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OAKLEY ANKLE FORM CHART CHARTCINCINNATI CINCINNATI O September 8 Fourth day Cincinnati Jockey Club Fall Meeting Weathor Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Capt Caput James H Eees Epees Starter James F Caldwell 1316 FIES FIE FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi A StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C l 07 BANASTAR AMSTAR 105 4 1 H U U C Eeiff Eiffel Oots Boots Bros Brows 32 85 32 85 1105 H OF FRANSTAMAH97 3 5 51 4 2 Schwartz J H McAvoy Cavy Co8 10 8 8 810S8 10S8 TAFFETA SILK 97 7 4 43 2 31 Stits Tits T Bennett 30 50 30 50 JACKANAPES 50JACKANAPES 1041 2 2n 2n 3 41 J Hill E F McLean CLean Est 5 5 4 6 6032MY MARYLAND 102 6 77 1 51 Mnrray Murray HenshllWorthg35 65 45 65 WING 65WING RHOT HOT ICO CO 5 31 31 51 63 Crowhurst Cowherbs ES Gardner Son 8 868 116 Q OF HURSTBNE HURST 100 1 6 62 7 7 J Jackson B Hazelip Harelip 40 50 30 50 1183 TIDIDES TIDIES 100 8 8 8 8 8 H Williams Thos Ethos Hoffman 12 15 12 15 15Time Time 241 491 102 102Winner Winner BlessingPost Blessing Ch c by Farondole Carbondale Blessing Post 5 minutes Start fair The first six were driving hard Tidides Tidies rau Frau away a furlong to a false break Silk and Franstamar Rainstorm came strong through the stretch Jackanapes ran well for the first time out Wing Shots rider did not help her at all Maryland ran as if out for work for the stake tomorrow tomorrowOverweights tomorrow Overweights Overweighs Jackanapes 41 pounds Queen of Hurstbourne Hurst 3 131 f SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling lad Horses Wt St V V4 V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C Ii54 ROBINSON 102 6 31 a2 Ji 1 H WiliiamsOots Williams Bros Brows 65 75 1 1 1OH 1232LA WANDA 107 4 OH 63 41 22 Fowler E M Hilton 3 31 3 31 1232 AGATHA OGATA 99 2 23 22 21 31 Huston Houston F Jones Co 15 15 15 15 15IHK 1235 REPRIEVE 105 5 IHK SIKH IH 32 41 J Hill E F McLean CLean Est 5 5 4 5 54H 1232 WHITE OAK 105 3 4H IH 5n 51 C Roiff Riff J H McAvoy Cavy Co 5 5 4 5 12323PAESON 110 8 72 71 61 61 Graham B G Thomas 6646 895SAY ON 107 1 61 51 71 71 Mnrray Murray A Duffy 30 50 15 20 20H542JAMBOREE H542JAMBOREE 102 9 8888 Aker Baker W F Dair Dairy 12 15 8 15 981 FRED FEED K 102 7 9 9 9 9 M Dunn E Clifford 30 50 20 30 30Time Time 241491 1021 t15h Winner Ch g 4 by Wagner Little Mollie MolliePost Mollie Post 5 minutes Start good Won galloping the next six were driving Robinson was at his best and ran around the others with ease Reprieve ran short but is improving La Wanda ran her usual good stretch race The field was compactly bunched most of tha than journey Scratched The Sculptor 99 King Charley 107 1318 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Wt St V Vt A Str Star Fin Jockeys 1209 VIRGIE VIRILE O 108 4 7 31 21 ll Thornton Horton J S Lancaster 2222 960JMILLSTREAM 2222960JMILLSTREAM 112 2 21 I 11 2 Overton Overtone ES Gardner on71071035 35 1231 FLOP 106 6 IH 21 3 32 Clerico Cleric H W Pitcher 8 10 8 10 980 THE DOCTOR 105 7 5 51 51 4n Aker Baker Mrs A Webb 12 15 10 15 1025 VEMBA EMBAY 105 3 31 41 41 51 C Reiff Riff W W Lister Blister 12 20 8 20 1129 LUCY M 109 5 6 = 7 7 61 J Hill C E Patterson 6666 1066 RARUS KRAUS 105 1 4n 61 61 7 Huston Houston W V Henderson Enders 20 30 15 30 30Time Time 241 49i 1 03 1 16 Winner B f by Trafalgar Lady OFallon Fallen OFallonPost5 Post5 minutes Start good Won handily second driving Millstroam Millstream was under a pull first part Overtons Overtones ride was a queer one He appeared to deliberately wait for Virgie Virile O to come out and pass him Virgie Virile O was under a drive early but won handily in the end The field ran bunched first part Flop ran an impressive race FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Owners Han dicap dicta Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 95lB 329532851206HVHITE McOLfcLLAND 90 i 23 H lu 11 ij LJupee Loupe G J Long 32953285 1206HVHITE FEOST FEAST 93 1 IH 23 5 2 26 Huston Houston E S GardnerSon Gardner 45 45 35 45 12f6 LETCHEIl Ethel 91 4 4 4 4 4 31 Thornton Horton Million Davis 10 12 8 12 12343BELLE BEAMBLE BRAMBLE 100 3 31 32 32 32 4 J Mathews W L Simmons 5545 Time 5545Time 23J 47i 1 00 1 13i 1 26 26Winner Winner Ch c 4 by Hindoo Indoor Bed and Blue BluePost Bleeps Post 3 minutes Start good Won cleverly place easily White Frost swerved badly twice in the stretch Those errorsikilled errors off her chance She lost through the iicompeteticy incompetently of Huston Houston The pace was terrific terrificOverweights terrific Overweights Overweighs White Frost 3 ponnds ponds 132OF FIFTH tCAOE Tahoe 1 116 Miles Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling ind bind Horses Wt St 4 V4 M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1184JBLANTON 105 6 6 52 6 31 1 J Hill G Ashbrook Cashbook 4545354 1235 WHAT NEXT 102 1 21 42 3 41 21 J Mathews W T Woodard Woodward Jr 10 10 8 10 11643COUNTES3 IRMA 109 4 41 3H 52 6 32 C Reiff Riff J H McAvoy Cavy Co 4 4 3 31 13 3RALITAN 102 2 3 6 4 2 41 H Williams G H Brown 3 31 21 31 976 ZOLO ZOO 102 5 U Hill 11 52 Graham George J Long 8 8 6 8 1235 ELGITHA EOLITH 99 3 51 2 2 51 6 Stits Tits Talbot Bros Brows 20 40 15 30 Time 30Time 241 49 1 14i 1 23i 1411 1 49 I Winner Ch c 3 by Springbok Alma AlmaPost Lamppost Post 5 minutes Start good Won ridden out second driving Blanton Baton came strong through the stretch Zolo Zoo will do at a shorter distance Kalitan Kalian was cut off twice There was a lot of shifting and inequality of pace in the race raceScratchodNannie ScratchodNannie Scratched D 106