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CONEY ISLAND POOLING LOUISVILLE Ky September 8 Tonights Tonight pooling on Thursdays Coney Island fields was wasFirst assist First Eace Peace Archduke 50 Howland Holland 18 Demagogue 15 Dacian Dancing 10 Snlabar Slab 10 Amazonian and Tammany Hall II 10 Mary Black 8 field 15 15Second Second Eace Peace Howard Mann 25 Damien 12 Ace 10 Eey Eely del Tierra 8 Maurice 7 James Mnnroe Monroe 7 field 5 5Third Third Eace Peace Lady Marion 25 Martha II 12 Alice Farley Fairly 10 La Maroma Aroma and La Goleta10 Claret Cup and Kenmore Queen 10 Woodford Woodward filly and Briar Sweet 8 Kite foot 6 Eose Ese in Hand 6 Sajacity Sagacity 5 field 8 8Fourth Fourth Eace Peace Typhoon II 25 Eodermond Eudemon 20 Good Times 18 Nick 12 J A Gray 10 Yemen 3 Tripping 6 Libertine 5 Xmas 5 Miss Lynah Lynda 5 field 10 10Sixth Sixth Eace Peace Don dOro Dora 25 Deerslayer Deerstalker 18 Eenssolaer Ensilage 15 Partridge 12 Lincoln II 10 Joe Miller 3 field 6