Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-14


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA, SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1921. Oriental Park. Sixty-eight* day. uha -American Jockej and Ante ChM». Rinter Meeting of loo or im.n; days Weather clear; temperature J 0__. Steward*. J. Hacaaaekrter. C. H. lannaali tat I* T T start. r. Janata F. Miltou. tarlag Secretary. M. Satbaaaoa. i — _______ KiK-iiiK start-* at 2: 1.1 p. in. .Chicago lim - 1 12 p. mj ♦Ly.li. :it.- appi.-nt ic- allowance. K96QO FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mil-. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—0—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and [ OdaiO«-7e_Ji upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWt PPSt , :. -, Str Fin Jockeyg On MM O H C P S St?M*WILXJE WOODS a iW t I « Ill 1" R LcaaterF D-lbairio ." I • 7-5 3-5 , .VJKJO " NOBLEMAN ira » 1M I 1 V- I1 1- 2 K Barnea ■ Lenatma 6 ti « 7-5 •-."■ StM?I*PNCE BONERO u SMS ; .. •" ■ ■ 5* S* I. Penman W C Weettaored 4 4 t 3-5 1-4 488M*8YBIL a 7 MS 1 4 • 3»k 3" 4 . Francis w K Hell - -•"■ --•"■ - B 1-5 1 -M i I . ."•i;:n SENTRY ira t 11" I I V 2* 2» -■ •• k McDottKI Mom Btabk 13 15 U I :. St?88*LUCKT PEARL w i 10:: I 1 ii I I ti .1 Smith .i S Ha Id win ::o 30 30 10 5 Time. 232i. 48, 1:14V Track fast. s-j materia paid. Willi-- Wooda, 2.68 straight. 86.66 place, 82.78 anew; N .-iil.-ini n . s»;..iu place, 88.16 , ahve ; Prince Beaere, 82.88 ahow. Equivalent I kin:: add* Willi.- W Is. 523 t- Iff straight. 17." t.. 100 place. Si to 1 Mt show: Nohlo- niaii. 225 t.. inn place. •" •" t. MS akow; Prlace Heocre, 40 tt» loo ihew. Winner I., u. I y Sain Argon Baker, by Baker trained by c. K. Smith: lir.-d by Mr. L. A. I.yn.-i. W.-nt t.. post at 2:31. At post 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; aecond and third the sain.-. WILLIF WOODS .-aii!.- last through the atretch and. finishing with a rush, got tip to win in the final stride NOBLEMAN net a fast pa..- and fiaiabad gamely. PRINCE BONKRO was outpaced for the first half mil.-. hut finjsh.-.l fasi aud gamely. SYBIL appeared unnhle to extend herself freely and rau i much Ix-low her host form. Scratched 52KSfi Little Dear. AS; 52668 Jamea G., MS; 52868 James. MS; 52828*Treatine, MS: BSBW Ai Porter. W7: 52788 Senator Jamea. Ilk, Orel nefarkta Syl.ii. :t |i. unds ___ df GO/l SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— FOS1:*— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-xear- Diaua TC olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. 1 | ; Tndex Banes AWtlISt .- ■", Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C I* S ; 5S84M MERRT FEAST w r. 7 MS 1 I !■» F Unit J Coatello I 10 10 4 1 Btk42*BRIG V WAR ira I Ml 1 ■"• ViV I" -" 1 Gordon Roaedale Stakle I I I :: S-.". i*DlFF*NT BTES m 5 113 I - -1 ■■■ -1 -: • Francki -f I Millin W M W M H ! ,v:nr: POLAR ll- •*■ I :••". •. 4:. V V 4 1. Penman T Doyle 4 4 4 -5 1-! .- -»84 ! -■" AMER BAOLE w * Ml 2 •; •; C B" "- R L*car*rf.B Mock ti-.". 7-5 7-:. 2-5 1 •" 5tk4S ASSUMPTION WB 115 I 1 V 4h I I W Kl-iy .1 S Whatl.-y 1 4 4 hB5 1-1 Time. 23. 4C35. 1:00. 1:06=5. Track fast. sj innMi.is paid, m.-i tj PeaMt. 6.M Ktraisht. |7.80 place, si.-.-o show: Brig "f War. m;J.1ii pin re, S7.!»n Know; Iiifl.-nnt Eye*. 1 in xkow. K.niival.nt booking ...Id- M.n Ka-t. 71". to 1 " otraight. lii t.. inn place, 110 t.. khi show: Brig t of War. ltMir. to Khi place. -!". to inn «how; Mfferenl Kjrea, •" ■". to Hmi show.. Winn.-r Br. v. !-y Bona raw RrmBo«i«ni, hy firming! trained kj I., la— ay; kred in Bnglpna kf 1 Captain Laing ] Went to post at H:li: At posl 1 iniiiiit.-. Start goad and fa-t. hiring: m I -mid and third tin , saiin. MBRRV PKART - -t a tremendoBM pace and aprinted into a long lead in the first qaarter, hat Urea 1 iia.lh in the laal eighth. i-UKJ UP vVAR ran a good race and a- wearing the winner down at tke end. DIFFERENT EYE* wa* weakly ridden and riniahed fnateal of all. AMERICAN EAULB began -h.wly 1 and ran a l.ad race. AS8UMPTIOX i|W» badly grr Qr_er THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1.11—6 — 102. Diarican Espanol Handicap. ; t_P__.0«7«3 Purra S9C0. 3-vear-olds and upward. Net value to winner 00: second. 25: third, 5 . Tnd- li - AWt ll St 4 ,. ==4 Str Kill .l«H-k -.vs Owihts __J________ St4MS*FURBELOW n I Ul 2 -• .". :: v 1" H KenndyM Goldklatt 2 -1 2 4-." 2-1 .".■.M4: GEN • M. GOMEZ w J MB. • . 1"! - -!-! A p . i , _ N Adam 4 4 4 hB6 4-5 lSSSMOSGOOD w E M - ■: 4"» 5"* 4; •• 1. PenmanT Doyle i 5 ."• - I r--:7». THE BLUE DUKEwn 5 IM S I l"1- 1 •*- 1 •* 4 W Kel**y r_ Morro Stable II ■•_ I] I -■" hB5 ."•J8tH SMART MONET w 7 MB 7 1 : Al 5 ."_ 1-: Barnea G Holmos G •• •• 21 S-5 •S744 PENELOPE wn 1 .". V S* 7" S1 !•" MeriinecJ Gengler ■-0 M 20 I StSkl GUARANTEED w I MH I 5 7 7 S" !» B MeDottW P Kn.-b.lkarnpl 2 I 4-.". 1-5 T.-.7 I»-s!-;a PRINCE wn 1 . : 8 $• t * h ¥ Hurt li E Bwaa i" II i I Time. 23-_. 4725. l:12a_. Track fast. si inntn-N paid. Km ix-low. si;.. Mi straight. s4.«mi place, sh.iki show: General J. M. Gaanea, .S7.tm place, .s4 :in ahow: s I. si.an si„,« . K.piival. -ul hooking odds Pnrkelow. -_. to 1 mi atraig-t. 10* to Kki place, M t» UK" show; Oenernl 1 .1. M. Giann. 250 to Umi place. 115 to M_ ahow: Dagood. US t.. Hm sh..«. Winn. i- B. f. by Peter Fan PriUery, i y B nwtick trained by M. Goldklatt; bred by Mr. Barry t Payne Whitney . W.-nt to post at t:_g. At p.ist 1 ininiit.-. Start s. I and slow. Won driving: aetnad and third tin- • sain.-. FiKBELOW aaved groand while going aronnd the tar turn, l.nt was broagkl wide aroimd tin-leader* • when entering the atretch. then raced int.. the lend and. i .-ln-. eaaed up at tke aixtoeatk post, • all lint threw the mee away. GENER..L I. M . GOMEZ raced THE ll.li: DTKB int.. defeat and. in ■ fast finish, barely failed t.. win. IMHIOOD ftnlahed faat and cioae an on tin- oatnUt. OFARANTEED 1 was shut off in the first eighth and was pulled np. THE BLUE DUKE s,-t a great pace to tke last t eighth and tired. Urerweigkta General -l. M. iSonren. 1j ponnda; Penelope. ".. = KkQftQft FOURTH RACE— 1 C-16 Miles. Jan. 1. 1920— 1 :57«5— 6— 105. Purse 00. 4-year-oids , d-iUt/O and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S650: recond. 00: third. 0 Index Horaea ~ AWt PI* St 1 T" :t Str Fin Jo«-keys Owners O H C 1* ii__ ; 3St4t* LACKAWANNA w i MR i ! 1" I» 1= 1- 1 R Lcnster Arm nla Stable 7-5 7-.". 7-fi --.". 1-0 andSMZ*DOLl ii w 1 Iih; 1 3 V :■■ j g» 31 a .1 Prancfai W B Hall 15 15 li ii I ."••HJ.VIUCK NAIL m •■ ! »:: 2 4 4 4 l| :! ll .1 Smith I V OLoary 4. 4!- tt 1-6 M 5SSS ?*DOCOD w 5 MH 7 5 5- * 1- 4- 4»J B KenndyM Goldklatt 7-5 g-5 hB6 1-1 1-4 « -.JH0-! BILL HUNLEY w « Ml 8 7 Si « V !*• 6«» L Penman 1 Doyle 4 4 4 7-5 7-10 0 S *JK" 7 war PLUME wn 5 113 : •; n I I 7 Oi s Long P Detbarrio :« N : o i" .v.»87 l K1NGOZ1 wtlMS I 1 -- 5: S1 I 71 J Pita .! .1 rloltman 100 100 l 4 i" :0 3SSkt-**FIREWORTB wn 4 Ml l I 1* 7: 7 G1 II 1-" F.-Uli la 1 II K Davis M M 1 » I - Time, 24. 49=5. 1:14. 1:40. l:584i. Track fast. si nmiii.ls paid. 1. a. kawaiina. si n atrargkt sx:» place, K.M show: Dolph. andJt place, |M.4t show: Back Nail, ss.tii sh,.u. Baniralent liookiii- odd- Lackawanna. 1 in to 19g xtraight •;•". la Mi place, " n to KM show: Dolph. 1 1195 t.. inn place, _M r.. umi ahow: Back Nail, s.-, to lixi show. Winner rii. m, by bting Jamea Uotowanna, by Trenton trained by W. A. Cnrter; brad by Mr. Henry T. Oxnardl. W.-nt t.. post at 1:5k. At post 2 minntea. Start K.....1 and alow. Won maUy; aeeond and third driv- ing. LACKAWANNA s.t a fairly 1 pace after anrlatiag Into an eaay lend in tke first eighth and d won all the way. DOLPH ran in anddral] Unproved form, bal waa hard ridden to outstay BUCK NAIL. Tke latter ftnlahed foal and gamelj on the ontilde of the lenders. DOCOD was son- whea going to tke post. I.nl ran fairly well. PI RE WORTH ran a had race and innrh below his tree form. Overweight* Eiagoai, 1 poend. C_* GQrr FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. fjan. 18. 1920— 1 :5043— 6—105. Second Running GRAND D *J*iO%J 4 NATIONAL HANDICAP. 0.CC0 Added. 3-year-oids and upward. Net value to winner 0,060: second. ,200: third. 00: fourth. 00. Index ilurscs AWtlIs. I, , Su 1 in .Ini-key-. nwnc-rs O H V ~S~~ - 5S?Sk SWEEP LLEAN w 4 MS M I 2ak 2" V 2- ME Barnea GoMapple 8taCie 4 4 4 8-6 1-5 3t94SMAYOR HOUSE niW I r Is ll M* 2 1 Flotraer C H Jilroy i-n M St I 1 . I StMl MATINEE IDOL an C 113 7 SM 1" M ll 3" B KenndyM Goldklatt I] 3] 3 7 5 7-10 i3tk9wHUONEC wa 3 M I 9 II 7"-.;:. :; l B Lcaaterl A HeroM 15 M m I 4 .•»i79« WALNUT HALL w 7 IM j g g_ v ,1 41 51 A Pickena Arrnonta Stabl. ■ I I I :: s-5 .".679 BREAD .MAN" wn I 11". H M » 1 •■ / N sl •" B McDottO B Petta I S g 3 s-5 ."•J799 BALLT « 7 lo7 :: 1 :: :: gal f ~ j Prancia K Dora I » g 3 1-5 LkSklk IHERRON w ! Ul . 7 m V 7" S W KeMa I. L Alvar.z tS-5 8-5 t-5 3-5 1-3 CM?k*RANCHER « » Ml I 1 74 «3 7 I W Cramp J Waltera 2; 2J 8] 1 i--j 5S7M*CROMWELL waa.5 113 1 - ll 4] 1" 10 14 C H MillerE L Alva res tk 5 S-5 S-5 3-6 1-3 j tCoepied in betting; no iienarate pit r show betting. Time. 232,. 47. 1:13. 1:39. 1:5223. Track fast. SJ in nt n- |s paid. Sweep rh-an. si 4 In atralgkt, .M place. .11 show: .Mayor Heaee, S15L3S place, • s7. in show ■; Matinee Idol. s:..in show. Eqniraleal booking odd* Sweep Clean. iMtr, t.. iihi atrnigkt. 235 to umi place. 133 N n« sh,.w: Mayer * lions,-, sag to inn place. 2T0 t.. l -n s,,,,« ; Matinee Idol. l.V to uki ahow. Winner Br. ■•. by Swi-.-p Tenawha. by Tenny trained by 11. J. Kennedy; bred by Mr. Tbomax C. Ml How.lll W.-iii to post at 1:17. At j»-s| :; niinnl. s. start goad and slow. Won dill lag; ■CCOOd and third tke ." sain.-. SWEEP CLEAN followed the h-ad.r rloae np to tke atretch turn, from where be moved ap atendib on tin eatable and ..t np to win in the final atrMea. MAYOR HOUSE s.-t a fast pace and hang aa .! l.-na. ioiisli in the filial drive and only lost bccanac of had riding, the first two bnmptng one another all the way thranghini tke last cighUi. MATINEE IDOL mnmbled and w.-nt t.. his knees ,,t the half-mile ". post, bal recovered and finished with a rush KANCHER -nui HEREON were n.-v.-r dangerona. HCONEC and WALNUT HALL ran a good roee. BALLY and CROMWELL unit. Scratched r.Lsdl Irank W.. In7. Overweight* — H nonce, I pounds. - CrOQQQ SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919—1:38—5—100. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. •JaBaOJO Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, C0: third. 0. Jmh-x Horae* A WtPPSI , , Sir Fin J, key* doners O 11 C V IT- - 5SSS4*JU1 IEANNE u :-. 1 1 |ij lj ■ :: ] ■ R LcatrterW J Kennelly 3. 31 3. i .•.:.-».-»•, NATURAL w Ml 7 I 5 • 5- .v pa 3k .1 p-ancla Williams Broa g-S t-5 S-5 2-: 1-5 .".•777 CHEFA w Hi" 3 7 « I I S] :: P Hun. I. A I Iribarn 11 M I" IS I 2 .-. •» 7 « 7 VOORIN a Ml 3 2 :; S 2o» 2 4- It McIFottJ II Moody 1 1 I I 1-3 •tit?* AUNT DKl.x a hi.: .: 1 i;iJ I- :.- I. PenmanT Hodgw 4 4 1 8-a 1-5 .-!85i H OF THE NUKTH « M 1 t » .- :: 1 ."■ | •. 1 • ParrVdi B BeamoH M M M M MJ 53?k7*WINALL wi IN ii C H g* g* 7: 7- II Robaon Middleton -1 lm 2 I 4 3tSMl8HT ANN wa I". S I 7 7- 7 s s .1 p-itz W R .-... 5 5 | 2 1 Time. 23. 48. 1:14. lO. Track fast. nl" mataela paid. InUeanne, 17.30 xirnigbt. s:L in place, .Mg show: Natnral. s:;.imi place, S3.7VJ show: : Ill. fa. .54 show Bajatvaleal 1 kin- adda InUenaae, 38t to Hhi atraigfat. 55 ta inn place, :4i» t.. inn akow; Natural. 1 :.n to MS place. S5 lo Umi show: i befo, 125 to Jim show. Winner B. I. by l i nioiiilah- l.lniaha. b gdea itraiiied by F. A. Il.rold: I. red In Mr. .I..I111 E. Madd.in Weal I.. |osi at 1:41. At p--i 1 ntlnnte. Stall good and alow W..u eaaily: ni-iand and third driving. .11 I.ILAN Ni: wn* aaved cmae up until ■ tiaij:lit-n.-d away in the atretefc. then finished fast on the uo t aide -•!" the leader* and .v.. a .-in. away. NATURAL raced gamely, bal just brated Ion;; enoeak to t aetataj IHBFA. Tke lait-r cloned a i.iu gap and finished with a rush. YOOItIN tired. AI NT Iikha . s-t a fasi pace t.. the last eighth and dropped back. SHY ANN was eaaed np at Mm finish. Scratched 5_MS Dantaic, Kid: 5S834:orgr «. Jr., 97. _ STOQQQ SEVENTH RACE-1 Mile and 5C Yards. March 6. 1918— 1:41— 5— lFL Purse 0oT •JdadOCJCy 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. j" Indoy llni-ses A WtPPSI , .siil-in Joekeya Owner* ~~o |F~Y P S ~ 52838-* ATTORNEY MUIRw I Mi I 7 I S V |i L Penrn in A G Robertson I -5 I -.". I i 1 • 1 4 - | .-*»7«l LENORA P. wn 1 MS 8 5 1 111 I g Baruca M E Tbompeon l« M 10 1 I .ViM.-. BEY ENNIS n I Ml I 5 p z* : H Lcaaterl Crial 2 2 3J 1 1- , .-.»Hr « HOCNIR n la 112 : 2 1- 4m.:, . p* r McDottW B Plnnegan 2 2 * 1-5 3-1 3tft4*SEM. STALWART a n i i7 I : i , 7 7_ I .1 Smith .1 C Baton 15 15 IS I :; i53Sll 1 IIOMA.M r 7 IM 1 1 :. I ] McL blinC Tagorle Hi 111 pi 1 .v.jk;i NIGHT WIND wn $ Ml I I I I I 8 7* J Pranchi T Doyle 7 7 7 gl s-S ." :»•;: swirl wn I MZ 7 •". 2J t* 2h S I c H MlllerD B Jonea li 15 15 .. .: Time. 24. 483. 1:15. 1:40V lrMH Track fast. S2 inntmis paj.i. Attorney Mair, si. 511 ttralgkt, •■*;!. jii puce, *2.: h -how. Lenara P.. S14.3S place, ,. |4 M show: key Bnnia, -89 akow. Kajnivaleal heofclng ...l N Attorney Mair, I3S t.. inn airtight. M lo MS place, 39 t.. loti akow , L. uora P., SM to MS place. US to MS show : Bey Funis. 411 to ! mi akow. Winn, r ll g, kj Slalwart San Andres bj yuieklinie itiainert hy O. Fisemail: bred hv llr. John ,„ 11. Neetl. Went to poat at 5:11 At post 1 niinute. Start soon" and fast. Won driving: lecend and third the ie same. ATTORNEY Mill: began alowly. bal gradaaUy Improved his position and aearlag LKNiiua r IV down ot up to win in the final atrMea. The latter art 1 -j I pace and only sneeiiinh.-d right at the i. end. BEY ENNJM ran well, bal riniahed in rloae qnartera an the inside. SRMPEH STALWART rloaed • I a gap HOt Mi; urn . •-• .mi. race. HOMAM and SW1UI. .nul in the atretch drive. Scratched 788 llatrack. MM: CI 1 1 Dewitl ..• .".js..s j llison, If?; 53858 Jack Hill. 1n7. Dverweighta Swirl, _ noaada; bcaera P., 3.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921021401/drf1921021401_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1921021401_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800