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PRODUCER IS A STAYER Defeats Brynlimah at a Mile and Wins All the Way. Silvey Shapiro First, but Her Race Is Protested An Of- fender Ruled Off Turf, i New- Orleans. La., December 2S. C. P. Winfreys two-year-old Producer, under a change of riders from Erickson to Walls, showed his true form this afternoon and accounted for the Leo A. Marrero Xurse of 000, at one mile, overshadowing the other traces on this afternoons card. Brynlimah landed in second place and Cracow, coupled with Ninety Simplex-, as the Poland entry, just managed to outstay "Warsaw for the shorter portion of the purse. The winner was given confident support, whereas Brynlimah, the favorite, receded in price. Walls took the youngster into a good lead at once and won for the entire way, with speed in reserve. Brynlimah, after being far back in the early running, came fast in the last quarter when strongly ridden. "Good things" galore were successful during the afternoon, beginning with the initial race, in which Flapper was supported to the exclusion of the others, lie won in easy fashion. Better ridden by Keogh, Goblin might have been a close contender. In contrast to his ride on Goblin, was his strenuous effort on Sam Slick, which won in the last stride, in the closing race and his determined drive on Tours to bring that racer into third place in the fifth race. A hair-line finish developed with the decision of tlie second race, in which Silvey Shapiro triumphed by a nose over Itrighouse, with Sonada following a like distance back. Peter Jay was the favorite in it, but he retired from prominent contention after going a half mile. After the finish D. Christian, owner of Brighouse. protested the payment of the purse to Silvey Shapiro because, .as lie alleges; She was not eligible under the conditions, the race calling for non-winners of two races since July 31. Christian claims that Silvey Shapiro since that date has won a race at St. Louis and two races at the fair held at Columbus, Mo. The stewards will look into the matter tomorrow. BLUE THISTLE A2T EASY WI1TNER. Illuo Thistle, another "good thing," had comparatively an easy time of it when he showed his best form in the fifth race and won as his rider elected. The stewards this afternoon handed down the following ruling: "For practices prejudicial to the best interest of the turf, J. IS. Colton, Jr., has been ruled off for life." The ruling came after the federal officials had apprehended Colton and lie was held in ,000 bond. It is alleged that lie is the person .who has been using the names of J. 1!. Goodman and G. C. "Winfrey in soliciting bets on horses through the mail. J. B. Colton is a brother to Edward Colton, who is training the horses here racing in the name of Joseph Mairor.e. John Carey, paddock judge at both tracks, will accept entries and scratches at the Jefferson track each morning while the Fair Grounds meeting is on. A special notice was posted this afternoon that the United States revenue office lias decided that all owners, trainers and jockeys must pay .50 for the first twenty days issue of badges at the Fair Grounds. Ladies badges will be .20 for the first twenty days. Badges will be distributed on Monday, December 31, between 8 and 12 a. in., and everyone must be prepared to pay the war tax when they receive their badges. Positively 110 badges will be delivered at the gate, should a person neglect to call for same. There has been a persistent rumor recently that the Jefferson Park track people contemplate a short period of racing following that of the Fair Grounds. This was authoritatively denied this afternoon by G. I. Bryan, Jr., who said: "There lias been no intention of racing beyond the .time we originally advertised and no contemplation of a meeting at the Jefferson track to follow the one at the Fair Grounds is in prospect."