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FORT BRIE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastihrst fathers ihrst first Race 1 Mue Moue 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgfc Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Wgt1280Langdon 1280Langdon 5 113 122033am Tate 5 106 10612798avarin Klilrney3lD212SO 12798avarin 3 103 8l26Bof Klilrney3lD2 12SO Evaline Valiance 3 93 1279 Arbuckle Carbuncle 3 97 1313 Free Lance 3 97 12S02Earth 3 94 1233 Kenosha 3 94 94second second Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Jnd Nd Horses Wjrt Writ 8728 Strath Strait Strathrol6 rol6 119 1237 Little Matt6iH7 900 Ross O 3 113 11380312Hurns3 1187 Rideau3 111 80312Hurns3 110 465Sid Bender3lW 1237 Friendship3 109 93 King Bon 3 109 1238 Hurl 3 107 107l237Takanassee3 12793 M Prince 3 107 l237Takanassee3 107 1192BobLeach3107 137 LoulouR3107 Inira India Kace Ace 1 Mile and 20 Yds Yd 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowancesind Allowances ind bind Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 8728 Strathrol Stretcher 610fi 604Lnfra 4 103 1240 Alvarado Allargando II 4 103 831 Flames 4 103 13l2BanqnoII3 10313l2BanqnoII3 97 97Fourth Fourth Eace Peace 1 116 Miles MilesThe Mildest The Bingham Stakes 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 12403Ulyss6s Wet12403Ulyss6s 4 116 12812Lako Shore 611 1281 Geyser 3 107 1238Mazarin 4 MB 1281 The Dnchess4 105 12813Storm King 3 99 99Thad Thad Had 3 84 V Fifth Rac6 6 12 JTurlonsrs Juryless 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wft Waft Wft12S23Olney 12S23Olney 107 1157 Teller 104 12393Corelli 10412393Corelli 102 1239 T R Customs 102 9603 Frisco Ben J02 60 Sallust Salute 99 9999tMirth 99tMirth 99 906 Wenlock Wedlock 99 12782Fleming 9912782Fleming 92 92SMonk Wayman Cayman 92 Bloomer 92Bloomer Girl 89 Sixth Rape 5 12 JFurJongs Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances nd Horses W t t12392Jnda Ind Indo Horses W t 12392Jnda 109 1282 Glonoine Leonine 107 272 Percy F 107 1239 Abundant KW KW1278Troil 1239 Papa Harry 102 1278Troil 102 1021278Spanish 12822Komurasaki 99 1278Spanish Pcess Cess 99 1066 TheMonon Thermion 92 Daisy F 89