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GOSSIP OF THE TURF The Putzel Patel racing bill has passed both houses of the Maryland legislature and with its passage the hopes of the outlaw turfmen Turkmen go glimmer ¬ ing King The bill limits racing in all the counties of the State to thirty days except in Baltimore County where racing and bookmaking are permitted for forty days jin jinn each year The bill further provides that licenses for racing on any track shall be issued by the judges of the Circuit Court for the re ¬ spective specie counties so that complaints against such racing on the ground that it maintains a nuisance can be laid before the judges and licenses refused or revoked for the public good According to Kelston Keelson the pick of the Mor Moor ¬ ris Kris 2yearolds now in trainer Waldens Walden care at Middleburg Middlebrow Md are Huitzilopochtli Abusive i brother to Abuse Guilemat Guillemot Latchkey Fili Fillip grane grange Tyran Tyrant Vertigo and Duke of Middleburg Middlebrow Of the colt with the jawbreaking lawbreaking Aztec name he says I cannot recall ever seeing a 2yearold of such length and as he is furnished in propor proper ¬ tion ion he could readily be taken for a 4 yearold earl yearoldAlthough Although on such a large scalehe scalene is nicely balanced and is a smart active colt with a bold resolute look to him and as this young giant is one of the lot that when only about eleven months old showed Mr Walden an eighth in 11 seconds with 124 pounds on his back the outlook for his proving a bit out of the common is rather promising This colt is at present booked to representthe represent stable in the first WashiugtonNursery Washington and I am betraying no state secrets when I say that Mr Walden is rather sweet on his chance The veteran eastern turf man James Gal way has a large stable this year of which Lew Blew El more is trainer and Albert Songer Sponger the jockey The horses a e as follows Imperator br c 4 by Iroquois Glenview GlenviewBlueaway Glenview Blueaway Bleary b c 3 by Getaway Blue Maid MaidLydian Madly Lydian Lydia ch g 3 by Linden Merci MerciHungarian Marihuana Hungarian ch c 2 by Hanover Dilemma DilemmaHurricane Dilemma Hurricane ch c 2 by Hanover Nellie C CHavelock Charlock Havelock Hammerlock b c 2 by Hanover Retrieve RetrieveHollander Retrieve Hollander b c 2 by Hanover Delphine Delphi DelphineStamford Stamford b c 2 by Strathmore Stratford Lupa Loup LupaStrathconan Strathconan Stratton ch c 2 by Strathmore Stratford Zuhlan Unhand ZuhlanEthelbert Ethelbert Ethel b c 2 by Eothen Ethan Maori MaoriOrenburg Orenburg Greenberg b c 2 by Onondaga Welcome WelcomeEllerdale Welcome Ellerdale Celebrate b c 2 by Knight of Ellerslie Wellesley Banana BananaBangor Banana Bangor ch c 2 by Belvidere Belvedere Zara Sara ZaraLynbrook Lynbrook ch c 2 by Linden Mrs Gossip GossipLifeguard Gossiping Lifeguard b c 2 by Linden Bonnie Lizzie Tizzies LizzieLandgrave Landgrave b c 2 by Linden Elkhorn Lass LassLoradalo Lassoed Loradalo Loadable blk balk c 2 by Linden Virginia Bush BushLeando Busload Leando Leland ch c 2 by Linden Gleam GleamLindula Gleaming Lindula Insular ch f 2 by Linden Adole Dole AdoleBelle Paddleball Belle Stuart b c 2 by Belvidere Belvedere Madge Mage Stuart Harmonica b f 2 by Hanover Keclaro Eclair KeclaroSavilla Savilla Seville br f 2 by Strathmore Stratford Leap Frog FrogBellevalo Bellevalo Believable br f 2 by Belvidere Belvedere Lindele Indwelled LindeleF Indwelled F Gebhard Gerhard did not carry out his announced intention of selling Olindo Olin and his other crack jumpers only the following being allowed to go under the hammer iolets violets ch m a by Houston Jennie Lee LeeJ Lee J McDonald 175 175Miss Miss Quito ch m 5 by Quito Violets J JMcDonald McDonald McDonald 100 100otive otive motive II ch g 3 by Sensation Alacrity AlacrityStanton Alacrity Stanton Elliott 30 Brown gelding 2 by Simon Magus Pan ¬ dora F L Reynolds 160 Prince 160Prince Howard b h a by Prince Charley Blanche Dr McCullough 150