuana 3-4 IIS slow 8 112 4 4 i 5* I1! K liar ton 8 Glomer. McAlan. Larkin 30862 Tijuana 3-4 1:20 mud 8 112 1 5 and 41 S»f A Martin 11 Hazel ., Frog Kye. Zinkand 30793 Tijuana 11:42 fast 5 111 2 1 3 3 21 6*1 T Nolan 8 Mike Cohen. Morada. Leo n. 30749 Tijuana 1-4 l:13ftfa*t 50 112 8 9 8 81 8:lT Nolan 11 Ann Tilly. Caro Nome, L. Water 30662 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 40 112 9 8 8 9 9° R Wilson 9 Maznik. Jake Argent, Vireo 30619 Tijuana lllfast 20 108 12 3 4 41 7" R Pauley 10 Stanley S., Ceos. Connaugbt MB7B Tiiuai.a 3-4 1:14%fast 2J 112 1 3 4 31 21 G Byrne 11 Palma. Glomer. Tallow Dip JENNIE SMALL, b. f. 4 108 By Nasturtium— Merrily E. Dealy. Tljuai 3-4 8 B s 11 11 10 10" 9*1 W Ortnei 11 Kyle. Kid Nelson. Shriller 30554 Tijuana Bl f l:074-,fast 12 V 6 4 9 9 9 8Bi W Ormes B Magic. Wasatch. Aimee Leslie 2S228 Tijuana 3-4 1 :13V,f ast 31 106 1 3 3 21 21 E Pool 8 Barbarita V. Bights. Palatable 280S1 Tijuana 51fl:064jfast 4 9S 3 7 8 61 35i J Mason 8 R. Sand. Barbarita, P.AutoinetB- 27528 Tijuana 51 f l:0S%faat 9-5 106 4 1 1 H l1 W Ormes 8 VonLady. Kit.stanfield. MarkG. 27344 Tijuana U f l:07%faat 20 os 6 8 7 7- BH H H Plips B Mise Brash. Ed Luce. Tn. Bethel 2C549 Tijuana 1-4 l:14%faat 15 M 2 3 3 21 2»k Troise 11 Handy Andy. Quiz. Cl.issy Curl 26424 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast 10 98 6 Lost rider. J Mason 9 Bobert Lee. Shell Do. Violet 261 13 Tijuana 51 f 1 :0SM,fast 13-5 96 8 5 6 5" G=J J Mason h Ctara W., Z.notek. Cecil 26061 Tijuana 3-4 l:14VifcOod 7 98 2 3 5 6-: J Mason B eldt, Honeyeut. Infidel II. 71KK,AND h e 10 114 Bv Eannockburn — Lizzie H. II. J. Neil. • Tmr.n. 1 1» hw 8 111 s 10 8 6 B* W entera 10 Celebrity, Maodle, Von Lady 30878 Tijuana 3-4 l:19%mud 3 10s6 7 5 B= 4!J C Gross S Ancestors. Dr.l.bergcr. Dr.Nfer ■• M • Tiiuana 3-4 120 mud 5 113 1 9 9 71 3s C Gross 11 Hazel [C., Fro* Eye, Mi - less 30S43 Tijuana 1 L49mul 7 107 6 5 5 5 3 14 C Gross 8 FriarNought, el. linty. Larkin ***: Tiiuana. 51 f 1 OS fast 50 112 8 10 10 10J S«i C Gross 11 Dovie, IJ nueeAroon. Commoncss *« , at f VUKhlrr - 115 6 6 6 •* V* M Mthews 8 LaB.B.-ade, H.Farley. Fgerald tvm Reno 5-8 10S"-Ihvy - 109 6 6 7 6= 4-l M Mthews S Far Cathay, Clint Tucker. Dovie 29897 Reno 6-8 1 :to hvy — 108 4 2 2 1*11* M Mthewa « VellePorty, Quantity, Mbwriaay :-., Beno 3-4 l:25%hvv - 115 4 4 3 3=1 21 C Riddle B Bcksheep. F.Cathay T.Cpman 29*71 Reno 7-8 1 BTjfBB*. — 107 i 4 5 5 6 510 J Lcngo 5 Gabno. Uuperl, Mandadero PRINCE CONRAD, ch. g. 8 114 By Kismet— Kate Campbell Grant and Hodge. 30731 Tijuana 1 l:41%fast 30 115 Refused. H Cavanh B Concha. Ilume, Zangaree 30724 Tijuana 51 f 1 :07Ssfast 100 115 Left at the post. H Cavanh !» J. Argent. .I.Crawford, C-LCray 51400 Tijuana 1 l:40%fast 100 log 8 7 7 7 7J f10 W Ormes 8 F. Degree, B. Johnson. Weyauoke 30085 Reno 1 l:43%fast — 107 8 4 6 8 8 6-J N Taylor S D.Sfford. "mendation. C. Druse S0062 Reno 3-4 l:15%fast — 110 Left at the post. N Taylor 7 Crispie, P. Stalwart, Capt.Druse 29902 Reno 7-8 l:40Mshvy — 107 4 4 5 5 31 1" N Taylor 6 Inquieta. Lady James. Engraver 29848 Reno 1 l:55%hvy — 107 4 1 1 2 3= 44 N Taylor 5 Stanley S., Say, Rash 29714 Reno lm70y l:44%fast — 112 5 6 7 6 5= 5"i H Cavanh 7 Stanleys., Zangaree, C.McFran BARBARITA, br. m. 5 112 By Financier— Mrs. Nugent F. McCollum. 510S6 Tijuana 51fl:ll*hvy 5 112 5 3 ! O »!B Pool 12 H.Andy, Bus.McGill. A.Tiumbo 30832 Tijuana 51 f l:10isniud 20 112 5 5 6 61 614 T Nolan 8 J.Cwford, ln«iuieta, Mercurium 30769 Tijuana 51 f l:07y5fast 4 112 3 2 3 33 31 E Pool 11 S. Beckham. K. Nelson. V.Lady 30722 Tijuana 51 f l:07-sfast 10 112 7 6 6 9110" A McClkyll E. Di lling. Kath.G., Mandadero J 30687 Tijuana 51 f l:07%fast 10 112 7 4 5 7:1 S8 A McClkylO Industry. Bolala. Brownstone 30637 Tijuana 51 f l:09%fast 4 112 6 111" 2n W J OB nil Lucky Mack, Tal. Dip, VouLady ASWAN, b. g, 5 114 By Dr. Leggo— Princess Alma C. W. Gasseri 30637 Tijuana 51fl:09%fast 12 112 11 11 11 "t* 731 F Stevens 11 Lu.kv.Ma.k. Barbarita, Tal. Dip 3565 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 good 100 Hi 7 6 6 5" 5= T Hayes 8 M. Twinkle, Kara Ves, L.Shark 28232 Tijuana 1 1-4 2:07M;iast 30 107 4 8 8 8 81 9" H Hanmer 9 PessJaniee, Endurance, Kocklin 28226 Tijuana 1 l:40%fast 41 106 4 6 6 7 41 2» J Mason 10 Rey, Vireo, Tallow Dip 28085 Tijuana ll:42V5fast 4 104 9 6 6 5 4J 3| J Mason 9 The Monk, Dr.S. P.Tate. Tal. Dip 27976 Tijuana 51 f l:08%fast 50 108 7 8 9 7=1 67J J Mason 10 D.Neufer. B.deKalb. Bellsnieker 27733 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 25 111 7 7 7 7 7»1 P Stevens 7 Lesbia, Casaloma, C.J.Harvey