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NASHVILLE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 5244 Jacob Litt Itt 4 97 5149 Lizzie Tizzies Y 5 97 5149 Victoria 5 97 5240 Lottie Loftier Alter 4 97 5240 Nel Neal OsborneU Suborn 97 5185 Damask 5 97 975240tTrilby 5240tTrilby 3 97 5204 Al Boyer 5 100 5240 Clinton 6 100 5113 Tremor 4 100 100fBy fBy By Perkins PerkinsSecond Perkiness Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 5201 GRLonghurst 98 5186 Bonnie Bess Bests 98 5201 Cheatham Chatham 98 5150 Lady Keith 108 5188 EllaT Ella 108 5241Kisme 108 5201 Lucy Alleu Aleut 98 5201Susie Hawze108 5188 Lucy Overton Overtone 108 5241 WrangDucbesslOS WrangDucbesslOS5053Granny 5053Granny 108 5188 Daisy Maree Mare 108 5188 King Boleyn Boolean Ill IllThird Filthier Third Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 5203 Austin 3 102 5200 Derby Maid 3102 5185 Keeps 3 10H 5200 Fischer 3 102 5202 Lorrania Loran 3 102 5203 GilFordham3105 5200 Tom Quirk3105 5203 Santa Cruz 4 107 5242 Ruth V 3 107 5244FMB4 107 5200 Sweden4 107 5204 B F Fly Jr 5 107 5203 Dominico4HO 5031 Koscio Osco 3 110 5013 Terrapin 5 110 110Fourth Fourth Race 78 Mile MileAll Illegally All ages Selling 5186 Beware 2 85 5241 Traveler 2 91 5202 Gladioli 3 99 5152 Annie Sweet 3 99 5243 Gus Straus 4 104 5243 Sister lone 7 104 5243 Nover Mover 3 105 5244 Master Fred5107 Fred5107fit fit tii tipi Kace Ace 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 5185 Ed Dandridge385 5244 Hardenburg Harden 3 88 5244 Paramount 4 94 5244 Jacob Litt4 94 5187 Pete Kitchen 3 100 51ULightfoot 5 109 109Sixth Sixth Race 78 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Selling Selling5243CharWeber4104 5243CharWeber4104 5241 GoldieLocks2 82 518SB Fischer2 85 5189 Marg Marge Allen 3 99 5243 High Noon 3 99 5202Sim W 3 102 5189 Sauteur Saunter 4 104 5013Lauretta D4107