untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1898-08-02


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DAVE WALDO WEALD WALDOBrown Brown colt 3 by Sayre Ayres Helianthus will be sold Thursday August 4th at 130 pm in the paddock at Harlem Race Track This colt ran threequarters treasurers at Washington Park in 1 12J is very fast and needs no recom recon ¬ mendation mediation A GREAT SALE AT ST LOOIS LOIS LOOISIn Loomis In the forenoons of August 8 and 9 Messrs Messes Woodard Woodward Shanklin Shackling will conduct at St Louia Louisa Fair Grounds a combination sale of yearlings and horses in training about 100 head in num numb ¬ ber beer The yearlings are either the entire crops or select consignments from Messrs Messes Clay Woodford Woodward Woodford Woodward Bros Brows Applegato Applecart Mc Meekiu Meek O H Cbenault Bengal Mora E SharpeE SharpE H Douglas and Mrs J B Prather Rather They are su ¬ perior prior in individuality and of the highest breeding The horses in training are from the most successful stables of John Huffman and others and have proven their worth in winning both stakes and purses COMMISSIONS ON FOREIGN RACES THE UNDERSIGNED WILL FOBWAED FLOWED TO RESPON RESPOND ¬ SIBLE SABLE BOOKMAKERS AT THE BACE ACE TBAOES TAOS IN INNEW SINEW NEW YORK MONTREAL AND ST LODIS LOIS LODISANY LODI ANY SUM OF MONET NOT LESS THAN 500 THAT MAY BE LEFT WITH US ONE HOUE HUE PBIOE BIOME TC THE OPENING OF THE BACES ACES BUDD BUD WHITE CO 167 Dearborn St Room 3O1 BOSTON OYSTER HOUSE MADISON AND CLARK STREETS LUXURIANT IN FITTINGS FITTINGSCUISINE FITTINGS CUISINE UNEXCELLED UNEXCELLEDEm Unexcelled Em SERY1GE THE BEST SEASON A High Class Modern Restaurant MODERATE B r WELTY WETLY PRICES WELTYMANAGES MANAGES

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898080201/drf1898080201_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1898080201_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800