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HARLEM FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO ILL May 27 Fourth day Harlem Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 2 30 p m FIRST RAC AC E 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds Maidens Allowances o oo ooInd ovoid Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vz M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 56C2 FIRST CALL 114 11 11 8io 71 ill Hart Middleton Middle Co 3 3 95 95 jGfltUORONI 114 2 32 32 2i 2 L Smith D Waldo Weald 10 20 10 15 5775 MALACHI MALACHITE HOGAN 106 4 rNK rank 52 4NK 35 VanKuron Anuran J R Thornby Thorny 4 4i 4 4 5925 CLIFTON B 109 54 54j75 91 0K 51 42 C Sloan A McCauley 3434 j75 PEN SO ROSO ROSA 109 6 7 92 G 5io Burright Bright T Luckey Lucky Co 6 10 6 8 55 il MURAT MAURA 114 IN INiS93 2n 4 31 CH Rutter Ruttier Mrs VVJ VV Bauman Busman 4746 iS93 MISS WISE 112 8 8CANOVA 4 7 9J 7 M MathowsG Mathews E Morgan Co 8 12 8 10 CANOVA CANVAS 114 7 1 111 1 85 Bloss Loss W K Cleveland 6 15 6 15 5835 BOB AGAIN 114 101 101JtJ9l 61 2 82 910 Mackey Mickey C HirschfleldCo Hirsch 15 50 15 50 JtJ9l RAYMOND F 10 3 101 105 105 10 Johnson E Fitzgerald 10 12 10 10 5920 RIGICULM 114 9 8 11 11 11 Lilly C Wegmann Legman 6867 Time 6867Time 25 50 1 04 1 18 Winner RanettePost Annette 18Winner B c by Order Ranette Annette Post 7 minutes Start fair Won hand ridden The uoxt ox five were driving hard First Call was far the best He got away badly seemed to sulk early and was obliged to go all around his field on the far turn Ho finished with a rush Moroni Moronic was staggering at the finish Clifton B snemed seamed to have a winning chanci chancier on the stretch turn but collapsed when the test was applied Watch Canova Canoga He naturally was green at the post but had a lot of speed Was short Rigiculm Ridicule pulled up lame lameOverweights Overweights Overweighs Miss Wise 3 pounds SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds Maidens Allowances U tJ J tfc ftc tfcInd fecund Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6867MiH3 831JULIA HAZEL 109 4 51 52 4 1 C Sloan M L Kuutz Klutz 6867 MiH3 WEIRD 111 IMK MK m 1U 111 22 Donaldson Donald C Van Denburg Debug 5 7 5 5 57iy CUTTER 114 2 6 32 21 32 Caywood Cawed W Gum Co 6868 6868o924 o924 8595BELLAMY VALID 106 101 91 71 3 44 J Morgan A Covington Coving 852 8595 BELLAMY BELAY 111 3 45 2 52 5ii L Smith L H flascall facially 10 15 10 15 4287 LAY POYNTER PONTE 111 6 71 31 81 65 J Hiil Phil T M Berry Co 4645 299Q2BETHLEHM STAR 111 8 81 62 611 72 Bloss Loss W Fields Co 8 10 8 10 56192 21SAVE HOT HERS ALL 114 51 3 4 71 85 Gray T W Coulter 4 4 2 21 SAVE 10J 9 10 102 102 910 N Turner P J Stadormau Stardom 5656 2199 INCIDENTAL 114 11 11 11 91 102 Johnson P Bitzer Biter 20 30 20 30 5808 SIR HOBART 111 7 2 91 11 11 Rutter Ruttier F J Kelly 8 12 8 12 IUWinner Time 12Time 25 50 1 031 1 IU Winner HazelPost Hazel Br f by Julion Julio Witch Hazel Post 4 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive Sloan rode a strong finish on Julia Hazel Ho could have won on either horse Donaldson Donald did the best he could on Weird He had the speed of the party but was evidently a trifle short Ho will be hard to beat in the next maiden racn ran Cutter ran an honest race Valid is a bad horse He would not try a bit the first part of it Ho then made a strong bid on the turn but weakened when pinched Hothersall Others seems to be of little speedScratched speeds present account He was away well and had no excuses Belamy Beamy had some speed Scratched Florence Chance 109 5985 THIRD RACE 58 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St St15891ESFIONAGE fc 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 15891ESFIONAGE 109 31 315922THE 21 22 22 121 Rutter Ruttier L H Ezoll Mezzo 45 45 45 45 5922THE HUB 105 21 32 42 31 2 VanKuren Anuran P J Miles 10 12 10 12 5779 HADRIAN LeighT110 103 1 I 15807ARTH K 1 I 1 37 N Turner H E Leigh 21 3 21 135 5807ARTH MCKNIGHT110 T110 7 K 8 3 61 1 4U Shorland Holland John Call 6666 5927 MARTHA FOX 103 5 SH 5 51 52 5K Stanhope Tahoe M Jordan 7878 5927 MOUZELTOFF OUZEL 105 8 8j954ROSA 72 6 4K 6H Shepherd D C Raggio Aggie 5656 j954ROSA L 103 6 6K 62 8 72 72 Bloss Loss W W Clark 10 12 10 12 5782 YANINA ANGINA 106 4 4 72 8 8 Hart Middleton Middle Co 30 40 30 40 Time 40Time 24 50 1 03 MaidPost Midmost Winner 03Winner B f by Inspector B Sun Maid Post 20 minutes Start good Won in a mild drive the next two wero were driving hard Espionage outclassed her field She was well handled and always had a clear path The Hub t ir much usage at the post ran a good race Ho has been underrated Hadrian is faint hearted and quit all over when it came to a drive Arthur McKnight Mocking skinned the rails on the far turn and saved a lot of ground So didMouzeltotl on the stretch turn Yaniua Antigua showed a lot of speed in breakaways Mouzeltoff Ouzel appeared sour and spoiled several starts Rosa L did not run her race Scratched The Dragoon 103 Facade 100 Overweights Overweighs 100Overweights Rosa L 3 pounds K O Q 3 FOURTH RACE78 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St H yz X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5890MILLIE M 105 4 22 2H 2H 21 15 N Turner C E Brossman Grossman 3 31 3 3 5513 NATHANSON NATHAN 9810 9 91 81 5 211 Rose W H Snarley Snare 10 15 10 12 5645 GLOBE II 99 6 K 8 6 710 72 3 Gray John Brenock Redneck 21 3 21 13 5 56B3SNECEDAH 215836PITFALL 107 11 6 81 54 61 4 Shepherd W C Fessendon Resending 21 21 21 21 5836PITFALL 107 51 11 12 121 1H 5 Caywood Cawed H Sanders 10 15 10 12 0694 CYNTHIA H 105 2 3 43 4 4 65 J Hill W M Rogers 8 12 8 8 592i 5655J LOCUST BLOSSOM 102 3 5M SSK SASK 32 31 74 Bloss Loss W K Cleveland 5655 J yJ ED OVERLOOK 105 1U HU 7H 6 91 82 Dunn B C Watkins 50 75 50 60 1 i834 BORDEN 100 8i 101 104 1Q2 102 95 Flick D M Hogan 6767 5890 WINSLOW 107 12 13 13 111 ni 102 J Morgan T E Barrett Barrette 15 20 15 15 5694 SOBRIQUET 105 9 72 112 122 122 112 Johnson E Fitzgerald 20 60 20 50 5924 SOPHOMORE 9313 12 121 13 13 12i Stanhope Tahoe M Jordan 20 30 20 25 5836 COCHISE COCHINS 110 71 4 75Time 53 91 81 13 Lilly J Steppe 50 75 50 75 29Winner Time 25 501 1 03 1 16t 1 29 ForesterPost Forester Winner B m 5 by Fordham Ford Miss Forester Post 6 minutes Start poor Won easily The next five wero were driving Millie M ran a good race Ho seems to be good Watch Nathanson Nathan His race was far above the notch Cynthia H stopped at the end Globo Lobo II outrun in the first part of the race finished strong So did Necedah Necked Pitfall showed a sharp turn of speed Locust Blossom is ready for a throe quarter dash Tab her herScratched theocratic Scratched Florence Bruon Bruin 91 Gnome 91 Overweights Overweighs 91Overweights Locust Blossom 5 pounds K Q Q H FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances In3 Horses Wt St M ft Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C D92rj3JACKANAPES 95 2 K 41 53 3 22 14 Clawson Lawson C W Reiff Riff 35 45 3 5 710 5926 LIZZIE TIZZIES CAVALIER 93 6 1 1 11 11 22J Shepherd W A McConnell 6645 59262CANDLEBLACK 98 21J 2 42 35 38 Qray Ray BJ Johnston 3322 5S913J 33225S913J H C 110 41 3 41 510 54 4 Bioss Boss W H May Son 85 21 85 2 5647 TENSION 98 3 51 3 2 4 K 525 L Smith L H Hascall Rascally 25 50 25 50 5926 FESTA FETA 93 5 30Time 6 6 6 6 6 Stanhope Tahoe M Jordan 15 30 15 30 Time 25 51 1031 116 142 RunnymedoOff Winner 142Winner B g 3 by Leonatus Lents Belle of Runnymedo Runny Jackanapeswas Jackanapeses Off at first break to a good start Won in a gallop second and third ridden out Jackanapes was coltis coltish much the best Clawson Lawson rode him safely ana took no chances This colt is good and can beat better ones Lizzie Tizzies Cavalier was rank Shepherd had all he could hecould decoupled do to hold her down the back stretch She went to pieces when challenged and evidently ikes Nikes weight off Candleblack Candlewick heavily played ran the race of a rogue J H C ran a bad race 5988 SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5924 15589i HARRY SHANNON 109 41 4 75 INK Bloss Loss J E Gushing 12 15 12 15 589i 10J8MOLO FLORONSO FLORINS 102 51 6 4K 35 2 25 N Turner H E Leigh 45 45 35 7 10 J8MOLO 102 10 81 81 81 41 3 H WilliamsHotfmanSmith 2i 21 2 115 5836 HAZELHATCH HAZEL 112 3 3 3K K 2 21 3 42 Nicholson J Ddlong Addling 20 30 20 30 5923 S1DONIAN 110 81 10 51 4H 71 511 J Hill Simms Sims Lowry Lowery 5857 IJ71JFAY 5857IJ71JFAY BELLE 113 6 72 6K 5 K 52 62 Sherland Shetland J VV Wilson 8888 SUTTON 114 7K 95 91 6 92 7 Dorsoy Doors B J Johnston 20 20 10 10 10loiT40ELSlE 88565j7ti loiT40ELSlE BRAMBLE 93 21 22 INIO MINION 81 80 Gray W H Roller 8856 5j7ti 868o840 MINERVA 105 li 1 10 72 6U 92 Caywood Cawed G G Moshier Mushier Co6 868 o840 GREEN JACKET 112 91 10Time SK 3s 93 10 10 Morris W Gardner 6 12 6 10 Time 25 51 1 03 1 16 1 29K PeonyPost Peony Winner 29KWinner Br g 5 by Harry OFallon Fallen Peony Post 5 minutes Start fair Won in a mil d drive the next four were ridden out Harry Shannon was best ridden He avoided all interference and came away nicely when called upon Fioronso Formosa was jostled about and pocketed often With clear sailing he would have won Molo Moo on poorly made up a lot of ground and ran a good race Hazelhatch Hazel had some speed Elsie Bramble was crowded into the fence and almost thrown on the far turn There was a lot of bumping and jostling all through the race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Tit for Tat 107 Pete Kitchen 111 Jim Brown 97 Monk Wayman Cayman 100 Kirk 111