Wheeling Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-20


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WHEELING FORMCHART WHEELING AV Va Tuesday April 19 1921 Second day Wheeling Driving Clubs Spring Meet ¬ ing of 10 days Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Judge F AV Gerhardy Associate Judge Joseph M McGraw Starter Elmer AVilson Racing Secretary Bert H Schwartz 53698 First Eace 12 Mile Purso 550 ° 2 yearolds Maidens Allowances Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse AAt Fin Jockey Straight 53544 Mary D 112 1s J H Burke 1040100 1040100534122Navisco 534122Navisco 119 2l C Eames 220100 53117 Madame X 112 J Schlessinger 410100 53153 Malzavena 119 41 C Hunt 100100 100100Chas Chas LefkitsllO 5 J Dominick 2820100 2 mutuels paid Mary D 2280 straight 720 places 380show Xavisco 3i50 place 220 show Madame X 2Co show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Mary D 1040 to 100 straight 200 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Xavisco 90 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Madame X 30 to 100 show showTime Time 52 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner H Fields blk f by Tony Bonero Rose Pompom by Royal Flush III trained by C Hawk bred by Mr Curtis Field FieldAArent AArent to post at 200 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving 53699 Second Eace 58 Mile Purse 5P ° 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Straight 53353 Cicely Kay 110 m AV Hinphy 850100 53399 A Middleton 112 2l J Dawson 2CO100 53454 Clr the AAay 112 32 C McCorkle 690100 53511 North Belle 110 43 J Schlessinger 990100 53142 Liberator 312 52 T Buckles 3470100 1791G Kitty McCue 111 Gi AV Dunklnson 2160100 53239 Lama 110 73 N J Barnes 4620100 4620100531573Amern 531573Amern Rose 110 8i E Smith 1030100 53558 Marys Mag 116 9 V Jenkins 2990100 534133Lucie Maj 110 Lost rdrJ Connors 210100 2 mutuels paid Cicely Kay 1900 straight 1420 place 1280 show Arthur Middleton 400 place 400 show Clear the Way 420 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Cicely Kay 850 to 100 straight 010 to 100 place 540 to 100 show Arthur Middleton 100 to 100 place 100 to 1QO show Clear the Way 110 to 100 show showTime Time 105 Track fast fastAAinner I AAinner C Guions b f 4 by Robert Kay Siss Lee by Oddfellow trained by C Gulon bred I I by Mr Walter S Payne PayneWent Went to post at 235 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingOverweights Overweights Marys Magneto 4 pounds Kitty McCue 1 53700 Third Race 34 Mile Purse 500 4 yeariolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Straight 53235 Kirsties Cub 120 1 J Dawson 1290100 1290100C 52743 Lady Lgfw 114 2 C Hunt 2590100 2590100C 53223 Jerry 125 33 C Howard CSO100 CSO100C 53432 Paula V 119 4l C Eames G10100 G10100J 53414 Amer Easlel2S 5 J Dominic 100100 100100L 53678 Billy Stuart 113 G L Jackson Jackson532882Virge 4750100 4750100E 532882Virge 111 1 E Smith 550100 532G7 Porte Dpeau 11G 8 J Conway 2850100 53G22 Olive James 111 Lost rdrH Laffy 2760100 2 mutuels paid Kirsties Cub 2780 straight 080 place 540 show Lady Longfellow 3020 place 1080 show Jerry 040 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Kirsties Cub 1290 to 100 straight 240 to 100 place 170 to 100 show Lady Longfellow 1710 to 100 place 740 to 100 show Jerry 220 to 100 show showTime Time 117 Track fast fastAAimier AAimier C G Sheldons b h 0 by Bearcatcher Kirstie by Frankfort trained by J E Hoppas bred by Mr Thomas Piatt PiattAAent AAent to post at 3OS At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 53187 Gold Stone 117 117Overweights Overweights Lady Longfellow 3 pounds 53701 Fourth Eace 5 12 Furlongs McLure Hotel Purse Purse 600 3yearolds 3yearoldsand and upward Allowances Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 50 50Equiv Equiv Odds Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Straight 13167 T dHonneur 31G li C Howard 110100 527222Marmite 1Q9 2i J Connors 1SO100 53217 Koran 11G 31 J Dawson 4SO1CO 53383Cacambo 4SO1CO53383Cacambo 117 4 AV Hinphy 1240100 52789 Douglas S 11G 5 J Barker 1970100 12 mutuels paid Tableau dHonneur 420 straight 300 place 240 show Marmite 34U place 200 show Koran 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Tableau dHouneur 110 to 100 straight SO to 100 place 20 to 100 show Marmite 70 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Koran 20 to 100 show showTime Time 109 Track fast fastAAinner AAinner G Drnmhiliers ch li 5 by Mordant Ardoise by Artois trained by F Heavner bred in France by Mr Maurice Ephrussi AVent to post at 340 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 53004 Bronstoa 101 44734 Rubber II 111 53702 Fifth Race Milc Purse 500 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30Equiv OddsInd Equiv Odds Straight534032Buck Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Straight 534032Buck Nail 115 lh C Eames 380100 53608 AVilldo 116 2 AV Hinphy 3820100 53G08 Handfull AV Dunkinson 830100 53681 Bn Favorite 111 4 C McCorkle t290100 534 18 3 Fly Home 111 5J C OMahohey 2160100 50927 AValdo Jr 110 G M Cruise t 53560 Selma G 1C9 71 E Smith 500100 500100534182Emma 534182Emma J 108 S1 J Dominick 270100 53001 Swirl 109 92 N J Barnes 5510100 53504 Counterbale 113 I02 J Burke f 42388 Troben 111 Hi A Hullcoat 7130100 52232 Nic Chic 113 12 L Jackson 9540100 tMutuel 9540100tMutuel field mutuels paid Buck Xail 900 straight 040 place 520 show AVilldo 4700 place 2400 show Handfull 580 show Equivalent booking odds Buck Xail 380 to 100 straight 220 to 100 place KM to 100 show AVilldo 2250 to 100 place 1130 to 100 show Handfull 190 to 100 show showTime Time 145 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner L F OLearys blk g 9 by Leonid Bessie Rembert by Dungarven trained by L F OLeary bred by Mr AV C Nail NailWent Went to post at 413 At post 1 minute Start good1 and slow Won easily second and third driving Overweights Buck Xail 2 pounds AVilldo 5 Xic Chic 3 53703 Sixth Kaco 34 Mile Purse 500 3 yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Equiv Odds OddsInd Straight5354G Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Straight 5354G Lady Stella 106 1 AV Taylor 500100 53281 3TIess BeautylOu 2i J Dawson 490100 53545 Dr Stevson 108 31 G Voss 2710100 52727 C A Byrne 307 41 J Schlessinger 160100 52929sHope Pcess 109 51 AV AVinkler 2480100 53327 Cabin Creek 106 G J Dorriirilck 2SO100 532702PIato 107 7 E Smith 14CO103 2 mutuels paid Lady Stella 1200 straight 500 place 400 show Toiightless Beauty 420 place 480 shoW Dr Stevenson 1200 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking oddsi Lady Stella 500 to 100 straight 150 to 100 place 100 to 100 siibw Thoughtless Beauty J 110 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Dr Stevenson 500 to 100 show Time 117 Track fast fastAAinner AAinner J D AViisons b f by Assagai Gipsy Adams by The Commoner trained by J I Wilson bred by Mr AViilterrO Parmer ParmerAVent AVent to post at 438 At post 2 minutes Start gcod and slow AVon easlly second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 53079 Tosca 109 53704 Seventh Race 58 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse AAt Fin Jockey Straight 53517 Lura LuraOrmeolus 103 I N J Barnes 2110100 Ormeolus 113 2 A Hullcoat 124i100 124i10011C 50933 3AVoodpile 11C 3 M Cruise 400100 5339l = Lenora P 116 42 C Eames lhO100 51545 Hopeful 113 5l AV Jarrell 1530100 52026 Segurola 101 62 J McDowell 420100 53252 Annes Pet 105 72 J Conway 890100 Porky 110 8 P Madeira 7150100 2 mutuels paid Lura 4420 straight 2000 place 500 show Ormeolus 1080 place 740 show AVoodpile 320 show Equivalent booking odds Lura 2110 to 100 straight 900 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Or ¬ meolus 740 to 100 place 270 to 100 show AVood ¬ pile 00 to 100 show showTimo Timo 103 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner R V Haymakers b f 3 by Sir Huon Hortense by Alvescdt trained by L Haymaker bred by Mr George J Long LongWent Went to post at 503 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third thirdthe the same Overweights Porky 5 pounds Annes Pet 5 Segurola 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921042001/drf1921042001_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1921042001_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800