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WASHINGTON UJNTR1ES Probabilities Weather clear track fair fairFirst airiest First Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 4897 Eclipse 8 110 4973 Gal ilee lee 5 110 5215 N Johnson 3 108 5215 Distant Shot3 101 5170 Telegram 3 101 5133Tomoka 3 98 5245Lambent3 98 5072 Hermia Hernia 3 98 5170 RylPrincess388 5170 Tanis Anis 3 97 97Second Second Race 58 Miie Mien 2yearolds Selling 5218 Buddha 108 5246 Dye 107 5028 Lady Mottle 101 5026 Azure 98 5216 Ponnetta Poinsettia 95 507lfAunt ally 95 5171 Hurl 93 5171 Maud Adams 91 915246MohawkPrince 5246MohawkPrince 85 5066 Minnie AlphonseSS Alphorns 3586 Wordsworth 85 5246 Periodical 80 5246 Altonwood Satinwood 80 5130 Rockefeller 96 96By By Salvator Salvatore SalvatorThird Salvatore Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 5219 The Swain 4 116 5129 Tremargo Tremor 3 115 5129 Zanone Anyone 3 112 5129 Hanwell Handel 4 110 5219 Gra Graf ziosa zoos 3 108 5245 Sunup 4 104 104Fourth Fourth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling Selling5173RossO 5173RossO 109 5218 Billali Billable 108 108f f 132Hi Daddy 107 5171Takanassee 103 5248 One Chance 95 5246 Euphemia Euphemism L 95 5173 Kinnikinnick 88 5218 Naughty Girl 85 3586 Wordsworth 85 5132 Dr Jim 82 82Fifth Fifth Race About 2Yt luiles lilies luilesSteeplechase Steeplechase 4833Decapod 6 165 4558 SouthernerlO Southerner 152 3522 Mars Chan 5 147 5030Caress a 143 620 Hiawassee Hawse 8 138 5174 S Roderick313o