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LATONIA ANTONIA EN TRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track good goodFirst goofiest First iiace iliac 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 5141 Ganelon Cannelloni 5 110 5139 Why ota 4 107 5190 Kitty B 3 105 5190Oily Gamin 4103 5180 La Wanda 3 101 5239 Oass Oases 5 101 5190 Oapt Apt Drane Dane 7 97 5139 Twinkle 5 97 5139 Motilla Amontillado JJ 93 4608 Kan Kahn Kan Kahn 3 92 5041 Equinox 3 89 5085 Old Centre Centrex 3109 5141 Helen Wren 6 93 ecoud becloud Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances5191Robair 5191Robair 107 5140Serrano 107 1075115Taluca 5115Taluca 104 5181 Wathon Walton 104 5183 Gaston 100 5194 J Walter 100 4854 Minnie Murphy 97 5181 Ethel Farroll Farrell 97 5236 Est ne Regiua Regina 97 97Third Third Race 1 ivile civil and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Handicap 5141 Berclair3 109 5192 Muskalonge3104 5141 Satsuma 4 104 5192 Sir Dilke3101 Fourth Race Afcout Account 1 34 Miles MilesHandicap Handicap Steeplechase 5117 Aristocrat 8 130 5086tLawyer 6 170 519itEli Kindig Kindling 8 155 5086 Uncle Jim 5 147 5086 Dom Pedro 11140 4944 Zaldivar Salivary 7 135 5235 Partisan 4 125 125fWellington fWellington Wellington Stable entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Race l Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 5237 Rampart 4 101 5235 Yellow Rose7 99 5239 Taucred Toured 4 95 5044 Sky Lark 6 93 5042 Miss Emma 3 91 5237 Liberati Liberate 3 91 5042 Constance 3 91 5190 Herminia Termini 3 91 91Sixth Sixth Race 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances 5191 Sharon 106 5191 Masterpiece 106 5140 El Toro 106 5183 DoubloDummyl03 1911 Henry Fagin Fain 97 3145 Hats Off 96 96Harry Harry Thoburn Hour 93 5181 Blackstone 93