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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND CATALAN OAKLAND CAI CIA April 7 Sixtyfourth Sixty day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track fair and improving Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter J B Ferguson The recall flag is used Racing starts at 215 p m tOi1 FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V V2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4939 SATICOY SATINY 105 2 247412CANDLEBLACK C J Thacker Hacker 6867 47412CANDLEBLACK 110 4 31 2 t 2H 2 Dorsey Dose B J Jollnston Johnston 1 651 65 49382ROSORMONDE 105 5 it 31 33 35 H Martin J N Burk Burke 85 85 75 85 4915 YULE 105 6 61 5 51 43 G Wilson T E Butler 20 30 20 25 4939 OAHU 105 1 21 62 63 51 Ames J D Ladd Laded Jr 15 25 15 20 3596 5049392TO LADY ASHLEY 105 7 51 43 4 61 H Brown H T Griffin 40 60 40 50 49392TO WANDA 105 3 7 7 7 73 Clawson Lawson Mrs T Kiley Kelley 3838 48502TOR1BIO 383848502TOR1BIO 107 8 888 8 Mclntyre McIntyre D A Honig Hong 12 40 12 30 4718 LDNA DNA MARIE 100 9 9999 McGinn McKinney J P White 60 150 60 100 4646 KITTIE KITTIES BLAKE 100 10 10 10 10 10 Devine Define T Winters 100 200 100 150 Time 150Time 241 49i 1021 Winner DimpleStart Dimples 1021Winner Br c by Sid Dottie Dottier Dimple Start good Won in a hard drive of three horses Saticoy Attic got away flying beating the bar ¬ rier brier was lucky and well ridden He is good Candleblack Candlewick should have won Was peorly pearly ridden Throw out race Rosormonde Roomed was next best She isfit misfit too Watch her Yule was sadly messed aoout about Tab her Ashley was short She is getting good Throw out To wand as race It was bad The others were outclassed Scratched Little T G 100 Tempse Tempe 100 Amasa Amass 102 Uncle True 110 Hohenlohe Housemother 110 4968 SE SECOND RACE 33 Mile Purse 350 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St St4g333REINA yi 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4g333REINA DE CUBA 105 1 2 16 Gray E J Baldwin 4901 ZACATOSA ACTORS 108 3 11 21 Mclntyre McIntyre D A Honig Hong u u u u 4632 RAINIER 105 6 649163CROSSMOLINA 42 32 H Martin J W ORourke Procure 21 31 21 21 49163CROSSMOLINA 115 4 31 42 Clayton J MacManus Macanese 6866 4952 ELY 105 10 9 51 McDonald Lassen Larsen Stable 20 50 20 50 4833 SAN AUGUSTINE 108 5 51 62 Burch L McArthur McCarthy 12 25 12 20 4594 ANCHORED 108 7 8 71 H Brown TG Ferguson 15 20 15 20 4873 OWYHEE TOWHEE 118 9 10 81 Piggott Spigot HL Frank 12 15 12 15 4901 F AVERS HAM 118 12 7 91 Clawson Lawson Atkin Akin LottridgeS Glottides 328 10 4809 PRACTICE 115 8 8OCONNOR 11 102 Rouillier Outlier L H Ezell Bezel 30 100 30 75 OCONNOR O'CONNOR 115 11 11GOLD 12 11 T Me Hugh J Wilson 20 50 20 50 GOLD FIN 118 2 2BEAUTIFUL 62 12 Thorpe BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 8 10 8 10 BEAUTIFUL GIRL 115 13 13 13 H Shields J G Brown Co 15 50 15 40 Time 12i 24i 37i 49 QueenStart Queens Winner 49Winner Ch f by Emperor of Norfolk Cuban Queen Start good Won in a gallop Next five ridden out Cuba was far the best today She gained stamina in a few days was well ridden and lucky Zacatosa Acanthous ran his race He is fit and had no excuses was simply outrun Rainier was unlucky and after a sharp cut off on the stretch turn closed strong Watch him Ho will favor a route Crossmolina Cosmo was overweighted overweighed Tab iier icier Ely ran a much improved race and was far from being well handled Watch Practice He had no chance from the start needs strong handling Faversham Feverish was off poorly and had an easy race ScratchedEllen Scratched raceScratchedEllen Wood 115 Uhler Haler 118 A tfWO tWO THIRD RACE 4 13 Furlongs 2yearolds J O tJ The Waterhouse Warehouse Stakes 1250 Guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A yt j StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C C48532OLINTHUS 48532OLINTHUS 118 6 22 H Hi H Shields J G Brown Co 5555 55554952SEVENS 4952SEVENS 120 3 31 3 = t 21 Hennessy Hennas N S Hall 5 15 5 12 49162HUMIDITY 115 4 IK 42 32 Clawson Lawson BurLSWterhse3 31 3 3 4793 OBSIDIAN 113 1 51 51 4 Thorpe BurnsWterhse3 31 3 3 4632 EL MIDO MID 115 5 41 21 53 Piggott Spigot HL Frank 5756 4684 LAVATOR LAVATORY 113 2 7 63 6 Clayton WB Jennings Co6 5 65 45 910 4809 OCORONA OCARINA 108 7 61 7 7 H Martin E J Baldwin 15 40 15 30 Coupled 30Coupled in betting Time 121 241 371 491 56 Winner 56Winner Ch c by Red Iron Lillie Wright Start good First three hard ridden Olinthus Plinths had a clear course and thus was best Shields rode him beautifully too He was lucky and is dead game and fit Sevens is a noble filly She was shut off early and had general poor luck yet closed strong under keen pressure and a lot of weight Humidity finished in a resolute way and will evidently favor a route Obsidian is not of much account though he was outclassed El Mido Midol was short and not well ridden Tab him for the early future Lavator Lavatory is green yet and not of much present account Do not drop him though He is a good colt coltScratched crosshatched Scratched Distance 108 Master Lee 118 Chilkoot Chloe Pass110 E Come 115 Alcatraz 118 St Isadore Sadie 118 Buena Ventura 120 Julien Julie Old Miss colt 118 Cloisonne Closeness 118 Bishop Maggie Allen dQTO DT FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A 1A M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4814FREE LADY 90 3 21 12 121 u 121 Clawson Lawson WP Magrane Marianne 65 G 5 1 1 49152OFFICIAL 95 2 42 4 4 22 2 Gray T W Coulter 2 2 8585 4900 ED GART ART LAND II 93 1 11 21 21 33 31 W Miller D A Honig Hong 6 10 6 8 4950BLARNEYSTONE 95 4 31 3 3 43 4 J Woods F Brown 58 5 8 4918 BONNIE IONE ONE 905 5 5 5 5 5J Weber J Cochran 30 100 30 75 Time 75Time 24 50 1021 1161 129 129Winner Winner Br f by Free Knight Fauna III Start good Won very easily Free Lady is at her best and outclassed the lot She played with Official at the finish Official is good and a game colt He ran his race and was closing at the end Gartland Garland was poorly ridden He is only a sprinter but as one is fit The race should perhaps be thrown out So should Blarneystones Blarneys He was over his distance and needs stronger handling lone was outclassed outclassedScratched outclassed Scratched Good Friend 90 Bonito 94 Watomba Atom 95 JOr7 1 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt SI St M Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 48772MAY W 109 1 21 21 21 1 Gouin Gouging D Cameron 3434 4855 OCON ECON NELL 109 4 449432MONTGOMERY 11 1 11 25 Thorpe W J Speirs Piers 1 2 12 25 12 49432MONTGOMERY 109 2 24703ROBAIR 36 310 3 H Martin W P Magraho Marathon 4 41 4 4 4703ROBAIR 103 5 41 41 43 41 H Brown T H Ryan 15 100 15 75 4896 ROY CARRUTHERS101 S101 75S101 7 6 61 5 5i J Woods Coleman Jones 100 300 100 250 4544 NUNCOMAR NUNCIO 101 3 7 7 7 Ci R Narvaez Larvae W M Murry Murray 200 300 200 200 Continued on 2nd Page 4920 DISTINCTION 99 6 51 5i 62 7 J Daly Dally M J Daly Dally 00 300 00 250 1141Winner Time 250Time 24i 48J 1 01i 1141 Winner Br f 4 by Eagle Plume Froila Roil FroilaStart Frailest Start good Won in a hard drive There was but little actjon acton behind OConnell O'Connell May V was best considering OConnells O'Connell price He was sore in his preliminary and after passing thf theft ringhe cringe grew sorer Prices may have annoyed him Montgomery was unlucky and badly ridden after being cut off on the stretch bend Robair Roar needs a stronger rider He couldnt couldn't keen ur Scratched Whistle Bird 101 Refugee 109 McLight Cling 112 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses WtSt Watt M Vz 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O I 49402TWiNKLE R 88 8 41 41 4 3 li Clawson Lawson W Boots Son 4 4855 THE PLUTOCRAT 103 1 2 21 21 2 2 Dorsey Dose B J Johnston 4 4 3 3 4942 MOCORITO MOOR 96 2 12 12 li 1J 3H Gray MrsN Mrs HrrisnCo6 12 6 10 4854 MORINGA MORIN ORINGA BORING 93 4 5 51 51 43 410 Devine Define J Conway 10 25 10 0 4920 SLY 106 5 3 3 31 61 51 H Martin Lassen Larsen Stable 3433 4951 FORT AUGUSTUS 103 3 61 61 61 72 62 Thorpe W McClelland Macmillan 4 10 4 8 4112 DON GARA GAR 107 7 8 8 8 8 721 McGinn McKinney Mrs C Archer 50 100 50 75 4851 BREAK OD AY 106 6 7 7 7 51 8 HShiolds Schizoids H T GrifTm Rift 21 6 21 5 3953 LI HUNG CHANG 88 Left at the post Reagan Nolan Tholl Toll 30 200 30 150 Time 25501103116142 25501103116142Winner Winner B c 3 by Brutus Bruits Nabette Nanette Start good Won in a hard drive The track had got to Twinklers Twinkles liking On it lie was best The colt favors a route is good and was lucky in the race The Plutocrat ran above tht that mark Was not well ridden Watch him Mocorito Motorist was away flying but used too much She needsa needs trong strong rider Tab her Moringa Mooring poorly ridden ran to the notch Break oDay today ran a vile race Sly is not of much present prowess Change prowessChange prowess in weight Don Gara Gar 4 pounds on