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ST LOU1S FORM GHART HART GHARTST HARTS ST LOUIS MO September 8 One Hundredth d y St Louis Fair Association Summer Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chinn Chin I K FIRST RACE l Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 1A Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L G 1249 PETER HILL 103 7 6 4i 33 11 Snell Smell N Lankford Sanford 12 2d 10 15 1249 JOHN CORBIN CORING 93 10 11 22 22 2 2i C Murphy W E Brasfleld Raffled 40 50 30 40 12493BOB MILLIGAN MULLIGAN Iu3 11 10 8 6n 42 3 Nixon T A Gay Co 3634 12492BEIGGS 93 1 2i 1 1 1 43 Combs C V Faut Faust 65 65 1 1 1119 JACK B B 96i 6 5i 7 7 53 515 Harrington J S OBrien O'Brien 10 12 8 10 1249 TIM IRVEN IRVIN 1C3 8 9 6 52 7 61 McHaie Chaise E Bertonniere Brownie 20 60 20 BO 1041 PLANTATION 96 9 41 4 8 8 7 Gilmore D Smith Co 20 25 20 20 1249 MARY BARNES 93 4 8 9 9 9 8 Southard Southward J G Summers 30 50 30 40 1213 HOLY TERROR 103 2 3m 31 33 6i 9 Hart WEFd WEd Everhart Overhear 10 25 10 2U 1175 DAVEZAG DAVE 103 5 11 10 10 10 10 Phillips J A Abernathy 40 50 40 40 1151 COURTESY 96 3 7 11 11 11 11 Hall F M Arthur 8 10 6 8 115143Winner Time 25i 5lf 115143 OllenaPost Pollinators Winner B g 4 by The Minstrel Ollena Pollen Post 6 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second and third driving Peter Hill was the be1 1 He was well rirdeu ride too Bob Millican Milliamp hangs to the rail and Nixon was unable to keep him off his horses in the stretch Briggs had no excuses Nixon was set down for incompetency incompetence Scratched Euchre Deck 91 Overweights Overweighs Jack B B i pounds Plantation 3 Holy Terror 2 1 Oi SECOND RAGE 6 J2 Furlongs Purse 30U 2yearold fillies Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St X yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners DHL DAHL 1253B OF MEMPHIS 107 2 1 li I3 13 14 Ui Hiukey Hickey T J McHaie Chaise 454512 45451235 454512354nr 1211L OF THE WEST 105 4 4nr 42 33 23 Combs E Scott 2 3 2 2i 3lJld2LADY 1044 EM P JOSEPHINE 105 3 310 35 21 3io Webster J OBrien O'Brien 6 12 5 12 125n lJld2LADY 5WARY CHANCE 95 5 5n tj40 42 42 Southard Southward C B Campbell 60 100 50 75 61C13 751C13 WARY WILL 95 6 625 51 j20 530 Qijmore A g Watts 30 ICO CO 30 75 1C13 1DORA 75DORA QUEEN ABANA CABANA 95 1 21 21 52 620 Hall A C Bernays Betrays 30 10030 75 DORA G 95 7 7777 Anderson T Rivercomb River bO 200 60 150 Time 150Time ISi Isis 43 1 09 BunglePost Bungle Winner 09Winner B f by Siddartha Skidder Silver Bungle Post 7 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second driving The Belle was much the bast baste Lady of the West slow to begin had to go around She closed a lotof lotto ground and finished strong Empress Josephine is not as good as she was before her fall Queen Abana Cabana is very speedy for a short way Scratched wayScratched Tillie Lillie May 95 95Overweights Overweights Overweighs Belle of Memphis 2 pounds 13O7 T THIRD RAGE 78 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St ft StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G I 118U TOM LILLY Iu4 3 51 51 31 Hi Hi Hatt Hyatt A Gahn Hahn 6856 110230NINOOR 6856110230NINOOR 114 7 21 22 21 3 2H Hall Stubbs Stubs Bros Brows 8845 1211 JOHN V McCARTHYlOS McCarthy 6 6 4 6H 61 3n Mitchell T D Honig Hong 75 100 75 100 1267 KINGS GUARD 104 5 7 7 51 5 4ii Snell Smell G B Campbell 12 15 10 12 917 AFRA AFRO 101 2 3u 63 7 7 51 Combs E Richardson 4634 1214 DOirf Dif IE 108 8 4i 3i 12 212 6 Hinkey Hinkle W M Clark 6856 1251 WH1RMANTILINE 105 1 H li 43 4 7 Phillips G Reed 20 60 20 40 11S02LIEBE 4011S02LIEBE ROSE v 101 4 Fell Gilmoro Gilmore J E Murphy 85 85 65 75 75Time 30iWinner Time 12i 25 5li 1 03i 1 16 1 30i Winner B c by Linden Virgie Virile D DPost Post Post 3 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second handily Tom Lilly was the best with Lieb Lib Rose out of the way Domsie Dossier showed a flash of speed up the back stretch but stopped to nothing Oniuoor Conjuror finished gamely but could never get to the leader He is an unlucky colt Afra Affray was under restraint for a half mile but when called on she could not respond Liebe Glebe Rose fell destroyedScratched destroyed going around the first turn She broke two legs and was destroyed Scratched Smart Aleck 101 Overweights Overweighs 101Overweights John V McCarthy 2 pounds 1308 F FOURTH RAGE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G I 1070M1SS 3i1064CAVALRY VERNE 1U3 3 3 3 K W 11 Combs R E Maddox 3 5 3 3i 1064CAVALRY 106 5 48 48 43 2H Hinkey Hinkle A Covington Coving 5646 564611213BKIDGET 11213BKIDGET 6545111463TAGO 109 2 2 f 2i 3 i R Jones B F Ward 1 65451 6012512R 11463TAGO 1C3 4 555 4 K H Russell E A Meyers Meyer Co 40 100 30 60 12512R Q BAN 112 1 HO 22 ISK IS 5 Hall J H Smith 6655 Time 6655Time 24 49 1 01i 1 15 Winnor Winner TurnayPost4 15Winnor Ch f 3 by Don Jose Maud Turnay Tourney Post4 minutes Start fair Won ridden out second driving R Q Ban was cut off at the head of the stretch Miss Verne had a hard time getting through but when she did she came fast Hinkey Hinkle took the long route with Cavalry BO finished very strong Bridget ran her race R Q Ban raced her into the ground early earlyScratched Scratched Some HODBS HOBS 103 QQ FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yds Yd Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St 34 Vi Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L G 1216 ARYAN 107 3 1 13 16 12 13 Hinkey Hinkle T Van Studdiford Studio 2 2i 952 1254 FAUN TTE TATE 97 2 3 3 2 25 26 Combs JT Weaver 2 2i 85 2 1213P4ROLE DOR DORA 100 5 42 2i 31 4 3 Hall W Mulkey Mule 5645 1216 JUDGE STEADMAN107 1 i 4 31 4io Webster R E Maddox 5645 1103 AMBER GLINTS 107 4 5 5 5 5 5 Snell Smell M Shields 10 10 12 12 12Time Time 251 50 1 16i 1 42 1 44 44Winner BrendaPost Bedpost Winner Blk Balk c 3 by Hindoo Indoor Brenda Post 5 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving Aryan was the best Faunette Facetted is not much she had no excuses Judge Steadman Seaman was off in front but could not hold his posi posit ¬ tion ion Parole dOr doer finished strong strongOverweights Overweights Overweighs Ayran Aryan 5 pounds l O l SIXTH EAGjb i Mue Moue Purse i3OJ 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H J 101 7 1 U U 1H Hi Combs R E Maddox 1213 PRACTITIONER 93 6 5 6i 68 4i 2 Hall B F Ward 6856 1176 JOG OSOT SOOT 103 2 63 43 4 08 SK Snell Smell CB Campbell 8 20 6 15 1250RANFOM 103 5 4 51 SH 53 4 Hart C F Sanders Co 2 2 7575 1151 HOSNY PHONY 93 1 32 3i rJZ 2 5 i Frost C Kavanaugh Cavanaugh 20 25 20 20 L T CATON CATO 93 4 7 23 33 33 66 Gilmore D W Kelly 12 20 12 15 1250ELANO 103 8 8 8 8 7 75 P Jordan W J Speirs Piers 4 4i 4 4 1064 ROGER B 103 3 2i 7 7 8 8 Webster F G Moshier Mushier 8867 8867Time Time 24 49i 116 143 Winner 143Winner BancroftPost Ch f 3 by Tom Paxton Helen Bancroft Handcraft Post 6 minutes Start straggling Won easily second cleverly Elano Eleanor bumped into Ransom at the start and both nearly fell Hart took Ransom to the railand railed did his best but the horse could not get up L T Caton Cato showed speed Gladys II got a good ride Watch Roger B He can and will do better betterScratched butterscotch Scratched Frank Daily 96 Helen H Gardner 103 Plug 103 Cutaway 106