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SAKATOGA SARATOGA ENTKIES ENTICES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Kace Ace 68 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Fillies Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 6691 MazieO Maze 110 670 67074402Piccola 74402Piccola 108 700 74693 Water Girl 98 690 6834 Bettio Bettor Gray 98 680 6248 Harmonica 98 650 650Evident Evident b f by Executor War Dance 98 6970 Full Dress 98 660 660Second Second Kace Ace 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wt 1 17532S3ir Hdcp Dc 7532S3ir Vassar 5 120 660 6917Belmar 6 116 690 7332 White Frost 4 108 725 7467Buela 4 108 720 72002riwiftmas 3 106 710 7468Athanas 3 106 700 7202Happahannock 3 106 680 7439 Premier 5 102 670 75132Havoc 6 102 730 73992Dr Catlett Cattle 4 102 750 7512Hurly Burly 3 101 Tliird Laird Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Handicap Handicap75302Candleblack 75302Candleblack 12t3 7512Hurly Burly 125 75312Loiterer 118 75123Handpress 109 7470 Aratoma Saratoga 109 W A Pinkerton entry entryFourth henceforth Fourth Kace Ace 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesHamburg Allowances Hamburg Stakes 1000 added added69192Plaudit 69192Plaudit 126 75122Bangle 119 7169 George Keene 119 6087Harvey 119 72002rfwiftmas 119 7500 Murillo Merrill 119 7531 Trillo Trill M19 74392Handball 126 Fifth Kace Ace G 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances74703Damocles 74703Damocles 5 115 7468 Squan Sequa 4 115 7470 Aratoma Saratoga 3 109 7470 Oxnard 3 109 7163 Come Quick 3 104 650 74673Saratoga