Belmont Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-09-14

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BELMONT PARK FORM CHART NEW YORK. N. Y TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER. 13, 1921 Belmont Park ! miles. Tenth day. West- ehester Racing Association. Autumn Meeting of 1". days. Weather clear; temperature 75. Steward to Represent Jockey- Club. F., It. Hitchcock.. Stewards-of Meeting, August. Belmont, F. R. Hitchcock and R. T. Wilson. Judges, K. C. Smith and C. Cornehlsen. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary. A. McL. Earloeker. Racing starts at 2:13 p. in. Chicago time 1:15 p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. K. TtffcQ fl FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs Main Course. Scot. 5. 1921 1:05 2 10G. S1.000 O 4 "OX Added. 2-year-olds. Selling. Net valuo to winner 00; second, 52; third, 03. "index ilorscH AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H ,C P S 5G889 ATT A GAL w 10.7 7 S 71 G- 4 V, 1. Fa tor J E Madden 3 11 1 S-3 4-5 567583 LUCKA GIRL wn 101 4 3 1 1 1 2a I, Ale A tee F M Kolley 5 1" 3 1 1-2 55775 COMDR McMKIN w Ml ; 0 r.i 31 2 3 C Turner J A Hendricks S 10 i 21 G-5 rfi5S8;AVIKPA w 101 8 4 21 41 u A- S BullmanT O AVobber 3 3 3 1 1-2 50K80 THEO w 102 3 2 31 2! 31 r.i F CltilettiJ S Cosdcn 12 12 12 5 21 50610 BOUNTIFUL wf. 102 ! 5 . S1 7 G1 Gl J CalhihanA Grantz 15 0 20 8 4 5G3HK AV1TCHAVORIC w 11!?. 1 1 1 " 9- V C RobsonR Cook S 12 12 3 2V rr0fiDOUGHXUT wn 103 0 11 J! fi S S G AV CrollT V Price 10 12 12 ,r. 21 5G88G MIRACLE MAN wn 10.". 2 9 10: 10U10- 911 .1 Mooney G AV Loft 20 23 5 10 5 5 fi 5 1 7 DO LM A N w 10S 11 12 12 12 12 Ml- I, Penman AV Skinner 8 12 12 3 21 30G33DELHI MAID wn 100 12 10 ll3 lll ll2 11- AV Obert H Spein 15 15 15 G 3 50593 JAUNEBAR w 105 10 7 G Sl 71 12 V AVeiner J Shaughnessy 30 30 30 12 G Time, 23, 47. 1:05. Track fast. AVinnor B. f, by Assagai Misty Law, by Ayrshire trained by V,. S. Walker; bred by Mr. AA. S. Kilmer. AVent to past nt. L:18. At post 0 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon ridden out: second and third driving. ATTA GAL, well ridden, was in closo piarters on the last turn, but secured a clear course in the stretch, where she moved up swiftly ami, wearing the leaders down, won drawing elesir. LUCKY GIRL set a fast pace and saved ground on the turns, but tired in the final drive. COMMANDER McMEEKIN was prominent for the entire race and made a game finish. AAISPA had a rough race. THEO displayed early speed. Scratched 5G713Fanfare, 102; 5G30S Fly Hall. 103; 30812 Tulwar. 100; 3G778 Matches Mary. 103; r.GOSl Glad AVarbnrton, 102; 5075S Forest Queen. 102. Overweights Lucky Girl, 2 pounds; Commander McMcckiu. 2; Avispa. 1; AVltehwork, 2. vTAQ? SECOND RACE About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. ff 4 bt Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; socond, 00; third, 00. "index Horses AAVtPPSt 3 7 10 12 Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 5fi81TFRANC TIREUR W 4 112 1 1 11 lk Ink js l-i R H CfdAV Garth 4.-5 G-511-101-4 out 53-1 !and PERKIOMEX w 3 13 A 3 3 2 2 3 2? E AAolUe R B StrassburgcrCO 30 20 G out 5G524 AVOODRUFF w 7 112 2 2 2- 3 3 2" 3 A Sims J Lumsdcn 2 3 3 7-aOout 50811 MASTERFUL w S 117 3 1 Lost rider. AV JIuhnyF P Keene 3 3 11-51-2 out Time, 4:01. Track fast. AViimer Ch. e, by Free Lance Latifa, by Hamburg trained by AV. Giirth; bred by Mr. George J. Long. AVcnt to post at 2:43. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily, second and third driving. FRANC TIREUR made the running throughout, withstood repented chiillangcs, and drew away in the last half mile, but was ridden out at the finish. PERKIOMEX raced forwardly all the way and outstayed AVOODRUFF in the final drive. AVOODRCFF fenced poorly and tired, in the last eighth. MASTERFUL lost liis rider at the second Jump. KI7? THIRD RACE 5-8 Mile Straight. Sept. 12, 191555 2 110. ,000 Added. 2-ycar-O fl "OO olds. Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 42; third, G8. Index Horses AWtPPSt M, Str Fin Jockeys Owners 6 I C r 3 LADY BALTIMORE w 10SJ 3 2 jjj ink js T Rice J S Cosdcn 5 3 31 C-5 3-3 5GG 1 3 DOLOR ES wHO g 5 2i 2 2 A Johnsonj II Rossetcr 21 3 3 1 1-2 5GG!0 EAIOTIOX w 110 2 3 31 4- 31 C H AlillcrAlontfort Jones S-5 3 S-o 3-5 1-4 SO A14- PHANTOM- BLUE wn 103 1 1 4"- k 4- X. MoiVtcc J L Holland 10 12 12 4 2 51288 MODESTY w 110 5 4 5 5 51 J Callahan.I A Coburn 13 30 30 12: .: rG713FANFARE w 103 4 S 7 Gi Gl L Fator Rancocas Stable 4 7 5 S-5 7-10 55440 MAY HAMPTON w 107 7 7 S 7 7 C Turner Oak Ridge Stable20 30 30 1 2 C 50713 DEIRDRE w 103 S C Gi S S F CltilettiGrecntrec Stable 20 30 25 10 5 Time, 59. Track fast. AVinner Ch. f, by Dick Finnell Federal Girl, by Ultimas trained by AV. Garth; bred by Mr. P. M. Walker. Went to post at 3:13. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily: second and third driving. LADY BALTIMORE set a fast pace under slight restraint in the early running and drew away decisively in the stretch to win easing, up. DOLORES raced in closest pursuit all the way and finished resolutely. EMOTION swerved out when entering the main course, but finished gamely when straightened out and outstayed PHANTOM BLUE. The latter showed excellent early speed. MODESTY ran fairly well. FANFARE ran poorly. Scratched 55G55 Aalentia. 105. Overweights Lady Baltimore, 3, pounds; May Hampton, 2. CTf7 FOURTH RACE 1 1-10 Miles. Juno 3, 1921 1:43 Vi 4 106. Great Neck Handicap. O 4 VOtc ,509 Added, 3-ycar-olds and upward. Net valuo to winner ,255; second, 72; third, 48. " " Index Horses AWtPPSt U Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 5G8i:;SUPER wan 4 10G -1 1 31 2 1and ll l1 J Mooney Dosoris Stable 2 13-513-52-5 out 58519sDONNACONA wn 4 110 2 3 Ill 21 21 23 E Sande G AA Loft 4-3 9-103-5 1-G out u6885MME CADEAU wn 3 107 3 2 2; 3,: 3t 313 3, E AbroseGlen Rdle Fm 3 5 3 C-3 out 5G612 LADY EMMLINE w 4 99 1 4 4 4 1 4 4 G AV CnrlK T Oxnard 20 20 20 4 out Timo, 23, 47, 1:12, 1:37, 1:43. Track fast. AVinner B. c. by Superman Sister Jeanie, by Midlothian trained by F. A. Ilerold; bred by Mr. lames A. Buchanan. AVent to post at 3:38. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon handily; second and third driving. SUPER ln-gan somewhat slowly, but improved his position steadily while under slight restraint and. passing DONNACONA after a mild drive through the stretch, won by a safe margin. BONNACONA, off forwardly. raced inlo an easy lead and set a great pace, but tired when called on for a final effort. MADEMOISELLE CADEAU raced close up all the way and saved ground when entering the stretch, but could not keep pace with the leaders through the last eighth. LADY EMMELIXE was always outpaced. Scratched 509SG Servitor. 104. Overweights Mademoiselle Cadeau. 5 pounds; Lady Emmeline. 2. KTryrVQC: FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. June 1, 1921 1:35 5 118. Purse ,000. 3-ycar-olds and O. 4 vOiJ upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. "index Horsca AAVtPPSt U j Str Fin Jockeya Owners O II O P S 5G8102.IOCK SCOT wit 7 113 13 1 J 1 1 1 1 E Sande M J Murphy 7-517-100-5 1-2 1-3 r.712 HOUAHXHXM w 3 10G 12 3 31 31 33 3 24 C Turner .1 A Hendricks S 12 12 5 2V SGOUB SADDLE R1XG w 4 113 14 4 2" 21 2 2 3r- C II AlillerR .1 Kunkel 5 S 7 3 7-5 5G77G3GEM w 3 !$ G G ll 5 51 51 4 E KuminerK A Burke 13 15 12 3 2-. "iGloSSMAUTV w 3 10G 2 5 7l 41 11 11 5" L Fator J L Holland G G 6 2 1 5G77GSCOTTISH CHIEF w 3 101 9 12 5 71 G GI Gh S BullmanJ Shauhnessy 30 50 50 20 10 5G712 LENJOLEUR w 5 10S 11 13 I SI 71 7: 7l C Ponce G Peterson 50 CO GO 20 10 559GGSALUTE wr. 5 10S S 10 11 10 101 SI 8 G Babin AV Farnum 15 20 20 S 4 539G3MOSE wi: G 10S S 15 13 ll1 11 !1 ! F AVoodskL Sperling 30 30 30 12 C 5677G TITANIUM wi: 4 108 5 11 12113 12 12 10 G AV CrollP S P Randolph 50 60 GO 20 10 3571TROOPER wi: G 10S 1 9 101 91 91 10 11 M Harson.T Brown 10 10 S 3 S-5 50521 STAUNCH w 3 103 15 2 G G1 S: 111 lis L Penman J AAhalen 15 20 20 S 4 5G5G1 VIC w 3 101 7 S H3 12 13 13s 13 F CltilettiR I Miller 30 50 50 20 10 5 1883 ROYAL JESTER wn 4 103 4 14 14 14 14 II 14 R Turner J Johnson 50 GO CO 20 10 5G8833JOAN MARIE w 3 101 10 7 Fell. J Mooney Quincy Stable 10 13 15 G 3 Time, 23. 47. 1:12. 1:33. Tracl: fast. AVinner Br. g, by Ogden Frankie, by Kingston trained by M. J. Murphy; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to po-d at -1:05. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. JOCK SCOT took the lead at once and. setting 11 fast pace all the way, was never menaced and won in a canter. HOLYHXHXM. on the outside throughout, finished gamely and outstayed SADDLE RIXG. The latter raced well np from the start and saved the most ground on the turns, but tired in the last eighth. C.EM raced well. SMART Y" had a rough race. Overweights Scottish Chief, 5 pounds; Aie, 3; Royal Jester, 2; Joan Marie. 3. STAOi? SIXTH RACE 6 1-2 Furlonps Main Course. Sept. 5. 1920 1; 17 4 119. Beiiair O 4 VrOLf Handicap. ,200 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Net value to winner ,005; second, 08; third, 72. Index Horses AWtPPSt j V- t Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 3G780AR,AV OF GOLD wc 3 US 4 G 21 2 2-1 11 C Pnnc- R P Smith 4 5 41 7-5 1-2 5G590 TEX-LEC wit 3 115 3 3 1 1 1 21 C Kummer Foreign Stable 3 4 9-5 7-101-3 50592 ELECTED II. w 5 120 2 1 3 3 35 E Sande E Sietu.s 2 13-513-51-5 2-3 5G32.1 POLATHIA w 3 1 20 1 2 41 41 43 41 M SlaughrF Dahnken 3 G 5 S-5 3-5 55110 FRUITCAKE wn 7 117 3 5 Gl C1 51 5s L McAtee V J Farrell 10 13 13 G 3 51701 PERFECTION w 3 U0 I 5 5i G C E AnibrpscAV M Jeffords 30 3-1 CO 20 10 55713 GOOD BYE wi: 3 105 7 7 7 7 7 7 F CUiloUiGreentreo Stable 12 13 12 5 2 Time, 23. 4G. 1:11, 1:18. Track fast. AVinner Ch. f, by Ieter Quince Dlaze o Gold, by St. Florian trained by G. M. Odom; bred by Mr. AV. S. Threlkeld. AVcnt to post at 4:37. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the game. ARROW OF GOLD raced in closest pursuit- of TEX-LEC to the last sixteenth and, responding tamely to a vigorous hand ride, headed her in he last strides of a close finish. TEX-LEC begun fast and raced Into a long lend, but tired bsdly In the-streteh drive. ELECTED II. ran well and finished uninly. 1OLYTHIA ran much below her true form. FRUIT CAKE finished gamely. gcratvlicd 5703IsMaIemvsi.ic Cadeau. J13 1921.sh323 Light R,oset 100,

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