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OAKLEY ANKLE FORM CHART OAKLET ANKLET O May 27 Sixth day Cincinnati Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Captain J H Rees Starter J F Caldwell Racing starts at 2 lo p m FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yoarolds Selling I Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5 58963BANNIE 106 1 11 11 HI Brittou Briton W T Sellers 1 111 5 5899 NORMA TAYLOR 101 2 2 33 21 26 J Mathews S K Hughes 75 2 7 5 115 DONNA 115DONNA BELLE 101 4 3 2 310 33 Couley Cooley W S Payne 4434 GADSDEN GLADDEN 4434GADSDEN 96 7 8 7 61 4io Nutt Mutt W S Barries Barriers 15 15 15 15 5 5930 GIDDY 86 3 5io 510 58 51 Moody Jones Scott 30 50 30 50 EDGEBHOOK HEDGEHOP 50EDGEBHOOK 91 5 61 8 7 61 L Young T D Carter 30 50 30 50 50MAY 6 MAY 91 6 7 61 8 72 Gaddy Grady C D Chenault Health 30 50 30 50 UNCLE 50UNCLE JOHN J 101 9 9 9 9 81 Kuhn J A Sykea Yoke 15 20 15 20 5 5930 SINTRAM INTRA 99 8 10 10 10 90 T Palmer H A Allan 40 100 40 50 5609CORA 505609CORA R 90 10 41 41 41 iO Crowhurst Cowherbs B Bright 4545 Time 4545Time 12 24 365 48 1 03 Winner BanPost Banjoist B f by Strathmore Stratford Ada Adam Ban Post 8 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Baunie Auntie showed marked improve ¬ r ment meant Norma Taylor had better staying qualities than in lier flier last race Cora R could have f finished havefinished closer up She was taken up in the stretch Donna Belle is a good filly and will be 1 heard from It was her first appearance and she was a trifle green Scratched Bodkin 91 Flavins Leavings 109 5990 SECOND RACE78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St H 2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 58413J A GRAY 116 1 31 21 23 22 IKK VIKKI Conley Coney W A Porter 85858585 5781OPAQUE 858585855781OPAQUE 105 2 14 is u 25 Kuhn T P Hayes 2 1152 115 5900BAN1SHED 1155900BAN1SHED 105 6 61 31 33 32 31 BeauchampW Beach M Wallace 65 7 5 651310 24063DON 65131024063DON QUIXOTE 102 8 5 5 41 42 410 Huston Houston Baker Gentry 10 12 10 12 5932 CYMBULINE CUMULI 116 5 2 63 51 55 51 Morrison Orison O J Braxton Raton 50 10040 75 58982SPALDY 7558982SPALDY Y 90 7 7 7 65 65 6 Dupoe Dupe WW Worthington40 75 40 50 5901 SUE NELL 105 4 8 8 72 7 7io C Clay Howard Co 50 100 40 75 819 ASTROLOGER 104 3 41 41 8 8 8 Gloss W H Laudeman Laundryman 75 200 50 75 75Time Time 231 48 1141 127 Winner GlenuonPost Leucoplast 127Winner Br g 6 by Wilful Miss Glenuon Lennon Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second driving hard The boy on Gray was sitting still at the end Could have won further off Opaque tired iu the stretch The race will henotit entity Don Quixote It was the best race thus far at the meeting meetingScratched meetings Scratched Sauber Saber 99 5991 THIRD RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Wt St M ii StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 59282 KING CARNIVAL 108 1 15811EASTABROOKS 1 22 45 12 Vandtisen Antigen R J Hiner Hinder 85 85 85 8 5 5811EASTABROOKS 108 3 42 45 31 25 Conloy Colony S Williams Williams2ill a 3 3 3 5958 LELA LEILA MURRAY 105 2 25928VNERVURA 2ill 11 S Brittou Briton W T Sellers 10 10 10 10 5928VNERVURA 108 4 4RAM 32 32 21 45 Dupeo Dupe J E Madden 65651 1 RAM LET 105 5 5CHARLEY 510 540 540 540 Barrett Barrette George J Long 6868 CHARLEY O 108 6 20Time 6 6666 6 6 6 C Graham J L Luke 20 20 20 20 Time 121 2t 36 18 1 02 Winner MariettaPosts Marietta B c by Getaway Marietta Posts minutes Start good Won easily second the same The winner was eased up in the stretch He passed the others with ease when called on Lela Leila Murray ran a good race and had speed Nervura Nervure tired badly Charley O was fat and could not raise a gallop 5992 FOURTH F RAGE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V2 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5754 55559332MARITI GEORGE KRATS RATS 102 4 4 1 1 12 Thornton Horton Robinson MooreS MoreS 555 59332MARITI 100 1 1 2 2 2 BeauchampClay Bacchanalia Woodford Woodward 65 85 65 85 5439 BOARDMARKER BOOKMARKER 105 3 21 41 41 31 C Clay Gorman Sexton 12 15 12 15 2068 MAY LEMER ELMER 104 9 6 51 31 42 J Mathews C Alexander Jr 8888 5684 ADA ADAM RUSSELL 100 2 7 Ct 51 51 Dupeo Dupe Holloway Hollow Bros Brows 4444 5265 FRISCO BEN 105 7 81 71 71 61 Vandusen Bandsmen R J Hiner Hinder 15 20 15 20 2996 SKIN K 10511 5 32 81 71 Barrett Barrette J L Marders Madders Co 8 12 8 12 5439 MASCONOMO MACON 102 5 9 81 9 81 Crowhurst Cowherbs H A Allan 20 30 20 30 5261 SHEKEL 102 6 3 9 61 9 Nutt Mutt THBlackburnCo6 10 6 10 1058133LADY 58133LADY FLIGHT 104 8 10 10 10 10 FThompsnD Thompson L Moore 3 31 3 3 5845 ALBERT L 102 10 11 11 11 11 Britton Briton R McMillan Macmillan 12 15 12 15 1066 DR MURPHY 105 12 75Time 12 12 12 12 Fox A J Gorey Gory 50 100 50 75 Time 24 491 1031161 ColePost Oleos Winner 1031161Winner Ch g by Kaiser Mamie Mammies Cole Post 5 rninutes nineties Start good Won easily next eight driving hard George Krats Rats was much the best Mariti Maritime was run off her feet early and tired at the end Boardmarker Bookmarker ran a creditable race Shekel and Skink showed early speed May Lemer Leer closed strong Her next race ought to bo a good one Ada Adam Russell ran a fairly good race Overweights Overweighs raceOverweights May Lemer Leer 4 pounds Lady Flight 4 Dr Murphy 3 5993 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V2 ZA StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5901 343459013CALLEEN RIFLE 90 6 7 61 65 65 1 Dupee Dupe C T Patterson 3434 59013CALLEEN 104 1 21 22 21 21 25 Britton Briton J N Webber 4 5 4 5 8763CHARINA 102 8 10 8 7 7 3 Barrett Barrette T Murphy 2 21 2 21 5875 TRIMUDA TRINIDAD 106 4 11 12 12 11 41 BeauchampW Beach H McCorkle Cockle 8866 5873 TRAVIS lOt 2 61 51 6 41 51 Vandusen Bandsmen T G Peker Peer Co 6 8 6 8 1320BLANTON 105 3 41 4 51 31 65 J Mathews George Ashbrooke2 21 2 2 5785 BANNERMAN BANNER 108 9 51 7 8 8 7io Watson George J Long 20 20 20 20 5898 CARL HOLLAND 91 7 8 9 9 9 82 Butler F Smith 50 60 50 60 6056072ZUFALLIG 56072ZUFALLIG 106 5 3 3 4 51 920 Conley Coney W F Schulto Schultz 6845 1469 PETRONILLA PETRODOLLAR 90 10 9 10 10 10 10 Wheelan Wheelman F D Collins 50 100 50 75 43iWinner Time 75Time 25 50i 1 16i 1 29J 1 43i Winner NapaPost Inapposite B c 4 by Maxim Napa Post 3 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive second the same Rifle shot out of the bunch and wore down Galleons lead every stride The latter faltered Trimuda Trinidad did not relish the distance and tired Zufallig Unfailing was knocked out of the race and had to pull up Blanton Baton needed endScratched undistracted a race This will do him good Charina Carina loafed the first part but came strong at the end Scratched J P B 96 Harold Lindsay 100 Overweights Overweighs 100Overweights Charina Carina 2 pounds 5994 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5813BRIGHTIE S 104 4 32 21 11 INK Conley Coney W F Schulte Schultz 2 21 2 115 5933 855707TEUCER MARIETTA II 100 8 51 41 41 23 Crowhurst Cowherbs Gil Gail Curry 2 2 85 85 5707TEUCER 107 3 21 31 31 31 C Graham P S Donovan 4444 5587 PHILIP BYRNES BYRES 105 1 61 5i 52 43 Dupee Dupe WLRKLewis5 555 5933 HAZELDEAN HAZED 100 7 8 7 7 51 C Weaver W A McGuigan Michigan 10 12 8 10 8228 NEKARNIS NECKBANDS 105 6 41 65 65 61 Huston Houston Baker Gentry 15 20 15 20 5756 SARATOGA 100 2 1 11 21 710 BoauchampW Bacchant A Porter 3 4 21 3 117 GETABOUT GESTAPO 105 5 40Time 7888 Roby Robby S C Wagner 30 40 30 40 Time 23 49 1011 116 Winner BrightPost Rightmost 116Winner Ch f by Argyle Ouise Louise Bright Post 15 minutes Start good Won in a drive second also driving Had Ciowhurst Cowherbs not been slumbering at the post Marietta II would have won She ran by far the best race Saratoga was offScratched used too much in the first part The pace killed her off Scratched Aunt Maggie 100 Allie Sallie Belle 100 Sister Mamie Mammies 100 The Morion Orion 105 Overweights Overweighs 105Overweights Brightie Brighten S 4 pounds Toucer Tucker 2