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CONEY ISLAND FORM CHART CHARTSHEEPSHEAD HEARTSEASE SHEEPSHEAD SHEEPISH BAY N Y September 8 Tenth day Coney Island Jockey Club Autumn Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C H Pettingill Petting FIEST FIST ttACE tae fi8 Mile 600 added 2yearolds Maiden Fillies Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt S K 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9542 EO3E IN HAND 105 12 51 2H 21 1 H llartin Latin J E Keene 6 30 6 20 1200 HEIGHHO EIGHTH 107 1 21 11 It 21 Hennessy Hennas Duke Wishard Wished 5645 932 RUBY LIPS 10G 9 911573ZEILA 4 K 41 41 81 Wilhite Iolite Jere Ere Dunn 6867 11573ZEILA 105 4 1 31 31 41 Littlefield Littered W H Forbes 4 4 3 31 1010 1SEN 105 13 10 61 62 51 Thorpe John Daly Dally 8 12 6 10 1243 ELLA DALY DAY 105 3 v 31 51 M 61 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 15 25 15 20 1157 HOMELIKE 107110 8 8 7 71 W Martin LSWPThompsn6 645 1010 DILLY DONOVAN 105 2 7988 BeauchampTnrney Bros Brows 8 25 8 20 9766 INSPECTION 105 11 117753ION1A 13 10 9 9 Mackey Mickey C W Stanton 30 50 30 40 7753ION1A 105 5 9 11 11 10 ODonnell O'Donnell E Kelly 10 50 10 40 183 MAY EOSELLE ROSELLE 105 8 810103PINK 11 12 10 11 Maher J Hamerick Homeric 30 ICO CO 30 80 10103PINK CHAMBEAY CHAMBRAY 105 7 6 7 12 12 Hewitt H Harris 6645 882 NAYICULINE 109 6 12 18 13 13 Doggett Doge A A White 12 15 10 12 1010 DOMESTIC 108 14 14CEDISKEEN 14 14 14 14 Clayton Graves Co 5 10 4 7 CEDISKEEN CEUI3KEEN LAWN108116 15 15 15 IS Coyle Cole CK ONeill O'Neill 40 10030 40 1082 BAMONCITA EAMONCITA AMANITA 105 15 16 16 16 16 Thompson Mrs T Kiloy Kilo 20 60 20 50 Time 50Time 12 24 38J 49 1 02 02Winner CypriaStart Cyprians Winner B f by Eqyal Equal Hampton St Cypria Cyprian Start fair Won driving Boss In Hand finished strong and game Heigh High Ho appeared to be winning easily in the stretch but was outgamed untamed at the end Euby Ruby lips was badly handled turned very wide After starting at the rails she finished at the extreme outside This filly likes mud Zeila Zelda was very speedy but was jostled on the bend She too favors mud Isen Risen off badly made up ground from the start He was eased up last furlong Homelike lost her chance by the crowding at the start She was pulled up in the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Elan Elam 104 Clarionet Clarinet 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs Heigh High Ho 2 pounds Homelike 2i Naviculine 4 Domestic 3 Gruiskeen Guise Lawn 31 1295 SECOND EACE ACE 34 Mile 650 added 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 984 PEAT 110 5 51 4n 2 21 H B WilliamsTurney Williams Bros Brows 21 21 2 2 211272LAMBENT 11272LAMBENT 110 4 li li li 1 23 Clayton M Clancy 4645 1201 CLEOPHUS CLOTHS 123 1 2 2 31 32 33 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 1 751 1 1050 CASSETTE ItO 6 61 61 61 42 41 Doggett Doge Aug Au Clason Carson 30 50 30 40 982 HANWELL HANDEL 115 3 31 51 5i 52 53 Penu Pen M F Stephenson 10 30 10 20 4380 GOLD CEEST CELESTE 1141 2 4 3 41 6 6i Taral Aral W Lakeland 8 15 8 12 1210792OLD 10792OLD SAUGUS AUGUST 110 7 7 7 7 7 7 Coyle Cole J O Gray 30 50 39 30 3011622HALFLING 11622HALFLING 113 8 8 8 8 8 8 Thorpe J E Seagram 40 40 30 40 40Time Time 12 26 4 1 01 1 14 14Winner Winner B g 4 by Jim Gore Nannie Nannies D DStart Start Start fair Won easily Peat was best Ho ran a fine race and acted like a good horse Lambent was finely handled She showed that she is in good form Cleophns Colophons is not sharply good It is not likely that she can concede any weight to the winner Cassette shows a liking for this track So does Hanwall Anally Both belong elsewhere Gold Crest wants a longer race He had speed and acted well He was eased up last sixteenth Halfiing Haling evidently runs best on the grass or in the mud mudScratched mustached Scratched Rubicon 143 Hanlon Hanson 123 Orimar Primary 116 Kinnikinnick 119 Hamilton II 113 t OO THIRD BACE ACE 6 12 Furlongs On Turf 2yearolds Allowances L A O The Golden Eod Oed Stakes 1500 Guaranteed lud laud Horses Wt St V V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1200EASTEE GIFT 110 2 In 12 13 12 li H Martin J E Keene 3434 34341159iENTEAL 1159iENTEAL TEUST TEST 119 1 21 21 2 21 21 Taral Aral J E McDonald 65 85 65 85 8511593LAVEEOCK 11593LAVEEOCK 112 4 5 5 5 5 3 Walker W M Hendrie Henries 3 6 35 3512433MOMENTUM 12433MOMENTUM 102 3 4n 43 42 41 4i Thorpe Goughacres Doughfaces Stbl Stable 6645 664512003GALA 12003GALA DAY 110 5 3s 3 SB 31 52 McCafferty J J McCafferty 5847 58477C92MONT 7C92MONT DOB OB 115 6 6 6 6 6 6 Simms Sims Sensation Stable 8 10 6 8 8Time Time 12 23 47 114 121 Winner B c by Candlemas Candelas Ella T TStart Start Start good Won easily Easter Gift outclassed his field He is a very promising colt and a stayer slayer Central Trust perfectly handled ran his race Laverock Laver was shut off on the back stretch took the long route and had no chance under Walker She was an awfully good filly Momentum lost some ground at the start and ran a good game race but was outclassed Gala Day on the extreme outside showed his usual speed and was eased at the end He ran a fine race under poor handling Mont dOr doer lost too much at the start to make up He was eased last sixteenth sixteenthScratched sixteenths Scratched Swango Wang 110 110Overweights Overweights Overweighs Central Trust 4 pounds Momentum 2 TOOT FOURTH RACE 1 38 Miles 3yearolds Allowances A J 6 The September Stakes 2500 guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt St St Jd V 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 100820HALLENGEE 108 3 It li 1 1 1 It Clayton W Laimbeer Limber 4 4 2 2t 1158PAETEIDGE 109 1 2 24 21 21 22 21 Simmb Iamb J E Madden 4 10 4 8 9447 DE CATLETT CATTLE 112 5 51 41 3 32 32 31 E Williams Turney Tourney Bros Brows 65 2 65 2 1246 LINCOLN II 106 2 S 6 5 6 6 43 T Sloan W B Sink 4533 453396983BUDDHA 96983BUDDHA 129 4 41 31 6 41 4 52 Littlefield Littered E C Hall 8 25 8 20 208632SUNNY 8632SUNNY SLOPE 123 6 6 5 4 5 5 6 Taral Aral Mrs Jere Ere Dunn 4836 4836Time Time 14 27 54 121 146 211 224 Winner B c by Martenhurst Marten Wanda ill illStart illustrate Start good Won easily It was a false run race Challenger made his own pace It was very slow and he stole away from his field in the last quarter Partridge the only horso hors near him wasnt wasn't good enough but ran well and gamely Dr Catlett Cattle was choked to a standstill and wheu when called on had no speed He was atrociously handled The slow pace killed any chanco chance that Lincoln had Throw his race out Buddha and Sunny Slope were weighted out of it Overweights Overweighs Challenger 2 pounds 1 OOQ ONO FIFTH EACE ACE 1 18 Miles 1U0 added 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St St U Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C Io08 PAUL KAUVAE KAVA 108 3 3 at 31 3 31 11 Simms Sims C W Stanton 3 5 3 41 1083 MISS PRIAl Primal 85 2 22 2 1 U H 23 Maher MrsCLittlefieldJrlO 20 10 15 1510093HOWABD 10093HOWABD S 10614 4 4 4 4 4 32 Clayton Bromley Brome Co 3434 343412462F 12462F DUTCHMAN 126 1 li 11 23 23 21 4 W Martin P Dunne 35 35 25 12 12Time Time 24 49 115 143 156 156Winner Winner SpiritStart Spirits B c 3 by Pirate of Peuzance Penance Spirit Start good Won hand lv Paul Kanvar Kava was best He pot strong handling and finished like Contiuued Continued on 2nd page a gladiator Miss Prim aided by her light weight and at the rails ran up to her former notch She was tenacious at the end Howard S slow at the start saved ground on the stretch turn and finished strong He is good The Dutchmans Dutchman last race dulled him He needs hot weather He appeared to ba galloping to the half When called on he stopped He cannot beat Kauvar Kava as weighted in this race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Howard Mann 121 Yankee Doodle 98 Rondo 98 Overweights Overweighs 98Overweights Howard 8 51 pounds 1299 SIXTH RACE 1 34 Miles 500 added Over 7 Hurdles Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St 2 4 5 7 Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 11282HABY KILL 145 3 42 42 31 11 12 Owens J King 3 3 85 85 66Ss3BROWN RED 134 2 IH IH 22 21 21 Mara M Kearney 6 10 6 8 9420JKILKENNY 162 6 51 51 41 41 SH Veitch Vetch Mr 8Mr Qhamblett Hamlet 2 3 852 1128 1123 FORGET 155 5 6 6 52 50 46 English FRT FRTHitchcocka Forthwith 852FRTHitchcocka BitchcockH Hitchcock 31 2 21 3 3H 6632ALAKUMA 130 4 31 32 i l 33 fciooiiycte fciOOHyde H Warnke Warner Sr 8 20 6 12 662 HERMANO HERMAN 135 1 22 2 6 6 6 Allmark Hallmark H 12H Ryan 20 60 20 50 510 COUNSELR COUNSEL HOWE147 Fell Anderson W C Daly Dally 15 20 15 20 Time 20Time 320 320Winner Winner Ch g 6 by Great Tom Castilla Castillo CastillaStart Castillo Start good Won easily Forget was best She got a bad ride and lost four lengths through Baby Bill crossing her Kilkenny Killeen ran his race He had too much weight Baby Bill and Brown Red wer wear favored in weights Both were nicely ridden Alakuma Walkman ran and fenced well but quit last quarter and was pulled up in the stretch Scratched Manchester 137