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TURF EXCHANGE AT Opens Thursday April 7th FULL REPORTS RECEIVED BY WIRE on AIL RACING EVENTS Special trains leave P F W C RR Depot Canal and Adams treete street at 1 OOand Doodad 1 4O pm stopping at drcherfi archerfish venue 41 fctreet octet and Engltwood Englewood Begiuartrainat 2 p m Returning at 5 05 p m and afttr attar tbe tube last San I ranaeco Francesco race Alley raceAlley racially L connects with electric cars at 63d Ftrttt and IVOadfson IVOadfsonLake Lake Shore Mich Micah gan Egan Southern Van Buren Burn Street Depot Regular train at 12O5pm Returning at 431 and 634 pm lUino lingo pmlUino plain s Central South Chicago Express trains connect with Robv Rob Eltctric Electric Cars at 92nd Street COflBINATIONS Combinations ON ALL EVENTS Fare for the Round Trip on All Roads 25 Cents