St. Louis Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-05-28


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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOUIS MO May 27 Twelfth day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather cloudy track fast first three races sloppy last three Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chinn Chin Racing starts at 2 30 p m 5995 O Pv FIRST FIRSTJ FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 57923SIDDUBIA 3 42 21 1 Combs J C Ohio 75856575 5854 JIM HOGG HOG 71 62 43 22 Lines H T Batchelor Bachelor 25 30 20 25 567a3ST AUGUSTINE 45 3 52 3H Gorman Louis Lemp Lamp 3 G 2 4 5950 AUNT MARY 102 4 12 12 12 4 Rebo Reebok W Mulkey Mule 8 20 8 10 5884 JUDITH C 104 6 32 22 32 5r R Mason DouglasBruhns Douglas 15 30 15 25 5816 LITTLE OCEAN 107 1 52 51 62 61 Foucon Soupcon J C Ferris Jr 6 10 6 8 5917 FOURTH WARD 92 13 8777 Kitley Kirtle G Grassmuck Grass 6 10 6 8 5701 T F KEELER KNEELER 1C6 7 9888 Snell Smell J Hatcuett Hatchet 25 50 25 50 5763 GYPSY D 90 10 10 9 9 9 Givens J M Miller 100 200 100 15 150 5788 PERSPECTIVE 92 9211 11 11 10 10 10 C Murphy T J McHale Chalet 100150100150 5854 BANDALA BANAL 106 8 12 11 11 11 R Smith P Ahern Asher 100 150 100 150 5734 AJALON AVALON 106 9 63 12 12 12 Ellis J T Brawley Brawly 25 50 25 50 5788 DONNA PAGE 1081 12 13 13 13 13 Young J K Edwards 50 100 50 75 5220 MADAM GERST GERMS 90 I Left at the post T Leigh G M Miller 25 50 25 f 0 15iWinner Time 23 484 1 03i 1 15i Winner B m 5 by Siddartha Skidder Dubia Dubai DubiaPost Dubai Post 13 minutes Start good Won ridden out second also driving Siddubia Indubitable was best but she wouldhave would've stopped badly on the end Jim Hotg Hog was lucky in getting through next to the rail He would have won in a few more strides Judith C had speed Aunt Mary went further than usual Watch her in cheaper company Scratched companyScratched company Frank Sigman Sigma 92 92Overweights Overweights Overweighs Donna Pago Ago 31 pounds SECOND RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Yi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5886 FLYING BIRD 109 5 15 13 li Brendle Brindle H E Leigh 1 6545910 5790 ARLfNE Arlene C 100 4 44 48 2 C Murphy F H Hickok Hick 50 50 20 25 2050873LADY CELKSTE CELESTE DOR DORA 105 3 32 33 3 Rebo Reebok W Mulkey Mule 10 25 10 20 50873LADY MEMPHIS 100 2 21 2 4io T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 2 2 7575 5764 ERAC ERA LEO 100 7 7 51 56 Kitley Kirtle J C Ghio GIGO 50 50 25 40 5062 INA INCA GODDARD ODDER 100 6 61 7 61 Gormley Grimly W S Cutler 100 100 40 60 5970 ELVA EVA G 100 1 51 61 7 T Leigh J Huffman 50 50 30 40 561Winner Time 40Time 24f 36i 50 561 Winner Ch f by Kantaka Kanaka Fauvette Facetted FauvettePost Post 9 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second and third driving Flying Bird was doing her best She tried to bolt on the far turn Brendle Brindle rode a nice race Arline Airline C would have speedScratched speeds won with a good ride Celeste was badly handled too Lady Memphis had speed Scratched May dOr doer 105 599 rr THIRD RACEl RACE Mile Purse 100 3year olds and upward Selling Wt St fc X StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 5855 TOLE OLE SIMMONS 93 1 IKK VIKKI INK 12 is 13 Frost J F Grefer Refer 3 4 3 31 59193 LIBATION 97 2 2 4 3 2 23 T Burns ACahn Arcane 13 13 14 13 5821 DUDLEY E 92 3 42 23 21 32 32 Brendle Brindle Lee Christy 15 30 10 25 5854 PERCITA PEORIA 107 4 3 = 3 5 41 41 J Gardner H Franklin 50 20050 150 5885 GOETHE 91 5 5 5 41 5 5 T Leigh B Schreiber 100 100 40 75 Time 75Time 25150 1151 142 Winner Br g 3 by King Galop Gallop Wo Wa WaPost Apostle Post 3 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second and third driving Tolo Too Simmons was the best He stole away from the field in the back stretch and Libation could never catch him Dudley E ran an improved race He may like weight off Percita Peoria is improving Goethe had some speen spleen Overweights Overweighs Goethe 2 pounds 5998 FOURTH RACE 154 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5919TIMEMAKER 12 11 12 12 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son75 85 65 85 5817ABUSE 32 28 210 210 Freeman Foster Bros Brows 1135 710 59492MISS VERNE 4H 7104H 31 SH SKK SKOKIE Frost J H Gray 25 25 15 20 59192OUR CHANCE 93 6 51 51 41 4io 410 T Leigh J Huffman 10 20 10 15 5949 SILVER SET 102 7 7 7 61 52 Comba Coma G W Curtis 50 75 50 75 5651 FLORA LOUISE 88 4 2 4n 5i 6 T Knight J B Respass Trespass Co 10 25 8 20 3554 SOLUTION 88 1 61 75Time 61 7 7 Kitley Kirtle B F Mclntosh McIntosh 50 100 50 75 Time 24151116 24151116Winner StanleyPost Stanley Winner B c 4 by Kantaka Kanaka Nellie Stanley Post 3 minutes Start good Won well in hand second cleverly Timemaker Tidemark outbroke outbreak his field Abuse got him at the half mile pole and they raced lapped into the stretch It looked a furlong out as though Abuse would win Miss Verne is in good condition and can win soon Flora rightScratchedSir Louise is not right ScratchedSir Scratched Joseph Lister Blister 93 Trombone 93 R B Sack 90 Overweights Overweighs 90Overweights Silver Set 2 pounds 5999 FQ FIFTH RACE34 Mile Purse 400 3yeardlds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V X StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5736 MC ALBERT 95 3 12 12 11 INK T Leigh R Tucker 2 5S892PROTUS 110 5 53 41 2 2 Foucon Soupcon P M Civill Civilly 3 4 3 31 5788 3058872HTiNRICA MINNIE WELDON 104 2 22 510 33 3 Vancamp Vance W C Bryant 20 30 15 30 58872HTiNRICA 105 8 41 31 410 415 Turner J C Tucker 3 4 21 3 2459 IN FELICE FELINE 102 6 31 2 52 54 T Burns T Hums 8 15 8 12 4735 40LUCY FERRIS HARTMAN106 1 61 61 6 610 Everett D W KelIy Kelly 30 50 25 40 LUCY DETT DEUT 102 4 7777 Furr Furor J W Parks 100 200 50 150 2676 BARBEE BARBERED 95 7 8888 Frost T Sayre Ayres 8 20 8 20 20GLEN GLEN ELLA 102 Left at the post Newcom Newcomer W A Bennett 50 75 25 50 Time 50Time 25 51 1 04 1 18 Winner 18Winner MacPost Marcos Ch g 3 by Albert Lorena Lorna Mac Post 7 minutes Start fair Won ridden out second and third driving McAlbert Caliber aftet daftest running well in hand to the stretch seemed beaten at the eighth pole He came siTong strong though under punishment Minnie Weldon better ridden at the finish would have won Vancamp Vance was of little nothingScratched nothings Lelp Kelp to her Protus Pontus closed strong Henrica Hernia quit to nothing Scratched Count Fonso Fonts 107 Harrie Harriet Floyd 105 Nightgown 105 Fingal Final 104 Hester 104 Tom Ivingsley Livings 92 6OOO SIXTH RACE6 13 Furlongs Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5888 XALISSA OXALISES 95 5 22 21 22 IH T Leigh J Huffman 6 10 5 8 1608 JUDGE DE BOUSE BLOUSE 111 6 45 35 IKK VIKKI 21 Freeman J J Berry 15 25 10 20 5854SWEET WILLIAM 112 10 8 52 31 35 JMcDonaldB McDonald Schreiber 75754545 58843MADDALO 112 8 859503STOCKHOLM 7 41 52 41 NHill Hill Marion Morgan 8 15 8 12 59503STOCKHOLM 109 11 10 9 64 51 Combs J F Grefer Refer 10 15 5 8 1560 GARNET RIPPLE 109 4 13 12 42 6 Baker C P Kennedy 75 150 75 100 5765 THE P MOUTHED 112 3 3t 1003t 8 8 7 T Williams R E Maddox 75 150 75 100 5183 MISS FLORIDE FLORID 95 9 11 10 9 8 Frost H Pierce 12 TO 12 40 58S8 KRUNA KUNAI 107 1 51 61 7 9 Turner G W Scott 15 25 15 20 2191 DAN HUGER 112 7 759173EMP 9 11 10 10 Kitley Kirtle G C Bennett 8 15 8 12 59173EMP 59173EM 1259173EM P JOSEPHINE 95 2 6 7 11 H 11 Kane J S OBrien O'Brien 6 10 5 8 5768 BERWELL BEFELL 95 12 12 12 12 12 Gormley Grimly P M Civill Civilly 50 1UO 50 75 Time 75Time 25 51 1 19 1 26 FrederickaPost Frederica Winner 26Winner Ch f 3 by Locohatchie Flowchart Fredericka Frederica Post 5 minutes Start fair Won in a lone hard drive Sweet William was off badly He and the boy were blinded with mud Xnlissa Enlists was clear at the turn but just lasted long enough to enoughto enough stall off De Bouse Blouse The latter ran a good race Garnet Ripple had speed Floride Fluoride showed speed also

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Local Identifier: drf1898052801_5_2
Library of Congress Record: