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ST LOUIS ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather cloudy track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Hovsos Hoses Age V7t Hdcp Dc 8437 Henry R 6 97 575 7288 Picarona Picaroon 4 95 585 58573003CallaLilv 73003CallaLilv 4 95 625 7448 Johnny Bohan Bhang 3 95 615 7448 Col Cool linsville instilled 3 92 600 6007G3Q3Wilson 7G3Q3Wilson C 3 92 635 63574482ElouHd 74482ElouHd City 3 92 650 7388 Cousin Lizzie Tizzies 3 90 620 7313 Dora G 3 90 550 550Second Second Race 34 Mile 4yearolds Selling Selling7475Zamar 7475Zamar II 107 700 7509 Aquinas 105 695 7471 Harrio Hari Floyd 103 685 7475 The Navy 103 650 4651 Koenigen Kenning 103 660 660Third Third Race 1 Milo 3yoarolds and upward Soiling 7534 Tom Kingsley Kingly 3 107 7368 Mr Pip 3 105 7060 Li Hung Chang 3 103 7504 Gypceiver Glycerine 3 103 7242 Aloch Loch 3 103 7476 Lord Neville 3 103 7448 Muskadine Misaimed 3 103 7062 Captain Carmody Armory 4 103 7504 B H 3 100 70SO Property 3 100 7476 Flora G 3 100 7448Violin 3 100 73S82Empress Josephine 3 98 Fourth Race 2 Miles 3yoarolds and upward Allowances 7510 Mrs Bradshaw Brads 7 106 7505 Minerva 5 105 7419 Jack Bradley 6 101 7505 Gomez 4 100 7505 Marquise 5 98 7420 Demosthenes Remoteness 4 89 6268 Sam Tracey Tracery 3v 83 Fifth Race 5 12 Furlongs i 2yearolds Allowances Allowances7132Tobe 7132Tobe Paine 106 6846 Palarm Alarm 106 7452 Dandy H 106 75062Be True 106 7452 Good Hope 103 7216MountainDow 103 7389Evelyu Byrd 103 7301Jessie Jarboe Arbores 103 7450 George Dunnett Dunne 98 7364 Koenisr Koreans 95 Nora R 95 5379 Abano Abandon 95 7172 FoutoJla Flotilla 95 6656OllieS 95 7195 Nan Dora 95 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards 4yearolds and upward Selling Selling74752Can 74752Can Galop Gallop 4 105 7536 Moralist 4 102 7472Rowland Duete Duet 4 102 7505Maddalo 4 102 7536 Harry Shannon 5 101 75052MamieG 5 99 7366 Dawn 4 97 74712Alma Glyn Lyn 4 97