1st Race [1st Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-21

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Igf RstCC III r—l— §■ 2-jear-olds. Maidens. April 25, 1925 — :53— •— 116. Index. Course. Dlst Time. Track Odds. Wt St. % Str Fin. Jockey. 8tarted. Order of Finish. GOLDEN PENNANT, ch. c. 2 M 118 By Pennant— Golden Rod, by All Gold. Trainer. F. Hopkins. Owner. H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 00742 H deOYc 1-: :4f %fast 13-10 IIS .1 2 I* » I. MeAteC 12 Ldtmllil F.McOce. M strWilliam i 00637 Howie 1-2 LOslow 12 US 5 4 4Ji lj .1 M •Tiig t 9 Florian, Ool nlennt, M rWilliam i 00403 Howie 1-2 S%b«7 6 5 118 9 4 i i 6"i II Shillkkll Minitor, MerWillm. OnoiueSiid I PAT McGEE. b. c. 2 M 118 By Huon— Gertrude Marie, by McGee. Trainer. J. H. Stotler. Owner. Sagamore Stable. Breeder. J. E. Madden. »08I0 H S«0*C4 4j f :.t%fast 4. 116 N 10 11ilH ■ F CWatttflB CluliSlcak. ItedK ket. A.F.Canale 00742 lliHI e H :4s%fast 11 118 9 2 21 3J ¥ ColleUI12 l.dlord. OnFnant, MrWilliam 1 LENA RINEHART. b. f. 2 M 115 By Meridian— Belle o the Sea. by Seahorse II. Trainer. J. P. Jones. Owner, P. H. Faulconer. Breeder. P. H. Faulconer. 00785 H.deCYe 1-2 :47«Lf;.st 13-0 Us 7 6 4» 3" R Albiker 15 Clul. Steak, ljrex, Froco MASTER WILLIAM, ch. c. 2 M 118 By Escoba— Ballyconnell. by Celt. Trainer. W P. Rice. Owner, A. J. Gadek. Breeder. S. Ross. 00810 ll.i.c; • 4i f :.4%fast 7f 1 is is 18 1S19*7J Butwell SB Cliil.St.ak. ItedK kit. AT Canale 00742 Il.deGce 1-2 :4Hfast 19-j IIS 2 4 45l 4 3 V Smith 13 LamllM. OdenFnant, FatMrtiec 00637 Bowie 1-2 :5C.slow 3 IIS S 5 bi 4 j !• Smith 0 Florian, OoluF. n lit, MclHmgh 1 FRANK ANDREWS, ch. c. 2 M 118 By Paul Weidel— Fiorina, by Dick FinneU. Trainer. G. R. Bryson. Owner. International Stable. Breeder. E. F. Prichard. 00742 II .1 •■; .■ 12 :48%fast 29-10f US 10 lo *■ 6;i L. Morris IS LsWilS, i deiiluant. FatMiCee • McDONOUGH b. c. 2 M 111 By Hannibal— Peggy Atkins, by Jack Atkin. Trainer. J. J. OByrno. Owner. Butter Bros.% Breeder. Dr. D. B. Knox. 00637 1. .w M ;y%sl X 113 2 2 31 3J I; FTr.gtte 9 Florian llS.ColiilYn-nt 1 lS.MrWililam US ; 98904 1C 1-2 :49%ft 32 115 8 8 8*1 8s F I.ee 10 Tor. Inlla 1 l.YO.Hallie 112,M.Behrmau 115 GOLD COIN. br. c. 2 M 118 By Golden Guinea— Ivabel. by Ogden. Trainer. J. H. Stotler. Owner. Sagamore Stable. Breeder. W. B. Miller. •0742 H.l.ie 12 :4i*ifast 11 118 8 S W**M*| G Fi.Ms 12 Iiiii.HM, S denlnant, FatMcOee , 088IE H.. br. g. 2 M 118 By Towton Field— Peace and Plenty, by Uncle. Trainer. W. R. Bailee. Ownsr, W. R. Sailee. Breeder. T. H. Cross. •0742 H de Fce M :4S*ifast 93 118 1 C 6 » 8J O FTogtt.12 IsjsjtTS. O denlnant, PatMc ;ee FOUNDATION, ch. c, 2 M 118 By Trap Rock— Marys Aunt, by Star Shoot. Trainer. B. Long. Owner. B. Long. Breeder. C. T. Grayson. •463 7 Howie 1-2 :and0%slow 85 US 8 8 9" 9" W Smith 9 Florian, Golnleu nt, McOongh i •9897 Miami 41 f :..4%fa»t 196 106 8 7 8" 8" Ii Hoade 0 Thrace. SunLynn. ChUlOomino i #9766 Miiiiii 4J f 54tfatt ■ IS U 12 12»il2 » Ii Hoailt- 14 Cri llHimino. OueWay, Fomonk i i I I GUMDBOP. b. c. 2 M 118 By Chicle— Bayberry Candle, by Cunard. Trainer. E. Tnieman. Owner B. Parr. Breeder. J. S. Cosden. 007* H.deC.Ye 1-2 :48%fast 12 US 4 6 6;! 7i W Harve 12 Lnndld. 0 denlnant. PatMcC.e* 0013 Howie 1-2 :52%hvy 7 118 4 2 1| 10»J W Harveyll Minitor, MerWillm. OnomeSnd First start for the following: FA1 TASTIC. b. f. 2 M 115 By Hannibal— FanUsque. by Disguise. Trainer. J. B. Pryce. Owner, B. T. Wilson. Breeder. B. T. Wilson. SATYR, ch. g. 2 M 118 By Johren— Sylvan, by Disguise. i Trainer. F. Hopkins. Owner, H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. PAINTED LADY. ch. f. 2 M US By Golden Broom— Pretty Day. by Ormondale. Trainer. S. P. Hailan. Owner, W. M. Jeffords. Breeder, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jet*. ford3. PORTO BELLO GOLD. b. c. 2 M 118 By Tangiers— Silver Luck, by Junior. Trainer. W. A. Read. Owner, W. A. Read. Bred in England by S. J. Part. NARRATOR, ch. f. 2 M 115 By Omar Khayyam — Fairy Ray. by Radium, Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner, L. WaterbuTy. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. WHISKEY RON. b. c. 2 M 118 By Von Tromp— Sister Vincena. by Yankee. Trainer. M. Hirsch. Owner, E. M. Byers. Breeder, C. McCarthy. OKEEFE. ch. c. 2 M 118 By Passchendaele— Refugee, by Roi Herode. Trainer, W. R. Sailee. Owner. W. R. Sailee. Bred in England by W. Parrish. l

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926042101/drf1926042101_4_2
Local Identifier: drf1926042101_4_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800