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NEW ORLEANS FORM GHART HART GHARTNEW GATE NEW ORLEANS LA Nov 20 Sixth Day Crescent City Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Col Cool 11 W Simmons Starter C R Fitzgerald 5225 FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling Lnd Lund Horses Wt St 54 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5210 OZARK JR 94 1 2ic 32 154 12 Coombs Combs Shamrock Stable 254 3 1 5122 ISSIE ISSUE O 99 2 H 11 2n222 Walker Mascot Stable 3 254 1 4539 BILLY JORDAN 103 5 31 2 31 3V4 Ashley W C La Rue 254 135 1 5179 WALTER 102 7 4 4 5 42 Powers H H Wild 15 25 8 5175 BAAL GAD 94 8 7 51 454 51 Milburn Melbourne J Brown 40 40 12 5119 ONARETTO BONAIRE 102 3 554 7 6 6 BeauchampH Beach McCarren Macabre Jr 5 6 2 5119 TIM IRVEN IRVIN 94 6 6677 Dean L T Caton Cato Co 15 12 5 5214 DENVER 104 4 8888 Martin Springfield Stable 8 12 5 Time ime dime 25J4 50M 1 03 1 16 16Winner Winner B g 3 by Cole Bascomb Bacon Sunny South SouthStart Outstare Start good Won easily second handily Issie Issue weakened at end Denvers Denver race was a horror Issie Issue O had some speed but hung at end Ozark was the best bestScratched Scratched Carver 99 99Overweights Overweights Overweighs Billy Jordan 4 pounds Onaretto Narrator 3 pr O O ft SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 3250 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI fl45STOCKHOLM 101 1 11 IVzt2 H Scherrer Sherrie Avondale Stable 35 35 out 5145 BAN QUO II 102 2 43 3 5 2 Ham P J Miles 441 5176 JOHN CONROY CORY 10214 4 4JACK 21 23 22 31 54 BeauchampH Beach McCarren Macabre Jr 6 20 6 JACK HAYES 101 6 6 42 Foucon Soupcon F T Wood 10 8 3 3H 3283 MAURITIUS 101 5 4n 51 Walker H V Townsend 30 40 12 5176 CONNIE LEE 99 3 42 31 6 ABarrett Cabaret G Bering 3266 SECOND CHANCE 99 7 R Bradley 30 40 12 Time 125 23 50 1 02 1 15 Winner Ch c by Iroquois Soncy Sony Lass Start good Won easily second drivin driving driving Banquo Banquet J I ran a good race Lee quit to nothing Stockholm is a good colt and has raced impressively Overweights Overweighs John Conroy Cory 254 pounds 5227 THIRD RACE 1 14 Miles Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses 54 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5144 CONS 1ANT 41 31 21 11 Powers P T Kelly 10 12 5 408 SEABROOK SHERBROOKE 21 U 15421 A Barrett Barrette T H Stevens 40 10 4 5178 SQUIRE G 92 4 21 554 51 52 3 Coombs Combs Shamrock Stable 2 354 1 5144 ST HELENA 6 4H 4 41 Gatewood Atwood Thos Ethos Baxter 15 20 8 5144TOOTS 154 21 31 52 Walker P J Miles 45 45 out 5148 SHINING BELLE 101 7 554 51 6 6 6 NTurner Turner F TWood Wood 20 30 10 5213 LORD NELSON 104 3 41 SH 7 7 7Time Ross Chas Boyle BoyleJ Boyle 683 Time 27 53J4 J 1434 209J VVinner Vintner B m 5 by Jils Jails Johnson Useful Start good Won easily next three hard driven Squire G is not what he was Too much use was made of Toots early Nelson quit to nothing He is a bad horse 5228 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 54 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5213 ALBERT S 97 1 31 22 U213 Coonibs Colonist Ruby Stable 462 4602 LITTLE BILLY 104 4 55 4 i 254 Foucon Soupcon H L Simmons 783 4834 B OF FORDHAM FORD 10254 5 1 1 21 3 Scherrer Sherrie A G Weston 2 95 35 5148 SEN SEAN MORRILL MERRILL 102 2 254 3 32 41 Ham L Deardorff Leadoff 3 254 1 4542 IMAGE 94 6 6 6 5 554 Powers M Cady Caddy 30 40 12 3251 JUDGE BLLOCK BLOCK 10554 41 43 6 6 JPerkins Perkins T H Stevens 462 4602 PRINCESS ROSE 99 3 7777 Gatewood Atwood H L Haskell Hake 12 15 6 6Time Time 25 5054 10254 1155 Winner Br c 3 by Iroquois Nettie Nettle Kent KentStart Knitter Start good Won easily second driving Fordham Ford and Morrill Merrill were used up making the early startlingOverweights startling pace Albert Ss improvement was startling Overweights Overweighs Belle of Fordham Ford 3H pounds Judge Bullock 354 5229 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yoarolds and upward Selling lad Horses Wt St M 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5146 SIR JOHN 104 i 2 1 21 1 Powers R Bradley 30 60 20 205177N1CHOLAS 5177N1CHOLAS 102 3 IH 21 154 214 Ceombs Combs Shamrock Stable 35 12 out 5177 JUDITH C 99 6 6 31 3 3V2 ABarrett Cabaret Geo Geol Herring 4 8 254 5177 MOLOCH 104 4 3 43 43 43 Rebo Reebok J C Tucker 672 5146 HIPPOGR1FF 102 1 5 53 52 52 Walker Lilly Meade Stbl Stable 60 100 30 5123 M AGGIE S 102545 42 6 66 Scherrer Sherrie Rosedale Roseate Stable 3465 3465Time 11514Winner Time 25 50M 1022 11514 Winner Ch g 4 by Sir Modred Molded Naiad NaiadStart Naiads Start good Won driving Sir Johns race was surprising Nicholas was whipped out His race was not in line Maggie S had no speed Overweights Overweighs Maggie S 354 pounds