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LITTLE ROCK FORM CHART CHARTLITTLE CHARLOTTE LITTLE ROCK ARKApril Sarsaparilla 7 Eighth day Arkansas Jockey Club Spring Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge Col Cool S M Appersdn Appears Starter J Bruen Braun Racing starts at 230 p m FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Maidens Selling 49 62 Ind Indo Horses Wt St H 1A Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners v O H L C 49142BERWELL 90 3 3 41 3 12 Crowhurst Cowherbs PMCivill 33 21 2 4645 MOLINE 92 1 H 11 1 22 Thompson John Hagan Hagen 35 3 5 4910 DEERFOOT BEETROOT 92 4 42 55 42 31 J Harris A Covington Coving 7521 752 75248653VOLZETTE 48653VOLZETTE 90 5 53 31 21 48 Gormley Grimly W H Cutler 10 15 10 15 4863 ALMA RUSSELL 101 6 61563051 5 Hendricks Kendrick J D Dearing Daring 15 25 15 20 2048472PRINCE 48472PRINCE HAL 101 2 22 2 6 6i E James WLRKLewisl 1 4545 16363 VIRGINIA M 104 7 7 7 7 7 J Lynch L G Kuhs Kuhn Co 10 15 10 12 12Time Time 25i 52 1 05i 1 19 19Winner Winner Br f 3 by Bermuda Hindowell Indwell Start perfect Won handily The next four were driving hard Prince Hal swerved in the strotch stretch Molino Molina had the speed of the party but tired when the pinch came Berweli Berkelium came away nicely when called upon It was a bad lot Overweights Overweighs Moliue Mollie 2 pounds SECOND RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 200 2yearolds Allowances 4963 Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A V2 J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 48872THE GEEZER 110 1 11 11 H 12 Thompson Stanton Tucker 35 35 12 3 5 54913ONATAVIA 4913ONATAVIA 113 3 5 31 41 2 E James G Patterson 3 5 3 41 4887 WEND 100 4 2H 21 31 3 J Morgan P J Miles 6867 686749113BLENHEIM 49113BLENHEIM 103 2 3 41 21 42 Gormley Grimly W H Cutler 3636 36364862CLIMACUS 4862CLIMACUS 113 5 4 5 5 5 N Hill Ed Corrigan 2 21 2 115 Time 115Time 25 371 511 58 58Winner Winner Ch g by St Leonards Leonard Invercauld Mineral InvercauldStart Minerals Start good VVon Von easily It was a long hard drive for the place The winner was under re straint strait all the way He seems to be a good colt and can stand a lot of it Consideringthe Considering hard race with Sir Blaise Blains last Saturday he was fresh and ready Onatavia Sonata finished strong Blenheim Blenching made a strong bid in the stretch but tired at the finish I C iL TjalRD Jared RACE 78 Mile Purse 3200 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt SA StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4936 UTOPIA 110 1 21 li 21 31 lKBloss alkaloses F Garner 35451235 4934 HANO HAN BELLE 96 3 41 42 11 12 22 Crowhurst Cowherbs BrowngBdmanS Burrowing 31 3 3 4934 KRUNA KUNAI 96 6 52 5 52 42 32 Chittem Cite G W Scott 10 12 10 12 4914 LU LA FRY 96 2 11 21 45 22 48 Thompson Skaggs Sags Fry 3 3 2 21 4934 SUGAR FOOT 101 5 31 3i 31 32 51 520 J Morgan BrthrsShwltrS 636 636I4944AUDRAX I4944AUDRAX 4944 AUDRAX AURA 101 4 8 6 6 6 6 Gilmore Boggs Bogs Co 15 25 15 20 20Time Time 25152 1181 132 132Winner Winner Ch g 5 by Ecuador Kittie Kitties Gunn Gunny GunnStart Unstated Start good Won in a drive second and third driving also Hano Hanoi Belle looked to have won from the stand Utopia finished with a rush The race will do him good Lula Luella Fry had a rough journey Audrax Aura ran a dull race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Plug 98 Montedonico Mnemonic 92 Minnie Weldon 101 101Overweights Overweights Overweighs Kruna Kunai 3 pounds Sugar Foot 4 AtlteK Aleck FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 200 3year olds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H 3d StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4888 MARITO MARION 85 3 32 311 3io H li Gormley Grimly P J Miles 22165 2216549122LAUREATE 49122LAUREATE 112 2 li 11 121 2 23 Crowhurst Cowherbs G C Bennett 35 1 35 45 4548243SUNBURST 48243SUNBURST 108 1 4 4 21 310 30 Bloss Loss J E Cashing 2 3 2 21 4937 DULAC UCLA 92 4 21 21 4 4 4 Thompson Boggs Bogs Co 20 40 20 30 30Time Time 26 521 1 17J 1 301 301Winner Winner B f 3 by Volante Volant Maori MaoriStart Maoist Start fair Won driving the next two were doing their best Laureate was raced to pieces the first threequarters treasurers Sunburst was taken vide on the stretch turn He is good now and will do to watch Marito Marion is a useful filly under light weight Laureate is a coward cowardScratched cowards Scratched Serf 100 Paul Kauvar Kava 112 Overweights Overweighs Marito Marion 1 pound Dulac Unlace 3 FIF FIFO FIFTH B ACE 13 Mile Purse OO 2yearolds Selling 4966 Ind Indo Horses Wt St y4 yt 3A StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 49332DRESSLER 94 4 23 12 14 Gormley Grimly W H Cutler 3 31 3 3 49132EUGENIA S 105 3 42 2 21 Bloss Loss P Snow 1 75 1 65 49093COLETTE 94 1 H 31 31 Newcom Newcomer Ed Corrigan 6666 49333MOTIVE 94 2 31 41 45 J Harris P J Miles 6 15 6 15 4913 RUBY RILEY 103 6 62 52 51 Thompson C R Riley 3 4 3 31 4935 FALONET FALCONET 99 7 5 7 68 Crowhurst Cowherbs G C Bennett 476 4945 MONA B 94 5 7 61 7 Hendricks Kendrick BrningBrdi Burning BrningBrdmanS Burning 15 8 12 12Time Time 121 251 38J 52 52Winner Winner B f by Julien Julie Bellegarde Bullheaded BellegardeStart Start good Won easily second driving Gormley Grimly rode Dressier well Eugenia S did not run her race Ruby Riley seems to have staled Mona B tired badly in the stretch So did Motive MotiveScratched Motives Scratched Miss Dooley 100 Gay Parisienne Parisian 123