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VADSWOETHS LAST bli g 10 115 By Wadsworth Aprils Lady by Linden Trainer J M Goode Owner J II Goode gS GoodegS A1 J IS S G S 5J E Barnes 7 GrCaWcsf OdcCause Tantalus 3 l Zla 153 w fast e 6 107 9 8 6 Ii Sn 6 31 li E Barnes 10 Scrgcman HhGcar TrksterIL S2SS TrksterILS2SS 2n V1 5fHMt i ° 107i 2 5 3 4 4J 4 i E P ° 01 5 inarScyStonc Padua Gourmand 2 2 2 2 II J Burke 3 Waukeag Old Faithful Iwf E V umu JS 5 2 i 51 H J Burke 3 Scotch Verdict OId raithM H raithMH r S i i1 K i i110110 8 7 7 1 3 1H J Burke 8 Gourmand Ace Royal Duck ndS J JS 1mud 135 110 5 5 4 2 24 24 S McGraw 6 OBthday SVdict SpdgnIL ColFafr il Pv 85 S I S McGraw 7 0nHI = h JCStone wlAaer rfa50 ColFalr i 1 1S l53rast t 113 3 T Rlc 5 AfterNight MIssPatty TFrlend YOUNG ADAM ch h S 112 By Adams AdamsTrainer Express or Frederick L ilaesie by Trainer T F Dcvereaui Owner T F Devorcaax siou ETS01 FGndg j mia 1 x 116 110 155 iaa hvy iivy 10 iw 11 114 3 3 4 4 5 5 31 4 1 E Pool 7 AlciJr W II Bfcnor JkTlMw 53634 SwIoSS JkTlMwSwIoSS S9722 IGnda FGnda 1 iViliS 1 116 14 l46fast 213hvy Tt 7 6 113 JS 112 6 i 1 7 T3 3 5 1 3 5 i 7 B S 7s I 4fi IB 7 H E Pool Klnc 9 vl vliTtoiS Darnir iTtoiS H Pnrdnrr Pir SSSS WrCrm 59573 FGnda 1 116 149 good 12 112 7 9 9 8 8 4 f E Scoble 10 Mid Sun ZdAmee I a r Lou Loura PGSS AlO il r3 H 5 S 3 M Garner 7 RicheUeu Pickwick G atoSl atoSlM ra d 2 3 2 2 2 F E 1 iJ 7 VA t C110 7 Richelieu Gourmand JOvcrton M 5S417 FGnda i 1 llo l47 ifast 31 110 3 3 4 4 34 1 W W Tlor 5 SRock SchLightllL JCStone 8 83fS ° 3fS NrV ° ° G C ner nerBZ3J nero C Owner C Irby2 ffilSG0473 o ° BZ3J ± ASJSaJSr ISi 4 SiagS UJI UJIrjrffi rjrffi ffilS Pearel603S3 G0473 Tijuana 1 116 l53Uslop 2310 114 444 4 B 5 G Studw 7 G Wrfi Cd rII W H Pearel 603S3 Tijuana Im70y l4e = fagt 1 105 3 5 5 6 6 6 i C Studer 7 JSchas BmvLane PI BloS Siuana o2gfrS W 1 S 1 f o22StG o22StGSSi SSi SSio2 o2 gfrS HUana J 1 t1 l 1 t j J J I1 H J Hunmer C Franklin IIchmund ShtStop 60159 Tijuana 34 l16glop 7 1176 67 7 7 P Martinez 8 JohnJr LitFIorence LRomp HESCHANT ch ff 8 115 By Star ShootDanceress by Ogden Trainer OgdenTrainer J McPherson Owner J HcPherson HcPherson6C537 6C537 FGndg 1 116 l4Ssow 6 1071 1 6 6 6 2 1 E Pool 8 May Bodine AttOncT Murray 60G90 Murray60G90 FGnda lm7Cy l49V5hvy 41 110 3 7 4 3 3 1 F Cltilettl 8 Serbian FluejUttle Ed Jeffson 1 18 l57Kalow 2 114 325 6 4 4 F Cltllett 5 W WSef Sef S nTlmmtal Lrylxm 58791 Jeffson 1 316 202Kfast 1110 103 5 6 6 4 3 1 L McDott 0 PMcGee I Lgfellow RichardV 5S700Jefr on 1115150 fast 4 1141010 3 7 4 5J J F Smith 11 Walnut Hall LEnolfur Jerw Xt0 1Mt 29W ° 3 3 J1 2i D Conn 11 8 OFiithfuT NTorte BritLta 111 2 7 7 6 71 D Cnnellyl2 Diana High Gear Sea Prine FAUXCOL br e 9 107 By Vulcain Collet Moato by Collar Trainer P J Williams Owner Williams Bros 54515 Churchl 1 14 203fast 21 113 3 4 2 2 21 21 J Francis 9 Korbly Wave Cnital Cltr 51310 Churchl 1 116 l46fuat B 110 3 T 7 1 1 J Francis 12 Yfflm W Flower O Bth 632T9 Havana 51 f l07 fast 21 103 7 7 T 7 7 J FrancU 8 I Ivalt valt P 53177 Havana 1 116 145 fast 65 107 6 2 2 2 62857 Havana 1 116 l43 Iri fast C5 i 103 4 1 1 J 1 1E2S01 2 Francis 7 Candle Light Uxhorter Docod E2S01 Havana 1 116 l45fast 4D Docod4D jfast 31 108 i 13 11 11 a 9 3 352S57 81 71 J Francia 13 MatIdol MumJumbo FrankW 52S57 Havana 1 116 146 46 fast 65 110 4 4 1 1 1E2433 l t 2 B Kenndy 8 Allivan Asaioke PierreaFeu E2433 Havana 1 116 l49good J F F1d ° 1d 1 J 110 JJ2 1 i 1 1 1 1B2S31 1 ll B Kenndy e Bather AmSoldier PrreaFca B2S31 Havana 1 l41Vfast PrreaFcataSt 1 103 B 2 taSt J J 4 2 2 2E21SS 2 21 I Fletcher G Harlock Hocnlr Clip E21SS Havana ImSOy l52hvy 1 102 u 4 1 1 OSPeorll S J 1 i 1 J LFletcher AttyMuir Allsmoki 5202 Havana 405fast Allsmoki405fast 1 in 110 4 3 2 2 2 24 H Garner 0 Riverside Zoie Bierman BRITISH LINES b s 4 110 110Trainer By Cunard Hasks and Faces by Disguise Trainer L Cahn Owner T J Pendergast 60372 FGnds 1 116 l47 fast 3 107 5 3 2 2 1 H 1 A Wilson 10 Bond Old Faithful Paula V 60234 FGnda 1 316 2011ifast 13 103 533 6 5 5B95S2 5 J Owens 7 Trickstcrll Exhortcr LvLiirn B95S2 LvLiirn595S2 FGndg 1 316 200fast 115 S9 S91 1 2 2 1 Z 21 1 E Scobls 8 AlexJr HomewMBnd GrtGoS 59533 FGnds 1 11C 148 fast 30 101 2 1 1 1 S 3 E Scoblo 10 Fluzey Gallot Solid Rock 59297 FGnds 1 116 148 fast 8 105 2 6 5 6 6 6 E Scoble 8 Kncrinite Pickwick Great Gull ESS19 GullESS19 Jeffson Im70y l47 fast 7 104J 9 8 8 S 8 B F Smith 9 Decknate Copyright Joe Joo 5S730 Joo5S730 Jeffson 1 116 l49faat 3 102 4 3 3 3 8 S A Wilson 13 Ballybell TColBawn Copyrielit 5S233 Copyrielit5S233 Lexton 1 14 205y5fast 10 101 4 4 S S 10 10 E Scoble 11 Kimpalong La Foudre FrankT 5S237 FrankT5S237 Lcxton 1 18 l52fast 7 53511 1 4 4 E Scoble 8 OldFaithfSi Merchant NTorki NTorkiAVA AVA E br m 6 107 By Ivaa tho Terrible Claudia by Star Euby Trainer G H Keene Owner J 0 G H Keeae 61035 Havana 1 1S 155 fast 21 110 4 4 4l 1 B Kenndy 8 Sleadowth Smt5Ioney Whippet 61010 Havana 1 13 l54 ROod 5 107 4 1 1 14 B Kenndy 9 Dan Discord Marauder 60952 Havana ImMy 143 fast 2 108 2 S 8 7 i M Garner 10 Bierman Le Balafre Caraway 60916 Havana 1 l43Hsow 6 107 10 10 61 4 1 M Garner 10 Blomlel Win or Quit Diversity 60811 Havana ImSOy l45faat 31 107 1 4 4 4 44 21 M Garner 10 DottasBest Dndy Van J Healcy 5C463 Healcy5C463 Havana 34 l Xslow B 107 6 4 5 61 6 L Penman S Rameau Blondel Iunctual 59525 Havana 1 116 l48fast B 105 8 8 8 8 71 B Kenndy 9 MJIJker WGMCtk J OOI B OOIB l Havana 1 l41fast 31 107 4 S 2 2 B Kenndy 10 AVezina ILOlyrnpus Triompht 593S3 Triompht593S3 Havana ImSOy l45fast B 104 7 7 7 7 S S i N Swart 8 IlarGlover Mdoworth Naraje 59350 Havani laiDOy 141 fiat 10 104 2 8 7 7 7 7 B Kenndy 8 ColLit Loyalist Uaby Vatut PLATO ch g 4 112 112Trainer By ITnclo Dike by Dixon Trainer D HcDermid Owner D KcDermid G0942 Mobile Ab 1 58 251 fast 12 107 3 4 71 S R Rice 8 LMOS3 OaklnBelle MissDidt 60921 Mobile Ab 1 1S 153 fast 10 113 99 7 R Rice 10 LtPerkiiiB LaKross Lor Mo8 G0799 Mo8G0799 Mobile Im70y 202 4hvy 3 112 2 6 6 6 6 W Hinnhy 6 Am Soldier CaptTom DickleW C0455 DickleWC0455 FGndg 34 l14V fa3t 30 109 4 49 51 C Lang 12 PortLight BlueJcans LyMlldd 60318 FGndg 1 116 148 fagt 15 91 9 10 7 9 9J J Owens 11 PUclan Pie Kings Bello 59118 FGndg 1 116 l47fast 8 65878 S C Lanfj 8 Gallot Lazy Lou Challenger 5S305 Challenger5S305 Jeffaon 34 l15fast 12 107 4 66 4 1 C Lang 12 G Autumn Archive PBIensosj PBIensosja a aia Jeffson 1 18 lC54faat 15 97 4 4 3 3 3 3 L McDottlO Flypaper MRappold Sparkling SparklingBOND BOND OctagonTrainer ch g S 112 By Ethelbert Boudoir by Octagon Trainer W 21 Cain Owner Cain Sanford 60939 Mobile Ab 61 f l23fast 115 ISO 4 2 21 1 G Mangan S She Devil Alvcrlda San Diego GOS1S DiegoGOS1S Mobile Ab 61f l29hvy 4 117 4 322 24 G Mansan G Serbian Sandy H Vansylvia 607C7 Vansylvia607C7 Mobile 1 l52slow 31 115 5 2 1 1 1 1 E Pollard 10 LorenaMoss SheDevil IjnkBoy 60372 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 6 114 4 1 1 1 21 2J M Garner 10 BritLiner Old Faithful PaulaV 60016 FGnds 1 116 l53 ihvy 8 113 3 2 2 3 31 3 1 31 Garnor 7 HloPardner Pbelan J Overton 697C4 Overton697C4 FGnds 1 116 152 mud 12 107 2 2 2 3 4 4 E Scoblo G Copyright Verity BroomPeddler E9554 BroomPeddlerE9554 FGnda 34 l15 slow 10 109 3 21 I1 1 M Garner 9 Philanderer Nordeck FlyingOrb FlyingOrbLINK LINK BOY b s 5 107 By Junior B Bobolink by Willoayx Trainer J Randolph Owner 7 Randolph 608G1 Mobile Im70y l51Jifast 21 114 4 4 4 4 T Wayt 8 Cockroach Horcb Sue Devil 60817 Mobile Im70y l56hvy 6 107 1 2 3 3 Si 4 T Wayt 7 Grnyson FinanRooster Phclan 60779 Mobile Im70y l53 good 31 114 2 1 1 1 1 1 W Hinphy 7 LorMoss TColnBawn LaKrosi 60767 Momile 1 l52slow 95 HE 8 5 S 2 2 41 J D MnoylO Bond Lorena Moaa She Derll 60263 FGnda ImTOy l47mud 8 1C4 1 1 1 1 1 1 A Wilson 9 ServIceStar Mechauic KsBelle 60141 FGnds 31 ll fast 20 110 4 5 7 71 7 A Wilson 12 Pgourdine Cchfleld Pretender 59SOO Pretender59SOO FGnds 34 l17hvy 20 103 3 6 9 11 11 T CMtilettill The Decision Jaso Rolo PIHATE McGEE ch s 5 107 107Trainer By McGee Precocious by Pirats of Penzaaoe Trainer G Plullips Owner J Cunniffe 60503 FGnds 1 116 l50shvy 3 105 1 6 6 4 4604W 41 41 C Lang 8 Romeo Ettalie Mormon Elder 604W FGnds 1 116 l47iifast 21 ICO 9 7 7 8 4 2 k C Ponco 11 Troilus IA Kross Mark West 60235 FGnda 1 116 l4Sfast 32 106 7 C 5 5 5B963S 4 3 M Garner G Hnonec Plielan Paula V B963S FGnds 1 18 l54fast 85 114 7 7 4 45ES34 41 3 Q W Carll 7 LorMoss JOverton Sparkling 5ES34 FGnds 1 116 l4Cfast 7 111 9 8 7 7E9433 4 = 3 G W Croll 9 Darnny Hlolardner IgAdam E9433 FGnds 1 116 l48fast 5 113 9 9 4 4ES324 S 31 G W Carll 9 Verity Zoae dAnnee Lively ES324 Jeffson 1 316 200fast 7 113 8 8 7 I 41 G W Carll 9 AttorMalr LucyKate PGKinsj 69218 Jeff son 1 116 l47fast 75 107 3 5 5 5ESS39 4 41 A Wilson 11 BnrryShnn Sol Rock KrneatA ESS39 Jeffson 1 14 2157shvy S 104 3 1 3 S 3l 4 M Harson 0 LyLgfellow JuArbor Corydom 58791 Jeffson 1 316 202V faat B 114 1 1 1 1 1OLLIE I1 2 k J G Petz G Merchant LLfellow RIchardV OLLIE WOOD ch5 5 112 112Trainer by Leonid Trainer W D Hillard Owner W D Millar Millar60J53 60J53 FGndg 34 l14fcfaat 5 111 2 1 11 116C172 1 21 71 B Pool 12 PortUsht BlneJcang LyMildJ 6C172 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 5 108 2 2 22 2 2 2E98M 21 3 M Garner 8 Zone dArciee Corson Pau y E98M FGnds 34 l18hvy 15 108 11 11 10 9 11 G Brenlncl2 Cacambo Golden Autnran Car 59657 FGnds 34 113 fast 10 115 11 7 78 78E9594 I 71 7 J D Mneyll WInneconne Pising Tom Rolo E9594 FGnds 34 l14fast 20 111 8 8 86 86E9151 6 CS 41 J D Mney 9 AceofAcea Piiilandcrcr TUanU E9151 JeffBon 1 116 l13slow 10 111 7 9 10 11 11E9072 11 10 E Barnca 12 Richelieu Joe Joe Ballybell E9072 Jeff aon 118157 fast 12 103 9 3 33 3 3 3ES66S 1 I B Marlelllia BMountaln LyGranitc MNell ES66S Tijuana 1 f l07Hfaat 19 111 8 SI I 71 11 B Taylor 8 East Indian Lonely Maanchea BUBBLING LOUDER fc r 7 112 112Trainer By Cunard Arthcsia by Siddartha Trainer E Eojers Owner JIasterson n Rogers K321 Kwrth 1 18 l54fast 1110 108 6 6 7 7E0612 i 6 E Haywrd 0 DukcRuff JRceves FoliilRock E0612 Latonia 1 14 206fast 135 108 9 9 7 61 C1 W HeinchlO LadyMtjoy Gmand ClifBruwn 60534 Latonia 1 11 205fast 21 111 7 7 6 41 4J W Heinch 8 JGStone BourbonGreen Wave 967 Devre 1 116 l4S sood 126 114 6 S 6 2l I1 J McCoy 0 Kentucky Boy Blaise Wenonah 49300 Devre 1 11G 154 mud 1 113 3 4 44M21 41 3J E Barnes 7 Veteran George Duncan Poilu 4M21 Devre 1 11C l46fast E 110 7 7 7 51 6 1 E Pator 8 Lazy Lou Nello Yorke Hush 49719 Windsor 1 14 2C6 fcfast 2310 111 9 6 3 2 2 I1 J Heupel 11 Biddee Thanksgiving CapClty 49437 FtErio 1 31C l5Sfast 75 108 4 4 4 2 2KARIE 14 1 G Walls 9 CapCity Handfull Solid Rock RockBy KARIE RAPPOLD b in 7 107 107Trainer By Martinet Whip Top by HarUson Trainer 0 W Chappell Cmier 0 W Cis Oitppcll tOCCG PGnda 1 14 2OSisIow 20 1011 7764 4 51 41 F Weiner 8 Romeo Pit Lazy Lou C0125 FGnds 1 316 203 slow 8 108 10 9 9 7 S2 S11 J D MneylO BrmPeddler LczyLon MadreF MadreFE 65920 PGnds 1 18 206 mud 8 1001 7 6 S 6 E 4s J McCoy 8 ShLightHI JArbor AttMulr ESS45 PGnds 1 12 247 hvy 135 98 1 5 6 8 4s 4 J Wallace C Verity LittleEd JackReeves 19722 FGnds 1 14 213hvy 20 108 9 9 9 5 31 2 J D Mney 0 Verity Ksearpolette KgTroJar 69573 FGnds Im70y l47good 12 103 2 12 12 6 14 1 J D Mney 12 Ilermoden Archive GolAutuinn 692S5 Jeff son 1 18 155 fast 0 109 3 6 6 5 B4 6 J N J Brnes S Wodan Mhlavelll JohnOvcrtoo E9212 Jeffson 1 18 lB5 fast 7 105 7 9 7 4 21 21 N Barrett 10 Flypaper Plato Sparkling K973 Jeffson 1 316 210 mud 25 107 10 10 10 S 8 9 N J BrneslO PJielan Franc Tireur Bombrtt CHACOLET CarbineTrainer b f 4 H 107 By St Amant Mare by Carbine HoadloyISCG3 Trainer W Buford Owner Hal Price Hoadloy DoyleE7C79 ISCG3 Lcxton 34 116 slow 30 109 9 10 9 61 5 = J E Barnes 12 Bermont Louis Adair Doyle E7C79 Latonia 1 116 147 fast 117 107 fi 5 6 6 E3 5 E Barnes 9 Cimarron Willow Tree Ace Ace672C7 672C7 Latonia 1 116 l46fast 34 109 12 11 11 11 Ull E Barnes 12 Bkilacklc LWidrig Richelieu RichelieuCONAN CONAN BastingsTrainer br e 9 107 By Samson Anna Hastings by Bastings Trainer E C Prates Owner R C Frtkes FrtkesWS57 WS57 Latonia 1 116 l45 ifast 78 10S 5 4 4 6 7 7 H Gray 7 Kewpie OVl Legal Accelerate Accelerate644S3 644S3 Churchl 1 l3S igood 95 113 8 S 8 S 8 8 T Murray S MFtaine DCarmen TNeph w 87764 LytloS7715 Havana 34 l15slow 15 110 7 87 B1 44J B Kleeger 10 Bierman Grasmere Lytlo S7715 Havana 1 l41good 65 109 109S7625 4 4 S 3 4 4 J B Kleeger 9 Clark M Lytle Algardi Algardii S7625 i Havana 1 l47hvy 4 108 108BLACK 3 2 E 6 6 6 L Gausel 7 Circulate Lytle Nashville BLACK WATCH II b s 6 K 112 112Trainer By Kacdoneld PI Black Venus by Eantaka Trainer W Woodard Owner C 6 PGnds 1 116 l52hvy 20 111 76 3 4 4 J D Mney 8 John Arbor She Devil Nordeck C0427 FGnds Im70y 146 fast 4 116 98 3 2s 24 J Butwell 10 Mechanic Pattern BlondBnddy C0145 FGnds 1 116 l48fast 20 112 56 8 S 8 L Morris 9 Solid Hock Cockroach CEvents 68538 FGnds 1 18 2OOHhvy 40 112 66 7 5 E1 L Morria 7 Richelieu Pickwick YngAdan SS397 FGnds 1 110 148 fast 20 109 78 6 B E L Morris 8 Encrinite Pickwick Great Gull 6S212 Jeffson 1 18 l55fast 10 110 65 6 64 El L Morris 7 Lavnga Toreador Montaguo MontaguoS EE493 MaploII 34 l21hvy 6 10 S 7 7 7 7 P Long 12 Bermont Louis Adalr Doylo ES360 Lerton 34 116 slow 43 115 7 7 10 10 1014 R Harton 11 Klmpalons JA Foadre Frank 182S3 Lexton 1 14 205 fast S3 112 9 10 10 10 l 71T H Barnes 10 Flypaper Marie Rappold Plato OKALLET b c 7 112 112Trainer By Charles OKalley Shrike by Gallicnle Trainer C P SniHh Denser C P Smith C7923 VaFair 1 l43slow 104 3 J Dawson 4 Gratinn Stir Up Lesal Tender 67916 VaFair 1 116 l52slow IIS 3 L Jackson 5 Huntress Stir Up WUtonArrow WUtonArrowlo 67137 Mbo Abl 116 103 fast 65 105 lo J Ryan 4 REnnis MaximsChce Machla E71CQ Tim Ab 1 11G 150 fast S210 115 2 J Dawson C Diadi PesRyRives PlumBlosm 67015 Tim Ab 1 116 149 fast 710 104 1 D Stirling 4 Naiwli REnnis MaximsChoice MaximsChoiceli 6687 Htown 1 116 l52ifast 3710 107 li D StiMrs C Florsain Celtic Lass Rey Ennis EnnisC 65643 KngE Iin70y l4Sifast 2 110 C l E Atkinsn 9 BFanst Handlull PerfectLady