Tijuana Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-02-03


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TIJUANA FORM CHART. TIJUANA. MEX., TEIDAY, rEBSTJAP.Y 2, 1917. Seventy third day. Lower California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of lOOaratore daya. 11 books on. Weather clear. ! residing Ji idge7"c I L Petting ill. Starter. Lliw.inl Tribe. Baciag Secretary ._IM ward Jasper. Racing starts at 2:0O p. in. Chicago time 4:00 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. an f, gjii4j FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. "June 88, 1»1«— 1:06%— 3— 118. Pnrae 00. 3-year- O A Q /Q obis and upward. Selling. Net value to wiun-r 88; second. 5; third. 5. lades Horses AWtSt/j Vj vj Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S rS1645RUTH ESTHER w 8 112 5 4*131 81 1* A Plekena Irby * Hansen 2 S-5 7-102-5 :- !4.r 3 IN DITCH WBB 8 117 1 81 8| 4. 2- J McBrlde C Campbell 8 10 4 2 31487* DR. NEUFER W 8 U4 :: 2 2- 81 8* J Fra h C V Mondorfl 6 8 2J 7-5 31547 MERCURI1 M WB T 111 2 1; l1 1] 4- M Mthewsllancock i- Cushin 10 10 4 2 31547 DKFINTTi: WB 9 114 7 7- 0; E| 81 C tiross C H James I 81 8-8 8-8 SUM MARGUERITE W. w 5 112 I ii 7a G1 f! W KeUay California Stable 30 15 C 2J 31543 DR. S. P. TATE BTB TIM I S :• S- 7-i t" Taylor 1 Martin Ii 20 S 4 ;:|533 LKSBIA W 6 111 4 3" 41 7-1 S= F HopkinsW A Wells 15 20 8 4 31833 MURIELS PFJT wit 4 10S I Jl S 9 9 E Pool W A Wright 5 6 2 6-5 Time. 24%. 49%. 1:03, 1:09%. Track good. Winner — Br. in. by Brigade — Caithness trained by J. Lloyd: bred by Mr. H. T. Patchier. Went to post at 2:05. At post 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. Kt "Ill ESTHER saved ground on the stretch turn and. linisl.ing with a great burst of speed, got Bp to wla in the la.-t strides. IN DITCH ran a goad race and finished fast. D1J. NEUTER forced MER- ; i:l! M along at top speed and outstayed him in the final drive. MERCURIU1I set a good pace and tired in the last eighth. DEFINITE pulled up lame. MURIELS PET ran poorlv. Scratched--315 17 llnme. 112: 31400 Whisperiiej Hope. IPS. ff fi Ci SECOND RACK— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1!10— 1:05-— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3| 1 Ot/ ILJ 3-; ear-olds. Selling. Net value to winner 8300j second. 5: third, 5. f "I:idt-X Horses AWtSt % gj % Str Pin Jockeys Owners OCRS 31495 DOMINION PARK WB SJ | 21 l"- l" 1- A AhxdraG Alexandra 10 12 4 11-5 31498SGERALDAME W 103 6 7i- T* 41 2r R Hartun T C Williams 4 4i 1 2-5 88633 LAZY l.ul w 114 8 V 5- 5:J 8* C ligurae Palnaa Stable 10 lr 5 21 31303 JUANTTA FREDRICK vv 107 5 4- 4; 61 4 C Gross 1 Mace C. 7 2 1 31Mt HARRY D. w 10." 3 8* 85 7; 81 .1 Dawson W A Wright 50 18 20 10 3083 1 PEEP AGAIN will 2 ::- SI » 6-1 A Pickens J Puentcz 7-104-5 1-3 out 312S1CONOWINGO w 117 1 l1 8 :; 7- R Carter Smith ft Dority 8 10 3 8-5 31448" MEEGONE W 111 7 61 I s S W Taylor Alameda Stable 15 15 5 2 JLDGi: PRICE WB Ml I Pulled up. C Taylor H Fiold 100 100 40 20 Time. 24%. 49%, 1:03%. 1:10%. Track good. Winner — Ch, f. by Ilurst Iark — Lady Charles trained by U. Alexandra: bred by Mr. J. S. MeCul-laash. Went to post at 2:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. DOMINION PARK raced to the front on the far turn and won easing up. OERALDAME came from far bach With a belated rush lata I fast going second. LAZY LOP wa.s in close quarters in the stretch and ran a good race. PEEP AGAIN tired after being a contender to the last eighth. CONOWINGO quit after setting the early pace. JPANITA FREDRICK ran well. Scratched --31152 Cmccs. lit: 31101 -Cladys I Am . 105: 31212-Satsiima P.elle. 107. £*/". THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1SJ1H — 1 :11-.-,— 3—110. | Purse S400. 3-year-olds 3-| X 13 V KJ and upward. Sidling. Net value to winner 00: second. 1917.sh5; third, 5. J nd-x Horses AWtSt U j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q~C P S 31836 AUNTIE CURL wi: 6 10S 3 5* ::■■ 31 1" W Lllloy A Williams 15 12 6 S-5 Silt l*OLD COIN wn 7 !13 1 11 1- 1- 2» R Troxler J G Parker 8-5 11-51 2-5 r 31498 GENERAL w 7 115 2 3- 2h 21 3- W J OBnW Fisher I I 1 1-2 31153 LEAH COCHRAN WB 4 181 I 8 71 I* 4" M MthowsDaniels ft Hodges 50 50 20 10 S14MS1NQUIETA WB 7 Ml 7 7 8 8 5=J A Casey W Walker 15 15 6 3 31531 MAGIC Bill! E 4 4*1 4*1 81 A Plekena J Faentea 6 41 8-6 34 M47 7 LADY LEONA B I ah I il 6i 5i 7 A AhxdraG Alexandra 30 20 8 4 3133S*CBCIL WB 7 UO 4 54 51 6,: 8 E Pool Rronx Stable 2 3 1 3-5 Time. 24%, 48, 1:15%. Track good. Winner — Ch. in. by Praapero— -Charleya Aunt trained by P. J. Williams; bred by Mr. Samuel A. Beckhaatl. V nt to post at 2:54. At post i minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the s..i:n . AUNT1K CURL raced wrwardly and seemed beaten when entering the atreteh, but came again and just gol Bp to win in the cleaeet of Bniahea. OLD COIN delayed the start, but began fast and only gave up the bad in the Baal strides. GENERAL ran a good race and was barely beaten. The others were aev r conti nders. Scratched— 31638 John Ilurie, 110; 31519 Prosperous P-ahy. 113; 31532 Positano, 97; 31178 Jake Argent. 115. overweights— Li ah Cochran. 2 pounds: Inquieta. 3. _ Q -| £*f "I POFKTII RACE— 3-4 BUB. D-c 20. 1918— 1:11% — 3— IM. Purse S400. 3-year-olds fy JL Q" * A and Bgward. Handicap. Net value to winner X; second, : third, 5. "iadCB il.nses AWtSt % M; ;it Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S 38173 DOROTHY DEAN w 8 112 6 6" r, - 41 l=i C VanDunJ VV l"u!ler I 8 3 8-6 31631 SPOKANE QUEEN w 4 106 1 1«1 1*1 1»1 2-1 B Pool C A Stout 4 31 6-5 1-2 315tl*SAYONARRA w 4 10.S 1 3- H 3- 3" C Gross P Goring Jr 2 3 12-5 31832 KING WORTH W61U 2 21 2 21 4- R Troxler R O Egan 8-5 3-2 3-5 out 30493 PRESUMPTION wn S 112 1 54 5- !- 51 A Pickens fa lace Stable 6 7 2 1 3152 1 BRONCO LILLY w 3 in.: i 4 4- 5-1 6- C IJgame Aveanbe Stable 10 15 I 21 302 j 7 LADY TERESA W 6 Ml 7 7 7 7 7 It Shilling R McCoy 20 ■ 8 4 Time. 24, 47%, 1:14%. Track good. Winner — B. m. bv Mnrchmont II. — Dont Ask Me trained by J. M. Hukill; bred by Mr. J. W. Fuller. Wi nt to post at 3:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. DOROTHY DEAN was held under stout restraint to the atreteh, then raced past the leader arith the utmost ease. SPOKANE QUEEN raced lata a big lend, but was no match for the winner When challenged. BAYONARRA ran a game race. KINO WORTH ran well to the stretch and tired. Overweights — P.ronco Billy, 1 pound. » -| n/Q FIFTH LACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1918— 1:08% — t— 118. lurse 00. 3-ycar O lOva . Ids and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second. ; third. 5. "Tiidex "Horses ~ AWtSt - ; % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 C P S 31840 ORANGE BLOSSOM wn 7 114 1 B 11 31 1* It Dority M F McDonald 4 I 8-6 4-8 S16S0*LACKROSE wu ; 114 1 4. 21 1 2J C Jones R P Dickinson 6 7 2 1 31838 PATSY MACK wn fi 114 7 I 7: 7-:; J McBrlde E J Ramaey 20 31 8 3 ;.14!»5 PALATAl.Li; BlTill 4 1] U -" 4h W Kclsay G A Marshall 211 12 4 6-5 311 17 -FRANCIS W I ■■; 3] 4; 8* W OrflBea G Lyon 10 6 8-5 4-5 31340 IMPORTANT W 4 Ml I I t* 8J 63 M MthewsJ Dabel 10 15 5 2 30773 ESTIMABLE w 5 112 5 2 f.l 5- 7-1 R Troxler F C Byrne 7-103-5 1-3 out 31648 PRECISION WB4M1 I ~l I I I W Crooks Palace Stable 100 100 40 20 Time. 23%. 48%, 1:02%, 1:08%. Trr.ck good Winner — R. in. By Joe Carey — Prlneeaea train ed by i. Child* ; bred by Mr. It. M. Brown. Went In poet at 3:40. At post 1 minute. Start good and alow. Wen dr ving; second and third the same. ORAStlE BLOSSOIJ was saved to the stretch, and showing unexpected gameness, raced LACKROSE to defeat in the final strides. LACKBOSB took the lead and appeared the winner when nil eighth out but tired. PATSY MACK dosed a big gap and finished fast. E8TIMABLB met with repented laterferenee. PALATABLE art the pace to the stretch and tired. FRANCIS showed speed. scrapie d 31063Crapeahot. 120; 311203Justi«e QaaOaL 114; 81408*0 BBhe I, 100; 80480 Batelda, 109. OrertreightH lr.. jsion. i pound. W - 1 ■JllQ SIXTH BACK 1 Mile. June 17. 1010—1:38 3 06. Purse 3400. 3-year-olds and O A QUO upward. Selling. Net value to winner -3H; second. 1917.sh5: third. 5. Index Horses AWtSt hi % -4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S 31390 ATABOY wis 5 113 6 6 Sl 4| :, S W Ornies .1 G Nicholas Q : 1 2-5 81820 XGIFT WO I UJ I 9 4 P 1] :- R Bar* ton M Goodsaater 4 5 2 1 81548 MORADA wn I ill I 2i 31 rr- t] f C Groaa .1 li Pointer 10 8 :; l 31191 John LOUIS wb 13113 4 5- 9 2 I 41 A Pi kens J Bieman 10 12 I SJ 81S4SA8WAN bbIUIU 1*1 V 7- 7"i r.1 C P/gann C W OaaaBr 10 io 4 2 81647 *PROSPERO SON wb 8 111 1 1*§ 1» 1- Bl 0] W LUley l;Suhr 8-6 11-54-5 2-5 M194 LEO H. v. 11 :i: 10 10 Sl 8". 7; R Doriv H Pardon 20 GO 20 10 31567 D MONTGOMERY w 10U3 I s, :r. : - M p j DePolatrBronx Stable M M 8 4 81543XAIMEE LESLIE w a 1% i 41 6* fii P 9s A Johnsoi.C Polk I lo 4 s-5 31104 HELEN M. v. t 6 111 7 I» Si 10 10 10 C Taylor W H flogan 15 20 8 4 lime. 25%. 50%, 1:16%. 1:43%. Track good. Winner— B. e, by Ogdea Caterofh trained by J. ;. Nleholaa; bud bv Mr. John B. Madden. W.nt ti iMist at 4:09. At post 1 minute. Start good and : low. Won driving; eeeaM and third the tame. ATABOY raced sluggishly in the early running end waa umler the whip when passing the halt, but mored up and Rtandiag a long ntretrh drire, wore t;iFT dew a nt the end. CIFT ran a good race and had bo mlahaiM. MORABA Bniahed srell and oatganted JOHN LoiTS for third place. The latter w;is bumped by ATABOY at the head of the atreteh. ASWAN u is awaj poorly. PBOSPERO SON quit ylt.r setting die pace to the stretch. Scratched 31251 Sadie Stream 93.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917020301/drf1917020301_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1917020301_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800