Toronto Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-05-28


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TORONTO FORM CHART TORONTO ONT May 27 Sixth day Ontario Jockey Club Spring meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge A S Post Starter C H Pettingill Petting Racing starts at 230 Jlf Lf 1 FIRST RACE58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances XJVV XV 1 The Woodbine Nursery Stakes Value 500 Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 Vz 3A Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners 59772DE BLAISE BLAINS 123 1 158482SUGDEN 31 43 21 11 Gleason Lesson L W Rothert Brother 3535 58482SUGDEN 113 2 25S483BESSIE 21 11 11 2 R WilliamsJ Williams E Seagram 35 35 25 35 5S483BESSIE TAYLOR 120 3 58 5 3K 31 Uoylie Boyle BengtonGrdner4 646 41 3 43 43 Sullivan J E Seagram 35 35 25 35 58823ANNIHILAIOR 111 6 1 21 5 515 Blake J Brennan Brendan 10 20 10 20 5848 AMAH 109 4 6666 Walker W M Hendrie Henries 12 40 12 30 30Cpupled Cpupled Coupled in betting Time 12 241 50 1 03 03Winner Winner Ch c by Perblaise Pearlier Devotee DevoteePost Devotee Post 7 minutes Start straggling Won handily second easily The first two fought it out in the stretch De Blaise Blains drew away in the last sixteenth Sugden Sudden ran a furlong at full speed to a false break The last three at start got off very badly Annihilatorwas Annihilator as good as left at the post postScratched PostScript Scratched Chiespa Chiles 111 KG B 113 Ree Rees Mitchell 120 Toddy Ladle 103 103Overweights Overweights Overweighs Sugden Sudden 2 pounds Amah 1 frfO frO SECOND RACE 1 110 Miles 3yearolds and upward O f f J Scarboro Scarborough Plate Value 400 Ind Indo Horses Wt St V ± V 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 59762LORD ZENI ZEN 122 5 2n IH 22 IH H Knapp Murphy Slofel Sloe 852 8 o 85 5980 DEFENDER 126 1 IH 22 IH 33 21 McGlone McConnell J P Dawes Awes 3434 5878 HORACE 108 3 4n 3 SH 21 3 Sullivan W M Hayes 2 21 2 21 5935 DINSMORE INSHORE 108 2 32 41 4 48 415 Coylie Collie BengtnGardnrS 10 5 8 1846 SAVARIN SAVORING 114 4 5 5 5 5 5 Gleason Lesson RothertGorman Brother 5 10 5 10 10Time Time 241 50 1 16 1 43 1 50 50Winner Winner B c 4 by Fonso Fonts Minnie Williams WilliamsOff Williams Off first break to a good start The first three fought it out all through the stretch Lord Zeni Zen outgamed untamed the others Defender sulked at the head of the stretch and came again He was on even furlongScratched furlongs terms with Lord Zeni Zen at last sixteenth pole Horace quit in the final furlong Scratched Stray Step 122 f fr2 THIRD RACE 1 116 allies 3yearolds and upward O O Ladies Plate Value 400 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 59353LAVEROCK 117 3 li H 12 12 IH Valker Walker W M Hendrie Henries 25352535 5935 MY MARYLAND 117 6 6 22 21 2 21 Powers Adam Beck 3434 5921 JESS PORTER II 105 4 51 4 42 32 3 = = E James N Dyment Doyen 20 50 20 50 5847 WINK 112 1 21 31 43 41 Gleason Lesson RothertGorman Brother 10 7 10 5980 FLORIDA ROSE 117 5 31 6 6 51 58 Blake A M Orpen Open 30 75 30 50 1879 LADY DOROTHY 117 2 41 5 5 6 6 McGlone McConnell W F MacLean Maculae 30 60 30 40 40Time Time 25 51 1 18 1 45 1 52 52Winner Winner B f 3 by Cavalier Pee Weep Off at first break Start good Won easily Laverock Laver was never in trouble She won as she pleased Jessamine Estaminet Porter II and Wink fought it out for third place Latter was a good horse at end endScratched undistracted Scratched Maggie 117 Belle of Stockwood Torchwood 112 Julia Flynn 117 Agnes C 110 Timorah Timor 117 My Valentine 117 rfA fA FOURTH RACE Short Course Purse 350 4yearolds and upward O M TT Canadian Hunt Steeplechase Ind Indo Horses Wt St 2 4 6 8 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 5908 ST GEORGE 168 2 23 2 13 18 14 13 Mattocks A E Woods 3433 59053PR CHARLEY 178 5 48 45 35 3n 2 22MrCrean J F Creal Real 2323 19093KING JOSEPH 178 4 5 5 4 4 4 3 Mr Hayes W C Hayes 75957585 5909 LOCHINVAR 173 3 31 325 25 28 33 4 Mr HendrieCmpbll fcHndrie4 646 5908 LOU D 173 1 12 15 Fell Kidd Kiddy R Davies 10 15 10 15 Added starter Time 459 459Winner Winner Ch g 10 by Milesian Miles dam unknown Off at first break Start good Won easily St George was never in trouble after Lou D fell Lochinvar Blotching JosephScratched tired No effort was made with King Joseph Scratched Virginia Dare 168 Gay Hampton 173 Speculator 178 Sweden 173 KaBH Kahn i fK FIFTH RACE About 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M K Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L i 5935 V R CUSTOMS 100 8 2 3 42 li 11 E James W F MacLean Maculae 4533 5852 BOB LEACH 100 7 61 31 42 21 Hopkins E L Palmer 5858 5921 JEZEBEL 106 11 11DOGILDA H 11 8 31 3 Tanner Ed Corrigan 6868 DOGILDA DOUGLAS 108 5 21 2 i 22 4sK Blake W R Jones 10 20 10 20 5921 MY VALENTINE 85 6 5 51 51 51 Blair J E Seagram 5858 9545 ASTERLING STERLING 100 1 159023ED 71 61 62 6io Powers J Duggan Uganda 8 15 8 12 59023ED DANDRIDGE ANDROID 101 3 8777 Dyment Doyen J Drment Dormant 10 15 10 15 536 POPULIST 1041 9 9988 Flint R McCarthy 6 7 6 7 315 UPKER PIKER TEN 106 2 2FRIVOLITY 12 IH 9 9 Shields 8 20 8 10 FRIVOLITY 99 10 10 10 10 10 Maughn Vaughn H Alexander 10 15 10 15 5883 LOUISA K 100 4 4Kx Fell Gleason Lesson R H Pounder Ponder 3 3 8583 First series Time 24 50 1 04 1 17i 17iWinner Winner B c 3 by Sir Dixon Fauna Post 5 minutes Start good Won handily second easily V R Customs was doing his best Jezebel closed a big gap Got the show in last stride and was coming strong Upper Ten showed early speed Overweights Overweighs Bob Leach 1 pound Jezebel 4 Dogilda Douglas 3 Populist 31 Louisa K 5 rrf rr C SIXTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances O Ul O York Purse Value 350 Ind Indo Horses Wt St X V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5682ESTACA 118 3 33 21 2 IH 11 Knapp George Murphy 25 25 2 5 25 2559343JUDGE 59343JUDGE WARDELL WADDELL 100 4 Pi 12 H 2H 22 Powers Adam Beck 6644 664459393HURNS 59393HURNS 111 2 22 33 35 3 3 Coylie Collie BningtnGrdnrS 10 8 8 859813FRANK 59813FRANK JAUBERT JANET 112 1 4 4 4 4 4 Shields A Shields 48 3 4 Time 25 49i 1 04i 1 16J 1 44f 44fWinner Winner B c 4 by Emperor of Norfolk La Cienega Science CienegaPost Post 4 minutes Start good Won in a gallop second easily It was only an exercise gallop for Estaca Staccato Was under a double wrap all the way Hums was out to the last ounce and stop ¬ ping at the end endOverweiehts Overweiehts Overweighs Frank Jaubert Jabber 1 pound CffH Cuff SEVENTH RACE RACI GRACIE About 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward OUU IOU i Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 Vz K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 59392 PEARL 97 3 358782SOUTH 21 22 2 11 Dyment Doyen H H Stover Stove 2424 58782SOUTH AFRICA 101 4 IH li Is 23 Powers Adam Beck 45 45 12 1 2 109 2 5 SKK SKOKIE 31 31 McGlone McConnell R Davies 8 30 S 30 5883 RIDEAU IDEA 1041 1 3n 41 51 45 Flint F Martin 4 10 4 8 5352 EGGLER ENGAGER 97 7 63 65 41 5 Carter W M Steele 12 15 12 15 5878 WATERPROOF 99 5 4n 53 6io 616 Valhagen Anlagen J P Dawes Awes 10010015 75 1698 PISA 99 6 7777 Warren J J Merdian Median 100 100 20 75 Time 75Time 241 49 1 041 1 16 16Winner Winner Br f 3 by Blue Eyes Maya Post 5 minutes Start fair Won easily second the same Pearl came away in the last quarter badlyScratched backscratcher and finished full of running Eggler Giggler and Pisa got off badly Scratched Earl Fonso Fonts 104 Lauretta Laurent D 99 Olney Boloney 95 Hums 112 112Ovorweichts Ovorweichts Overweighs Rideau Idea 1 DOund Sound

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Local Identifier: drf1898052801_5_1
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