Maisonneuve Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-26

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MAISONNEUVE PARK FORM CHART. MONTRFAL. OUE.. Saturday. Juno 23, 1917.— Seventh and last .lay. Maisoaaeare Park Jockey Club Viral 11 ting of 7 da vs. Weather clear. Presiding Judge, W. W. Lyles. Starter, William Marray. Racing Secretary W. W. Lyles. Racing starts al 2.;io a. m. Chicago time, l:3o. 3392G First Pace Al«.ut 5-8 Alile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds ami upward. Claiming. Net value la winner. 2.1; second. 0; third. .1. Ivpiiv. Odds Tnd. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33022 King Stalw*rUll I1 C Grand 10M-1M 33922 Spirella 1 10 2»1 C Martbl U8S-1M S3909zSureget 117 81 H Denntor ME Kmi S3S75*Claasy Curl 110 4- G Alexdm Jr 1340-100 S3009tServia 112 :s R Lowe MS-MS 32853 Gor. Roberts 113 C H TuJlett 22K-1M 33784* La B. Head, lor, 7« d Bloom 221,1011 33373 Uncle Dick 117 s N Fodeu BM-M8 Tim.-. 1:012-,. Track good. mutucls aaM, King Stalwart. S23.9S straight. 2.40 place, S4-00 show: Spirella. SUL30 place, 17.00 show; Sureget, .10 show. Kquiralent booking odda -King Stalwart. 1030 to 100 straight, ."■- » to 100 place, 14.1 to 109 show; Spirella. 815 to loo place, 208 to loo show; Bnreget, 58 to BH show. Winner II. Hays ch. g. 7. by Stalwart — Aera-etous trained by J. 11. Btotter; bred hy Air. Q. 1. Wilson. AVent to at 2:33. At post .1 minutes. Start fair nnd slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. Scratched 38814 Jesean Burn. 112; 88878 Frisky 107: 3S010Jeaaaette, KM; 33870 Snii . 112. Overweights King Stalwart, .1 jHUiiids; Cordon Roberto, 1%. 33027 Second Ka.e-Abollt .IS Alile. Purse 00. 3-year-ohls and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 2.1; second, $.10 ;third, .1. Bptiv. Odds lad. Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33873 ■-Thirtv Seven Hi I4 W Mclntyre UE 108 33818 Bed River 110 2- C AVhite 7T0-1M 33818 Bidgeiand US 8*1 .1 Denntoon 2770-loa 20518 Anater Mi 41 8 WototenholmltM-lOl 33073 Panhn. hapi 1081 Oi R Lowe 18E5-MS S0026 Chlltn Chief llo Sl N Fo.len 575-100 3387.1 Mamlta 112 7- A Call 940 UK S999S Debris M3 8- F Hopklnfl M45-1M S9933 Politician 112 9 L Gray MSS-MS Thne, 1:01%. Track good. niutuels paid. Thirty Seven. .30 straight; 83:70 place. 89.06 show: Bed River, $.7.70 place, $.7.40 show: Bidg land, 1.80 show. Equivalent booking odds — Thirty Seven. Ill to 100 straight. 85 to 100 alace, .10 to loo show: Bed River, 185 to loo alace, 170 to loo show; Bidge-kind. 090 to BIO show. Winner — ST. J. Bamseys b. c. 4. by Abe Frank — Ki.iinesha II. trained by K. .1. Bamsey; bred by Air. .1. F. Newman. AVent to post at 3:1.7. At post 3 minutes. Start goad for all but Panliachapi. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 33921 Some Beach, 110; 33921 Pat Qannon, 119; 898SS Hnann, 190. Ovemvights Panliachapi, 1 !-.. pounds; Politician, 2; Alamita. 2. 33928 Third— Al«.ut 3-S Alile. lurse 00. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 23; second, $.70; third, .1. ■antv. Odds lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33127 Bunice 115 1- B Ryan 21.1 100 33870-L.Capricious 115 23 N Koden 570-100 33821Resi8tible 115 SJ AV Gnrgnn 1 490-100 S3922 Tern. Duncan 110 4J F Hopkins 1830-100 33899 ** Hapenny 112 H L tlruv MS-MS S387SSal Vanity 115 61 J Howard 420-100 33919 Tarvea 112 7 II D. nnler 4:.0-100 S3191**B. de Kalb 112 8- CI AlexMra Jr 201.1100 33922 Nolli 117 9 AV Dunkinson 2930-100 Time, 1:01%. Track good. mutuebj paid, Bunice. .! straight, .40 psBee, .M show: Lady Capricious, $,7.10 place, IS.8S show: Besistible, show. aVnteaJent booking odds — llunice, 245 to 100 straight. 120 to 100 place. SO to 100 show; Lady Capricious, 1.1.1 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Resistible, 210 to loo show. Winner — W. R. Padgetts b. m, 7, bj- Rubicon — C.enna trained by J. OConnor; bred by Airs. E. Went to post at 3:.12. At post 4 minutes. Start poor and slow. AVon easily; second and third Scratched —39911 Skeets. 117; 33074 Elba E., 115; 33922 Jennie Crawfonl, 115. Overweights — Tarves, 5 pounds. 33929 Fourth Bace — About S 1-4 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year -olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 25; second, 0; third, 5. Ktpilv. Odds I nd. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33874 Moller 115 lh N Taylor 175-108 33874 Elizabeth LeolFJ 2J H Dennler 780-100 33819 Be 110 3* R Ryan 700 100 33814 Charmingly 1011 41 F Hopkins 1370-100 33871 Kismet R. 117 ro- C Knight 765-100 33808 ■Toaetaaaater 114 8" W Melntyra 8.15-100 33813 Brave 117 7 C Grand 640-100 Time. 1:21%. Track good. niutuels paid. MeUer, $.1..1o straight. 9i pi- , . SO show; BHeabeta I place, .40 show: Be. .20 show. K.plixahnt t king odds Metier, 171 to 100 straight, 85 to 100 place. 140 to loo show; BOhmbeth Lee, 2lO to ItHt place, 70 to 100 show; Be, tk to 100 show. Wii r -C. T. Deckers b. g. 7. by Alarta Santa — Artbesta trained by ;. AV. Crippen; bred by Mr. G. c. Bennett. Went to post at 4:2S. At post 2 minutes. Start g.M.d and slow-. AVon driving; second und third the same. Scratched— 3393S Alac. US; 33124 Fawn, 108; 33818 Maid of Frame, MS; Overweights — Brave, 2 pounds; Toastmaster, 2; Kismet B.. 2; Charmingly. 1:2. 339S0 Fifth Bnc — About « 1-4 Furlongs. Purse 8300. 3 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net alue t.i winner, 25; second, 0; third. 5. ■qatv. Odds Bid. Hors". Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33800 Net Walcutt 100 V C White 965-100 33878*Lyndora US 2- 1 AVarren 110-loo 33878aProsp, ro Sotilll :;! A AlcCloskey 1170-100 S387S»Onar 110 4i AV Dunkinson 0M-SM 33824 Tatlnna 110 Oi B Ryan 2075-100 33875 Scrinunage US Sl J Denntoon 10:10-100 33865 • Fit 100 7- D Bloom 2750-100 33921 Passion 112 8" H Deiinl.r 1180-100 33808 Rescue 110 « R Howe llSO-100 33823 Shar. Knight 110 10 C Alartln 2410-100 Time. 1:20%. Track good. niutuels paid, Nettie AValcutt. 1.30 straight. 8990 place. $.7. SO show: I.yndora, .20 place, .S0 show: Prosporo Son. .50 show. K.iuivalent booking odds -Nettie AValcutt, 9fi5 to 100 straight. 34.1 to 100 place, 190 to 100 show; I.yndora. SO to loo place, 40 to loo show; Prospers Son, 125 to 100 show. Winner J. S. Hays ch. f, 3. by Dick Finnell— Peace trained by J. S. Hays; bred by Air. it. H. And. man. Went to post at 5:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second und third driving. Scratched- 33923 Satisfied. 100. Overweights —Passion, 2 pounds; Prospero Son, 2. 33931 Sixth Race— Altont S 1-4 Furlongs. Purse. 09 3-year-olds ami upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 2.1; second, 0; third. .1. Kipiiv. Odds lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33806 Dr. Kendall 112 D B Ryan 400-100 33970 *Mex 109 2J J Alexdra Jr 240-100 S3S78*Rubteon II. Ill 0* B Lowe 400-100 33877 Patsy Alack 115 4s AV Alelntyre 1130-100 33810 Lit. Bebel 110 5" J Dennlson 1:150-100 33!24iano 115 6= AV Hinphy BtOO-lOO ::3777 Luminate 108 7 S Wototenholni2MS-MS 33921 Hansen MS ■ufnaud. C AVhite 1210-100 lime, 1:21. Track good. niutuels aaM, Doctor Kendall. 0.00 straight, .30 place. .00 show: Alex. .20 place, .00 show: Buhicon II.. .70 show. K.iuivalent booking odds- —Deem* Kendall, 400 to 100 straight. 115 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Mex, 110 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Rubicon II. , 35 hi 100 show. AVinncr — Z. Harnetts ch. g, 0, by Mnrta Santa — Picayune II. traiued by Z. Barnett; bred by Mr. S. C. Lyne. Went to post at 5:40. At post 2 minutes. Start good for all but Uoricon. AVon easily; second and third driving. Scratched— 33922-Deviltry, 112; 33875 Regards. 112; 33740 Miss Genevieve, 110; 33923»If Coming, 102. Overweights — Mex, 2 pounds; Luminate, 5. 33932 Seventh Race— 1 1-1« Allies. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 25; second, 0; third, 5. Eiinlv. Odds Tnd. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33824 •Heut. BawyerMS ll G Alexandra Jr 995 100 33871 River King 111 21 S AVolstenholm 605-100 33815 Flying Tom 111 3 R Ryan 2285-100 33806 s Nan. McDee 109 4* R Lowe 425-100 33870 Petelaa 120 5= C Knight 700-100 33822 F. Johnson 109 6» J Dennlson 125-100 33083 John Louis 106 7- F Baker 2125-100 33822 *irgie lot 104 8 D Bloom 1970-100 Time. 1:58%. Track good. niutuels paid, Lieut. Sawyer. 1.90 straight, 5.20 place, .50 show; River King, place, .00 show; Flying Tom. .50 show. Kquivalent hooking odds — Lieut. Sawyer, 995 to 10O straight, OSS to 100 place, 375 to 100 bIiow; River King, 240 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Flying Tom. 275 to 100 show. AVinner — O. Alexandras b. g, 8, by Oold Heels — Rose PomiHim trained by B. Suhr; bred by Messrs. J. O. and 0. II. Keene. AVent to post at «:28. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. Scratched— 33924 Semper Stalwart. 108; 33878 Centaiiri. Ill; 33871 Oafg. Fredrieks, 105; 23925 Louise Stone, 106. Overweights — Lieut. Sawyer, 3 pounds. .

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Local Identifier: drf1917062601_3_2
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