Latest Work-Outs, Daily Racing Form, 1922-08-15

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LATEST WORK-OUTS on SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. T., August 14 Sundays training gallops here included the following : SARATOGA. Weather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 8- BlosFom Time. .45 9-Poly.lhia 35 5-Emotion 30 9-Runviso 35 9- Knighthood . ..35Vs 7-Stony Point ..37 Mint Stick ...38 9-Sakah 35 Half Mile. 0- Arrow of Gold. 48 7-Brogheda 48 9-BiIly Mclhlin.48 Pretext 51 7- Contact 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 10-Sun Quest ...1:01 10-Sallys Alley.l:01 8- S.un Thistle .1:01 9-Simplex 1:05ft 9- Sequel 1:04 Three-quarters Mile. 9-Aspiration ..1:15 7-French Furzcl:14 9-Brocklesby ..1:10 9-Metric 1:15 8-Brocade 1:17 3-Rustcm 1:17 8-Blaek Friday. 1:17 O-Runelise 1:14 8- longes 1:13 10-Swcep Hawk. 1:18 i-Dunlin 1:15 10-Sun Fey 1:18 9- Diuimesdale .1:17 10-Sunsini 1:17 One Mile. 9-Modo 1:42 Blossom Time showed a good order of speed. Sun Quest and Sun Thistle worked together. Sallys Alley did an excellent trial. Dunlin was a bit sluggish in his work. Dim-mesdale was under restraint. Brocklesby worked easily. Donges worked splendidly. Runelise showed wonderful speed in her work. Modo seems fit and good. Morvich showed extreme speed by galloping a quarter in 21. A dense fog covered the course the early part of the morning and few horses could be timed correctly. OK1.A1IO.UA training track. Weather clear ; track good Half Mile. 8-Uarridan ...50 4-Littlc Chief... 51 Five-Eighths Mile. 9-Bullet 1:23 2-L. Antoine ..1:18 S-Ieep Sinkrl:24 997-Zcv 1:19 Lucky Antoine worked creditably. Harridan was speedy. FORT ERIE, Ont., August 14. Sundays training gallops here included the following: FORT ERIE. Weather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-Elias 0 3S 983-McArthur 38 991-Harry I? 37 O-Reformer 40 872-Hello Pardner.37 9-Siren Maid ...35 8- Lady Boss 36 7-Sea Way 38 9- Moek Orange ..37 9-The Lamb 38 Half Mile. 826-Cimarron 50 3-Kings Champn53 9-ExpIosive 52 5-I,ittle Ammie..52 9-Hiddeu Jewel.. 49 ft 983-Hoseatc 52 Five-Eighths Mile. Bassano Hoy. 1:03ft 10-Phalaris 1:05 10-Corenz:o 1:02 99S-Rcdstone ...1:02ft 9-Mavourneeii .1:02 9SG-Suave Prince.l:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 7-Rribod Aoter.l:13 9-Prctender ...1:21 r-7rk o Cold. 1:18 8-Swt I!ouquetl:16 991-PIutrel 1:13 One Mile. 9-Muttinkins ..1:50 9-P. G. Rrownl:45 C-Paddy Dear. .1:54 9-Span. Maize. 1:43ft Harry B. worked easily. Sea Way was under restraint. Elias O. appears to be in good condition. Siren Maid showed a good turn of speed and is a fast mare. Cimarron is going along well and is nearing racing condition. Hidden Jewel, with all the racing he has had. appears to be in good form. Corenzio showed speed all the way. Suave Prince appears to be good. Spanish Prince seems to improve with each work-out. 12 SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., August 14. Todays training gallops here included the following: SARATOGA. Weather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 9-Bantry Pass ..35 OSrt-Ncwmarket ...34 9-Boxwood 30 10-Northcliff 35 10-Crugie 37 7-Owasko 37 J-Corse Pay ton . .38 7-Philosopher 37 C-Galantnian 35 8-Pirate Gold ...35 n-IIigh Speed ...30 993-Romulus 37 10-Horologe 37 2-Riinotta 3S 9-Homstretch ...37 0-Scribble 30 7-Ira Wilson 3S 10-Trajanus 36 10-K. Solomons S138 S-White Star ...30 G-Nassau 30 Half Mile. 887-Ressie LeightonSlSs Occora 50 7-Dough Girl 51 Pillcr 4S 10-lrummond ....51 10-Prudery 49 10-Eulala 50 9-Slciveconard ..50 10-Irish Brigadier 48 10-Swecp By 49 7-Irish Confetti .53 9-The Almoner ..4S 9-Jisstep 52 1-Wchful Wting4S 10-Longboat 49 Five-Eighths Mile. 10-A. M. npliyl:02 10-Lnstrous 1:04 fi-Amusement .1:04 9-Lackawanna .1:06 D-Itlnc and Goldl:02 10-Pennon 1:03 7- Cape Clear .1:03 10-Roek I!ottom.l:04 9-Iream Makerl:03 10-Rping Home. 1:04 8- Gresta 1:02 8-Sunday Best 1:01 10-Kelside 1:00 8-Tarn 1:04 999-1. E. OSlinl:01 9-Tom Cassidy.l:03 8i5-Hourbel 1:01 7-Vanderborg .1:01 10-How Fair ...1:01 10-Woodland ...1:02 7- Kennmare ..1:06 Three-Quarters Mile. 10-Autumn nellsl:17 9-May Blossom 1:18 8- Bnnker Brownl:17 10-Moonraker ...1:17 10-Blue Peter ..1:23 3-Metal 1:23 4- BrilIiance ...1:22 9-IIullabaloo ..1:19 7- Bml Urner ..1:15 10-Mark Twain 1:15 8- Castanet 1:23 10-Pony Expressl:22 f-Certaln 1:10 10-Polly Ann ...1:14 5- Cliiffon 1:22 10-Pow Wow ..1:22 5- Confcderacy .1:22 S-Pretty Day ..1:19 10-Cyelops 1:15 9-Purity 1:23 3-IIngrnm 1:23 10-Quaint 1:22 10-Iotighoregan .1:18 8-Quarrel 1:18 10-Dust Flower 1:13 8-Regal Lodge 1:23 10-Dr. Johnson .1:19 8-Royal C!iarliel:15 8- E1 Dorado ...1:15 5-St. Allan ...1:1S- 1- Excelsis 1:10 10-Spot Cash ..1:17 10-Golden Rule .1:10 GSO-Summit 1:23 10-Good Times 1:14 10-Transom 1:18 10-Henna 1:18 Untidy 1:18 9- Irish Kiss ...1:22 10-WiId neathcrl:19 074-Jupiter 1:14 Seven-Eighths Mile. t-Double Cross 1:29 One Mile. 10-David Harum 1:40 9-Naturalist ...1:47 9- Dr. of Allah 1:44 9-Overtake 1:40 6- Cheateaugay 1:48 2-Violinist 1:46 9-Loiteror 1:47 10-Tiie IIottentotl:49 9-Morvieh 1:41 8-Thimble 1:43 Mile and an Eighth. 10- Whiskaway ..2:00 Dream of Allah was under restraint all the way. May Blossom looks and acts good. Newmarket showed a splendid work-out. Dust Flower worked well all the way. Golden Rule was not extended. The Almoner has a good way of going. Whiskaway is nearing racing condition again. Prudery seems fresh and good. Cresta and Woodland worked easily together. Mark Twain could have worked faster. Felside showed fine speed. Good Times worked creditably. Polly Ann did her work easily. El Dorado showed improvement. Jupiter began from the barrier. Anna M. Humphrey was under a pull all the way. Irish Brigadier is training well at present. Morvich seemed himself this morning. Cyclops showed a good work-out easily. OKLAHOMA TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 8-Anterio 37 956-Rigel 39 8-Chile 38 1-Tuxedo 37 10-Coeur de Lion. 38 Half Mile. 4- Arapahoe 51 7-Mercury 52 998-Brink 55 10-Mormaw 51 10-Cheapside 51 9S6-Normal 52 7- D.s Daughter. .50 S-Orcus 50 3-Evelyn Sawycr51 10-Scotland Yet .53 5- Kai-Sang 49 9-Sailing Along.. 52 10-Mawrcoron 51 10-VaIentia 50 8- MeKcnna 49 Five-Eighths Mile. 9- Dream Days. 1:03 983-Primus 1:08 Three-Quarters Mile. 9-Aladdin 1:19 S-Lord Brightonl:20 9-Eliminator ..1:18 10-Reconnt 1:21 10-Gladiator ...1:24 7-Satellite 1:23 991- Jago 1:24 One Mile. 9-Grev Lag ...1:50 10-Yankee Star.l:51 10-Playfellow ..1:50 Tuxedo was not extended. Kai-Sang seems fresh and good. Dream Days seems to like the soft going. Aladdin was unex-tended all the way. WINDSOR, Ont, August 14. Todays work-outs here were as follows : WINDSOR. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 995-Anglum Maid .37 987-Ferguson 40 3-Bucado 39 10-IIallucination .41 982- Chinnie Walsh 38 9S9-Sea Court 40 983- Diomcd 39 3-Topango 39 950- Doric 36 994-Trail Blazer ..36ft Half Mile. 992- Al Stebler 49ft 995-Playful Miss .49ft Chas. Henry .47 993-Push Pin 50ft 995-Dernier Son ...49ft 992-Radio 51 90S-Gcorgottc 51 9S3-Rapid Stride ..50ft 972-Great Iuck ..51 905,Rckab 51 951- Hcnor Man ...50 9S3-SeweU Combs.. 52 992- .Tohn Finn 52 9SG-Sir Thos. Kean 52 92S-Liarelimont 52 Sir Lancelot ..48 9S0-Lngs 51 9S2-Soldier II 48 983-Mart OHara ..49 9S2-Sweet Cookie 51ft 9S5-North Tower. . .52 9SG-Translatc 50ft Friendly 49 9S0-Thibodanr ....53 Mom 50 ft Five-Eighths Mile. S92-C. o the Rstl:01 9S0-Ry Monntainl :01ft Doc Gaiety ..1:03ft 12-Who Ks Me. 1:01ft Three-Quarters Mile. 995-Bill OFlynn 1:19 995-H. Graham .1:14ft 985-Curland 1:15ft 982-Lathrop 1:13 993- Fair Virginia 1:19 985-Petie 1:10 One Mile. 995-Be Good 1:42 9S0-Morm. Elder 1:43ft 993-Bunga Buck 1:41ft 99S-Playwright ..1:47 " 9S5-Jouett 1:41 985-Roy. Visitor 1:56 1-IrisU Jig 1:45 995-Westwood ...1:43ft .Touett worked a good mile without being distressed and finished fast. Trail Blazer is showing speed and is rounding into racing condition. Doric showed a good turn of speed and looks fit. Charles Henry appears to be a fast horse. Mart OHara worked well. Playful Miss seems to have a good turn of speed. Soldier II. is training well and seerns to be in good form. Rocky Mountain is ready for his best. Who Knows Me should make good at this meeting. Hughes Graham seems to be a good colt and appears fit. Lathrop appears to be as good as training can make him. Bunga Buck seems to have improved by his rest.

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Local Identifier: drf1922081501_12_1
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